/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2012, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.jboss.wsf.stack.cxf; import java.io.File; import java.net.URL; import javax.management.ObjectName; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException; import org.jboss.logging.Cause; import org.jboss.logging.Message; import org.jboss.logging.MessageBundle; import org.jboss.wsf.spi.WSFException; import org.jboss.wsf.spi.deployment.Deployment; /** * JBossWS-CXF exception messages * * @author alessio.soldano@jboss.com */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @MessageBundle(projectCode = "JBWS") public interface Messages { Messages MESSAGES = org.jboss.logging.Messages.getBundle(Messages.class); @Message(id = 24000, value = "Could not make directory: %s") IllegalStateException couldNotMakeDirectory(String dir); @Message(id = 24001, value = "Class not found: %s") IllegalArgumentException classNotFound(String clazz); @Message(id = 24002, value = "Failed to invoke %s") String failedToInvoke(String s); @Message(id = 24003, value = "Unsupported value '%s' for target, using default value '%s'") String unsupportedTargetUsingDefault(String target, String defTarget); @Message(id = 24004, value = "SOAP message could not be sent") SOAPException soapMessageCouldNotBeSent(@Cause Throwable cause); @Message(id = 24005, value = "GET request could not be sent") SOAPException getRequestCouldNotBeSent(@Cause Throwable cause); @Message(id = 24006, value = "Connection already closed!") SOAPException connectionAlreadyClosed(); @Message(id = 24007, value = "Address object of type %s is not supported") SOAPException addressTypeNotSupported(Class<?> clazz); @Message(id = 24008, value = "No ConduitInitiator is available for %s") SOAPException noConduitInitiatorAvailableFor(String s); @Message(id = 24009, value = "No ConduitInitiator is available for %s") SOAPException noConduitInitiatorAvailableFor2(String s, @Cause Throwable cause); @Message(id = 24010, value = "SOAP message could not be read") SOAPException soapMessageCouldNotBeRead(@Cause Throwable cause); @Message(id = 24011, value = "Cannot send messages using a previously closed connection") SOAPException cantSendMessagesOnClosedConnection(); @Message(id = 24012, value = "Unsupported MAPEndpoint: %s") IllegalArgumentException unsupportedMapEndpoin(Object o); @Message(id = 24013, value = "Invalid null endpoint reference") IllegalArgumentException invalidNullEndpointReference(); @Message(id = 24014, value = "Unsupported MAP: %s") IllegalArgumentException unsupportedMap(Object o); @Message(id = 24017, value = "Unknown feature error: %s") WebServiceException unknownFeature(String f); @Message(id = 24019, value = "Apache CXF does not support JAX-RPC and a JAX-RPC service ref is requested with it; something is likely wrong with the user configuration or classpath") UnsupportedOperationException jaxrpcServiceRefNotSupported(); @Message(id = 24020, value = "Handler config file not found: %s") WebServiceException handlerConfigFileNotFound(String file); @Message(id = 24021, value = "Error parsing %s, %s element expected, but found %s") WebServiceException differentElementExpected(String file, String exp, String found); @Message(id = 24022, value = "No handler-chain found while parsing: %s") WebServiceException noHandlerChainFound(String file, @Cause Throwable cause); @Message(id = 24023, value = "Error parsing %s, invalid element in handler: %s") WebServiceException invalidElementInHandler(String file, String el); @Message(id = 24024, value = "Error parsing %s, %s is not a valid QName pattern") WebServiceException notAQNamePattern(String file, String pattern); @Message(id = 24025, value = "Cannot resolve handler file %s on %s") WebServiceException cannotResolveHandlerFile(String file, String className); @Message(id = 24026, value = "%s is not a BusExtension instance") RuntimeException notABusExtensionInstance(Object obj); @Message(id = 24028, value = "Cannot obtain %s") ServletException cannotObtainRegistry(String registryInterfaceName); @Message(id = 24029, value = "Cannot obtain destination for %s") ServletException cannotObtainDestinationFor(String requestURI); @Message(id = 24030, value = "Cannot obtain destination factory for http transport") ServletException cannotObtainDestinationFactoryForHttpTransport(@Cause Throwable cause); @Message(id = 24031, value = "Cannot load class %s") IllegalStateException cannotLoadClass(String clazz); @Message(id = 24032, value = "Cannot obtain endpoint %s") WebServiceException cannotObtainEndpoint(ObjectName on); // @Message(id = 24043, value = "Class %s for namespace %s does not implement the %s interface") // Exception nsHandlerInterfaceNotImplemented(String s1, String s2, String s3); // @Message(id = 24044, value = "NamespaceHandler class %s for namespace %s not found") // Exception nsHandlerClassNotFound(String s1, String s2, @Cause Throwable cause); // @Message(id = 24045, value = "Invalid NamespaceHandler class %s for namespace %s : problem with handler class file or dependent class") // Exception nsHandlerInvalidClass(String s1, String s2, @Cause Throwable cause); // @Message(id = 24046, value = "Unable to load NamespaceHandler mappings from location [%s]") // IllegalStateException unableToLoadNSHandler(String location, @Cause Throwable cause); @Message(id = 24047, value = "Authentication failed, principal=%s") SecurityException authenticationFailed(String principal); @Message(id = 24048, value = "Request rejected since a stale timestamp has been provided: %s") SecurityException requestRejectedTimeStamp(String created); @Message(id = 24049, value = "Request rejected since a message with the same nonce has been recently received; nonce = %s") SecurityException requestRejectedSameNonce(String nonce); @Message(id = 24050, value = "DateTime value does not follow the format '[-]yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.s+][timezone]': expected 'T' but got %s") IllegalArgumentException invalidDateTimeFormat(char c); @Message(id = 24051, value = "Date value does not follow the format '-'? yyyy '-' mm '-' dd: %s") IllegalArgumentException invalidDateValueFormat(String value); @Message(id = 24052, value = "Time value does not follow the format 'hh:mm:ss.[s+]': %s") IllegalArgumentException invalidTimeValueFormat(String value); @Message(id = 24053, value = "Timezone value does not follow the format ([+/-]HH:MM): %s") NumberFormatException invalidTimeZoneValueFormat(String value); @Message(id = 24055, value = "Unsupported token type: %s") SecurityException unsupportedTokenType(Object tokenType); @Message(id = 24056, value = "Could not get subject info neither from Security Token in the current message nor directly from computed SecurityContext") SecurityException couldNotGetSubjectInfo(); @Message(id = 24057, value = "Failed Authentication : Subject has not been created") SecurityException authenticationFailedSubjectNotCreated(@Cause Throwable cause); @Message(id = 24058, value = "Failed Authentication : Invalid Subject") SecurityException authenticationFailedSubjectInvalid(); @Message(id = 24070, value = "Runtime loader cannot be null; deployment: %s") IllegalStateException runtimeLoaderCannotBeNull(Deployment dep); @Message(id = 24071, value = "@WebService annotation not found on %s") RuntimeException webserviceAnnotationNotFound(String sei); @Message(id = 24072, value = "@WebService cannot have attribute 'portName', 'serviceName', 'endpointInterface' on %s") RuntimeException webserviceAnnotationSEIAttributes(String sei); @Message(id = 24075, value = "WSDL 2.0 not supported") RuntimeException wsdl20NotSupported(); @Message(id = 24076, value = "Service %s, cannot publish wsdl to: %s") RuntimeException cannotPublishWSDLTo(QName serviceName, File file, @Cause Throwable cause); @Message(id = 24083, value = "Endpoint %s is not defined in jbossws-cxf.xml") IllegalStateException endpointNotDefineInJbwsCxf(String ep); @Message(id = 24084, value = "Underlying bus is already configured for JBossWS use: %s") IllegalStateException busAlreadyConfigured(Object ctx); @Message(id = 24085, value = "Unable to load configuration from %s") RuntimeException unableToLoadConfigurationFrom(URL url, @Cause Throwable cause); @Message(id = 24088, value = "Cannot load additional config from null location") IllegalArgumentException unableToLoadAdditionalConfigFromNull(); @Message(id = 24093, value = "Error parsing policy attachment: %s") RuntimeException errorParsingPolicyAttachment(String uri, @Cause Throwable cause); @Message(id = 24094, value = "Authorization failed, principal=%s") SecurityException authorizationFailed(String principal); @Message(id = 24096, value = "Multiple incompatible JAXWS client Bus features provided") IllegalArgumentException incompatibleJAXWSClientBusFeatureProvided(); @Message(id = 24104, value = "Service class %s is missing required JAX-WS 2.2 additional constructors") WSFException missingJAXWS22ServiceConstructor(String className, @Cause Throwable cause); @Message(id = 24108, value = "Invalid request received:bindingOperation and dispatched method are missing for service implementation invocation") IllegalArgumentException missingBindingOpeartionAndDispatchedMethod(); @Message(id = 24109, value = "Could not get WSDL contract for endpoint %s at %s") WSFException couldNotFetchWSDLContract(String endpoint, String wsdlLocation); }