package; import; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.jface.action.Action; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.SaveAsDialog; import; import; public class SaveProcessArchiveAction extends Action { private JpdlEditor jpdlEditor; public SaveProcessArchiveAction(JpdlEditor jpdlEditor) { this.jpdlEditor = jpdlEditor; } public void run() { try { byte[] processArchive = new ProcessArchiveBuilder(jpdlEditor).build(); if (processArchive == null) return; SaveAsDialog saveAsDialog = new SaveAsDialog(jpdlEditor.getSite().getShell());; IPath path = saveAsDialog.getResult(); IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(path); if (!file.exists()) { file.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]), IResource.NONE, null); } else { if (!askIfOverwriteAllowed()) { return; } } file.setContents(new ByteArrayInputStream(processArchive), IResource.NONE, null); } catch (CoreException e) { showSaveProcessArchiveException(); } } private void showSaveProcessArchiveException() { MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog( jpdlEditor.getSite().getShell(), "Save Process Archive Failed", null, "The process archive could not be saved.", SWT.ICON_ERROR, new String[] { "OK" }, 0);; } private boolean askIfOverwriteAllowed() { MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog( jpdlEditor.getSite().getShell(), "Overwrite Existing File?", null, "The chosen file exists. Is it OK to overwrite the contents?", SWT.ICON_QUESTION, new String[] { "Yes", "No" }, 0); return ( == 0); } }