package org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concept_cache.collection; import java.util.AbstractCollection; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.aksw.commons.collections.SetUtils; import; import; /** * Map a set of features to a single value. * * In * * @author raven * * @param <K> * @param <V> */ public class FeatureMapImpl<K, V> extends AbstractCollection<Entry<Set<K>, V>> //extends AbstractMultimap implements FeatureMap<K, V> { // This map contains the actual data, the other fields contain helper structures protected Map<K, Integer> tagToCount; protected Multimap<K, Set<K>> tagToTagSets; // Maybe the following two maps could be replaced with BiHashMultimap<K, V> protected Multimap<Set<K>, V> tagSetToValues; // rename to tagSetToValues protected Multimap<V, Set<K>> valueToTagSets; // public ContainmentMapImpl(Map<K, Integer> tagToCount, // Multimap<K, Set<K>> tagToTagSets, // Multimap<Set<K>, V> tagSetToValues, // Multimap<V, Set<K>> valueToTagSets) { // super(); // this.tagToCount = tagToCount; // this.tagToTagSets = tagToTagSets; // this.tagSetToValues = tagSetToValues; // this.valueToTagSets = valueToTagSets; // } public FeatureMapImpl() { super(); this.tagToCount = new HashMap<>(); this.tagToTagSets = HashMultimap.create(); this.tagSetToValues = HashMultimap.create(); this.valueToTagSets = HashMultimap.create(); } @Override public Set<Set<K>> keySet() { Set<Set<K>> result = tagSetToValues.keySet(); return result; } @Override public Collection<V> values() { Collection<V> result = tagSetToValues.values(); return result; } @Override public Set<Entry<Set<K>,Collection<V>>> entrySet() { Set<Entry<Set<K>, Collection<V>>> result = tagSetToValues.asMap().entrySet(); return result; }; @Override public void put(Set<K> tagSet, V value) { //tagSetToValues.asMap(). tagSetToValues.put(tagSet, value); tagSet.forEach(tag -> { tagToTagSets.put(tag, tagSet); tagToCount.merge(tag, 1, Integer::sum); }); valueToTagSets.put(value, tagSet); //return value; } @Override public boolean remove(Object value) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<Set<K>> tagSets = valueToTagSets.get((V)value); tagSets.forEach(tagSet -> { tagSet.forEach(tag -> tagToCount.merge(tag, 1, (a, b) -> a - b)); }); return true; } /** * Return every entry of this featureMap whose associated feature set * is a super set of the given one. * */ @Override public Collection<Entry<Set<K>, V>> getIfSupersetOf(Set<K> prototype) { //Set<Entry<Set<K>, Set<V>>> result; K leastUsedTag = prototype .stream() .map(k -> new SimpleEntry<>(k, tagToCount.getOrDefault(k, 0))) .min((a, b) -> a.getValue() - b.getValue()) .map(Entry::getKey) .orElse(null); //Stream<Set<K>> baseStream; Stream<Entry<Set<K>, V>> baseStream; if(leastUsedTag != null) { Collection<Set<K>> rawTagSets = tagToTagSets.get(leastUsedTag); baseStream = rawTagSets .stream() .filter(tagSet -> tagSet.containsAll(prototype)) .flatMap(tagSet -> { Collection<V> v = tagSetToValues.get(tagSet); Stream<Entry<Set<K>, V>> r = .map(w -> new SimpleEntry<>(tagSet, w)); return r; }); } else { //baseStream = tagToTagSets.values().stream(); baseStream = tagSetToValues.entries().stream(); //.map(v -> new SimpleEntry<>(Collections.<K>emptySet(), v)); //baseStream = Stream.of(Collections.emptySet()); } // Stream<Entry<Set<K>, V>> taggedStream = baseStream // .flatMap(tagSet -> { // Collection<V> v = tagSetToValues.get(tagSet); // // Stream<Entry<Set<K>, V>> r = // .map(w -> new SimpleEntry<>(tagSet, w)); // // return r; // }); Collection<Entry<Set<K>, V>> result = baseStream.collect(Collectors.toList()); return result; } @Override public Collection<Entry<Set<K>, V>> getIfSubsetOf(Set<K> prototype) { // get the count if we used index lookup int indexCount = prototype.isEmpty() ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : -> tagToCount.getOrDefault(tag, 0)).sum(); int totalCount = valueToTagSets.size(); Stream<Set<K>> tagSetStream; // float scanThreshold = 0.3f; // float val = scanThreshold * totalCount; // if(indexCount > val) { boolean useScan = indexCount >= totalCount; if(useScan) { // perform a scan tagSetStream = tagSetToValues.keySet().stream(); } else { tagSetStream = Stream.concat( Stream.of(Collections.<K>emptySet()), .flatMap(tag -> tagToTagSets.get(tag).stream()) .distinct()); } Collection<Entry<Set<K>, V>> result = tagSetStream .filter(tagSet -> prototype.containsAll(tagSet)) .flatMap(tagSet -> { Collection<V> values = tagSetToValues.get(tagSet); Stream<Entry<Set<K>, V>> r = .map(w -> new SimpleEntry<>(tagSet, w)); return r; }) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "FeatureMapImpl [tagToCount=" + tagToCount + ", tagToTagSets=" + tagToTagSets + ", tagSetToValues=" + tagSetToValues + ", valueToTagSets=" + valueToTagSets + "]"; } @Override public Iterator<Entry<Set<K>, V>> iterator() { Iterator<Entry<Set<K>, V>> result = tagSetToValues.entries().iterator(); return result; } @Override public int size() { int result = tagSetToValues.size(); return result; } @Override public Collection<V> get(Set<K> prototype) { //Collection<V> result = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(tagSetToValues.get(prototype)); Collection<V> result = tagSetToValues.get(prototype); return result; } @Override public boolean removeValue(Object v) { Set<Set<K>> tagSets = getTagSets(v); boolean result = remove(tagSets); return result; } @Override public Set<Set<K>> getTagSets(Object v) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<Set<K>> result = SetUtils.asSet(valueToTagSets.get((V)v)); return result; } }