/* * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ // Log wrapper class for Sun private system exceptions in group UTIL // // Generated by mc.scm version %I%, DO NOT EDIT BY HAND! // Generated from input file src/main/resources/org/jboss/com/sun/corba/se/spi/logging/data/Util.mc on Wed Feb 02 17:13:22 PST 2011 package org.jboss.com.sun.corba.se.impl.logging; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.jboss.com.sun.corba.se.impl.util.SUNVMCID; import org.jboss.com.sun.corba.se.spi.logging.LogWrapperBase; import org.jboss.com.sun.corba.se.spi.logging.LogWrapperFactory; import org.jboss.com.sun.corba.se.spi.orb.ORB; import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION; import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM; import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus; import org.omg.CORBA.DATA_CONVERSION; import org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL; import org.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF; import org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL; import org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN; public class UtilSystemException extends LogWrapperBase { public UtilSystemException(Logger logger) { super(logger); } private static LogWrapperFactory factory = new LogWrapperFactory() { public LogWrapperBase create(Logger logger) { return new UtilSystemException(logger); } }; public static UtilSystemException get(ORB orb, String logDomain) { UtilSystemException wrapper = (UtilSystemException) orb.getLogWrapper(logDomain, "UTIL", factory); return wrapper; } public static UtilSystemException get(String logDomain) { UtilSystemException wrapper = (UtilSystemException) ORB.staticGetLogWrapper(logDomain, "UTIL", factory); return wrapper; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BAD_OPERATION // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int STUB_FACTORY_COULD_NOT_MAKE_STUB = SUNVMCID.value + 1401; public BAD_OPERATION stubFactoryCouldNotMakeStub(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t) { BAD_OPERATION exc = new BAD_OPERATION(STUB_FACTORY_COULD_NOT_MAKE_STUB, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { Object[] parameters = null; doLog(Level.FINE, "UTIL.stubFactoryCouldNotMakeStub", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public BAD_OPERATION stubFactoryCouldNotMakeStub(CompletionStatus cs) { return stubFactoryCouldNotMakeStub(cs, null); } public BAD_OPERATION stubFactoryCouldNotMakeStub(Throwable t) { return stubFactoryCouldNotMakeStub(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t); } public BAD_OPERATION stubFactoryCouldNotMakeStub() { return stubFactoryCouldNotMakeStub(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null); } public static final int ERROR_IN_MAKE_STUB_FROM_REPOSITORY_ID = SUNVMCID.value + 1402; public BAD_OPERATION errorInMakeStubFromRepositoryId(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t) { BAD_OPERATION exc = new BAD_OPERATION(ERROR_IN_MAKE_STUB_FROM_REPOSITORY_ID, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { Object[] parameters = null; doLog(Level.FINE, "UTIL.errorInMakeStubFromRepositoryId", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public BAD_OPERATION errorInMakeStubFromRepositoryId(CompletionStatus cs) { return errorInMakeStubFromRepositoryId(cs, null); } public BAD_OPERATION errorInMakeStubFromRepositoryId(Throwable t) { return errorInMakeStubFromRepositoryId(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t); } public BAD_OPERATION errorInMakeStubFromRepositoryId() { return errorInMakeStubFromRepositoryId(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null); } public static final int CLASS_CAST_EXCEPTION_IN_LOAD_STUB = SUNVMCID.value + 1403; public BAD_OPERATION classCastExceptionInLoadStub(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t) { BAD_OPERATION exc = new BAD_OPERATION(CLASS_CAST_EXCEPTION_IN_LOAD_STUB, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { Object[] parameters = null; doLog(Level.FINE, "UTIL.classCastExceptionInLoadStub", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public BAD_OPERATION classCastExceptionInLoadStub(CompletionStatus cs) { return classCastExceptionInLoadStub(cs, null); } public BAD_OPERATION classCastExceptionInLoadStub(Throwable t) { return classCastExceptionInLoadStub(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t); } public BAD_OPERATION classCastExceptionInLoadStub() { return classCastExceptionInLoadStub(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null); } public static final int EXCEPTION_IN_LOAD_STUB = SUNVMCID.value + 1404; public BAD_OPERATION exceptionInLoadStub(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t) { BAD_OPERATION exc = new BAD_OPERATION(EXCEPTION_IN_LOAD_STUB, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { Object[] parameters = null; doLog(Level.FINE, "UTIL.exceptionInLoadStub", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public BAD_OPERATION exceptionInLoadStub(CompletionStatus cs) { return exceptionInLoadStub(cs, null); } public BAD_OPERATION exceptionInLoadStub(Throwable t) { return exceptionInLoadStub(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t); } public BAD_OPERATION exceptionInLoadStub() { return exceptionInLoadStub(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BAD_PARAM // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int NO_POA = SUNVMCID.value + 1402; public BAD_PARAM noPoa(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM(NO_POA, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = null; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.noPoa", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public BAD_PARAM noPoa(CompletionStatus cs) { return noPoa(cs, null); } public BAD_PARAM noPoa(Throwable t) { return noPoa(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t); } public BAD_PARAM noPoa() { return noPoa(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null); } public static final int CONNECT_WRONG_ORB = SUNVMCID.value + 1403; public BAD_PARAM connectWrongOrb(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM(CONNECT_WRONG_ORB, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { Object[] parameters = null; doLog(Level.FINE, "UTIL.connectWrongOrb", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public BAD_PARAM connectWrongOrb(CompletionStatus cs) { return connectWrongOrb(cs, null); } public BAD_PARAM connectWrongOrb(Throwable t) { return connectWrongOrb(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t); } public BAD_PARAM connectWrongOrb() { return connectWrongOrb(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null); } public static final int CONNECT_NO_TIE = SUNVMCID.value + 1404; public BAD_PARAM connectNoTie(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM(CONNECT_NO_TIE, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = null; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.connectNoTie", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public BAD_PARAM connectNoTie(CompletionStatus cs) { return connectNoTie(cs, null); } public BAD_PARAM connectNoTie(Throwable t) { return connectNoTie(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t); } public BAD_PARAM connectNoTie() { return connectNoTie(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null); } public static final int CONNECT_TIE_WRONG_ORB = SUNVMCID.value + 1405; public BAD_PARAM connectTieWrongOrb(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM(CONNECT_TIE_WRONG_ORB, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = null; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.connectTieWrongOrb", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public BAD_PARAM connectTieWrongOrb(CompletionStatus cs) { return connectTieWrongOrb(cs, null); } public BAD_PARAM connectTieWrongOrb(Throwable t) { return connectTieWrongOrb(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t); } public BAD_PARAM connectTieWrongOrb() { return connectTieWrongOrb(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null); } public static final int CONNECT_TIE_NO_SERVANT = SUNVMCID.value + 1406; public BAD_PARAM connectTieNoServant(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM(CONNECT_TIE_NO_SERVANT, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = null; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.connectTieNoServant", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public BAD_PARAM connectTieNoServant(CompletionStatus cs) { return connectTieNoServant(cs, null); } public BAD_PARAM connectTieNoServant(Throwable t) { return connectTieNoServant(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t); } public BAD_PARAM connectTieNoServant() { return connectTieNoServant(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null); } public static final int LOAD_TIE_FAILED = SUNVMCID.value + 1407; public BAD_PARAM loadTieFailed(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM(LOAD_TIE_FAILED, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1]; parameters[0] = arg0; doLog(Level.FINE, "UTIL.loadTieFailed", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public BAD_PARAM loadTieFailed(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return loadTieFailed(cs, null, arg0); } public BAD_PARAM loadTieFailed(Throwable t, Object arg0) { return loadTieFailed(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0); } public BAD_PARAM loadTieFailed(Object arg0) { return loadTieFailed(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DATA_CONVERSION // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int BAD_HEX_DIGIT = SUNVMCID.value + 1401; public DATA_CONVERSION badHexDigit(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t) { DATA_CONVERSION exc = new DATA_CONVERSION(BAD_HEX_DIGIT, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = null; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.badHexDigit", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public DATA_CONVERSION badHexDigit(CompletionStatus cs) { return badHexDigit(cs, null); } public DATA_CONVERSION badHexDigit(Throwable t) { return badHexDigit(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t); } public DATA_CONVERSION badHexDigit() { return badHexDigit(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MARSHAL // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int UNABLE_LOCATE_VALUE_HELPER = SUNVMCID.value + 1402; public MARSHAL unableLocateValueHelper(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t) { MARSHAL exc = new MARSHAL(UNABLE_LOCATE_VALUE_HELPER, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = null; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.unableLocateValueHelper", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public MARSHAL unableLocateValueHelper(CompletionStatus cs) { return unableLocateValueHelper(cs, null); } public MARSHAL unableLocateValueHelper(Throwable t) { return unableLocateValueHelper(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t); } public MARSHAL unableLocateValueHelper() { return unableLocateValueHelper(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null); } public static final int INVALID_INDIRECTION = SUNVMCID.value + 1403; public MARSHAL invalidIndirection(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { MARSHAL exc = new MARSHAL(INVALID_INDIRECTION, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1]; parameters[0] = arg0; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.invalidIndirection", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public MARSHAL invalidIndirection(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return invalidIndirection(cs, null, arg0); } public MARSHAL invalidIndirection(Throwable t, Object arg0) { return invalidIndirection(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0); } public MARSHAL invalidIndirection(Object arg0) { return invalidIndirection(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INV_OBJREF // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int OBJECT_NOT_CONNECTED = SUNVMCID.value + 1401; public INV_OBJREF objectNotConnected(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { INV_OBJREF exc = new INV_OBJREF(OBJECT_NOT_CONNECTED, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1]; parameters[0] = arg0; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.objectNotConnected", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INV_OBJREF objectNotConnected(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return objectNotConnected(cs, null, arg0); } public INV_OBJREF objectNotConnected(Throwable t, Object arg0) { return objectNotConnected(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0); } public INV_OBJREF objectNotConnected(Object arg0) { return objectNotConnected(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0); } public static final int COULD_NOT_LOAD_STUB = SUNVMCID.value + 1402; public INV_OBJREF couldNotLoadStub(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { INV_OBJREF exc = new INV_OBJREF(COULD_NOT_LOAD_STUB, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1]; parameters[0] = arg0; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.couldNotLoadStub", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INV_OBJREF couldNotLoadStub(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return couldNotLoadStub(cs, null, arg0); } public INV_OBJREF couldNotLoadStub(Throwable t, Object arg0) { return couldNotLoadStub(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0); } public INV_OBJREF couldNotLoadStub(Object arg0) { return couldNotLoadStub(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0); } public static final int OBJECT_NOT_EXPORTED = SUNVMCID.value + 1403; public INV_OBJREF objectNotExported(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { INV_OBJREF exc = new INV_OBJREF(OBJECT_NOT_EXPORTED, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1]; parameters[0] = arg0; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.objectNotExported", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INV_OBJREF objectNotExported(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return objectNotExported(cs, null, arg0); } public INV_OBJREF objectNotExported(Throwable t, Object arg0) { return objectNotExported(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0); } public INV_OBJREF objectNotExported(Object arg0) { return objectNotExported(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INTERNAL // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int ERROR_SET_OBJECT_FIELD = SUNVMCID.value + 1401; public INTERNAL errorSetObjectField(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL(ERROR_SET_OBJECT_FIELD, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[3]; parameters[0] = arg0; parameters[1] = arg1; parameters[2] = arg2; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.errorSetObjectField", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INTERNAL errorSetObjectField(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetObjectField(cs, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetObjectField(Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetObjectField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetObjectField(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetObjectField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public static final int ERROR_SET_BOOLEAN_FIELD = SUNVMCID.value + 1402; public INTERNAL errorSetBooleanField(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL(ERROR_SET_BOOLEAN_FIELD, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[3]; parameters[0] = arg0; parameters[1] = arg1; parameters[2] = arg2; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.errorSetBooleanField", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INTERNAL errorSetBooleanField(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetBooleanField(cs, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetBooleanField(Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetBooleanField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetBooleanField(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetBooleanField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public static final int ERROR_SET_BYTE_FIELD = SUNVMCID.value + 1403; public INTERNAL errorSetByteField(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL(ERROR_SET_BYTE_FIELD, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[3]; parameters[0] = arg0; parameters[1] = arg1; parameters[2] = arg2; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.errorSetByteField", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INTERNAL errorSetByteField(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetByteField(cs, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetByteField(Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetByteField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetByteField(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetByteField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public static final int ERROR_SET_CHAR_FIELD = SUNVMCID.value + 1404; public INTERNAL errorSetCharField(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL(ERROR_SET_CHAR_FIELD, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[3]; parameters[0] = arg0; parameters[1] = arg1; parameters[2] = arg2; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.errorSetCharField", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INTERNAL errorSetCharField(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetCharField(cs, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetCharField(Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetCharField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetCharField(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetCharField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public static final int ERROR_SET_SHORT_FIELD = SUNVMCID.value + 1405; public INTERNAL errorSetShortField(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL(ERROR_SET_SHORT_FIELD, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[3]; parameters[0] = arg0; parameters[1] = arg1; parameters[2] = arg2; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.errorSetShortField", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INTERNAL errorSetShortField(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetShortField(cs, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetShortField(Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetShortField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetShortField(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetShortField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public static final int ERROR_SET_INT_FIELD = SUNVMCID.value + 1406; public INTERNAL errorSetIntField(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL(ERROR_SET_INT_FIELD, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[3]; parameters[0] = arg0; parameters[1] = arg1; parameters[2] = arg2; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.errorSetIntField", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INTERNAL errorSetIntField(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetIntField(cs, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetIntField(Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetIntField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetIntField(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetIntField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public static final int ERROR_SET_LONG_FIELD = SUNVMCID.value + 1407; public INTERNAL errorSetLongField(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL(ERROR_SET_LONG_FIELD, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[3]; parameters[0] = arg0; parameters[1] = arg1; parameters[2] = arg2; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.errorSetLongField", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INTERNAL errorSetLongField(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetLongField(cs, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetLongField(Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetLongField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetLongField(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetLongField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public static final int ERROR_SET_FLOAT_FIELD = SUNVMCID.value + 1408; public INTERNAL errorSetFloatField(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL(ERROR_SET_FLOAT_FIELD, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[3]; parameters[0] = arg0; parameters[1] = arg1; parameters[2] = arg2; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.errorSetFloatField", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INTERNAL errorSetFloatField(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetFloatField(cs, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetFloatField(Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetFloatField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetFloatField(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetFloatField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public static final int ERROR_SET_DOUBLE_FIELD = SUNVMCID.value + 1409; public INTERNAL errorSetDoubleField(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL(ERROR_SET_DOUBLE_FIELD, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[3]; parameters[0] = arg0; parameters[1] = arg1; parameters[2] = arg2; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.errorSetDoubleField", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INTERNAL errorSetDoubleField(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetDoubleField(cs, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetDoubleField(Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetDoubleField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public INTERNAL errorSetDoubleField(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return errorSetDoubleField(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0, arg1, arg2); } public static final int ILLEGAL_FIELD_ACCESS = SUNVMCID.value + 1410; public INTERNAL illegalFieldAccess(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL(ILLEGAL_FIELD_ACCESS, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1]; parameters[0] = arg0; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.illegalFieldAccess", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INTERNAL illegalFieldAccess(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return illegalFieldAccess(cs, null, arg0); } public INTERNAL illegalFieldAccess(Throwable t, Object arg0) { return illegalFieldAccess(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0); } public INTERNAL illegalFieldAccess(Object arg0) { return illegalFieldAccess(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0); } public static final int BAD_BEGIN_UNMARSHAL_CUSTOM_VALUE = SUNVMCID.value + 1411; public INTERNAL badBeginUnmarshalCustomValue(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL(BAD_BEGIN_UNMARSHAL_CUSTOM_VALUE, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = null; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.badBeginUnmarshalCustomValue", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INTERNAL badBeginUnmarshalCustomValue(CompletionStatus cs) { return badBeginUnmarshalCustomValue(cs, null); } public INTERNAL badBeginUnmarshalCustomValue(Throwable t) { return badBeginUnmarshalCustomValue(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t); } public INTERNAL badBeginUnmarshalCustomValue() { return badBeginUnmarshalCustomValue(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null); } public static final int CLASS_NOT_FOUND = SUNVMCID.value + 1412; public INTERNAL classNotFound(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL(CLASS_NOT_FOUND, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1]; parameters[0] = arg0; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.classNotFound", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public INTERNAL classNotFound(CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return classNotFound(cs, null, arg0); } public INTERNAL classNotFound(Throwable t, Object arg0) { return classNotFound(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0); } public INTERNAL classNotFound(Object arg0) { return classNotFound(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UNKNOWN // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int UNKNOWN_SYSEX = SUNVMCID.value + 1401; public UNKNOWN unknownSysex(CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t) { UNKNOWN exc = new UNKNOWN(UNKNOWN_SYSEX, cs); if (t != null) exc.initCause(t); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { Object[] parameters = null; doLog(Level.WARNING, "UTIL.unknownSysex", parameters, UtilSystemException.class, exc); } return exc; } public UNKNOWN unknownSysex(CompletionStatus cs) { return unknownSysex(cs, null); } public UNKNOWN unknownSysex(Throwable t) { return unknownSysex(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t); } public UNKNOWN unknownSysex() { return unknownSysex(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null); } }