package org.osgl.util; import org.osgl.$; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Provide default implementation to some {@link C.Traversable} interface */ public abstract class TraversableBase<T> extends FeaturedBase implements C.Traversable<T> { private volatile int hc_; @Override protected EnumSet<C.Feature> initFeatures() { return EnumSet.of(C.Feature.LAZY, C.Feature.READONLY); } /** * Iterate through this traversal and apply the visitor function specified * to each element iterated * * @param visitor */ public TraversableBase<T> forEach($.Function<? super T, ?> visitor) { C.forEach(this, visitor); return this; } /** * Sub class can override this method to provide more efficient algorithm to * generate hash code. The default implementation use * {@link $#iterableHashCode(Iterable)} to generate the hash code * * @return hash code of this traversal */ protected int generateHashCode() { return $.iterableHashCode(this); } /** * Iterate through the traversal to aggregate hash code of * all element. If the traversal is {@link C.Feature#IMMUTABLE} * a cached hashcode will be {@link #generateHashCode() generated} * at first time calling this method and returned directly for * the following calls * * @return the hash code of this traversal */ @Override public int hashCode() { if (!is(C.Feature.LIMITED)) { return super.hashCode(); } if (is(C.Feature.IMMUTABLE)) { if (0 == hc_) { hc_ = generateHashCode(); } return hc_; } else { return generateHashCode(); } } @Override public C.Traversable<T> lazy() { setFeature(C.Feature.LAZY); return this; } @Override public C.Traversable<T> eager() { unsetFeature(C.Feature.LAZY); return this; } @Override public C.Traversable<T> parallel() { setFeature(C.Feature.PARALLEL); return this; } @Override public C.Traversable<T> sequential() { unsetFeature(C.Feature.PARALLEL); return this; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return !iterator().hasNext(); } /** * Iterate through the traversal to apply the accumulator to * the result of previous application and the element being * iterated. If the traversal is empty then return the * identity specified * * @param identity the identity value for the accumulating function * @param accumulator the function the combine two values * @param <R> the type of the identity and the return value * @return the reduce result */ @Override public <R> R reduce(R identity, $.Func2<R, T, R> accumulator) { R ret = identity; for (T t : this) { ret = accumulator.apply(ret, t); } return ret; } /** * Iterate through the traversal to apply the accumulator to * the result of previous application and the element being iterated. * If the traversal is empty then return {@link $.Option#NONE}, * otherwise an {@link $.Option} wrapping the accumulated result * is returned * * @param accumulator the function the combine two values * @return {@code _.NONE} if the traversal is empty or an option describing * the final accumulated value */ @Override public $.Option<T> reduce($.Func2<T, T, T> accumulator) { Iterator<T> itr = iterator(); if (!itr.hasNext()) { return $.none(); } T ret =; while (itr.hasNext()) { ret = accumulator.apply(ret,; } return $.some(ret); } /** * Iterate the traversal to check if any element applied to the predicate * the iteration process stop when the element is found and return * an option describing the element. If no element applied to the predicate * then {@link $.Option#NONE} is returned * * @param predicate the function map element to Boolean * @return an option describing the element match the predicate or none * if no such element found in the traversal */ @Override public $.Option<T> findOne($.Function<? super T, Boolean> predicate) { for (T t : this) { if (predicate.apply(t)) { return $.some(t); } } return $.none(); } @Override public boolean anyMatch($.Function<? super T, Boolean> predicate) { return findOne(predicate).isDefined(); } @Override public boolean noneMatch($.Function<? super T, Boolean> predicate) { return !anyMatch(predicate); } @Override public boolean allMatch($.Function<? super T, Boolean> predicate) { return noneMatch($.F.negate(predicate)); } @Override public C.Traversable<T> accept($.Function<? super T, ?> visitor) { return forEach(visitor); } @Override public C.Traversable<T> each($.Function<? super T, ?> visitor) { return forEach(visitor); } @Override public <R> C.Traversable<R> map($.Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper) { return MappedTrav.of(this, mapper); } @Override public <R> C.Traversable<R> flatMap($.Function<? super T, ? extends Iterable<? extends R>> mapper ) { return FlatMappedTrav.of(this, mapper); } @Override public C.Traversable<T> filter($.Function<? super T, Boolean> predicate) { return FilteredTrav.of(this, predicate); } }