package; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.glassfish.hk2.utilities.binding.AbstractBinder; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import cloudone.C1Application; import cloudone.C1Services; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * @author Martin Mares (martin.mares at * @author Michal Gajdos */ public class TwitterReaderApplication extends C1Application { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TwitterReaderApplication.class); private static final String MOCK_FILE_OPTION = "mockFile"; private static final String TWITTER_FILE_OPTION = "twitterApiFile"; private static final String TWITTER_KEYWORDS = "keywords"; private DataAggregator twitter; @Override public Options getOptions() { return new Options() .addOption(null, MOCK_FILE_OPTION, true, "(Mock) Twitter file with tweets.") .addOption(null, TWITTER_FILE_OPTION, true, "Twitter API properties (Consumer and Access tokens).") .addOption(null, TWITTER_KEYWORDS, true, "Keywords to look for in the twitter stream."); } @Override public void init() throws Exception { final CommandLine cmd = C1Services.getInstance().getRuntimeInfo().getCommandLine(); // Mock Twitter. final String mockFile = cmd.getOptionValue(MOCK_FILE_OPTION); final DataAggregator mockTwitter = mockFile == null ? null : new MockedTwitter(mockFile); // Real Twitter. final String apiFileName = cmd.getOptionValue(TWITTER_FILE_OPTION, ""); final File apiFile = new File(apiFileName); DataAggregator realTwitter = null; if (apiFile.exists()) { final Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(apiFile)); if (properties.getProperty("twitter.consumer.secret") == null || properties.getProperty("twitter.consumer.secret").isEmpty() || properties.getProperty("twitter.consumer.key") == null || properties.getProperty("twitter.consumer.key").isEmpty() || properties.getProperty("twitter.token.secret") == null || properties.getProperty("twitter.token.secret").isEmpty() || properties.getProperty("twitter.token.key") == null || properties.getProperty("twitter.token.key").isEmpty()) { LOGGER.warn("CAN not START twitter reader because provided properties file does not contain mandatory keys!"); } else { realTwitter = new TwitterAggregator( properties.getProperty("twitter.consumer.secret"), properties.getProperty("twitter.consumer.key"), properties.getProperty("twitter.token.secret"), properties.getProperty("twitter.token.key")); } } if (realTwitter != null && mockTwitter != null) { twitter = new CombinedAggregator(realTwitter, mockTwitter); } else if (realTwitter != null) { twitter = realTwitter; } else if (mockTwitter != null) { twitter = mockTwitter; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("No twitter client is configured."); } twitter.listener(new NewTweetListener()); } @Override public void started() { if (twitter != null) { twitter.start(C1Services.getInstance() .getRuntimeInfo() .getCommandLine() .getOptionValue(TWITTER_KEYWORDS, "javaone").split(",")); } } @Override public void shutDown() { if (twitter != null) { twitter.stop(); } } @Override public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() { return Collections.singleton(TwitterResource.class); } @Override public Set<Object> getSingletons() { return Collections.singleton(new AbstractBinder() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(twitter).to(DataAggregator.class); } }); } }