package jelectrum; import jelectrum.proto.Blockrepo; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry; import java.util.Scanner; import org.bitcoinj.core.Block; import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction; import org.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class BulkImporter { private Jelectrum jelly; private TXUtil tx_util; private int BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK=10; //At 1mb per block, and 100 blocks per chunk, it is 100mb //per queue pack. So memory can fill up fast. private static final int MAX_QUEUE=3; private LinkedBlockingQueue<Blockrepo.BitcoinBlockPack> pack_queue; int start_height; int bitcoind_height; double blocks_per_second_running_average=0.0; public BulkImporter(Jelectrum jelly) throws Exception { this.jelly = jelly; if (jelly.getConfig().isSet("bulk_import_blocks")) { BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK = jelly.getConfig().getInt("bulk_import_blocks"); } this.tx_util = new TXUtil(jelly.getDB(), jelly.getNetworkParameters()); start_height = jelly.getBlockStore().getChainHead().getHeight() + 1; bitcoind_height = getMaxHeight(); pack_queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(MAX_QUEUE); //start_height = 367775; int pack_count = getPackList().size(); if (pack_count == 0) return; new DownloadThread().start(); jelly.getEventLog().alarm("Starting bulk import of " + pack_count + " block packs"); for(int pc = 0; pc<pack_count; pc++) { long t1 = System.nanoTime(); Blockrepo.BitcoinBlockPack pack = pack_queue.take(); long t2 = System.nanoTime(); importPack(pack, t2 - t1); System.gc(); /** * We don't have a running peer group yet, but that doesn't stop bitcoinj * from creating a confidence table and filling it with bullshit. * So clear it after each pack and we should be ok. */ //org.bitcoinj.core.Context.getOrCreate(jelly.getNetworkParameters()).getConfidenceTable().cleanTable(); } } public List<Integer> getPackList() { int s = start_height - (start_height % BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK); int e = bitcoind_height - (bitcoind_height % BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK); LinkedList<Integer> lst = new LinkedList<>(); for(int i=s; i<e; i+=BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK) { lst.add(i); } return lst; } private void importPack(Blockrepo.BitcoinBlockPack pack, long queue_wait_time) { long t1 = System.nanoTime(); while(true) { try { long tx_count = importPackThrows(pack); double blocks_to_go = bitcoind_height - pack.getStartHeight() - BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK; long t2 = System.nanoTime(); double sec = (t2 - t1) / 1e9; double qsec = (queue_wait_time) / 1e9; double blks_sec = BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK / (sec + qsec); double txs_sec = tx_count / (sec + qsec); blocks_per_second_running_average = blocks_per_second_running_average * 0.95 + blks_sec * 0.05; double estimate_end_hours = (blocks_to_go / blocks_per_second_running_average) / 3600.0; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.000"); DecimalFormat df1 = new DecimalFormat("0.0"); jelly.getEventLog().alarm("Imported pack " + pack.getStartHeight() + " - seconds (" + df.format(sec) + " processing) " +"(" + df.format(qsec) + " download wait) " +"(" + df.format(blks_sec) + " B/s) " +"(" + df.format(txs_sec) + " Objs/s) " +"(" + df1.format(estimate_end_hours) + " hours left)" ); return; } catch(Throwable t) { jelly.getEventLog().alarm("Error in import of pack. Will retry: " + t); t.printStackTrace(); } try{Thread.sleep(10000);}catch(Throwable t){} } } private int getMaxHeight() throws Exception { String url = ""+BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK+"/max"; URL u = new URL(url); Scanner scan = new Scanner(u.openStream()); int h = scan.nextInt(); scan.close(); return h; } private long importPackThrows(Blockrepo.BitcoinBlockPack pack) throws Exception { LinkedList<Block> ordered_block_list = new LinkedList<>(); TimeRecord time_rec = new TimeRecord(); TimeRecord.setSharedRecord(time_rec); if (jelly.getDB().needsDetails()) { Map<Sha256Hash, Transaction> tx_map = new HashMap<>(); Map<Sha256Hash, SerializedBlock> block_map = new HashMap<>(); Collection<Map.Entry<String, Sha256Hash> > addrTxLst = new LinkedList<>(); Collection<Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Sha256Hash> > blockTxLst = new LinkedList<>(); for(Blockrepo.BitcoinBlock bblk : pack.getBlocksList()) { SerializedBlock sblk = new SerializedBlock(bblk.getBlockData()); Block blk = sblk.getBlock(jelly.getNetworkParameters()); Sha256Hash block_hash = new Sha256Hash(bblk.getHash()); jelly.getDB().addBlockThings(bblk.getHeight(), blk); block_map.put(block_hash, sblk); ordered_block_list.add(blk); } for(Block blk : ordered_block_list) { Sha256Hash blk_hash = blk.getHash(); for(Transaction tx : blk.getTransactions()) { tx_map.put(tx.getHash(), tx); blockTxLst.add(new SimpleEntry<Sha256Hash, Sha256Hash>(tx.getHash(), blk_hash)); } } //jelly.getEventLog().alarm("TX Save... " + txs_map.size()); //This way the transactions will be availible if needed //long t1_txput = System.nanoTime(); //jelly.getDB().getTransactionMap().putAll(txs_map); //TimeRecord.record(t1_txput, "bulk_tx_put"); //jelly.getEventLog().alarm("Get Addresses..."); long t1_txinfo = System.nanoTime(); for(Transaction tx : tx_map.values()) { Collection<String> addrs = tx_util.getAllAddresses(tx, true, tx_map); for(String addr : addrs) { addrTxLst.add(new SimpleEntry<String,Sha256Hash>(addr, tx.getHash())); } } TimeRecord.record(t1_txinfo, "bulk_tx_all_addresses"); //jelly.getEventLog().alarm("Save addresses... " + addrTxLst.size()); // Add transaction mappings long t1_addr_to_tx = System.nanoTime(); jelly.getDB().addAddressesToTxMap(addrTxLst); TimeRecord.record(t1_addr_to_tx, "bulk_addr_to_tx_save", addrTxLst.size()); //jelly.getEventLog().alarm("Save tx block map... " + blockTxLst.size()); long t1_tx_to_block = System.nanoTime(); jelly.getDB().addTxsToBlockMap(blockTxLst); TimeRecord.record(t1_tx_to_block, "bulk_tx_to_block_save"); //Save block headers //jelly.getEventLog().alarm("Save headers..."); jelly.getBlockStore().putAll(ordered_block_list); //Save blocks themselves //jelly.getEventLog().alarm("Save blocks..."); jelly.getDB().getBlockMap().putAll(block_map); jelly.getUtxoTrieMgr().start(); jelly.getUtxoTrieMgr().notifyBlock(false,null); time_rec.printReport(System.out); return tx_map.size() + block_map.size() + ordered_block_list.size() + blockTxLst.size() + addrTxLst.size(); } else { Map<Sha256Hash, SerializedBlock> block_map = new HashMap<>(); long tx_count = 0; long t1; long t2; for(Blockrepo.BitcoinBlock bblk : pack.getBlocksList()) { SerializedBlock sblk = new SerializedBlock(bblk.getBlockData()); Block blk = sblk.getBlock(jelly.getNetworkParameters()); Sha256Hash block_hash = new Sha256Hash(bblk.getHash()); t1 = System.nanoTime(); jelly.getDB().addBlockThings(bblk.getHeight(), blk); t2 = System.nanoTime(); time_rec.addTime(t2-t1,"add_block_things"); block_map.put(block_hash, sblk); ordered_block_list.add(blk); //BlockSummary summary = new BlockSummary(bblk.getHeight(), blk, tx_util); //jelly.getDB().getBlockSummaryMap().put(block_hash, summary); tx_count += blk.getTransactions().size(); } //Save block headers t1 = System.nanoTime(); //jelly.getEventLog().alarm("Save headers..."); jelly.getBlockStore().putAll(ordered_block_list); time_rec.addTime(System.nanoTime() - t1, "save_headers"); //jelly.getEventLog().alarm("Doing commit..."); jelly.getDB().commit(); //Save blocks themselves t1 = System.nanoTime(); //jelly.getEventLog().alarm("Save blocks..."); jelly.getDB().getBlockMap().putAll(block_map); time_rec.addTime(System.nanoTime() - t1, "save_blocks"); jelly.getUtxoTrieMgr().start(); jelly.getUtxoTrieMgr().notifyBlock(false,null); //time_rec.printReport(System.out); return tx_count; } } public class DownloadThread extends Thread { public DownloadThread() { setName("BulkImporter/DownloadThread"); setDaemon(true); } public void run() { List<Integer> dl_lst = getPackList(); for(int pack_no : dl_lst) { //String url = "" +BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK+"/" + pack_no; String url = "" +BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK+"/" + pack_no; download(url); } } private void download(String url) { while(true) { try { URL u = new URL(url); InflaterInputStream de_in = new InflaterInputStream(u.openStream()); CodedInputStream code_in = CodedInputStream.newInstance(de_in); code_in.setSizeLimit(256 * 1024 * 1024); Blockrepo.BitcoinBlockPack pack = Blockrepo.BitcoinBlockPack.parseFrom(code_in); de_in.close(); pack_queue.put(pack); jelly.getEventLog().log("Download of " + url + " complete"); return; } catch(Throwable t) { jelly.getEventLog().alarm("Error in download of " + url + ". Will retry: " + t); t.printStackTrace(); } try{sleep(10000);}catch(Throwable t){} } } } }