package jdkernel.service; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import android.os.*; import android.widget.Toast; import jdkernel.customTypes.FullUpdateInfo; import jdkernel.customTypes.ThemeInfo; import jdkernel.customTypes.ThemeList; import jdkernel.customTypes.UpdateInfo; import jdkernel.customization.Customization; import jdkernel.interfaces.IUpdateCheckService; import jdkernel.interfaces.IUpdateCheckServiceCallback; import jdkernel.misc.Constants; import jdkernel.misc.Log; import jdkernel.misc.State; import jdkernel.ui.MainActivity; import jdkernel.ui.R; import jdkernel.utils.Preferences; import jdkernel.utils.StringUtils; import jdkernel.utils.SysUtils; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; public class UpdateCheckService extends Service { private static final String TAG = "UpdateCheckService"; private static Boolean showDebugOutput = false; private final RemoteCallbackList<IUpdateCheckServiceCallback> mCallbacks = new RemoteCallbackList<IUpdateCheckServiceCallback>(); private Preferences mPreferences; private String systemMod; private String systemRom; private ThemeInfo themeInfos; private boolean showExperimentalRomUpdates; private boolean showAllRomUpdates; private boolean showExperimentalThemeUpdates; private boolean showAllThemeUpdates; private boolean WildcardUsed = false; private int PrimaryKeyTheme = -1; @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return mBinder; } @Override public void onCreate() { mPreferences = new Preferences(this); showDebugOutput = mPreferences.displayDebugOutput(); systemMod = mPreferences.getBoardString(); if (systemMod == null) { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Unable to determine System's Mod version. Updater will show all available updates"); } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "System's Mod version:" + systemMod); } } @Override public void onDestroy() { mCallbacks.kill(); super.onDestroy(); } private final IUpdateCheckService.Stub mBinder = new IUpdateCheckService.Stub() { public void registerCallback(IUpdateCheckServiceCallback cb) throws RemoteException { if (cb != null) mCallbacks.register(cb); } public void unregisterCallback(IUpdateCheckServiceCallback cb) throws RemoteException { if (cb != null) mCallbacks.unregister(cb); } public void checkForUpdates() throws RemoteException { checkForNewUpdates(); } }; private void DisplayExceptionToast(String ex) { ToastHandler.sendMessage(ToastHandler.obtainMessage(0, ex)); } private void checkForNewUpdates() { FullUpdateInfo availableUpdates; while (true) { try { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Checking for updates..."); availableUpdates = getAvailableUpdates(); break; } catch (IOException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "IOEx while checking for updates", ex); notificateCheckError(ex.getMessage()); return; } catch (RuntimeException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "RuntimeEx while checking for updates", ex); notificateCheckError(ex.getMessage()); return; } } mPreferences.setLastUpdateCheck(new Date()); int updateCountRoms = availableUpdates.getRomCount(); int updateCountIncrementalRoms = availableUpdates.getIncrementalRomCount(); int updateCountThemes = availableUpdates.getThemeCount(); int updateCount = availableUpdates.getUpdateCount(); if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, updateCountRoms + " ROM update(s) found; " + updateCountIncrementalRoms + " incremental ROM udpate(s) found; " + updateCountThemes + " Theme update(s) found"); if (updateCountRoms == 0 && updateCountThemes == 0 && updateCountIncrementalRoms == 0) { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "No updates found"); ToastHandler.sendMessage(ToastHandler.obtainMessage(0, R.string.no_updates_found, 0)); FinishUpdateCheck(); } else { if (mPreferences.notificationsEnabled()) { Intent i = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class); PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, i, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT); Resources res = getResources(); Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.icon_notification, res.getString(R.string.not_new_updates_found_ticker), System.currentTimeMillis()); //To remove the Notification, when the User clicks on it notification.flags = Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL; String text = MessageFormat.format(res.getString(R.string.not_new_updates_found_body), updateCount); notification.setLatestEventInfo(this, res.getString(R.string.not_new_updates_found_title), text, contentIntent); Uri notificationRingtone = mPreferences.getConfiguredRingtone(); if (mPreferences.getVibrate()) notification.defaults = Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE | Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS; else notification.defaults = Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS; notification.sound = notificationRingtone; //Use a resourceId as an unique identifier ((NotificationManager)getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE)).notify(R.string.not_new_updates_found_title, notification); } FinishUpdateCheck(); } } private void notificateCheckError(String ExceptionText) { DisplayExceptionToast(ExceptionText); if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Update check error"); FinishUpdateCheck(); } private FullUpdateInfo getAvailableUpdates() throws IOException { FullUpdateInfo retValue = new FullUpdateInfo(); boolean romException = false; HttpClient romHttpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpClient themeHttpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpEntity romResponseEntity = null; HttpEntity themeResponseEntity = null; systemRom = SysUtils.getModVersion(); if (Customization.Screenshotsupport) themeInfos = mPreferences.getThemeInformations(); showExperimentalRomUpdates = mPreferences.showExperimentalRomUpdates(); showAllRomUpdates = mPreferences.showAllRomUpdates(); boolean ThemeUpdateUrlSet = false; if (Customization.Screenshotsupport) { showExperimentalThemeUpdates = mPreferences.showExperimentalThemeUpdates(); showAllThemeUpdates = mPreferences.showAllThemeUpdates(); ThemeUpdateUrlSet = mPreferences.ThemeUpdateUrlSet(); //If Wildcard is used or no themes.theme file present set the variable if (themeInfos == null || { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Wildcard is used for Theme Updates"); themeInfos = new ThemeInfo(); WildcardUsed = true; } } //Get the actual Rom Updateserver URL try { URI RomUpdateServerUri = URI.create(mPreferences.getRomUpdateFileURL()); HttpUriRequest romReq = new HttpGet(RomUpdateServerUri); romReq.addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); HttpResponse romResponse = romHttpClient.execute(romReq); int romServerResponse = romResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (romServerResponse != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Server returned status code for ROM " + romServerResponse); romException = true; } if (!romException) romResponseEntity = romResponse.getEntity(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Rom Update URI wrong: " + mPreferences.getRomUpdateFileURL()); romException = true; } //Get the actual Theme Updateserver URL if (Customization.Screenshotsupport && ThemeUpdateUrlSet) { try { LinkedList<ThemeList> tl = mPreferences.getThemeUpdateUrls(); for (ThemeList t : tl) { if (!t.enabled) { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Theme " + + " disabled. Continuing"); continue; } PrimaryKeyTheme = -1; if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Trying to download ThemeInfos for " + t.url.toString()); URI ThemeUpdateServerUri = t.url; HttpUriRequest themeReq = new HttpGet(ThemeUpdateServerUri); themeReq.addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); try { HttpResponse themeResponse = themeHttpClient.execute(themeReq); int themeServerResponse = themeResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (themeServerResponse != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Server returned status code for Themes " + themeServerResponse); themeResponseEntity = themeResponse.getEntity(); continue; } themeResponseEntity = themeResponse.getEntity(); } catch (IOException ex) { //when theres an Exception Downloading the Theme, continue DisplayExceptionToast(getResources().getString(R.string.theme_download_exception) + + ": " + ex.getMessage()); Log.e(TAG, "There was an error downloading Theme " + + ": ", ex); continue; } //Read the Theme Infos BufferedReader themeLineReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(themeResponseEntity.getContent()), 2 * 1024); StringBuffer themeBuf = new StringBuffer(); String themeLine; while ((themeLine = themeLineReader.readLine()) != null) { themeBuf.append(themeLine); } themeLineReader.close(); //Set the PrimaryKey for the Database if (t.PrimaryKey > 0) PrimaryKeyTheme = t.PrimaryKey; LinkedList<UpdateInfo> themeUpdateInfos = parseJSON(themeBuf, RomType.Update); retValue.themes.addAll(getThemeUpdates(themeUpdateInfos)); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Theme Update URI wrong"); //themeException = true; } } try { if (!romException) { PrimaryKeyTheme = -1; //Read the Rom Infos BufferedReader romLineReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(romResponseEntity.getContent()), 2 * 1024); StringBuffer romBuf = new StringBuffer(); String romLine; while ((romLine = romLineReader.readLine()) != null) { romBuf.append(romLine); } romLineReader.close(); LinkedList<UpdateInfo> romUpdateInfos = parseJSON(romBuf, RomType.Update); retValue.roms = getRomUpdates(romUpdateInfos); LinkedList<UpdateInfo> incrementalRomUpdateInfos = parseJSON(romBuf, RomType.IncrementalUpdate); retValue.incrementalRoms = getIncrementalRomUpdates(incrementalRomUpdateInfos); } else if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "There was an Exception on Downloading the Rom JSON File"); } finally { if (romResponseEntity != null) romResponseEntity.consumeContent(); if (themeResponseEntity != null) themeResponseEntity.consumeContent(); } FullUpdateInfo ful = FilterUpdates(retValue, State.loadState(this, showDebugOutput)); if (!romException) State.saveState(this, retValue, showDebugOutput); return ful; } private enum RomType { Update, IncrementalUpdate } private LinkedList<UpdateInfo> parseJSON(StringBuffer buf, RomType type) { LinkedList<UpdateInfo> uis = new LinkedList<UpdateInfo>(); JSONObject mainJSONObject; try { mainJSONObject = new JSONObject(buf.toString()); JSONArray mirrorList = mainJSONObject.getJSONArray(Constants.JSON_MIRROR_LIST); if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Found " + mirrorList.length() + " mirrors in the JSON"); switch (type) { case Update: JSONArray updateList = mainJSONObject.getJSONArray(Constants.JSON_UPDATE_LIST); if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Found " + updateList.length() + " updates in the JSON"); for (int i = 0, max = updateList.length(); i < max; i++) { if (!updateList.isNull(i)) uis.add(parseUpdateJSONObject(updateList.getJSONObject(i), mirrorList)); else Log.e(TAG, "Theres an error in your JSON File(update part). Maybe a , after the last update"); } break; case IncrementalUpdate: if (mainJSONObject.has(Constants.JSON_INCREMENTAL_UPDATES)) { JSONArray incrementalUpdateList = mainJSONObject.getJSONArray(Constants.JSON_INCREMENTAL_UPDATES); if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Found " + incrementalUpdateList.length() + " incremental updates in the JSON"); //Incremental Updates. Own JSON Section for backward compatibility for (int i = 0, max = incrementalUpdateList.length(); i < max; i++) { if (!incrementalUpdateList.isNull(i)) uis.add(parseUpdateJSONObject(incrementalUpdateList.getJSONObject(i), mirrorList)); else Log.e(TAG, "Theres an error in your JSON File(incremental part). Maybe a , after the last update"); } } else if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "No Incremental Update Info in the JSON"); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Wrong RomType!"); break; } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error in JSON File: ", e); } return uis; } private UpdateInfo parseUpdateJSONObject(JSONObject obj, JSONArray mirrorList) { UpdateInfo ui = new UpdateInfo(); try { if (PrimaryKeyTheme > 0) ui.PrimaryKey = PrimaryKeyTheme; String[] Boards = obj.getString(Constants.JSON_BOARD).split("\\|"); for (String item : Boards) { if (item != null) ui.board.add(item.trim()); } ui.setType(obj.getString(Constants.JSON_TYPE).trim()); String[] mods = obj.getString(Constants.JSON_MOD).split("\\|"); for (String mod : mods) { if (mod != null) ui.mod.add(mod.trim()); } ui.setName(obj.getString(Constants.JSON_NAME).trim()); ui.setVersion(obj.getString(Constants.JSON_VERSION).trim()); ui.setDescription(obj.getString(Constants.JSON_DESCRIPTION).trim()); ui.setBranchCode(obj.getString(Constants.JSON_BRANCH).trim()); ui.setFileName(obj.getString(Constants.JSON_FILENAME).trim()); //For incremental Updates if (obj.has(Constants.JSON_VERSION_FOR_APPLY)) { ui.setVersionForApply(obj.getString(Constants.JSON_VERSION_FOR_APPLY)); } for (int i = 0, max = mirrorList.length(); i < max; i++) { try { if (!mirrorList.isNull(i)) ui.updateMirrors.add(new URI(mirrorList.getString(i).trim())); else Log.e(TAG, "Theres an error in your JSON File. Maybe a , after the last mirror"); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to parse mirror url (" + mirrorList.getString(i) + ui.getFileName() + "). Ignoring this mirror", e); } } //Screenshots (only Themes) //Only if there is a Screenshot Array in the JSON if (obj.has(Constants.JSON_SCREENSHOTS)) { JSONArray screenshots = obj.getJSONArray(Constants.JSON_SCREENSHOTS); if (screenshots != null && screenshots.length() > 0) { for (int screenshotcounter = 0; screenshotcounter < screenshots.length(); screenshotcounter++) { try { if (!screenshots.isNull(screenshotcounter)) ui.screenshots.add(new URI(screenshots.getString(screenshotcounter))); else Log.e(TAG, "Theres an error in your JSON File. Maybe a , after the last screenshot"); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to parse Screenshot url (" + screenshots.getString(screenshotcounter) + ") Theme: " + ui.getName() + ". Ignoring this Screenshot", e); } } } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error in JSON File: ", e); } return ui; } private boolean branchMatches(UpdateInfo ui, boolean experimentalAllowed) { if (ui == null) return false; boolean allow = false; if (ui.getBranchCode().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.UPDATE_INFO_BRANCH_EXPERIMENTAL)) { if (experimentalAllowed) allow = true; } else { allow = true; } return allow; } private boolean boardMatches(UpdateInfo ui, String systemMod) { if (ui == null) return false; //If * is provided, all Boards are supported if (systemMod.equals(Constants.UPDATE_INFO_WILDCARD)) return true; for (String board : ui.board) { if (board.equalsIgnoreCase(systemMod) || board.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.UPDATE_INFO_WILDCARD)) return true; } return false; } private boolean romMatches(UpdateInfo ui, String systemRom) { if (ui == null) return false; if (systemRom.equals(Constants.UPDATE_INFO_WILDCARD)) return true; for (String mod : ui.mod) { if (mod.equalsIgnoreCase(systemRom) || mod.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.UPDATE_INFO_WILDCARD)) return true; } return false; } private LinkedList<UpdateInfo> getRomUpdates(LinkedList<UpdateInfo> updateInfos) { LinkedList<UpdateInfo> ret = new LinkedList<UpdateInfo>(); for (int i = 0, max = updateInfos.size(); i < max; i++) { UpdateInfo ui = updateInfos.poll(); if (ui.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.UPDATE_INFO_TYPE_ROM)) { if (boardMatches(ui, systemMod)) { if (showAllRomUpdates || StringUtils.compareVersions(Customization.RO_MOD_START_STRING + ui.getVersion(), systemRom)) { if (branchMatches(ui, showExperimentalRomUpdates)) { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Adding Rom: " + ui.getName() + " Version: " + ui.getVersion() + " Filename: " + ui.getFileName()); ret.add(ui); } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Discarding Rom " + ui.getName() + " (Branch mismatch - stable/experimental)"); } } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Discarding Rom " + ui.getName() + " (older version)"); } } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Discarding Rom " + ui.getName() + " (mod mismatch)"); } } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, String.format("Discarding Rom %s Version %s (not a ROM)", ui.getName(), ui.getVersion())); } } return ret; } private LinkedList<UpdateInfo> getIncrementalRomUpdates(LinkedList<UpdateInfo> updateInfos) { LinkedList<UpdateInfo> ret = new LinkedList<UpdateInfo>(); for (int i = 0, max = updateInfos.size(); i < max; i++) { UpdateInfo ui = updateInfos.poll(); //Only Incremental Updates here. If theres a standard Update in there, remove it if (!ui.isIncremental()) { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Update " + ui.getName() + " is not an incremental update. Discarding it"); continue; } //Only Use this Update, if the ForApply Version is the current running one if (!(Customization.RO_MOD_START_STRING + ui.getVersionForApply()).equalsIgnoreCase(systemRom)) { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, String.format("Incremental Update %s discarded, because the VersionForAppy (%s)" + " doesn't match the current System Rom (%s).", ui.getName(), Customization.RO_MOD_START_STRING + ui.getVersionForApply(), systemRom)); continue; } if (ui.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.UPDATE_INFO_TYPE_ROM)) { if (boardMatches(ui, systemMod)) { if (branchMatches(ui, showExperimentalRomUpdates)) { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Adding Incremental Rom: " + ui.getName() + " Version: " + ui.getVersion() + " Filename: " + ui.getFileName()); ret.add(ui); } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Discarding Incremental Rom " + ui.getName() + " (Branch mismatch - stable/experimental)"); } } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Discarding Incremental Rom " + ui.getName() + " (mod mismatch)"); } } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, String.format("Discarding Incremental Rom %s Version %s(not a ROM)", ui.getName(), ui.getVersion())); } } return ret; } private LinkedList<UpdateInfo> getThemeUpdates(LinkedList<UpdateInfo> updateInfos) { LinkedList<UpdateInfo> ret = new LinkedList<UpdateInfo>(); for (int i = 0, max = updateInfos.size(); i < max; i++) { UpdateInfo ui = updateInfos.poll(); //Theme installed and in correct format? if (themeInfos != null) { //Json object is a theme if (ui.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.UPDATE_INFO_TYPE_THEME)) { //Rom matches (must also match, if there is a * in the themes.theme file, or the file does not exist) if (romMatches(ui, systemRom)) { if (boardMatches(ui, systemMod)) { //Name matches or is * if (WildcardUsed || showAllThemeUpdates || ( != null && !"") && ui.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( { //Version matches or name is *. If *, display all Versions if (WildcardUsed || showAllThemeUpdates || StringUtils.compareVersions(ui.getVersion(), themeInfos.version)) { //Branch matches if (branchMatches(ui, showExperimentalThemeUpdates)) { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Adding Theme: " + ui.getName() + " Version: " + ui.getVersion() + " Filename: " + ui.getFileName()); ret.add(ui); } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, String.format("Discarding Theme (branch mismatch) %s: Your Theme: %s %s; From JSON: %s %s", ui.getName(),, themeInfos.version, ui.getName(), ui.getVersion())); } } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, String.format("Discarding Theme (Version mismatch) %s: Your Theme: %s %s; From JSON: %s %s", ui.getName(),, themeInfos.version, ui.getName(), ui.getVersion())); } } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, String.format("Discarding Theme (name mismatch) %s: Your Theme: %s %s; From JSON: %s %s", ui.getName(),, themeInfos.version, ui.getName(), ui.getVersion())); } } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, String.format("Discarding Theme (board mismatch) %s: Your Theme: %s %s; From JSON: %s %s", ui.getName(),, themeInfos.version, ui.getName(), ui.getVersion())); } } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, String.format("Discarding Theme (rom mismatch) %s: Your Theme: %s %s; From JSON: %s %s", ui.getName(),, themeInfos.version, ui.getName(), ui.getVersion())); } } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, String.format("Discarding Update(not a Theme) %s Version %s", ui.getName(), ui.getVersion())); } } else { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, String.format("Discarding Theme %s Version %s. Invalid or no Themes installed", ui.getName(), ui.getVersion())); } } return ret; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static FullUpdateInfo FilterUpdates(FullUpdateInfo newList, FullUpdateInfo oldList) { if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "Called FilterUpdates"); if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "newList Length: " + newList.getUpdateCount()); if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "oldList Length: " + oldList.getUpdateCount()); FullUpdateInfo ful = new FullUpdateInfo(); ful.roms = (LinkedList<UpdateInfo>) newList.roms.clone(); ful.themes = (LinkedList<UpdateInfo>) newList.themes.clone(); ful.incrementalRoms = (LinkedList<UpdateInfo>) newList.incrementalRoms.clone(); ful.roms.removeAll(oldList.roms); ful.themes.removeAll(oldList.themes); ful.incrementalRoms.removeAll(oldList.incrementalRoms); if (showDebugOutput) Log.d(TAG, "fulList Length: " + ful.getUpdateCount()); return ful; } private final Handler ToastHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (msg.arg1 != 0) Toast.makeText(UpdateCheckService.this, msg.arg1, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); else Toast.makeText(UpdateCheckService.this, (String) msg.obj, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }; private void FinishUpdateCheck() { final int M = mCallbacks.beginBroadcast(); for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { try { mCallbacks.getBroadcastItem(i).UpdateCheckFinished(); } catch (RemoteException e) { // The RemoteCallbackList will take care of removing // the dead object for us. } } mCallbacks.finishBroadcast(); } }