package com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.fetcher; import com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.dto.SummaryMetricValueDto; import com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.dto.SummarySingleDto; import com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.dto.MetricNameDto; import com.griddynamics.jagger.dbapi.util.MetricNameUtil; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; @Component public class ValidatorSummaryFetcher extends DbMetricDataFetcher<SummarySingleDto> { @Override protected Set<SummarySingleDto> fetchData(List<MetricNameDto> metricNames) { if (metricNames.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } Set<Long> taskIds = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> metricIds = new HashSet<>(); for (MetricNameDto metricName : metricNames) { taskIds.addAll(metricName.getTaskIds()); metricIds.add(metricName.getMetricName()); } List<Object[]> validators = entityManager.createNativeQuery( "SELECT vr.validator,, vr.failed, selected.sessionId, FROM ValidationResultEntity vr JOIN (" + "SELECT AS wid, wd.sessionId, FROM WorkloadData wd JOIN (" + " SELECT td.taskId, td.sessionId, FROM TaskData td WHERE IN (:ids)" + ") AS selected ON wd.sessionId=selected.sessionId AND wd.taskId=selected.taskId" + ") AS selected ON vr.workloadData_id=selected.wid AND vr.validator IN (:names);") .setParameter("ids", taskIds) .setParameter("names", metricIds) .getResultList(); if (validators.isEmpty()) { log.warn("Could not find data for {}", metricNames); return Collections.emptySet(); } Map<Long, Map<String, MetricNameDto>> mappedMetricDtos = MetricNameUtil.getMappedMetricDtos(metricNames); Map<MetricNameDto, SummarySingleDto> resultMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Object[] mas : validators) { BigInteger taskId = (BigInteger) mas[4]; String metricId = (String) mas[0]; MetricNameDto metricNameDto; try { metricNameDto = mappedMetricDtos.get(taskId.longValue()).get(metricId); if (metricNameDto == null) { // means that we fetched data that we had not wanted to fetch continue; } } catch (NullPointerException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not find appropriate MetricDto : " + taskId); } if (!resultMap.containsKey(metricNameDto)) { SummarySingleDto metricDto = new SummarySingleDto(); metricDto.setMetricName(metricNameDto); metricDto.setValues(new HashSet<>()); resultMap.put(metricNameDto, metricDto); } SummarySingleDto metricDto = resultMap.get(metricNameDto); Integer total = (Integer) mas[1]; Integer failed = (Integer) mas[2]; if (total == null || failed == null) continue; SummaryMetricValueDto value = new SummaryMetricValueDto(); BigDecimal percentage = BigDecimal.ZERO; if (total != 0) { percentage = new BigDecimal(total - failed) .divide(new BigDecimal(total), 3, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); } value.setValue(percentage.toString()); value.setSessionId(Long.parseLong((String) mas[3])); metricDto.getValues().add(value); } return new HashSet<>(resultMap.values()); } }