package; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposal; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SeamELContentAssistJbide1645Test extends ContentAssistantTestCase { TestProjectProvider provider = null; boolean makeCopy = false; private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "TestSeamELContentAssist"; private static final String PAGE_NAME = "/WebContent/home.xhtml"; private static final String PREFIX_STRING = "<h:commandButton action=\"#{actor\" value=\"\">"; private static final String POSTFIX_STRING = " </h:commandButton>"; private static final String INSERT_BEFORE_STRING = "<rich:panel"; private static final String INSERTION_STRING = PREFIX_STRING + POSTFIX_STRING; Throwable exception = null; public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(SeamELContentAssistJbide1645Test.class); } public void setUp() throws Exception { provider = new TestProjectProvider("", null, PROJECT_NAME, makeCopy); project = provider.getProject(); try { project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null); } catch (Exception x) { exception = x; } // No asserts should be done in setUp() method // assertNull("An exception caught: " + (exception != null? exception.getMessage() : ""), exception); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { if(provider != null) { provider.dispose(); } } public void testSeamELContentAssistJbide1645() { assertNull("An exception caught: " + (exception != null? exception.getMessage() : ""), exception); ELCorePlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().setValue(ELContentAssistPreferences.SHOW_METHODS_WITH_PARENTHESES_ONLY, false); openEditor(PAGE_NAME); JobUtils.waitForIdle(); try { // Find start of <rich:panel> tag String documentContent = document.get(); int start = (documentContent == null ? -1 : documentContent.indexOf(INSERT_BEFORE_STRING)); int offsetToTest = start + PREFIX_STRING.length(); assertTrue("Cannot find the starting point in the test file \"" + PAGE_NAME + "\"", (start != -1)); String documentContentModified = documentContent.substring(0, start) + INSERTION_STRING + documentContent.substring(start); jspTextEditor.setText(documentContentModified); // ICompletionProposal[] result= null; // String errorMessage = null; List<ICompletionProposal> res = CATestUtil.collectProposals(contentAssistant, viewer, offsetToTest); assertTrue("Content Assistant peturned no proposals", (res != null && res.size() > 0)); for (ICompletionProposal proposal : res) { // There should not be a proposal of type SeamELProposalProcessor.Proposal in the result assertFalse("Content Assistant peturned proposals of type (" + proposal.getClass().getName() + ").", (proposal instanceof ELProposalProcessor.Proposal)); } try { JobUtils.waitForIdle(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); assertTrue("Waiting for the jobs to complete has failed.", false); } } finally { closeEditor(); } } }