package janala; import dk.brics.automaton.Automaton; import dk.brics.automaton.RegExp; import dk.brics.automaton.State; import janala.config.Config; import janala.instrument.Coverage; import janala.interpreters.OrValue; import janala.utils.MyLogger; import janala.utils.Inputs; import*; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** Main runtime environment for parsing inputs and writing state files. */ public class Main { private final static Logger logger = MyLogger.getLogger(Coverage.class.getName()); public static boolean isInPrefix = true; public static boolean skipPath = false; private static Inputs inputs; private static int scopeDepth; private static int inputDepth; static { scopeDepth = 0; inputDepth = 0; inputs = new Inputs(Config.instance.inputs); } /** Set the inputs of the system. */ static void setInput(Inputs inputsOverride) { inputs = inputsOverride; } private static boolean isInputAvailable() { if (inputs.isInputAvailable() && scopeDepth >= inputDepth) { return !inputs.isBeginScope() && !inputs.isEndScope(); } return false; } public static void SkipPath() { skipPath = true; } public static void Ignore() {} public static void Assume(int b) { if (b == 0) { System.out.println("Assumption failed!"); System.exit(0); } } public static void ForceTruth(int b) { if (b == 0) { System.out.print("f,"); } else { System.out.print("t,"); } } public static void BeginScope() { scopeDepth++; if (inputs.isInputAvailable()) { if (inputs.isBeginScope()) {; inputDepth++; } } } public static void EndScope() { scopeDepth--; while (true) { if (scopeDepth >= inputDepth) { return; } if (inputs.isInputAvailable()) { if (inputs.isBeginScope()) { inputDepth++; } else if (inputs.isEndScope()) { inputDepth--; }; } } } /** Insert a check that an abstract value is equal to the concrete value. * @param predicate */ public static void AbstractEqualsConcrete(boolean predicate) {} public static boolean compare(Object a, Object b) { return a.equals(b); } public static OrValue AssumeOrBegin(int b) { return new OrValue(b != 0); } public static OrValue AssumeOr(int b, OrValue b2) { return new OrValue(b != 0 || b2.boolValue()); } public static void AssumeOrEnd(OrValue b) { if (!b.boolValue()) { System.out.println("Assumption (OR) failed!"); System.exit(0); } } // These functions will be handled in the concolic interpreter. /** * @param intValue */ public static void MakeSymbolic(int intValue) {} /** * @param longValue */ public static void MakeSymbolic(long longValue) {} /** * @param charValue */ public static void MakeSymbolic(char charValue) {} /** * @param byteValue */ public static void MakeSymbolic(byte byteValue) {} /** * @param shortValue */ public static void MakeSymbolic(short shortValue) {} /** * @param boolValue */ public static void MakeSymbolic(boolean boolValue) {} /** * @param stringValue */ public static void MakeSymbolic(String stringValue) {} public static int readInt(int x) { if (isInputAvailable()) { String input =; return Integer.parseInt(input); } else { return x; } } public static long readLong(long x) { if (isInputAvailable()) { String input =; //System.out.println(input); return Long.parseLong(input); } else { //System.out.println(x); return x; } } public static char readChar(char x) { if (isInputAvailable()) { String input =; return (char) Integer.parseInt(input); } else { //System.out.println(x); return x; } } public static short readShort(short x) { if (isInputAvailable()) { String input =; return Short.parseShort(input); } else { return x; } } public static byte readByte(byte x) { if (isInputAvailable()) { String input =; return Byte.parseByte(input); } else { return x; } } public static boolean readBool(boolean x) { if (isInputAvailable()) { String input =; boolean ret = Integer.parseInt(input) != 0; return ret; } else { return x; } } public static String readString(String x) { if (isInputAvailable()) { String input =; return new String(input); } else { //System.out.println(x); return new String(x); } } private static State pathsState; private static String pathRegex; private static String eventPrefix = ""; private static boolean isRealInput = true; public static void setRealInput(boolean isReal) { Writer writer = null; try { if (isRealInput) { writer = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("isRealInput"), "utf-8")); writer.write("" + isReal); isRealInput = isReal; } } catch (IOException ex) { } finally { try { writer.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } public static void event(String eventName) { eventPrefix = eventPrefix + " " + eventName; int i, len = eventName.length(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = eventName.charAt(i); pathsState = pathsState.step(c); if (pathsState == null) { System.out.println( "Pruning path as event prefix '" + eventPrefix + "' is not in regular expression '" + pathRegex + "'"); Main.setRealInput(false); System.exit(0); } } } public static void pathRegex(String regex) { pathRegex = regex; Automaton pathsAutomaton = (new RegExp(regex)).toAutomaton(); //System.out.println(pathsAutomaton.toDot()); pathsState = pathsAutomaton.getInitialState(); } private static TreeMap<String, HashSet<Serializable>> oldStates; private static boolean oldStatesChanged = false; public static void readOldStates() { if (oldStates == null) { ObjectInputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(Config.instance.oldStates)); Object tmp = inputStream.readObject(); if (tmp instanceof TreeMap<?,?>) { oldStates = (TreeMap<String, HashSet<Serializable>>) tmp; } else { oldStates = new TreeMap<String, HashSet<Serializable>>(); } } catch (Exception e) { oldStates = new TreeMap<String, HashSet<Serializable>>(); } finally { try { if (inputStream != null) { inputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "", ex); } } } } public static void writeOldStates() { if (oldStatesChanged) { ObjectOutputStream outputStream; try { outputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(Config.instance.oldStates)); outputStream.writeObject(oldStates); outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e); System.exit(1); } } } public static void equivalent(String location, Serializable value) { if (!isInPrefix) { readOldStates(); HashSet<Serializable> states = oldStates.get(location); if (states == null) { states = new HashSet<Serializable>(); oldStates.put(location, states); states.add(value); oldStatesChanged = true; } else { if (!states.contains(value)) { states.add(value); oldStatesChanged = true; } else { System.out.println("Pruning path as equivalent state found"); Main.setRealInput(false); System.exit(0); } } } } }