package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.Assert; import junit.framework.TestCase; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.util.Base64; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.nortal.jroad.client.service.configuration.provider.XTeeProviderPropertiesResolver; /** * @author ats.uiboupin */ public class DhlXTeeServiceImplTest extends TestCase { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DhlXTeeServiceImplTest.class); private static DhlXTeeService dhl; private static XTeeProviderPropertiesResolver propertiesResolver; private static String senderRegNr; private static List<String> receivedDocumentIds; private static boolean receivedDocumentsFailed; private static List<String> receiveFaileddDocumentIds; private static Set<String> sentDocIds = new HashSet<String>(); private static Map<String, String> dvkOrgList; private static final String RECEIVE_OUTPUT_DIR = System.getProperty(""); private static final String DVK_ORGANIZATIONS_CACHEFILE = RECEIVE_OUTPUT_DIR + "/dvkOrganizationsCache.ser"; private static final File TEST_FILES_TO_SEND_FOLDER = new File("src/test/resources/testFilesToSend"); private static boolean markOnlyTestDocumentsRead = true; private static DhlXTeeService.DvkOrganizationsUpdateStrategy cachePeriodUpdateStrategy // = new DhlXTeeService.DvkOrganizationsCacheingUpdateStrategy().setMaxUpdateInterval(24).setTimeUnit(Calendar.HOUR); private static List<String> recipients; private boolean executedGetSendingOptions; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); if (dhl == null) { // final ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("service-impl-test.xml"); final ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("client-test.xml"); dhl = (DhlXTeeService) context.getBean("dhlXTeeService"); propertiesResolver = (XTeeProviderPropertiesResolver) context.getBean("xTeeServicePropertiesResolver"); } senderRegNr = propertiesResolver.getProperty("x-tee.institution"); recipients = Arrays.asList(senderRegNr); // testiks nii saatjale endale kui INTERINX OÜ(10425769) } // shared with higher level test classes of dvk service public static List<String> getRecipients() { senderRegNr = senderRegNr == null ? "10391131" : senderRegNr; recipients = Arrays.asList( senderRegNr // Saatjale endale // , "44000122" // Tallinna Ülikooli Ajaloo Instituut // , "64000122" // Tallinna Ülikooli Infoteaduse Instituut // , "54000122" // Tallinna Ülikooli Psühholoogia Instituut ); return recipients; } public void testWarmUp() { log.debug("warmup done to get better time measure for the first test"); } public void testGetSendingOptions() { dvkOrgList = dhl.getSendingOptions(); writeCacheToFile(dvkOrgList, Calendar.getInstance()); log.debug("got " + dvkOrgList.size() + " organizations:"); assertTrue(dvkOrgList.size() > 0); for (String regNr : dvkOrgList.keySet()) { log.debug("\tregNr: " + regNr + "\t- " + dvkOrgList.get(regNr)); } executedGetSendingOptions = true; } public void testGetDvkOrganizationsHelper() { log.debug("testGetDvkOrganizationsHelper dhl=" + dhl); GetDvkOrganizationsHelper dvkOrganizationsHelper = dhl.getDvkOrganizationsHelper(); dvkOrganizationsHelper.setUpdateStrategy(cachePeriodUpdateStrategy); final Object[] cacheAndTime = readCacheFromFile(); if (cacheAndTime != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map<String, String> cacheFromFile = (Map<String, String>) cacheAndTime[0]; dvkOrganizationsHelper.setDvkOrganizationsCache(cacheFromFile); cachePeriodUpdateStrategy.setLastUpdated((Calendar) cacheAndTime[1]); } // dvkOrganizationsHelper.setUpdateStrategy(neverUpdateStrategy); Map<String, String> dvkOrganizationsCache = dvkOrganizationsHelper.getDvkOrganizationsCache(); assertTrue(dvkOrganizationsCache.size() > 0); if (executedGetSendingOptions) { // if executed getSendingOptions service call, lets compare results assertEquals(dvkOrgList.size(), dvkOrganizationsCache.size()); for (String regNr : dvkOrgList.keySet()) { String orgName = dvkOrgList.get(regNr); String cachedOrgName = dvkOrganizationsCache.get(regNr); assertNotNull(orgName); assertNotNull(cachedOrgName); assertTrue(orgName.equalsIgnoreCase(cachedOrgName)); } String testRegNr = dvkOrgList.keySet().iterator().next(); String testOrgName = dvkOrgList.get(testRegNr); String cachedOrgName = dvkOrganizationsHelper.getOrganizationName(testRegNr); assertEquals(cachedOrgName, testOrgName); } } public void testSendDocuments() { final Set<ContentToSend> contentsToSend = getContentsToSend(); AadressType[] recipientsArray = new AadressType[recipients.size()]; assertTrue(recipients.size() > 0); for (int i = 0; i < recipientsArray.length; i++) { recipientsArray[i] = getRecipient(recipients.get(i)); } sentDocIds = dhl.sendDocuments(contentsToSend, recipientsArray, getSenderAddress(), null, null); assertTrue("Supprize! sendDocuments indeed can return multiple dhl_id's! sentDocIds=" + sentDocIds, sentDocIds.size() > 0); for (String dhlId : sentDocIds) {"\tdocument sent to DVK, dhlId=" + dhlId); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(dhlId)); } } public void testGetSendStatus1() { final List<Item> items = dhl.getSendStatuses(sentDocIds); log.debug("got " + items.size() + " items with send statuses:"); assertTrue("expected to receive at least one DVK dokument, but got " + items.size(), items.size() > 0 || sentDocIds.size() == 0); for (Item item : items) { log.debug("\titem=" + item); String dhlId = item.getDhlId(); String olek = item.getOlek(); Assert.assertNotNull(dhlId); Assert.assertNotNull(olek); log.debug("\tdhlId=" + dhlId); log.debug("\tolek=" + olek); assertTrue(SendStatus.get(olek).equals(SENT)); List<Edastus> edastusList = item.getEdastusList(); log.debug("\tedastusList " + edastusList.size()); Assert.assertTrue(edastusList.size() > 0); for (Edastus edastus : edastusList) { log.debug("\t\tedastus=" + edastus); Calendar saadud = edastus.getSaadud(); EdastusDocument.Edastus.Meetod.Enum meetod = edastus.getMeetod(); Calendar loetud = edastus.getLoetud(); EdastusDocument.Edastus.Staatus.Enum staatus = edastus.getStaatus(); BigInteger vStaatus = edastus.getVastuvotjaStaatusId(); log.debug("\t\tsaadud=" + saadud); log.debug("\t\t\tmeetod=" + meetod); log.debug("\t\tloetud=" + loetud); log.debug("\t\tstaatus=" + staatus); assertTrue(SendStatus.get(staatus).equals(SENT)); log.debug("\t\tvStaatus=" + vStaatus); Assert.assertNotNull(vStaatus); final AadressType saaja = edastus.getSaaja(); final String regnr = saaja.getRegnr(); final String asutuseNimi = saaja.getAsutuseNimi(); log.debug("\t\tsaaja regnr=" + regnr); log.debug("\t\tsaaja asutuseNimi=" + asutuseNimi); } } } /** * Test method for {@link DhlXTeeService#receiveDocuments(int) */ public void testReceiveDocuments() { receivedDocumentsFailed = true; receivedDocumentIds = new ArrayList<String>(); // using static field to be able to use the result in other tests receiveFaileddDocumentIds = new ArrayList<String>(); // using static field to be able to use the result in other tests System.gc();// perform GC to free max memory for receiving documents before opening remote connection final ReceivedDocumentsWrapper receiveDocuments = dhl.receiveDocuments(300); assertTrue(receiveDocuments.size() > 0 || sentDocIds.size() == 0); for (String dhlId : receiveDocuments) { final ReceivedDocument receivedDocument = receiveDocuments.get(dhlId); final MetainfoHelper metaInfoHelper = receivedDocument.getMetaInfoHelper(); final DhlDokumentType dhlDokument = receivedDocument.getDhlDocument(); final SignedDocType signedDoc = receivedDocument.getSignedDoc(); log.debug("dokument element=" + dhlDokument + "'"); log.debug("helper.getObject(DhlIdDocumentImpl)=" + dhlId + " " + metaInfoHelper.getDhlSaatjaAsutuseNimi() + " " + metaInfoHelper.getDhlSaatjaAsutuseNr() + " saadeti: " + metaInfoHelper.getDhlSaatmisAeg() + " saabus: " + metaInfoHelper.getDhlSaabumisAeg()); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(dhlId)); Transport transport = dhlDokument.getTransport(); AadressType saatja = transport.getSaatja(); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(saatja.getRegnr())); log.debug("sender: " + saatja.getRegnr() + " : " + saatja.getAsutuseNimi()); final List<AadressType> recipients = transport.getSaajaList(); log.debug("document was sent to " + recipients.size() + " recipients:"); assertTrue(recipients.size() > 0); for (AadressType recipient : recipients) { String regnr = recipient.getRegnr(); log.debug("\trecipient:" + regnr + ": " + recipient.getAsutuseNimi()); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(regnr)); } try { List<DataFileType> dataFileList = signedDoc.getDataFileList(); log.debug("document contain " + dataFileList.size() + " datafiles: " + dataFileList); for (DataFileType dataFile : dataFileList) { try { File outFile = File.createTempFile("DVK_" + dhlId + "_" + dataFile.getId() + "_", dataFile.getFilename()); log.debug("writing file '" + dataFile.getFilename() + "' from dvk document with dhlId '" + dataFile.getId() + "' to file '" + outFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outFile); os.write(Base64.decode(dataFile.getStringValue().getBytes())); os.close(); if (!outFile.delete()) { log.warn("didn't manage to delete " + outFile.getAbsolutePath() + ""); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed write output to temporary file ", e); } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("signedDoc=" + signedDoc + ", dhlDokument=" + dhlDokument + ", can't get dataFileList from dhlDokument:\n" + dhlDokument + "\n\n", e); receiveFaileddDocumentIds.add(dhlId); continue; } receivedDocumentIds.add(dhlId); } log.debug("received " + receivedDocumentIds.size() + " documents: " + receivedDocumentIds); log.debug("FAILED to receive " + receiveFaileddDocumentIds.size() + " documents: " + receiveFaileddDocumentIds); assertTrue(sentDocIds == null || receivedDocumentIds.containsAll(sentDocIds)); for (String dhlId : receiveFaileddDocumentIds) { assertFalse(sentDocIds.contains(dhlId)); } receivedDocumentsFailed = false; } public void testMarkDocumentsReceived() { final Collection<String> docsToMarkRead; if (markOnlyTestDocumentsRead) { // don't mark those documents read that were not sent during this test - someone might acutaly // be waiting for them to arrive docsToMarkRead = sentDocIds; } else { if (receivedDocumentsFailed) { if (receivedDocumentIds == null) { receivedDocumentIds = new ArrayList<String>(); } // if call to receivedDocuments failed, then marking those documents read, that were sent for testing receivedDocumentIds.addAll(sentDocIds); } docsToMarkRead = receivedDocumentIds; }"Starting to mark " + (markOnlyTestDocumentsRead ? "only test" : "received") + " document received - receivedDocumentIds=" + docsToMarkRead); dhl.markDocumentsReceived(docsToMarkRead); } public void testMarkDocumentsReceivedV2() { final Collection<String> dhlIdsToMarkRead; if (markOnlyTestDocumentsRead) { // don't mark those documents read that were not sent during this test - someone might acutaly // be waiting for them to arrive dhlIdsToMarkRead = sentDocIds; } else { if (receivedDocumentsFailed) { if (receivedDocumentIds == null) { receivedDocumentIds = new ArrayList<String>(); } // if call to receivedDocuments failed, then marking those documents read, that were sent for testing receivedDocumentIds.addAll(sentDocIds); } dhlIdsToMarkRead = receivedDocumentIds; } dhlIdsToMarkRead.addAll(Arrays.asList("22242", "22243", "22244"));"Starting to mark " + (markOnlyTestDocumentsRead ? "only test" : "received") + " document received - receivedDocumentIds=" + dhlIdsToMarkRead); List<TagasisideType> docsToMarkReadV2 = new ArrayList<TagasisideType>(); for (String dhlId : dhlIdsToMarkRead) { addFault(docsToMarkReadV2, dhlId, "1", "Client", "This test didn't like the document ;)", "just testing, probably there was nothing wrong with the document"); } dhl.markDocumentsReceivedV2(docsToMarkReadV2); } private void addFault(List<TagasisideType> docsToMarkReadV2, String dhlId, String faultcode, String faultactor, String faultString, String faultDetail) { TagasisideType failedToReceiveInfo = TagasisideType.Factory.newInstance(); failedToReceiveInfo.setDhlId(BigInteger.valueOf(Long.valueOf(dhlId))); Fault fault = failedToReceiveInfo.addNewFault(); fault.setFaultcode(faultcode); fault.setFaultactor(faultactor); fault.setFaultstring(faultString); fault.setFaultdetail(faultDetail); docsToMarkReadV2.add(failedToReceiveInfo); } private void markAllDocumentsReceived(final Collection<String> docsToMarkRead, int fromDhlId, int toDhlId) { for (int i = fromDhlId; i <= toDhlId; i++) {"Starting to mark " + (markOnlyTestDocumentsRead ? "only test" : "received") + " document received - receivedDocumentIds=" + docsToMarkRead); try { dhl.markDocumentsReceived(Arrays.asList(i + "")); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error(i + ". failed: " + e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Test method for {@link com.nortal.jroad.dvk.service.impl.DvkServiceImpl#getSendStatuses(String) */ public void testGetSendStatus2() { final List<Item> items = dhl.getSendStatuses(sentDocIds); assertTrue("expected to receive at least one DVK dokument, but got " + items.size(), items.size() > 0 || sentDocIds.size() == 0); final List<String[]> unreceivedDhlIds = new ArrayList<String[]>(); Assert.assertTrue("Sent " + sentDocIds.size() + ", but got " + items.size() + " sendstatuses", items.size() > 0 || sentDocIds.size() == 0); for (Item item : items) { log.debug("--item=" + item); String dhlId = item.getDhlId(); String olek = item.getOlek(); Assert.assertNotNull(dhlId); Assert.assertNotNull(olek); log.debug("--dhlId=" + dhlId); log.debug("--olek=" + olek); List<Edastus> edastusList = item.getEdastusList(); Assert.assertTrue(edastusList != null && edastusList.size() > 0); boolean oneNotReceived = false; for (Edastus edastus : edastusList) { // edastus = (Edastus)XmlObject.Factory.parse(edastus.toString(), new XmlOptions().setDocumentType(EdastusDocument.Edastus.type)); log.debug("\tedastus=" + edastus); Calendar saadud = edastus.getSaadud(); EdastusDocument.Edastus.Meetod.Enum meetod = edastus.getMeetod(); Calendar loetud = edastus.getLoetud(); EdastusDocument.Edastus.Staatus.Enum staatus = edastus.getStaatus(); BigInteger vStaatus = edastus.getVastuvotjaStaatusId(); log.debug("\tsaadud=" + saadud); log.debug("\tmeetod=" + meetod); log.debug("\tloetud=" + loetud); log.debug("\tstaatus=" + staatus); log.debug("\tvStaatus=" + vStaatus); Assert.assertNotNull(vStaatus); final AadressType saaja = edastus.getSaaja(); final String regnr = saaja.getRegnr(); final String asutuseNimi = saaja.getAsutuseNimi(); final SendStatus sendStatus = SendStatus.get(staatus); if (regnr.equalsIgnoreCase(senderRegNr)) { if (!sendStatus.equals(SendStatus.CANCELLED)) { // testMarkDocumentsReceivedV2 marks document CANCELLED unreceivedDhlIds.add(new String[] { dhlId, "Document has not been received - current status=" + sendStatus }); } } if (sendStatus.equals(SENT)) { oneNotReceived = true; } log.debug("\tsaaja regnr=" + regnr); log.debug("\tsaaja asutuseNimi=" + asutuseNimi); } // assertTrue(oneNotReceived ? SendStatus.get(olek).equals(SENT) : SendStatus.get(olek).equals(RECEIVED)); // kui üle 1 saaja, siis ilmselt pole // saadetud } if (unreceivedDhlIds.size() > 0) { String errMsg = null; final Set<String> dhlIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (String[] objects : unreceivedDhlIds) { errMsg = objects[1]; dhlIds.add(objects[0]); } assertTrue(errMsg + ". DhlIds=" + dhlIds, false); } } public void testGetOccupationList() { List<OccupationType> responseList = dhl.getOccupationList(Arrays.asList(senderRegNr)); log.debug("Occupations list contains " + responseList.size() + " occupations:"); assertTrue(responseList.size() > 0); for (OccupationType institutionType : responseList) { log.debug("\t" + institutionType.getAsutuseKood() + ":\t" + institutionType.getNimetus() + "\t " + institutionType.getKood()); assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(institutionType.getAsutuseKood())); } } private AadressType getRecipient(String regNr) { AadressType recipient = AadressType.Factory.newInstance(); recipient.setRegnr(regNr); // recipient.setAsutuseNimi(recipientName); // set in DhlXTeeServiceImpl.constructDokumentDocument() based on regNr log.debug("recipient: " + ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(recipient) + "'"); return recipient; } private AadressType getSenderAddress() { AadressType sender = AadressType.Factory.newInstance(); sender.setRegnr(senderRegNr); // sender.setAsutuseNimi(senderName); // set in DhlXTeeServiceImpl.constructDokumentDocument() based on regNr log.debug("Sender: " + ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(sender) + "'"); return sender; } /** * @return content to send */ public static Set<ContentToSend> getContentsToSend() { final HashSet<ContentToSend> contentsToSend = new HashSet<ContentToSend>(); try { final ContentToSend content1 = new ContentToSend(); final ContentToSend content2 = new ContentToSend(); final ByteArrayOutputStream bos1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final ByteArrayOutputStream bos2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BufferedWriter out1 = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(bos1)); BufferedWriter out2 = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(bos2)); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("d HH:mm:ss"); out1.write("testfile1 " + df.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())); out1.close(); out2.write("testfile2 žõäöüš"); out2.close(); content1.setFileName("test1.txt"); content1.setInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bos1.toByteArray())); String mimeTypeTextPlain = "text/plain"; content1.setMimeType(mimeTypeTextPlain); content2.setFileName("test2.txt"); content2.setInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bos2.toByteArray())); content2.setMimeType(mimeTypeTextPlain); contentsToSend.add(content1); contentsToSend.add(content2); contentsToSend.add(getContentFromTestFile("document1.docx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document")); contentsToSend.add(getContentFromTestFile("tekstifail-iso-8859-1.txt", mimeTypeTextPlain)); contentsToSend.add(getContentFromTestFile("tekstifail-utf-8.txt", mimeTypeTextPlain)); contentsToSend.add(getContentFromTestFile("digidocSigned.ddoc", "application/digidoc")); final File file = new File("/tmp/dvkTest.rar"); if (file.exists()) { contentsToSend.add(getContentFromFile(null, null, file)); } return contentsToSend; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create test content to be sent to DVK", e); } } private static ContentToSend getContentFromTestFile(String fileName, String mimeType) throws FileNotFoundException { return getContentFromFile(fileName, mimeType, new File(TEST_FILES_TO_SEND_FOLDER, fileName)); } private static ContentToSend getContentFromFile(String fileName, String mimeType, File fileToSend) throws FileNotFoundException { final ContentToSend content3 = new ContentToSend(); content3.setInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileToSend)); content3.setFileName(fileName != null ? fileName : fileToSend.getName()); content3.setMimeType(mimeType != null ? mimeType : "application/octet-stream"); return content3; } private void writeCacheToFile(Map<String, String> dvkOrganizationsCache, Calendar updateTime) { try { File serFile = new File(DVK_ORGANIZATIONS_CACHEFILE); if (!serFile.exists()) { serFile.createNewFile(); } ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(serFile)); oos.writeObject(updateTime); oos.writeObject(dvkOrganizationsCache); IOUtils.closeQuietly(oos); log.debug("wrote data to " + serFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to serialize organizations cache to file", e); } } private Object[] readCacheFromFile() { File serFile = new File(DVK_ORGANIZATIONS_CACHEFILE); try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(serFile)); Calendar cal = (Calendar) ois.readObject(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> dvkOrganizationsCache = (Map<String, String>) ois.readObject(); return new Object[] { dvkOrganizationsCache, cal }; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.debug("Didn't find serialized cache file"); return null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error reading in cache file", e); } } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); } }