/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jackrabbit.core; import java.util.Random; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.NodeIterator; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.integration.random.operation.Operation; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.check.ConsistencyReport; /** * <code>ConcurrentAddMoveRemoveTest</code> performs a test with 5 threads which * concurrently add, (workspace) move and remove nodes. This test is intended to * make sure these concurrent actions don't lead to inconsistencies in the database. * See also: JCR-3292. */ public class ConcurrentAddMoveRemoveTest extends AbstractConcurrencyTest { private static final int RUN_NUM_SECONDS = 20; private long end; private String folder1Path; private String folder2Path; protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); end = System.currentTimeMillis() + RUN_NUM_SECONDS * 1000; folder1Path = testRootNode.addNode("folder1").getPath(); folder2Path = testRootNode.addNode("folder2").getPath(); testRootNode.getSession().save(); } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { ConsistencyReport consistencyReport = TestHelper.checkConsistency(testRootNode.getSession(), false, null); //for (ReportItem item : consistencyReport.getItems()) { // System.out.println(item.getMessage()); //} assertTrue(consistencyReport.getItems().size() == 0); super.tearDown(); } public void testRandomOperations() throws RepositoryException { runTask(new AddMoveRemoveTask(end, folder1Path, folder2Path), 5, testRootNode.getPath()); } public static class AddMoveRemoveTask implements Task { private final long end; private final String folder1Path; private final String folder2Path; private final Random random = new Random(); public AddMoveRemoveTask(long end, String folder1Path, String folder2Path) { this.end = end; this.folder1Path = folder1Path; this.folder2Path = folder2Path; } public void execute(final Session session, final Node test) throws RepositoryException { while (end > System.currentTimeMillis()) { try { getRandomOperation(session).execute(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { // RepositoryExceptions are expected during concurrent actions. session.refresh(false); } catch (Exception e) { // only a RepositoryException is allowed from a Task throw new RepositoryException("Failure during concurrent execution", e); } } } private Operation getRandomOperation(Session session) throws RepositoryException { switch (random.nextInt(3)) { case 0: return new Add(session, getRandomParent()); case 1: { String folderPath = getRandomParent(); return new WorkspaceMove(session, getRandomChild(session, folderPath), folderPath.equals(folder1Path) ? folder2Path : folder1Path); } default: { String folderPath = getRandomParent(); return new Remove(session, getRandomChild(session, folderPath)); } } } private String getRandomChild(Session session, String parentPath) throws RepositoryException { Node parent = session.getNode(parentPath); NodeIterator nodes = parent.getNodes(); int size = (int) nodes.getSize(); if (size > 0) { int i = 1; int offset = random.nextInt(size); while (nodes.hasNext()) { if (i == offset) { return nodes.nextNode().getPath(); } nodes.nextNode(); i++; } } return null; } private String getRandomParent() { switch (random.nextInt(2)) { case 0: return folder1Path; default: return folder2Path; } } private class Add extends Operation { private final String name; public Add(Session s, String folderPath) { super(s, folderPath); this.name = getRandomText(4); } @Override public NodeIterator execute() throws Exception { getNode().addNode(name); getSession().save(); return null; } } private class Remove extends Operation { public Remove(Session s, String path) { super(s, path); } @Override public NodeIterator execute() throws Exception { if (getPath() != null) { getNode().remove(); getSession().save(); } return null; } } private class WorkspaceMove extends Operation { private final String folderPath; public WorkspaceMove(Session s, String path, String folderPath) { super(s, path); this.folderPath = folderPath; } @Override public NodeIterator execute() throws Exception { if (getPath() != null) { String destination = folderPath + "/" + getRandomText(4); getSession().getWorkspace().move(getPath(), destination); } return null; } } } }