/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package org.jboss.seam.contexts; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.jboss.seam.Component; import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType; import org.jboss.seam.Seam; import org.jboss.seam.core.Events; import org.jboss.seam.core.Manager; import org.jboss.seam.persistence.PersistenceContexts; /** * A conversation context is a logical context that lasts longer than * a request but shorter than a login session. Conversation state * may be passivated or replicated. * * @author Gavin King * @author <a href="mailto:theute@jboss.org">Thomas Heute</a> */ public class ServerConversationContext implements Context { private final Map<String, Object> session; private final Map<String, Object> additions = new HashMap<String, Object>(); private final Set<String> removals = new HashSet<String>(); private final String id; private final List<String> idStack; private List<String> getIdStack() { return idStack==null ? Manager.instance().getCurrentConversationIdStack() : idStack; } private String getId() { return id==null ? Manager.instance().getCurrentConversationId() : id; } public ScopeType getType() { return ScopeType.CONVERSATION; } private String getKey(String name) { return getPrefix( getId() ) + name; } private String getKey(String name, String id) { return getPrefix(id) + name; } private String getPrefix(String id) { return ScopeType.CONVERSATION.getPrefix() + '#' + id + '$'; } public ServerConversationContext(Map<String, Object> session) { this.session = session; id = null; idStack = null; } public ServerConversationContext(Map<String, Object> session, String id) { this.session = session; this.id = id; this.idStack = new LinkedList<String>(); idStack.add(id); } public Object get(String name) { Object result = additions.get(name); if (result!=null) { return unwrapEntityBean(result); } else { if ( removals.contains(name) ) { return null; } else { List<String> stack = getIdStack(); if (stack==null) { return unwrapEntityBean( session.get( getKey(name) ) ); } else { for ( int i=0; i<stack.size(); i++ ) { String id = stack.get(i); result = session.get( getKey(name, id) ); if (result != null) { return unwrapEntityBean(result); } // only continue checking if it is not pernestedconversation if ( i==0 && isPerNestedConversation(name) ) { return null; } } return null; } } } } private boolean isPerNestedConversation(String name) { Component component = Component.forName(name); return (component != null) && component.isPerNestedConversation(); } private Object unwrapEntityBean(Object result) { if (result==null) return null; if ( result instanceof Wrapper ) { return ( (Wrapper) result ).getInstance(); } else { return result; } } public void set(String name, Object value) { if ( Events.exists() ) Events.instance().raiseEvent("org.jboss.seam.preSetVariable." + name); if (value==null) { //yes, we need this remove(name); } else { removals.remove(name); if ( Seam.isEntityClass( value.getClass() ) ) { value = new EntityBean(value); } else if ( value instanceof List ) { value = new EntityBeanList( (List) value ); } else if ( value instanceof Map ) { value = new EntityBeanMap( (Map) value ); } else if ( value instanceof Set ) { value = new EntityBeanSet( (Set) value ); } additions.put(name, value); } if ( Events.exists() ) Events.instance().raiseEvent("org.jboss.seam.postSetVariable." + name); } public boolean isSet(String name) { return get(name)!=null; } public void remove(String name) { if ( Events.exists() ) Events.instance().raiseEvent("org.jboss.seam.preRemoveVariable." + name); additions.remove(name); removals.add(name); if ( Events.exists() ) Events.instance().raiseEvent("org.jboss.seam.postRemoveVariable." + name); } public String[] getNames() { Set<String> results = getNamesFromSession(); results.addAll( additions.keySet() ); //after, to override return results.toArray(new String[]{}); } private Set<String> getNamesFromSession() { HashSet<String> results = new HashSet<String>(); String prefix = getPrefix(getId()); for (String name: session.keySet()) { if (name.startsWith(prefix)) { name = name.substring(prefix.length()); if (!removals.contains(name)) { results.add(name); } } } return results; } private Set<String> getNamesForAllConversationsFromSession() { Set<String> results = new HashSet<String>(); List<String> ids = Manager.instance().getCurrentConversationIdStack(); if (ids != null) { for (String conversationId: ids) { String prefix = getPrefix(conversationId); for (String name: session.keySet()) { if (name.startsWith(prefix)) { String shortName = name.substring(prefix.length()); if (!removals.contains(shortName)) { results.add(name); } } } } } return results; } public Object get(Class clazz) { return get( Component.getComponentName(clazz) ); } public void clear() { additions.clear(); removals.addAll( getNamesFromSession() ); } public void unflush() { for ( String key: getNamesForAllConversationsFromSession() ) { Object attribute = session.get(key); if ( attribute!=null && attribute instanceof Wrapper ) { ( (Wrapper) attribute ).activate(); } } } /** * Propagate additions and removals to the HttpSession if * the current conversation is long-running, or remove all * attributes if it is a temporary conversation. This work * may only be done at the end of the request, since we * don't know for sure the conversation id until then. */ public void flush() { boolean longRunning = !isCurrent() || Manager.instance().isLongRunningConversation(); if ( longRunning ) { //force update for dirty mutable objects for (String key: getNamesForAllConversationsFromSession()) { Object attribute = session.get(key); if (attribute!=null) { if (passivate(attribute) || isAttributeDirty(attribute)) { session.put(key, attribute); } } } //remove removed objects for (String name: removals) { session.remove(getKey(name)); } removals.clear(); // Nothing to do if there is no addition if (!additions.isEmpty()) { // TODO this is a hack! We should find a more elegant way of handling // new objects being added to additions during the following for-loop PersistenceContexts.instance(); //add new objects for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry: additions.entrySet()) { Object attribute = entry.getValue(); passivate(attribute); session.put(getKey(entry.getKey()), attribute); } additions.clear(); } } else { //TODO: for a pure temporary conversation, this is unnecessary, optimize it for (String name: getNamesFromSession()) { session.remove( getKey(name) ); } // remove removed objects for (String name: removals) { session.remove(getKey(name)); } removals.clear(); } } private boolean passivate(Object attribute) { if (attribute instanceof Wrapper) { return ((Wrapper) attribute).passivate(); } else { return false; } } private boolean isAttributeDirty(Object attribute) { return Contexts.isAttributeDirty(attribute); } private boolean isCurrent() { return id==null || id.equals( Manager.instance().getCurrentConversationId() ); } @Override public String toString() { return "ConversationContext(" + getId() + ")"; } }