// ImportDuplicateTable package org.javamoney.examples.ez.money.gui.table; import static org.javamoney.examples.ez.common.utility.I18NHelper.getSharedProperty; import static org.javamoney.examples.ez.money.utility.RenderHelper.setLookFor; import java.awt.Component; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer; import org.javamoney.examples.ez.money.IconKeys; import org.javamoney.examples.ez.money.gui.GUIConstants; import org.javamoney.examples.ez.money.gui.table.comparator.ImportDuplicateComparator; import org.javamoney.examples.ez.money.gui.table.model.ImportDuplicateModel; import org.javamoney.examples.ez.money.model.persisted.transaction.Transaction; import org.javamoney.examples.ez.money.utility.HTMLHelper; import org.javamoney.examples.ez.common.gui.table.SortedDataTable; import java.math.BigDecimal; /** * This class facilitates displaying transactions in a table. */ public final class ImportDuplicateTable extends SortedDataTable<Transaction> { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1254833032089104242L; /** * Constructs a new table. */ public ImportDuplicateTable() { super(COLUMNS, new ImportDuplicateModel(), new ImportDuplicateComparator()); // Customize table. setGridColor(GUIConstants.COLOR_TABLE_GRID); setPreferredWidths(new int[] {60, 100, 140, 390, 110}); setRowHeight(GUIConstants.CELL_HEIGHT); setSortableColumns(new int[] {AMOUNT_COLUMN, CHECK_NUMBER_COLUMN, DATE_COLUMN, PAYEE_COLUMN}); } /** * This method adds all its transactions into the table. */ @Override public void display() { clearRows(); sort(); for(Transaction trans : getList()) { ((ImportDuplicateModel)getModel()).addRow(trans); } } /** * This method returns the object responsible for rendering the cell at the * specified row and column. * * @param row The cell's row. * @param column The cell's column. * * @return The object responsible for rendering the cell at the specified row * and column. */ @Override public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer(int row, int column) { return RENDER_HANDLER; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start of private methods. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private String buildSumToolTipText() { int[] rows = getSelectedRows(); String tip = ""; double amount = 0.0; // Add up the sum of all the selected transactions. for(int len = 0; len < rows.length; ++len) { amount += get(rows[len]).getAmount().getNumber().doubleValue(); } // Build tool tip. tip += "<html>"; tip += " <b>" + getSharedProperty("sum_tip") + "</b> <hr>"; tip += " " + HTMLHelper.formatAmount(amount); tip += "</html>"; return tip; } private String buildTooltipText(int row) { String toolTip = null; if(isRowSelected(row) == true && getSelectedRowCount() > 1) { toolTip = buildSumToolTipText(); } return toolTip; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start of inner classes. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private class CellRenderHandler extends JLabel implements TableCellRenderer { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 965263277445135398L; public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { Transaction trans = get(row); // Customize look. setLookFor(this, row, isSelected); setIcon(null); setText(value.toString()); setToolTipText(buildTooltipText(row)); // Icon. if(column == RECONCILED_COLUMN && trans.isReconciled() == true) { setIcon(IconKeys.TABLE_RECONCILED.getIcon()); } // Alignment. if(column == CHECK_NUMBER_COLUMN || column == PAYEE_COLUMN) { setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.LEFT); } else if(column == AMOUNT_COLUMN) { setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.TRAILING); } else { setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); } return this; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start of class members. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private final CellRenderHandler RENDER_HANDLER = new CellRenderHandler(); private static final String[] COLUMNS = { getSharedProperty("reconciled_short"), getSharedProperty("date"), getSharedProperty("check_number"), getSharedProperty("payee"), getSharedProperty("amount"), }; /** * The column for the transaction's amount. */ public static final int AMOUNT_COLUMN = 4; /** * The column for the transaction's check number. */ public static final int CHECK_NUMBER_COLUMN = 2; /** * The column for the transaction's date. */ public static final int DATE_COLUMN = 1; /** * The column for the transaction's payee. */ public static final int PAYEE_COLUMN = 3; /** * The column for the transaction's reconciled state. */ public static final int RECONCILED_COLUMN = 0; }