package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.htmlparser.jericho.Element; public class SimpleXPath implements Iterable<Element> { private final List<Element> root; public SimpleXPath() { this.root = new ArrayList<Element>(); } public SimpleXPath(List<Element> root) { this.root = root; } public SimpleXPath(Element element) { this(); if (element != null) { root.add(element); } } public void add(Element el) { if (el == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Trying to add null!"); } this.root.add(el); } public void addAll(Collection<Element> el) { for (Element e: el) { if (e!=null) { root.add(e); } else { throw new NullPointerException("Trying to add null!"); } } } public SimpleXPath getTags(String tagName) { SimpleXPath xp = new SimpleXPath(); for (Element e : root) { xp.addAll(e.getAllElements(tagName)); } return xp; } public SimpleXPath getAllTagByAttributes(String attribName, String attribValue) { SimpleXPath xp = new SimpleXPath(); for (Element e : root) { xp.addAll(e.getAllElements(attribName, attribValue, true)); } return xp; } public SimpleXPath filter(String attribName, String attribValue) { SimpleXPath xp = new SimpleXPath(); if (attribValue != null) { for (Element e : root) { if (attribValue.equals(e.getAttributeValue(attribName))) { xp.add(e); } } } else { for (Element e : root) { if (e.getAttributeValue(attribName)==null) { xp.add(e); } } } return xp; } public SimpleXPath filterTagName(String tagName) { SimpleXPath xp = new SimpleXPath(); for (Element e : root) { if (tagName.equals(e.getName())) { xp.add(e); } } return xp; } public SimpleXPath parentTagName(String tagName) { SimpleXPath xp = new SimpleXPath(); for (Element e : root) { if (tagName.equals(e.getParentElement().getName())) { xp.add(e); } } return xp; } public SimpleXPath children() { SimpleXPath xp = new SimpleXPath(); for (Element e : root) { xp.addAll(e.getChildElements()); } return xp; } public SimpleXPath parent() { SimpleXPath xp = new SimpleXPath(); for (Element e : root) { xp.add(e.getParentElement()); } return xp; } public SimpleXPath first() { if (root.size() > 0) { return new SimpleXPath(root.get(0)); } return this; } public Element firstElement() { if (root.size() > 0) { return root.get(0); } return null; } public boolean isEmpty() { return root.isEmpty(); } /** * @return * @see java.util.List#size() */ public int size() { return root.size(); } @Override public Iterator<Element> iterator() { return root.iterator(); } public Iterable<Element> iterable() { return root; } public List<Element> toList() { return root; } /** * * @see java.util.List#clear() */ public void clear() { root.clear(); } /** * @param index * @return * @see java.util.List#get(int) */ public Element get(int index) { return root.get(index); } public Element unique() { if (root.size() == 1) { return root.get(0); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Element list is not unique, size:"+root.size()+"\n content:"+root); } } public String getValue() { if (root.size() > 0) { return root.get(0).getTextExtractor().toString(); } return null; } @Override public String toString() { return "XPath[" + root.toString() + "]"; } }