package com.izforge.izpack.installer; import com.sun.pkg.client.Image.FmriState; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** The pkg Java API isn't complete yet, so this class is intended to complete it using the pkg Python tool for unimplemented tasks. See for details on the pkg Python scripts, and for details on the pkg Java API. */ public class IPSImage extends com.sun.pkg.client.Image { /// The path to the pkg Python tool. private static final String pkgpath = "/home/aoyama/ISIMA/Projet/pkg-toolkit-linux-i386/pkg/bin/pkg"; public IPSImage (File path) throws Exception { super(path); } public IPSImage (String path) throws Exception { super(path); } /** Update an existing authority or add an additional package authority, and set the specified authority as the preferred authority. @param authname The name for the authority. @param origin The URL prefix for the origin packaging repository for the authority. */ public IPSImage addAuthority (String authname, URL origin) throws, InterruptedException, Exception { String[] cmd = { pkgpath, "set-authority", "-P", "-O", origin.toString(), authname }; ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);; Process proc = pb.start(); proc.waitFor(); if (proc.exitValue() != 0) { throw new Exception("Subprocess " + pb.command() + " failed."); } // Update the state of packages in the current image. refreshCatalog(authname); return new IPSImage(getRootDirectory()); } /** Create, at location given by dir, an image suitable for package operations. An attempt to retrieve the catalog associated with this authority will be made following the initial creation operations. @param dir The location for the new image. @param authname The preferred authority name. @param origin The preferred authority origin. @return An image suitable for package operations. */ public static IPSImage createImage (File dir, String authname, URL origin) throws, InterruptedException, Exception { String[] cmd = { pkgpath, "image-create", "-a", String.format("%s=%s", authname, origin), dir.getAbsolutePath() }; ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd); Process proc = pb.start(); proc.waitFor(); return new IPSImage(dir); } /** Create an image without an authority. @param dir The location for the new image. @return An image suitable for package operations. */ public static IPSImage createImage (File dir) throws,, InterruptedException, Exception { IPSImage img = createImage(dir, "default", new URL("")); img.unsetAuthority("default"); return img; } /** Remove the configuration associated with the given authority. Well, actually, it seems not to do a thing... @param authname The authority to remove. */ public void unsetAuthority (String authname) throws, InterruptedException, Exception { String[] cmd = { pkgpath, "set-authority", authname }; ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);; Process proc = pb.start(); proc.waitFor(); } /** Get a set of all packages in the repository. @return A set of all available packages. */ public Set<String> getInventory () { HashSet<String> pkgset = new HashSet<String>(); for (FmriState s: getInventory(null, true)) { pkgset.add(s.fmri.getName()); } return pkgset; } /** Call refresh on all of the Catalogs for this image. */ public void refreshCatalog (String authname) throws { String[] cmd = { pkgpath, "refresh", authname }; ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);; Process proc = pb.start(); try { proc.waitFor(); } catch (Exception e) {} if (proc.exitValue() != 0) { //throw new Exception("Subprocess " + pb.command() + " failed."); } } }