package de.codecentric.jenkins.dashboard.impl.environments.ec2; /** * Amazon EC2 Region enum. Constants for all available regions. Access keys are * configured on a per region basis. Therefore we need to be able to select the * region that matches the configured access keys. */ public enum AwsRegion { AP_NORTHEAST_1("ap-northeast-1", "Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region"), // AP_SOUTHEAST_1("ap-southeast-1", "Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region"), // AP_SOUTHEAST_2("ap-southeast-2", "Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region"), // EU_WEST_1("eu-west-1", "EU (Ireland) Region"), // SA_EAST_1("sa-east-1", "South America (Sao Paulo) Region"), // US_EAST_1("us-east-1", "US East (Northern Virginia) Region"), // US_WEST_1("us-west-1", "US West (Northern California) Region"), // US_WEST_2("us-west-2", "US West (Oregon) Region"); private final String identifier; private final String name; private AwsRegion(final String identifier, final String name) { this.identifier = identifier; = name; } public String getIdentifier() { return identifier; } public String getName() { return name; } }