/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright (c) 1997-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can * obtain a copy of the License at * http://glassfish.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html * or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each * file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. * * GPL Classpath Exception: * Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" * exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License * file that accompanied this code. * * Modifications: * If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor] * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ package com.sun.tools.ws.processor.generator; import com.sun.codemodel.*; import com.sun.tools.ws.processor.model.*; import com.sun.tools.ws.processor.model.java.JavaInterface; import com.sun.tools.ws.processor.model.java.JavaMethod; import com.sun.tools.ws.processor.model.java.JavaParameter; import com.sun.tools.ws.processor.model.jaxb.JAXBTypeAndAnnotation; import com.sun.tools.ws.wsdl.document.Definitions; import com.sun.tools.ws.wsdl.document.Binding; import com.sun.tools.ws.wsdl.document.soap.SOAP12Binding; import com.sun.tools.ws.wsdl.document.soap.SOAPBinding; import com.sun.tools.ws.wsdl.document.soap.SOAPConstants; import com.sun.tools.ws.api.wsdl.TWSDLExtension; import com.sun.tools.ws.wscompile.ErrorReceiver; import com.sun.tools.ws.processor.model.ModelProperties; import com.sun.tools.ws.wscompile.WsimportOptions; import com.sun.codemodel.JClassAlreadyExistsException; import com.sun.xml.ws.api.SOAPVersion; import com.sun.xml.ws.util.ServiceFinder; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.xml.ws.BindingType; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.ws.Holder; import java.io.File; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; /** * Generator for placeholder JWS implementations * * @since 2.2.6 */ public final class JwsImplGenerator extends GeneratorBase { private static final Map<String, String> TRANSLATION_MAP = new HashMap<String, String>( 1); static { TRANSLATION_MAP.put(SOAPConstants.URI_SOAP_TRANSPORT_HTTP, javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_BINDING); } // save the generated impl files' info private final List<String> implFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); public static List<String> generate(Model model, WsimportOptions options, ErrorReceiver receiver) { // options check // Generate it according the implDestDir option if (options.implDestDir == null) return null; JwsImplGenerator jwsImplGenerator = new JwsImplGenerator(); jwsImplGenerator.init(model, options, receiver); jwsImplGenerator.doGeneration(); // print a warning message while implFiles.size() is zero if (jwsImplGenerator.implFiles.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); if (options.implServiceName != null) msg.append("serviceName=[").append(options.implServiceName).append("] "); if (options.implPortName != null) msg.append("portName=[").append(options.implPortName).append("] "); if (msg.length() > 0) msg.append(", Not found in wsdl file.\n"); msg.append("No impl files generated!"); receiver.warning(null, msg.toString()); } return jwsImplGenerator.implFiles; } /** * Move impl files to implDestDir */ public static boolean moveToImplDestDir(List<String> gImplFiles, WsimportOptions options, ErrorReceiver receiver) { if (options.implDestDir == null || gImplFiles == null || gImplFiles.isEmpty()) return true; List<ImplFile> generatedImplFiles = ImplFile.toImplFiles(gImplFiles); try { File implDestDir = makePackageDir(options); File movedF; File f; for (ImplFile implF : generatedImplFiles) { movedF = findFile(options, implF.qualifiedName); if (movedF == null) { // should never happen receiver.warning(null, "Class " + implF.qualifiedName + " is not generated. Not moving."); return false; } f = new File(implDestDir, implF.name); if (!movedF.equals(f)) { //bug 10102169 if (f.exists()) { if (!f.delete()){ receiver.error("Class " + implF.qualifiedName + " has existed in destImplDir, and it " + "can not be written!", null); } } if(!movedF.renameTo(f)) { throw new Exception(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { receiver.error("Moving WebService Impl files failed!", e); return false; } return true; } private JwsImplGenerator() { donotOverride = true; } @Override public void visit(Service service) { QName serviceName = service.getName(); // process the ordered service only if it is defined if (options.implServiceName != null && !equalsNSOptional(options.implServiceName, serviceName)) return; for (Port port : service.getPorts()) { if (port.isProvider()) { continue; // Not generating for Provider based endpoint } // Generate the impl class name according to // Xpath(/definitions/service/port[@name]); QName portName = port.getName(); // process the ordered port only if it is defined if (options.implPortName != null && !equalsNSOptional(options.implPortName, portName)) continue; String simpleClassName = serviceName.getLocalPart() + "_" + portName.getLocalPart() + "Impl"; String className = makePackageQualified(simpleClassName); implFiles.add(className); if (donotOverride && GeneratorUtil.classExists(options, className)) { log("Class " + className + " exists. Not overriding."); return; } JDefinedClass cls = null; try { cls = getClass(className, ClassType.CLASS); } catch (JClassAlreadyExistsException e) { log("Class " + className + " generates failed. JClassAlreadyExistsException[" + className + "]."); return; } // Each serviceImpl will implements one port interface JavaInterface portIntf = port.getJavaInterface(); String portClassName = Names.customJavaTypeClassName(portIntf); JDefinedClass portCls = null; try { portCls = getClass(portClassName, ClassType.INTERFACE); } catch (JClassAlreadyExistsException e) { log("Class " + className + " generates failed. JClassAlreadyExistsException[" + portClassName + "]."); return; } cls._implements(portCls); // create a default constructor cls.constructor(JMod.PUBLIC); // write class comment - JAXWS warning JDocComment comment = cls.javadoc(); if (service.getJavaDoc() != null) { comment.add(service.getJavaDoc()); comment.add("\n\n"); } for (String doc : getJAXWSClassComment()) { comment.add(doc); } // @WebService JAnnotationUse webServiceAnn = cls.annotate(cm.ref(WebService.class)); writeWebServiceAnnotation(service, port, webServiceAnn); // @BindingType JAnnotationUse bindingTypeAnn = cls.annotate(cm.ref(BindingType.class)); writeBindingTypeAnnotation(port, bindingTypeAnn); // extra annotation for( GeneratorExtension f : ServiceFinder.find(GeneratorExtension.class) ) { f.writeWebServiceAnnotation(model, cm, cls, port); } // WebMethods for (Operation operation : port.getOperations()) { JavaMethod method = operation.getJavaMethod(); // @WebMethod JMethod m; JDocComment methodDoc; String methodJavaDoc = operation.getJavaDoc(); if (method.getReturnType().getName().equals("void")) { m = cls.method(JMod.PUBLIC, void.class, method.getName()); methodDoc = m.javadoc(); } else { JAXBTypeAndAnnotation retType = method.getReturnType().getType(); m = cls.method(JMod.PUBLIC, retType.getType(), method.getName()); retType.annotate(m); methodDoc = m.javadoc(); JCommentPart ret = methodDoc.addReturn(); ret.add("returns " + retType.getName()); } if (methodJavaDoc != null) methodDoc.add(methodJavaDoc); JClass holder = cm.ref(Holder.class); for (JavaParameter parameter : method.getParametersList()) { JVar var; JAXBTypeAndAnnotation paramType = parameter.getType().getType(); if (parameter.isHolder()) { var = m.param(holder.narrow(paramType.getType().boxify()), parameter.getName()); } else { var = m.param(paramType.getType(), parameter.getName()); } methodDoc.addParam(var); } com.sun.tools.ws.wsdl.document.Operation wsdlOp = operation .getWSDLPortTypeOperation(); for (Fault fault : operation.getFaultsSet()) { m._throws(fault.getExceptionClass()); methodDoc.addThrows(fault.getExceptionClass()); wsdlOp.putFault(fault.getWsdlFaultName(), fault.getExceptionClass()); } m.body().block().directStatement("//replace with your impl here"); m.body().block().directStatement( getReturnString(method.getReturnType().getName())); } } } /** * Generate return statement according to return type. * * @param type * The method's return type * @return The whole return statement */ private String getReturnString(String type) { final String nullReturnStr = "return null;"; // complex type or array if (type.indexOf('.') > -1 || type.indexOf('[') > -1) { return nullReturnStr; } // primitive type if (type.equals("void")) { return "return;"; } if (type.equals("boolean")) { return "return false;"; } if (type.equals("int") || type.equals("byte") || type.equals("short") || type.equals("long") || type.equals("double") || type.equals("float")) { return "return 0;"; } if (type.equals("char")) { return "return '0';"; } return nullReturnStr; } /** * * @param service * @param port * @param webServiceAnn * @param options */ private void writeWebServiceAnnotation(Service service, Port port, JAnnotationUse webServiceAnn) { webServiceAnn.param("portName", port.getName().getLocalPart()); webServiceAnn.param("serviceName", service.getName().getLocalPart()); webServiceAnn.param("targetNamespace", service.getName().getNamespaceURI()); webServiceAnn.param("wsdlLocation", wsdlLocation); webServiceAnn.param("endpointInterface", port.getJavaInterface().getName()); } //CR373098 To transform the java class name as validate. private String transToValidJavaIdentifier(String s) { if (s == null) { return null; } final int len = s.length(); StringBuilder retSB = new StringBuilder(); if (len == 0 || !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(s.charAt(0))) { retSB.append("J"); //update to a default start char } else { retSB.append(s.charAt(0)); } for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(i))) ; //delete it if it is illegal //TODO: It might conflict "a-b" vs. "ab" else { retSB.append(s.charAt(i)); } } return retSB.toString(); } private String makePackageQualified(String s) { s = transToValidJavaIdentifier(s); if (options.defaultPackage != null && !options.defaultPackage.equals("")) { return options.defaultPackage + "." + s; } else { return s; } } /** * TODO * * @param port * @param bindingTypeAnn */ private void writeBindingTypeAnnotation(Port port, JAnnotationUse bindingTypeAnn) { QName bName = (QName) port .getProperty(ModelProperties.PROPERTY_WSDL_BINDING_NAME); if (bName == null) return; String v = getBindingType(bName); // TODO: How to decide if it is a mtom? if (v != null) { // transport = translate(transport); bindingTypeAnn.param("value", v); } } private String resolveBindingValue(TWSDLExtension wsdlext) { if (wsdlext.getClass().equals(SOAPBinding.class)) { SOAPBinding sb = (SOAPBinding) wsdlext; if(javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_MTOM_BINDING.equals(sb.getTransport())) return javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_MTOM_BINDING; else { for(GeneratorExtension f : ServiceFinder.find(GeneratorExtension.class) ) { String bindingValue = f.getBindingValue(sb.getTransport(), SOAPVersion.SOAP_11); if(bindingValue!=null) { return bindingValue; } } return javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_BINDING; } } if (wsdlext.getClass().equals(SOAP12Binding.class)) { SOAP12Binding sb = (SOAP12Binding) wsdlext; if(javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_MTOM_BINDING.equals(sb.getTransport())) return javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_MTOM_BINDING; else { for(GeneratorExtension f : ServiceFinder.find(GeneratorExtension.class) ) { String bindingValue = f.getBindingValue(sb.getTransport(), SOAPVersion.SOAP_12); if(bindingValue!=null) { return bindingValue; } } return javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING; } } return null; } private String getBindingType(QName bName) { String value = null; // process the bindings in definitions of model.entity if (model.getEntity() instanceof Definitions) { Definitions definitions = (Definitions) model.getEntity(); if (definitions != null) { Iterator bindings = definitions.bindings(); if (bindings != null) { while (bindings.hasNext()) { Binding binding = (Binding) bindings.next(); if (bName.getLocalPart().equals(binding.getName()) && bName.getNamespaceURI().equals(binding.getNamespaceURI())) { List<TWSDLExtension> bindextends = (List<TWSDLExtension>) binding .extensions(); for (TWSDLExtension wsdlext : bindextends) { value = resolveBindingValue(wsdlext); if (value != null) break; } break; } } } } } // process the bindings in whole document if (value == null) { if (model.getEntity() instanceof Definitions) { Definitions definitions = (Definitions) model.getEntity(); Binding b = (Binding) definitions.resolveBindings().get(bName); if (b != null) { List<TWSDLExtension> bindextends = (List<TWSDLExtension>) b .extensions(); for (TWSDLExtension wsdlext : bindextends) { value = resolveBindingValue(wsdlext); if (value != null) break; } } } } return value; } /** * Since the SOAP 1.1 binding transport URI defined in WSDL 1.1 specification * is different with the SOAPBinding URI defined by JAX-WS 2.0 specification. * We must translate the wsdl version into JAX-WS version. If the given * transport URI is NOT one of the predefined transport URIs, it is returned * as is. * * @param transportURI * retrieved from WSDL * @return Standard BindingType URI defined by JAX-WS 2.0 specification. */ // private String translate(String transportURI) // { // String translatedBindingId = TRANSLATION_MAP.get(transportURI); // if (translatedBindingId == null) // translatedBindingId = transportURI; // // return translatedBindingId; // } /***************************************************************************** * Inner classes definition */ static final class ImplFile { public String qualifiedName; // package+"."+simpleClassName + ".java" public String name; // simpleClassName + ".java" private ImplFile(String qualifiedClassName) { this.qualifiedName = qualifiedClassName + ".java"; String simpleClassName = qualifiedClassName; int i = qualifiedClassName.lastIndexOf("."); if (i != -1) simpleClassName = qualifiedClassName.substring(i + 1); this.name = simpleClassName + ".java"; } public static List<ImplFile> toImplFiles(List<String> qualifiedClassNames) { List<ImplFile> ret = new ArrayList<ImplFile>(); for (String qualifiedClassName : qualifiedClassNames) ret.add(new ImplFile(qualifiedClassName)); return ret; } } /***************************************************************************** * Other utility methods */ private static File makePackageDir(WsimportOptions options) { File ret = null; if (options.defaultPackage != null && !options.defaultPackage.equals("")) { String subDir = options.defaultPackage.replace('.', '/'); ret = new File(options.implDestDir, subDir); } else { ret = options.implDestDir; } boolean created = ret.mkdirs(); if (options.verbose && !created) { System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Directory not created: {0}", ret)); } return ret; } private static String getQualifiedFileName(String canonicalBaseDir, File f) throws java.io.IOException { String fp = f.getCanonicalPath(); if (fp == null) return null; fp = fp.replace(canonicalBaseDir, ""); fp = fp.replace('\\', '.'); fp = fp.replace('/', '.'); if (fp.startsWith(".")) fp = fp.substring(1); return fp; } private static File findFile(WsimportOptions options, String qualifiedFileName) throws java.io.IOException { String baseDir = options.sourceDir.getCanonicalPath(); String fp = null; for (File f : options.getGeneratedFiles()) { fp = getQualifiedFileName(baseDir, f); if (qualifiedFileName.equals(fp)) return f; } return null; } private static boolean equalsNSOptional(String strQName, QName checkQN) { if (strQName == null) return false; strQName = strQName.trim(); QName reqQN = QName.valueOf(strQName); if (reqQN.getNamespaceURI() == null || reqQN.getNamespaceURI().equals("")) return reqQN.getLocalPart().equals(checkQN.getLocalPart()); return reqQN.equals(checkQN); } }