package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.sun.codemodel.JAnnotationUse; import com.sun.codemodel.JClass; import com.sun.codemodel.JDefinedClass; import com.sun.codemodel.JExpression; import com.sun.codemodel.JFieldVar; import com.sun.codemodel.JMethod; import; import; import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSDeclaration; /** * Describes the collection container class - a candidate for removal. This class class has only one field - collection * of objects. */ public final class Candidate { private final JDefinedClass candidateClass; private final JFieldVar field; private final CPropertyInfo fieldPropertyInfo; private final String fieldTargetNamespace; private final JDefinedClass fieldParametrisationClass; private final JDefinedClass fieldParametrisationImpl; // Order matters (value Object Factory is first): private final Map<String, JDefinedClass> objectFactoryClasses = new LinkedHashMap<String, JDefinedClass>(); private final boolean valueObjectDisabled; private final Map<String, ScopedElementInfo> scopedElementInfos = new HashMap<String, ScopedElementInfo>(); /** * By default the candidate is marked for removal unless something prevents it from being removed. */ private boolean markedForRemoval = true; /** * Number of times this candidate has been substituted in the model. */ private int substitutionsCount; Candidate(JDefinedClass candidateClass, CClassInfo candidateClassInfo, JFieldVar field, JDefinedClass fieldParametrizationClass, JDefinedClass fieldParametrisationImpl, JClass xmlElementDeclModelClass, JClass xmlSchemaModelClass) { this.candidateClass = candidateClass; this.field = field; this.fieldPropertyInfo = candidateClassInfo.getProperty(; this.fieldParametrisationClass = fieldParametrizationClass; this.fieldParametrisationImpl = fieldParametrisationImpl; this.valueObjectDisabled = addObjectFactoryForClass(candidateClass); this.fieldTargetNamespace = getTargetNamespace(candidateClassInfo, xmlSchemaModelClass); collectScopedElementInfos(xmlElementDeclModelClass); } private String getTargetNamespace(CClassInfo candidateClassInfo, JClass xmlSchemaModelClass) { XSDeclaration xsdDeclaration = getXsdDeclaration(candidateClassInfo.getProperty(; if (xsdDeclaration != null && !xsdDeclaration.getTargetNamespace().isEmpty()) { return xsdDeclaration.getTargetNamespace(); } else { // Default (mostly used) namespace is generated as annotation for the package, // see for (JDefinedClass objectFactoryClass : objectFactoryClasses.values()) { JAnnotationUse schemaAnnotation = getAnnotation(objectFactoryClass.getPackage(), xmlSchemaModelClass); JExpression elementFormDefault = getAnnotationMemberExpression(schemaAnnotation, "elementFormDefault"); if (elementFormDefault != null && generableToString(elementFormDefault).endsWith(".QUALIFIED")) { return generableToString(getAnnotationMemberExpression(schemaAnnotation, "namespace")); } } } return null; } private void collectScopedElementInfos(JClass xmlElementDeclModelClass) { String dotClazz = candidateClass.fullName() + ".class"; // Only value Object Factory methods are inspected: for (JMethod method : objectFactoryClasses.values().iterator().next().methods()) { JAnnotationUse xmlElementDeclAnnotation = getAnnotation(method, xmlElementDeclModelClass); JExpression scope = getAnnotationMemberExpression(xmlElementDeclAnnotation, "scope"); if (scope == null || !dotClazz.equals(generableToString(scope))) { continue; } scopedElementInfos.put(, new ScopedElementInfo(getAnnotationMemberExpression(xmlElementDeclAnnotation, "name"), getAnnotationMemberExpression(xmlElementDeclAnnotation, "namespace"), method.params().get(0).type())); } } /** * Container class */ public JDefinedClass getClazz() { return candidateClass; } /** * Container class name */ public String getClassName() { return candidateClass.fullName(); } /** * The only field in container class (collection property). */ public JFieldVar getField() { return field; } /** * The name of the only field in container class. */ public String getFieldName() { return; } /** * The class of the only field in container class (collection interface or concrete implementation). */ public JClass getFieldClass() { return (JClass) field.type(); } /** * The corresponding property info of the only field in container class. */ public CPropertyInfo getFieldPropertyInfo() { return fieldPropertyInfo; } /** * The XSD namespace of the property associated with a field. */ public String getFieldTargetNamespace() { return fieldTargetNamespace; } /** * The only parametrisation class of the field (collection type). In case of basic parametrisation like {@link List * <String>} this property is {@code null}. */ public JDefinedClass getFieldParametrisationClass() { return fieldParametrisationClass; } /** * If {@link #getFieldParametrisationClass()} is an interface, then this holds the same value. Otherwise it holds * the implementation (value object) of {@link #getFieldParametrisationClass()}. In case of basic parametrisation * like {@code List<String>} this property is {@code null}. */ public JDefinedClass getFieldParametrisationImpl() { return fieldParametrisationImpl; } /** * Return information about scoped elements, that have this candidate as a scope. * * @return object factory method name -to- element info map */ public Map<String, ScopedElementInfo> getScopedElementInfos() { return scopedElementInfos; } /** * Object Factory classes for value (implementation) classes, interface classes and extra packages. Cannot be empty. */ public Collection<JDefinedClass> getObjectFactoryClasses() { return objectFactoryClasses.values(); } /** * For the given class locate and add Object Factory classes to the map. * * @return {@code true} if value class generation is enabled */ public boolean addObjectFactoryForClass(JDefinedClass clazz) { JDefinedClass valueObjectFactoryClass = clazz._package()._getClass(FACTORY_CLASS_NAME); if (objectFactoryClasses.containsKey(valueObjectFactoryClass.fullName())) { return false; } objectFactoryClasses.put(valueObjectFactoryClass.fullName(), valueObjectFactoryClass); JDefinedClass objectFactoryClass = null; // If class has a non-hidden interface, then there is object factory in another package. for (Iterator<JClass> iter = clazz._implements(); iter.hasNext();) { JClass interfaceClass =; if (!isHiddenClass(interfaceClass)) { objectFactoryClass = interfaceClass._package()._getClass(FACTORY_CLASS_NAME); if (objectFactoryClass != null) { objectFactoryClasses.put(objectFactoryClass.fullName(), objectFactoryClass); } } } return objectFactoryClass != null; } /** * Returns {@code true} if the setting {@code <jaxb:globalBindings generateValueClass="false">} is active. */ public boolean isValueObjectDisabled() { return valueObjectDisabled; } /** * Has given candidate green light to be removed? */ public boolean canBeRemoved() { return markedForRemoval && substitutionsCount > 0; } /** * Increments number of substitutions for this candidate. */ public void incrementSubstitutions() { substitutionsCount++; } /** * Signal that this candidate should not be removed from model on some reason. */ public void unmarkForRemoval() { this.markedForRemoval = false; } @Override public String toString() { return "Candidate[" + getClassName() + " in field " + getFieldClass().name() + " " + getFieldName() + "]"; } }