package org.javers.common.exception; /** * Enums with all Javers errors codes * * @author Pawel Cierpiatka <> */ public enum JaversExceptionCode { CLASS_EXTRACTION_ERROR(JaversException.BOOTSTRAP_ERROR + "Don't know how to extract Class from type '%s'.") , COMMITTING_TOP_LEVEL_VALUES_NOT_SUPPORTED("Committing top-level %ss like '%s' is not supported. You can commit only Entity or ValueObject instance."), COMPARING_TOP_LEVEL_VALUES_NOT_SUPPORTED("Comparing top-level %ss like '%s' is not supported. is designed to deeply compare two arbitrary complex object graphs. For simple values, equals() does the job."), ENTITY_WITHOUT_ID ("Class '%s' mapped as Entity has no Id property. Use @Id annotation to mark unique and not-null Entity identifier"), SHALLOW_REF_ENTITY_WITHOUT_ID ("Class '%s' mapped as ShallowReference Entity has no Id property. Use @Id annotation to mark unique and not-null Entity identifier"), ENTITY_INSTANCE_WITH_NULL_ID("Found Entity instance '%s' with null idProperty '%s'"), NOT_INSTANCE_OF(JaversException.BOOTSTRAP_ERROR + "expected instance of '%s', got instance of '%s'"), UNDEFINED_PROPERTY(JaversException.BOOTSTRAP_ERROR + "undefined mandatory property '%s'. Define it in your"), MALFORMED_PROPERTY(JaversException.BOOTSTRAP_ERROR + "unwrap '%s' is invalid for property '%s'. Fix it in your"), CLASSPATH_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND(JaversException.BOOTSTRAP_ERROR + "classpath resource '%s' could not be found"), ALREADY_BUILT(JaversException.BOOTSTRAP_ERROR + "instance already built, each AbstractContainerBuilder may produce only one target instance"), PROPERTY_ACCESS_ERROR("error getting value from property '%s' on target object of type '%s', cause: %s"), PROPERTY_SETTING_ERROR("error setting '%s' value to property '%s', cause: %s"), SETTER_INVOCATION_ERROR("error invoking setter '%s' on target object of type '%s', cause: %s"), CONTAINER_NOT_READY(JaversException.BOOTSTRAP_ERROR +"pico container is not ready"), AFFECTED_CDO_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE("affected cdo is not available, you can access it only for freshly generated diffs"), MISSING_PROPERTY("There is no property '%s' in type '%s'."), NOT_IMPLEMENTED("not implemented"), SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUND("snapshot '%s' not found in JaversRepository"), //graph & snapshot VALUE_OBJECT_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED_AS_MAP_KEY("found ValueObject on KEY position in Map property '%s'. Please change the key class mapping to Value or Entity"), SNAPSHOT_STATE_VIOLATION("snapshots are immutable"), PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND("property '%s' not found in class '%s'"), SETTER_NOT_FOUND("setter for getter '%s' not found in class '%s'"), /** @since 1.4 */ TYPE_NAME_NOT_FOUND( "type name '%s' not found. " + "If you are using @TypeName annotation, " + "remember to register this class " + "using JaversBuilder.withPackagesToScan(String) or JaversBuilder.scanTypeName(Class)"), MANAGED_CLASS_MAPPING_ERROR("given javaClass '%s' is mapped to %s, expected %s"), MALFORMED_CHANGE_TYPE_FIELD("no such Change type - '%s'"), MALFORMED_ENTRY_CHANGE_TYPE_FIELD("no such EntryChange type - '%s'"), CLASS_NOT_MANAGED("given javaClass '%s' is mapped to %s, ManagedType expected"), COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND(JaversException.BOOTSTRAP_ERROR+"component of type '%s' not found in container") , NO_PUBLIC_CONSTRUCTOR(JaversException.BOOTSTRAP_ERROR+"no public constructor in class '%s'"), CLASS_NOT_FOUND("class not found - '%s'") , CANT_EXTRACT_CHILD_VALUE_OBJECT( "error while extracting child ValueObject from path '%s'" + ", invalid property type, expected ValueObjectType, ContainerType<ValueObjectType> or MapType<?,ValueObjectType>, got '%s'"), CANT_PARSE_COMMIT_ID("can't parse given value {'%s'} to CommitId. " + "CommitId should consists of two parts : majorId.minorId e.g. 1.0"), CANT_DELETE_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND("failed to delete object {'%s'}, "+ "it doesn't exists in JaversRepository"), CANT_FIND_COMMIT_HEAD_ID("can't find commit head id in JaversRepository"), CANT_SAVE_ALREADY_PERSISTED_COMMIT("can't save already persisted commit '%s'"), SQL_EXCEPTION("SqlException: %s"), UNSUPPORTED_SQL_DIALECT("dialect '%s' is not supported by JaVers"), MALFORMED_JQL("Invalid JQL query, %s"), UNSUPPORTED_OPTIONAL_CONTENT_TYPE("%s is not supported as Optional<> content type"), RUNTIME_EXCEPTION("uncategorized runtime exception. %s"), TRANSACTION_MANAGER_NOT_SET("Can't create javers bean due to missing configuration. Since javers-spring 2.8.0, transactionManager bean should be explicitly provided in TransactionalJaversBuilder.withTxManager(). See example at") ; private final String message; JaversExceptionCode(String message) { this.message = message; } /** * Error description and possibly solution hints. */ public String getMessage() { return message; } }