package jpaoletti.jpm.struts.actions; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import jpaoletti.jpm.core.PMCoreConstants; import jpaoletti.jpm.core.PMException; import jpaoletti.jpm.core.exception.NotAuthenticatedException; import jpaoletti.jpm.core.exception.NotAuthorizedException; import jpaoletti.jpm.core.message.MessageFactory; import jpaoletti.jpm.core.operations.OperationCommandSupport; import jpaoletti.jpm.struts.*; import jpaoletti.jpm.struts.tags.PMTags; import org.apache.struts.action.*; /** * A super class for all actions with some helpers and generic stuff * * @author jpaoletti */ public abstract class ActionSupport extends Action implements PMCoreConstants, PMStrutsConstants { public static final String ACTION_NAME = "action_name"; protected abstract void doExecute(PMStrutsContext ctx) throws PMException; /** * Forces execute to check if any user is logged in */ protected boolean checkUser() { return true; } protected boolean prepare(PMStrutsContext ctx) throws PMException { if (checkUser() && ctx.getPmsession() == null) { //Force logout final PMEntitySupport es = PMEntitySupport.getInstance(); ctx.getSession().invalidate(); es.setContext_path(ctx.getRequest().getContextPath()); ctx.getSession().setAttribute(ENTITY_SUPPORT, es); ctx.getRequest().setAttribute("reload", 1); throw new NotAuthenticatedException(); } return true; } @Override public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { final PMStrutsContext ctx = (PMStrutsContext) request.getAttribute("ctx"); ctx.setMapping(mapping); ctx.setForm(form); final Object pmid = ctx.getParameter("pmid"); ctx.put(OperationCommandSupport.PM_ID, pmid); ctx.getRequest().setAttribute("pmid", pmid); final Object item = ctx.getParameter("item"); ctx.put(OperationCommandSupport.PM_ITEM, item); ctx.getRequest().setAttribute("item", item); ctx.getPersistenceManager(); // deprecated. Used to back compat try { boolean step = prepare(ctx); if (step) { excecute(ctx); } return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS); } catch (NoActionForward e) { //For direct writing return null; } catch (PMForwardException e) { if (e.getActionForward() != null) { return e.getActionForward(); } else { return mapping.findForward(e.getKey()); } } catch (NotAuthenticatedException e) { return ctx.fwdLogin(); } catch (NotAuthorizedException e) { return ctx.fwdDeny(); } catch (PMException e) { ctx.getPresentationManager().debug(this, e); if (e.getKey() != null) { ctx.addMessage(MessageFactory.error(e.getKey())); } else if (e.getMsg() != null) { ctx.addMessage(e.getMsg()); } return mapping.findForward(FAILURE); } } /** * Return the context path of the application */ protected String getContextPath() { return PMEntitySupport.getInstance().getContext_path(); } protected void excecute(PMStrutsContext ctx) throws PMException { doExecute(ctx); } /** * Consider the operation successful and redirect or forward to the given * url * * @param ctx Context * @param url Next url * @param redirect If true, redirects, else, forwards * * @throws PMForwardException always */ protected void success(PMStrutsContext ctx, String url, boolean redirect) throws PMForwardException { if (ctx.getOperation() != null && ctx.getOperation().getFollows() != null) { final String plainUrl = PMTags.plainUrl( ctx.getPmsession(), "/" + ctx.getOperation().getFollows() + ".do?pmid=" + ctx.getEntity().getId()).substring(getContextPath().length()); throw new PMForwardException(new ActionRedirect(plainUrl)); } else { final String plainUrl = PMTags.plainUrl(ctx.getPmsession(), url).substring(getContextPath().length()); if (redirect) { throw new PMForwardException(new ActionRedirect(plainUrl)); } else { throw new PMForwardException(new ActionForward(plainUrl)); } } } /** * Consider the operation done by the Action and does not forward to any * know action. This mus be used in case the Action resolves de output * without any need of forward or redirect. url * * @throws PMForwardException always */ protected void noAction() throws PMForwardException { throw new NoActionForward(); } /** * Just a helper to return a serialized object with jSON. * * Specially useful dealing with encoding problems */ protected void jSONSuccess(PMStrutsContext ctx, Object object) throws PMForwardException { final String toJson = new Gson().toJson(object); ctx.put(PM_VOID_TEXT, toJson); success(ctx, "converters/void.jsp", false); } }