package com.javadude.annotation.processors.template; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Stack; ///* //* Code generation notes //* variable references take the form //* $<modifiers_>name<_suffix>$ //* where modifiers can be any of: //* parent //* lower //* upper //* stripPackage //* and suffix can be any text that is ignored (suffix allows creation //* of unique names for the java compilation below to work) //* //* All lines ending in //#DUMMY are stripped //* //* All multi-line comments have the delimiters removed and then the //* text is processed as normal. This allows expressions in places //* that aren't possible in java (like specifying the method access //* modifiers) //* //* FOREACH blocks push the elements on the stack one at a time //* making their child attributes available in scope. //* //* //? conditions have special variables FIRST and LAST to //* indicate looping //* //* conditions can use booleans for true/false and pointers //* (null = false, non-null = true) //*/ public class TemplateReader { private ConditionParser conditionParser = new ConditionParser(); public Processor readTemplate(Reader reader) { BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; try { try { Template template = new Template(-1); bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader); String lineText; int lineNumber = 0; Stack<CompositeProcessor> currentComposite = new Stack<CompositeProcessor>(); currentComposite.push(template); while ((lineText = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { lineNumber++; // check for directives int i = lineText.indexOf("//#"); if (i != -1) { // it's a directive (DUMMY, FOREACH, IF, END) if (lineText.regionMatches(i+3, "DUMMY", 0, 5)) continue; // skip the line // check if anything before "//" is non-whitespace for (int n = 0; n < i; n++) if (!Character.isWhitespace(lineText.charAt(n))) throw new ExpressionException("Non-whitespace before //#FOREACH, //#IF or //#END is not allowed"); if (lineText.regionMatches(i+3, "END", 0, 3)) { // can have comment text after the end currentComposite.pop(); if (currentComposite.isEmpty()) { throw new ExpressionException("Too many //#END directives in template detected on line " + lineText); } } else if (lineText.regionMatches(i+3, "FOREACH", 0, 7)) { String expression = lineText.substring(i+10).trim(); ForEach forEach = new ForEach(lineNumber, expression); currentComposite.peek().add(forEach); currentComposite.push(forEach); } else if (lineText.regionMatches(i+3, "IF", 0, 2)) { String expression = lineText.substring(i+5).trim(); If if1 = new If(lineNumber, conditionParser.parse(expression, lineNumber)); currentComposite.peek().add(if1); currentComposite.push(if1); } continue; // done with directives } // check for conditional inclusion of the line Condition condition = null; i = lineText.indexOf("//?"); if (i != -1) { condition = conditionParser.parse(lineText.substring(i + 3), lineNumber); lineText = lineText.substring(0, i); } Line line = new Line(lineNumber, condition); currentComposite.peek().add(line); // chop of rest of line into text and variable refs boolean inVariable = false; int start = 0; // System.out.println("line:" + lineText); lineText = lineText.replace("/**", "[##").replace("**/", "##]"); lineText = lineText.replace("/*", "").replace("*/", ""); lineText = lineText.replace("[##", "/**").replace("##]", "**/"); // trim trailing spaces i = lineText.length() - 1; while (i > -1 && Character.isWhitespace(lineText.charAt(i))) i--; lineText = lineText.substring(0, i + 1); i = 0; while (true) { if (i >= lineText.length()) break; char c = lineText.charAt(i++); if (!inVariable) { if (c == '$') { inVariable = true; line.add(new Text(lineText.substring(start, i-1))); // System.out.println(" text:" + lineText.substring(start, i-1) + ':'); start = i; } } else { if (c == '$') { inVariable = false; line.add(new VariableReference(lineText.substring(start, i-1))); // System.out.println(" variable ref:" + lineText.substring(start, i-1) + ':'); start = i; } } } if (inVariable) throw new ExpressionException("Mismatched '$' on line " + lineNumber + " position " + (start-1)); if (start < lineText.length()) { line.add(new Text(lineText.substring(start))); // System.out.println(" text:" + lineText.substring(start) + ':'); } } if (currentComposite.size() != 1) { throw new ExpressionException("Not enough //#END directives in template detected at end of file"); } return template; } finally { if (bufferedReader != null) { bufferedReader.close(); reader = null; } if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExpressionException("IO Error reading template", e); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("/eclipse34/javadude-workspace/com.javadude.annotation/src/$packageName$/$className$"); new TemplateReader().readTemplate(fileReader); } }