package org.infinispan.quickstart.compatibility.client; import org.infinispan.quickstart.compatibility.commands.Command; import org.infinispan.quickstart.compatibility.commands.HistoryCommand; import org.infinispan.quickstart.compatibility.commands.PeekSharesCommand; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * An entry point to the client-side application. Periodically checks for next requested action * and delegates the execution to a pre-defined set of commands. * * @author Martin Gencur */ public class Client { private static String PROMPT = "Choose action, e.g.:\n" + "=================== \n" + "peek NYSE:RHT - Check the latest value of NYSE:RHT shares\n" + "history NYSE:ENC 10m 10s - Show the history of NYSE:ENC shares for last 10 minutes with 10-second step (other options XXm (XX minutes), XXh (XX hours))\n" + "quit - Quit the application\n"; private final Console CONSOLE; private Map<String, Command> commands; public Client(Console console) { this.CONSOLE = console; commands = new HashMap<String, Command>(); commands.put("peek", new PeekSharesCommand()); commands.put("history", new HistoryCommand()); } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { Console con = System.console(); Client client = new Client(con); con.printf(PROMPT); while (true) { String input = con.readLine(">"); if ("quit".equals(input)) break; Command cmd = client.parseCommand(input); if (cmd == null) { con.printf("Unable to perform the requested action.\n"); } else { cmd.execute(con, input); } } } private Command parseCommand(String input) { String commandName = input.split("\\s")[0]; if (commandName != null && commands.keySet().contains(commandName)) { return commands.get(commandName); } else { return null; } } }