/** * Copyright 2010 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jbpm.task.service; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.jbpm.task.AccessType; import org.jbpm.task.Attachment; import org.jbpm.task.BaseTest; import org.jbpm.task.Comment; import org.jbpm.task.Content; import org.jbpm.task.Status; import org.jbpm.task.Task; import org.jbpm.task.service.TaskClient; import org.jbpm.task.service.TaskServer; import org.jbpm.task.service.responsehandlers.BlockingAddAttachmentResponseHandler; import org.jbpm.task.service.responsehandlers.BlockingAddCommentResponseHandler; import org.jbpm.task.service.responsehandlers.BlockingAddTaskResponseHandler; import org.jbpm.task.service.responsehandlers.BlockingDeleteAttachmentResponseHandler; import org.jbpm.task.service.responsehandlers.BlockingDeleteCommentResponseHandler; import org.jbpm.task.service.responsehandlers.BlockingGetContentResponseHandler; import org.jbpm.task.service.responsehandlers.BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler; import org.jbpm.task.utils.CollectionUtils; public abstract class TaskServiceCommentsAndAttachmentsBaseTest extends BaseTest { protected TaskServer server; protected TaskClient client; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); client.disconnect(); } public void testAddRemoveComment() { Map vars = new HashMap(); vars.put( "users", users ); vars.put( "groups", groups ); vars.put( "now", new Date() ); String str = "(with (new Task()) { priority = 55, taskData = (with( new TaskData()) { createdOn = now, activationTime = now}), "; str += "deadlines = new Deadlines(),"; str += "delegation = new Delegation(),"; str += "peopleAssignments = new PeopleAssignments(),"; str += "names = [ new I18NText( 'en-UK', 'This is my task name')] })"; BlockingAddTaskResponseHandler addTaskResponseHandler = new BlockingAddTaskResponseHandler(); Task task = ( Task ) eval( new StringReader( str ), vars ); client.addTask( task, null, addTaskResponseHandler ); long taskId = addTaskResponseHandler.getTaskId(); Comment comment = new Comment(); Date addedAt = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ); comment.setAddedAt( addedAt ); comment.setAddedBy( users.get( "luke" ) ); comment.setText( "This is my comment1!!!!!" ); BlockingAddCommentResponseHandler addCommentResponseHandler = new BlockingAddCommentResponseHandler(); client.addComment( taskId, comment,addCommentResponseHandler ); assertTrue( addCommentResponseHandler.getCommentId() != comment.getId() ); BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler getTaskResponseHandler = new BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler(); client.getTask( taskId, getTaskResponseHandler ); Task task1 = getTaskResponseHandler.getTask(); assertNotSame(task, task1); assertFalse( task.equals( task1) ); List<Comment> comments1 = task1.getTaskData().getComments(); assertEquals(1, comments1.size() ); Comment returnedComment = comments1.get( 0 ); assertEquals( "This is my comment1!!!!!", returnedComment.getText() ); assertEquals( addedAt, returnedComment.getAddedAt() ); assertEquals( users.get( "luke" ), returnedComment.getAddedBy() ); assertEquals( (long)addCommentResponseHandler.getCommentId(), (long) returnedComment.getId() ); // Make the same as the returned tasks, so we can test equals task.getTaskData().setComments( comments1 ); task.getTaskData().setStatus( Status.Created ); assertEquals(task, task1); // test we can have multiple comments comment = new Comment(); addedAt = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ); comment.setAddedAt( addedAt ); comment.setAddedBy( users.get( "tony" ) ); comment.setText( "This is my comment2!!!!!" ); addCommentResponseHandler = new BlockingAddCommentResponseHandler(); client.addComment( taskId, comment, addCommentResponseHandler ); getTaskResponseHandler = new BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler(); client.getTask( taskId, getTaskResponseHandler ); task1 = getTaskResponseHandler.getTask(); List<Comment> comments2 = task1.getTaskData().getComments(); assertEquals(2, comments2.size() ); // make two collections the same and compare comments1.add( comment ); assertTrue( CollectionUtils.equals( comments1, comments2 ) ); BlockingDeleteCommentResponseHandler deleteCommentResponseHandler = new BlockingDeleteCommentResponseHandler(); client.deleteComment( taskId, addCommentResponseHandler.getCommentId(), deleteCommentResponseHandler ); deleteCommentResponseHandler.waitTillDone( 3000 ); getTaskResponseHandler = new BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler(); client.getTask( taskId, getTaskResponseHandler ); task1 = getTaskResponseHandler.getTask(); comments2 = task1.getTaskData().getComments(); assertEquals(1, comments2.size() ); assertEquals( "This is my comment1!!!!!", comments2.get( 0 ).getText() ); } public void testAddRemoveAttachment() throws Exception { Map vars = new HashMap(); vars.put( "users", users ); vars.put( "groups", groups ); vars.put( "now", new Date() ); String str = "(with (new Task()) { priority = 55, taskData = (with( new TaskData()) { createdOn = now, activationTime = now}), "; str += "deadlines = new Deadlines(),"; str += "delegation = new Delegation(),"; str += "peopleAssignments = new PeopleAssignments(),"; str += "names = [ new I18NText( 'en-UK', 'This is my task name')] })"; BlockingAddTaskResponseHandler addTaskResponseHandler = new BlockingAddTaskResponseHandler(); Task task = ( Task ) eval( new StringReader( str ), vars ); client.addTask( task, null, addTaskResponseHandler ); long taskId = addTaskResponseHandler.getTaskId(); Attachment attachment = new Attachment(); Date attachedAt = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ); attachment.setAttachedAt( attachedAt); attachment.setAttachedBy( users.get( "luke" ) ); attachment.setName( "file1.txt" ); attachment.setAccessType( AccessType.Inline ); attachment.setContentType( "txt" ); byte[] bytes = "Ths is my attachment text1".getBytes(); Content content = new Content(); content.setContent( bytes ); BlockingAddAttachmentResponseHandler addAttachmentResponseHandler = new BlockingAddAttachmentResponseHandler(); client.addAttachment( taskId, attachment, content, addAttachmentResponseHandler); assertTrue( addAttachmentResponseHandler.getAttachmentId() != attachment.getId() ); assertTrue( addAttachmentResponseHandler.getContentId() != attachment.getAttachmentContentId() ); BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler getTaskResponseHandler = new BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler(); client.getTask( taskId, getTaskResponseHandler ); Task task1 = getTaskResponseHandler.getTask(); assertNotSame(task, task1); assertFalse( task.equals( task1) ); List<Attachment> attachments1 = task1.getTaskData().getAttachments(); assertEquals(1, attachments1.size() ); Attachment returnedAttachment = attachments1.get( 0 ); assertEquals( attachedAt, returnedAttachment.getAttachedAt() ); assertEquals( users.get( "luke" ), returnedAttachment.getAttachedBy() ); assertEquals( AccessType.Inline, returnedAttachment.getAccessType() ); assertEquals( "txt", returnedAttachment.getContentType() ); assertEquals( "file1.txt", returnedAttachment.getName() ); assertEquals( bytes.length, returnedAttachment.getSize() ); assertEquals( (long) addAttachmentResponseHandler.getAttachmentId(), (long) returnedAttachment.getId() ); assertEquals( (long) addAttachmentResponseHandler.getContentId(), (long) returnedAttachment.getAttachmentContentId() ); // Make the same as the returned tasks, so we can test equals task.getTaskData().setAttachments( attachments1 ); task.getTaskData().setStatus( Status.Created ); assertEquals(task, task1); BlockingGetContentResponseHandler getResponseHandler = new BlockingGetContentResponseHandler(); client.getContent( returnedAttachment.getAttachmentContentId(), getResponseHandler ); content = getResponseHandler.getContent(); assertEquals( "Ths is my attachment text1", new String( content.getContent() ) ); // test we can have multiple attachments attachment = new Attachment(); attachedAt = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ); attachment.setAttachedAt( attachedAt); attachment.setAttachedBy( users.get( "tony" ) ); attachment.setName( "file2.txt" ); attachment.setAccessType( AccessType.Inline ); attachment.setContentType( "txt" ); bytes = "Ths is my attachment text2".getBytes(); content = new Content(); content.setContent( bytes ); addAttachmentResponseHandler = new BlockingAddAttachmentResponseHandler(); client.addAttachment( taskId, attachment, content, addAttachmentResponseHandler); getTaskResponseHandler = new BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler(); client.getTask( taskId, getTaskResponseHandler ); task1 = getTaskResponseHandler.getTask(); assertNotSame(task, task1); assertFalse( task.equals( task1) ); List<Attachment> attachments2 = task1.getTaskData().getAttachments(); assertEquals(2, attachments2.size() ); getResponseHandler = new BlockingGetContentResponseHandler(); client.getContent( addAttachmentResponseHandler.getContentId(), getResponseHandler ); content = getResponseHandler.getContent(); assertEquals( "Ths is my attachment text2", new String( content.getContent() ) ); // make two collections the same and compare attachment.setSize( 26 ); attachment.setAttachmentContentId( addAttachmentResponseHandler.getContentId() ); attachments1.add( attachment ); assertTrue( CollectionUtils.equals( attachments2, attachments1 ) ); BlockingDeleteAttachmentResponseHandler deleteCommentResponseHandler = new BlockingDeleteAttachmentResponseHandler(); client.deleteAttachment( taskId, addAttachmentResponseHandler.getAttachmentId(), addAttachmentResponseHandler.getContentId(), deleteCommentResponseHandler ); deleteCommentResponseHandler.waitTillDone( 3000 ); Thread.sleep( 3000 ); getTaskResponseHandler = new BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler(); client.getTask( taskId, getTaskResponseHandler ); task1 = getTaskResponseHandler.getTask(); attachments2 = task1.getTaskData().getAttachments(); assertEquals(1, attachments2.size() ); assertEquals( "file1.txt", attachments2.get( 0 ).getName()); } }