* HistoryModel.java - History list model
* :tabSize=4:indentSize=4:noTabs=false:
* :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1:
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2005 Slava Pestov
* Copyright (C) 2010 Eric Le Lay
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui;
//{{{ Imports
import javax.swing.DefaultListModel;
import java.util.*;
/** A named history list
* One history list can be used by several history text
* fields. Note that the list model implementation is incomplete; no events
* are fired when the history model changes.
* The max size of the history is defined globally via setDefaultMax(),
* see jEdit.java for instance.
* It may be locally overriden by calling setMax() on a HistoryModel instance.
* @author Slava Pestov
* @author Eric Le Lay
* @version $Id$
public class HistoryModel extends DefaultListModel<String>
implements MutableListModel<String>
//{{{ HistoryModel constructor
* Creates a new history list. Calling this is normally not
* necessary.
public HistoryModel(String name)
this.name = name;
this.max = -1;
this.maxSize = -1;
} //}}}
//{{{ addItem() method
* Adds an item to the end of this history list, trimming the list
* to the maximum number of items if necessary.
* @param text The item
public void addItem(String text)
if(text == null || text.length() == 0)
// Don't add duplicates
int index = indexOf(text);
if (index == 0)
if (index != -1)
// Make room so that adding this new item doesn't cause the history model to run
// over its maximum size
int myMaxSize = (maxSize == -1) ? defaultMaxSize : maxSize;
if (text.length() > myMaxSize)
// ??? Is this really correct?
int currentSize = getCurrentSize();
while (currentSize + text.length() > myMaxSize)
currentSize -= getItem(getSize() - 1).length();
removeElementAt(getSize() - 1);
// use the local max unless it's not set
int myMax = max>=0 ? max : defaultMax;
while(getSize() > myMax)
removeElementAt(getSize() - 1);
} //}}}
//{{{ insertElementAt() method
public void insertElementAt(String obj, int index)
modified = true;
} //}}}
//{{{ getItem() method
* Returns an item from the history list.
* @param index The index
public String getItem(int index)
return (String)elementAt(index);
} //}}}
//{{{ removeElement() method
public boolean removeElement(Object obj)
modified = true;
return super.removeElement(obj);
} //}}}
//{{{ removeAllElements() method
public void removeAllElements()
modified = true;
} //}}}
//{{{ getName() method
* Returns the name of this history list. This can be passed
* to the HistoryTextField constructor.
public String getName()
return name;
} //}}}
//{{{ getModel() method
* Returns a named model. If the specified model does not
* already exist, it will be created.
* @param name The model name
public static HistoryModel getModel(String name)
if(models == null)
models = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, HistoryModel>());
HistoryModel model = models.get(name);
if(model == null)
model = new HistoryModel(name);
return model;
} //}}}
//{{{ loadHistory() method
public static void loadHistory()
if (saver != null)
models = saver.load(models);
} //}}}
//{{{ saveHistory() method
public static void saveHistory()
if (saver != null && modified && saver.save(models))
modified = false;
} //}}}
//{{{ setMax() method
* sets the maximum size of this history
* @param max the new maximum size of this history of -1 to restore default
public void setMax(int max)
this.max = max;
} //}}}
//{{{ getMax() method
* @return maximum size of this history or -1 is it's the default size
public int getMax()
return max;
} //}}}
//{{{ setMaxSize() method
* Sets the maximum size (in characters) for this history model
* @param max the new maximum size for the history model, or -1 to restore the default
* @since jEdit 4.5pre1
public void setMaxSize(int max)
this.maxSize = max;
} //}}}
//{{{ getMaxSize() method
* @return the maximum size (in characters) for this history model, or -1 for the default
* @since jEdit 4.5pre1
public int getMaxSize()
return maxSize;
} //}}}
//{{{ setDefaultMax() method
* Sets the default size of all HistoryModels.
* Affects the VFS path history, the hypersearch history, etc..
* To change the max size of one history, call setMax() instead.
public static void setDefaultMax(int max)
HistoryModel.defaultMax = max;
} //}}}
//{{{ getDefaultMax() method
* Gets the default size of all HistoryModels.
* @return default size limit for HistoryModels
public static int getDefaultMax()
return HistoryModel.defaultMax;
} //}}}
//{{{ setDefaultMaxSize() method
* Sets the default max size (in characters) for all history models. To change the max
* size of one history, call {@link #setMaxSize} instead.
* @since jEdit 4.5pre1
public static void setDefaultMaxSize(int newMax)
HistoryModel.defaultMaxSize = newMax;
} //}}}
//{{{ getDefaultMaxSize() method
* Gets the default maximum size (in characters) for all history models.
* @since jEdit 4.5pre1
public static int getDefaultMaxSize()
return HistoryModel.defaultMaxSize;
} //}}}
//{{{ setSaver() method
public static void setSaver(HistoryModelSaver saver)
HistoryModel.saver = saver;
} //}}}
//{{{ Private members
private int max;
private static int defaultMax;
private int maxSize;
private static int defaultMaxSize;
private final String name;
private static Map<String, HistoryModel> models;
private static boolean modified;
private static HistoryModelSaver saver;
//{{{ getCurrentSize() method
* Gets the current size (in characters) of the entire history model.
private int getCurrentSize()
int currentSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < getSize(); i++)
currentSize += getItem(i).length();
return currentSize;