package test.javassist.proxy; import junit.framework.TestCase; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import javassist.util.proxy.MethodFilter; import javassist.util.proxy.MethodHandler; import javassist.util.proxy.Proxy; import javassist.util.proxy.ProxyFactory; public class ProxySimpleTest extends TestCase { String testResult; public void testProxyFactory() throws Exception { ProxyFactory f = new ProxyFactory(); f.writeDirectory = "./proxy"; f.setSuperclass(Foo.class); f.setFilter(new MethodFilter() { public boolean isHandled(Method m) { return m.getName().startsWith("f"); } }); Class c = f.createClass(); MethodHandler mi = new MethodHandler() { public Object invoke(Object self, Method m, Method proceed, Object[] args) throws Throwable { testResult += args[0].toString(); return proceed.invoke(self, args); // execute the original method. } }; Foo foo = (Foo)c.getConstructor().newInstance(); ((Proxy)foo).setHandler(mi); testResult = "";; foo.foo2(2);; assertEquals("12", testResult); } public static class Foo { public int foo(int i) { return i + 1; } public int foo2(int i) { return i + 2; } public int bar(int i) { return i + 1; } } public void testReadWrite() throws Exception { final String fileName = "read-write.bin"; ProxyFactory.ClassLoaderProvider cp = ProxyFactory.classLoaderProvider; try { ProxyFactory.classLoaderProvider = new ProxyFactory.ClassLoaderProvider() { public ClassLoader get(ProxyFactory pf) { /* If javassist.Loader is returned, the super type of ReadWriteData class, * which is Serializable, is loaded by javassist.Loader as well as ReadWriteData. * This breaks the implementation of the object serializer. */ // return new javassist.Loader(); return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } }; ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(); pf.setSuperclass(ReadWriteData.class); Object data = pf.createClass().getConstructor().newInstance(); // Object data = new ReadWriteData(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fileName)); oos.writeObject(data); oos.close(); } finally { ProxyFactory.classLoaderProvider = cp; } ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileName)); Object data2 = ois.readObject(); ois.close(); int i = ((ReadWriteData)data2).foo(); assertEquals(4, i); } public static class ReadWriteData implements Serializable { public int foo() { return 4; } } public void testWriteReplace() throws Exception { ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(); pf.setSuperclass(WriteReplace.class); Object data = pf.createClass().getConstructor().newInstance(); assertEquals(data, ((WriteReplace)data).writeReplace()); ProxyFactory pf2 = new ProxyFactory(); pf2.setSuperclass(WriteReplace2.class); Object data2 = pf2.createClass().getConstructor().newInstance(); Method meth = data2.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("writeReplace", new Class[0]); assertEquals("javassist.util.proxy.SerializedProxy", meth.invoke(data2, new Object[0]).getClass().getName()); } public static class WriteReplace implements Serializable { public Object writeReplace() { return this; } } public static class WriteReplace2 implements Serializable { public Object writeReplace(int i) { return Integer.valueOf(i); } } String value244; public void testJIRA244() throws Exception { ProxyFactory factory = new ProxyFactory(); factory.setSuperclass(Extended244.class); Extended244 e = (Extended244)factory.create(null, null, new MethodHandler() { @Override public Object invoke(Object self, Method thisMethod, Method proceed, Object[] args) throws Throwable { value244 += thisMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName(); return proceed.invoke(self); } }); value244 = ""; assertEquals("base", e.base()); System.out.println(value244); assertEquals(Extended244.class.getName(), value244); value244 = ""; assertEquals("ext", e.extended()); System.out.println(value244); assertEquals(Extended244.class.getName(), value244); value244 = ""; assertEquals("base2ext2", e.base2()); System.out.println(value244); assertEquals(Extended244.class.getName(), value244); } // if Base244 is private, then Extended244 has a bridge method for base(). private static abstract class Base244 { public String base() { return "base"; } public String base2() { return "base2"; } } public static class Extended244 extends Base244 { public String extended() { return "ext"; } public String base2() { return super.base2() + "ext2"; } } String valueDefaultMethods = ""; public void testDefaultMethods() throws Exception { valueDefaultMethods = ""; ProxyFactory f = new ProxyFactory(); f.writeDirectory = "./proxy"; f.setSuperclass(Default3.class); Class c = f.createClass(); MethodHandler mi = new MethodHandler() { public Object invoke(Object self, Method m, Method proceed, Object[] args) throws Throwable { valueDefaultMethods += "1"; return proceed.invoke(self, args); // execute the original method. } }; Default3 foo = (Default3)c.getConstructor().newInstance(); ((Proxy)foo).setHandler(mi);;; assertEquals("11", valueDefaultMethods); } public void testDefaultMethods2() throws Exception { valueDefaultMethods = ""; ProxyFactory f = new ProxyFactory(); f.writeDirectory = "./proxy"; f.setInterfaces(new Class[] { Default2.class }); Class c = f.createClass(); MethodHandler mi = new MethodHandler() { public Object invoke(Object self, Method m, Method proceed, Object[] args) throws Throwable { valueDefaultMethods += "1"; return proceed.invoke(self, args); // execute the original method. } }; Default2 foo = (Default2)c.getConstructor().newInstance(); ((Proxy)foo).setHandler(mi);;; assertEquals("11", valueDefaultMethods); } public static interface Default1 { default int foo() { return 0; } default int baz() { return 2; } } public static interface Default2 extends Default1 { default int bar() { return 1; } } public static class Default3 implements Default2 { public int foo() { return; } } public static class Default4 extends Default3 { public int baz() { return super.baz(); } } public void testPublicProxy() throws Exception { ProxyFactory f = new ProxyFactory(); f.writeDirectory = "./proxy"; f.setSuperclass(PubProxy.class); Class c = f.createClass(); MethodHandler mi = new MethodHandler() { public Object invoke(Object self, Method m, Method proceed, Object[] args) throws Throwable { PubProxy.result += args[0].toString(); return proceed.invoke(self, args); } }; PubProxy.result = ""; PubProxy foo = (PubProxy)c.getConstructor().newInstance(); ((Proxy)foo).setHandler(mi);;; foo.baz(3); assertEquals("c1p2q3r", PubProxy.result); } public static class PubProxy { public static String result; public PubProxy() { result += "c"; } PubProxy(int i) { result += "d"; } void foo(int i) { result += "p"; } protected void bar(int i) { result += "q"; } public void baz(int i) { result += "r"; } } public void testPublicProxy2() throws Exception { boolean b = ProxyFactory.onlyPublicMethods; ProxyFactory.onlyPublicMethods = true; ProxyFactory f = new ProxyFactory(); f.writeDirectory = "./proxy"; f.setSuperclass(PubProxy2.class); Class c = f.createClass(); MethodHandler mi = new MethodHandler() { public Object invoke(Object self, Method m, Method proceed, Object[] args) throws Throwable { PubProxy2.result += args[0].toString(); return proceed.invoke(self, args); } }; PubProxy2.result = ""; try { PubProxy2 foo = (PubProxy2)c.getConstructor().newInstance(); ((Proxy)foo).setHandler(mi);; // mi does not intercept this call.; foo.baz(3); assertEquals("cp2q3r", PubProxy2.result); } finally { ProxyFactory.onlyPublicMethods = b; } } public static class PubProxy2 { public static String result; public PubProxy2() { result += "c"; } PubProxy2(int i) { result += "d"; } void foo(int i) { result += "p"; } protected void bar(int i) { result += "q"; } public void baz(int i) { result += "r"; } } }