/* * Copyright 2012-2015 Cenote GmbH. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.cenote.jasperstarter.types; /** * * @author Volker Voßkämper <vvo at cenote.de> * @version $Revision: 5b92831f1a80:54 branch:default $ */ public interface Dest { public static String COMMAND = "command"; public static String OUTPUT_FORMATS = "output-formats"; // -f public static String INPUT = "input"; // <input> public static String OUTPUT = "output"; // -o public static String LOCALE = "locale"; // --locale public static String DEBUG = "debug"; // -v public static String ASK = "ask"; // -a public static String PARAMS = "params"; // -P public static String RESOURCE = "resource"; // -r public static String DS_TYPE = "db-type"; // -t public static String DB_HOST = "db-host"; // -H public static String DB_USER = "db-user"; // -u public static String DB_PASSWD = "db-passwd"; // -p public static String DB_NAME = "db-name"; // -n public static String DB_SID = "db-sid"; // --db-sid public static String DB_PORT = "db-port"; // --db-port public static String DB_DRIVER = "db-driver"; // --db-driver public static String DB_URL = "db-url"; // --db-url public static String JDBC_DIR = "jdbc-dir"; // --jdbc-dir public static String DATA_FILE = "data-file"; // --data-file public static String CSV_FIRST_ROW = "csv-first-row"; // --csv-first-row public static String CSV_COLUMNS = "csv-columns"; // --csv-columns public static String CSV_RECORD_DEL = "csv-record-del"; // --csv-record-del public static String CSV_FIELD_DEL = "csv-field-del"; // --csv-field-del public static String CSV_CHARSET = "csv-charset"; // --csv-charset public static String XML_XPATH = "xml-xpath"; // --xml-xpath public static String JSON_QUERY = "json-query"; // --json-query public static String OUT_FIELD_DEL = "out-field-del"; // --out-field-del public static String OUT_CHARSET = "out-charset"; // --out-charset public static String PRINTER_NAME = "printer-name"; // -N public static String WITH_PRINT_DIALOG = "with-print-dialog"; // -d public static String REPORT_NAME = "set-report-name"; // -s public static String WRITE_JASPER = "write-jasper"; // -w, --write-jasper public static String COPIES = "copies"; // -c }