package org.jbpm.sim.jpdl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jbpm.graph.def.Node; import org.jbpm.graph.def.Transition; import org.jbpm.module.def.ModuleDefinition; import org.jbpm.module.exe.ModuleInstance; import org.jbpm.sim.datasource.ProcessDataFilter; import org.jbpm.sim.datasource.ProcessDataSource; import org.jbpm.sim.def.DistributionDefinition; import org.jbpm.sim.def.ResourceRequirement; import org.jbpm.sim.exception.ExperimentConfigurationException; import org.jbpm.taskmgmt.def.Task; /** * this object is populated during instrumentation (see SimulationTestCase) * * @author */ public class SimulationDefinition extends ModuleDefinition { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SimulationDefinition.class); // Map<Object (process elements), Object (any simulation configuration information)> // Map simulationConfiguration; /** * Map containing pool definitions. The pool name is the key, the value is an Object array with * the first element: size as Integer, and the second element: costsPerTimeUnit as Double */ private Map resourcePoolDefinitions = new HashMap(); private List distributions = new ArrayList(); /** * maps for process elements which distribution to use The key is the process element, the value * the distribution name */ private Map distributionMap = new HashMap(); /** * Map which contains a list of resource requirements for process elements (for example Task's or * State's) It is a Map<Object, List> */ private Map resourceRequirements = new HashMap(); /** * Map which contains configured probabilities for Transitions It is a Map<Transition, Double> */ private Map transitionProbabilities = new HashMap(); private Map dataSources = new HashMap(); private Map dataFilters = new HashMap(); public ModuleInstance createInstance() { return new SimulationInstance(this); } /** * adds a resource pool. If the pool already exists, the bigger pool size is taken. * * @param poolName * @param poolSize */ public void addResourcePool(String poolName, Integer poolSize, Double costPerTimeUnit) { if (resourcePoolDefinitions.containsKey(poolName)) { Integer otherPoolSize = (Integer) ((Object[]) resourcePoolDefinitions.get(poolName))[0]; if (poolSize.intValue() > otherPoolSize.intValue()) { resourcePoolDefinitions.put(poolName, new Object[] { poolSize, costPerTimeUnit }); log.warn("resource pool '" + poolName + "' redefined in process '" + getProcessDefinition().getName() + "' with the bigger poolsize " + poolSize + ", was " + otherPoolSize + " before"); } else if (poolSize.intValue() < otherPoolSize.intValue()) log.warn("resource pool '" + poolName + "' redefined in process '" + getProcessDefinition().getName() + "' with the smaler poolsize " + poolSize + " which is ignored. Poolsize still is " + otherPoolSize); } else resourcePoolDefinitions.put(poolName, new Object[] { poolSize, costPerTimeUnit }); } /** * adds a resource pool. If the pool already exists it is overwritten * * @param poolName * @param poolSize */ public void overwriteResourcePool(String poolName, Integer poolSize, Double costPerTimeUnit) { resourcePoolDefinitions.put(poolName, new Object[] { poolSize, costPerTimeUnit }); } public void addResourceRequirement(Object processElement, String poolName, int amount) { List reqList = (List) resourceRequirements.get(processElement); if (reqList == null) { reqList = new ArrayList(); resourceRequirements.put(processElement, reqList); } reqList.add(new ResourceRequirement(poolName, amount)); } /** * adds a distribution. * * @param distDef */ public void addDistribution(DistributionDefinition distDef) { distributions.add(distDef); } /** * adds a distribution but delets all distribution definitions with the given name * * @param distDef */ public void overwriteDistribution(DistributionDefinition distDef) { // delete all distributions with that name for (Iterator iterator = new ArrayList(distributions).iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { DistributionDefinition dd = (DistributionDefinition); if (dd.getName().equals(distDef.getName())) distributions.remove(dd); } // and add the new one distributions.add(distDef); } public List getDistributions() { return distributions; } private void addToDistributionMap(Object key, String distributionName) { distributionMap.put(key, distributionName); } public void setStartDistribution(String distributionName) { addToDistributionMap(processDefinition, distributionName); } public void addTaskDistribution(Task task, String distributionName) { addToDistributionMap(task, distributionName); } public void addStateDistribution(Node state, String distributionName) { addToDistributionMap(state, distributionName); } public Map getDistributionMap() { return distributionMap; } public Map getResourceRequirements() { return resourceRequirements; } public void addTransitionProbability(Transition trans, double prob) { transitionProbabilities.put(trans, new Double(prob)); } public Map getTransitionProbabilities() { return transitionProbabilities; } public Map getResourcePoolDefinitions() { return resourcePoolDefinitions; } public void setResourcePoolDefinitions(Map resourcePoolDefinitions) { this.resourcePoolDefinitions = resourcePoolDefinitions; } public void addDataSource(String name, ProcessDataSource src) { dataSources.put(name, src); } public ProcessDataSource getDataSource(String name) { ProcessDataSource result = (ProcessDataSource) dataSources.get(name); if (result == null) throw new ExperimentConfigurationException("data source '" + name + "' not configured"); return result; } public void addDataFilter(String name, ProcessDataFilter filter) { dataFilters.put(name, filter); } public ProcessDataFilter getDataFilter(String name) { ProcessDataFilter result = (ProcessDataFilter) dataFilters.get(name); if (result == null) throw new ExperimentConfigurationException("data filter '" + name + "' not configured"); return result; } }