package org.iswc.iswc2012main; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.iswc.util.ToolText2Rdf; import org.iswc.vocabulary.DGTWC; import org.iswc.vocabulary.SWC; import org.iswc.vocabulary.SWRC; import org.iswc.vocabulary.BIBO; import com.csvreader.CsvReader; import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Literal; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFList; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Seq; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator; import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.vocabulary.FOAF; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.DC; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.DCTerms; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.OWL; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS; import sw4j.rdf.util.RDFSYNTAX; import sw4j.rdf.util.ToolJena; import sw4j.util.ToolHash; public class TaskConvertCsv2Rdf { public static void main(String[] args){ Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); m.add(createMetaModel()); try { processConf(m); processEvent(m); processPaper(m); processPerson(m); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } updateModelByInverseProperty(m, SWC.isSubEventOf, SWC.isSuperEventOf ); updateModelByInverseProperty(m, SWC.relatedToEvent, SWC.hasRelatedDocument); updateModelByTransitiveProperty(m, SWC.isSubEventOf); updateModelByInverseProperty(m, SWC.isSubEventOf, SWC.isSuperEventOf ); updateModelByInverseProperty(m, FOAF.maker, FOAF.made ); updateModelByInverseProperty(m, SWC.holdsRole, SWC.heldBy); updateModelByInverseProperty(m, SWC.hasRole, SWC.isRoleAt); updateModelByInverseProperty(m, SWRC.affiliation, FOAF.member); updateModelByRemoveSameSandO(m); updateGraphMeta(m); updateNsPrefix(m); ToolJena.printModel(m, "N3", ""); ToolJena.printModelToFile(m, Config.FILE.iswc2012_complete.getFile()); ToolJena.printModelToFile(m, RDFSYNTAX.TURTLE, Config.FILE.iswc2012_complete.getFile(Config.EXT.ttl), false); } private static void updateGraphMeta(Model m) { Resource resGraph = createResource(URI_BASE_CONF, "complete"); m.add(resGraph, RDF.type, DGTWC.Dataset); m.add(resGraph, DCTerms.hasVersion, Config.VERSION); String timeNow = formatXSDTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); m.add(resGraph, DCTerms.modified, m.createTypedLiteral(timeNow, XSDDatatype.XSDdateTime)); m.add(resGraph, DCTerms.creator, createResource(URI_BASE_PERSON, "Li Ding")); //the last triple here m.addLiteral(resGraph, DGTWC.number_of_triples, m.size()+1); } private static void updateModelByTransitiveProperty(Model m, Property p){ ToolJena.updateModelTranstive(m, p); } private static void updateModelByInverseProperty(Model m, Property p, Property pInverse){ for (Statement stmt: m.listStatements(null, p, (RDFNode) null).toSet()){ if (stmt.getObject().isLiteral()) continue; m.add(stmt.getObject().asResource(), pInverse, stmt.getSubject()); } for (Statement stmt: m.listStatements(null, pInverse, (RDFNode) null).toSet()){ if (stmt.getObject().isLiteral()) continue; m.add(stmt.getObject().asResource(), p, stmt.getSubject()); } } private static void updateModelByRemoveSameSandO(Model m){ StmtIterator iter = m.listStatements(); while(iter.hasNext()){ Statement stmt = iter.nextStatement(); if (stmt.getSubject().equals(stmt.getObject())){ iter.remove(); } } } public static final String URI_BASE_ROOT = ""; public static final String URI_BASE_CONF = URI_BASE_ROOT+"conference/iswc/2012"; public static final String URI_BASE_PERSON = URI_BASE_ROOT+"person"; public static final String URI_BASE_ORGANIZATION = URI_BASE_ROOT+"organization"; public static final String URI_BASE_WORKSHOP= URI_BASE_ROOT+"workshop"; //iswc2012 specific public static final String URI_BASE_PLACE = URI_BASE_CONF+"/place"; public static final String URI_BASE_CHAIR = URI_BASE_CONF+"/chair"; public static final String URI_BASE_SPEAKER = URI_BASE_CONF+"/speaker"; public static final String URI_BASE_PANELLIST = URI_BASE_CONF+"/panellist"; public static final String URI_BASE_MEDIATOR = URI_BASE_CONF+"/mediator"; public static final String URI_NS_ICAL = ""; public static final Resource R_CONF_VENUE = createResource(URI_BASE_PLACE ,"The Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers"); public static Model createMetaModel(){ Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); { Resource s = addNamedInstance(m, URI_BASE_PLACE, "The Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers"); s.addProperty(RDF.type, SWC.ConferenceVenuePlace); s.addProperty(FOAF.homepage, ResourceFactory.createResource("") ); s.addProperty(, "617.426.2000"); s.addProperty(SWRC.address, "50 Park Plaza at Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116"); s.addProperty(SWRC.fax, "617.426.5545"); s.addProperty(RDFS.comment, "Located in the heart of historic Back Bay, The Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers is one of Boston�s most recognized and renowned landmarks. The Boston Park Plaza, a member of Historic Hotels of America, was constructed in March, 1927 as part of the E.M. Statler Empire. With an unsurpassed Boston address, the hotel is located only 3 miles from Logan International Airport and only 200 yards from the nation�s first public parks, Boston Common & the Public Garden. The hotel is easily accessible to public transportation, world renowned shopping along Newbury Street, Faneuil Hall Marketplace, the Theatre & Financial Districts and most historic landmarks. Rich in history, The Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers has distinguished itself with classic elegance and personalized service that continues to attract travelers from all over the world who visit Boston for business, leisure or special events."); } return m; } enum CsvHeader{ xProperty(null), xValue(null), xKeyChair(null, URI_BASE_CHAIR, null, null), xLabelChair(null), xKey(URI_BASE_CONF), xListChair(new Property[]{SWC.heldBy}, URI_BASE_PERSON, ";", null), xKeyTrack(new Property[]{SWC.isRoleAt}, URI_BASE_CONF, null, null), conferenceChair ( SWC.hasRole, URI_BASE_CHAIR, SWC.heldBy, URI_BASE_PERSON, ";", new RDFNode[][] { {RDF.type, SWC.Chair}, } ), keyEvent (null, URI_BASE_CONF, null, null), typeEvent ( new Property[]{RDF.type}, SWC.getURI(), null, null), room ( new Property[]{SWC.hasLocation}, URI_BASE_PLACE, ";", new RDFNode[][] { {RDF.type, SWC.MeetingRoomPlace}, {SWC.isPartOf, R_CONF_VENUE}, }), label ( new Property[]{RDFS.label}, null, null, null), keySuperEvent ( new Property[]{SWC.isSubEventOf}, URI_BASE_CONF, null, null), keySubEvent ( new Property[]{SWC.isSuperEventOf}, URI_BASE_CONF, null, null), homepage ( new Property[]{FOAF.homepage}, null, null, null), hasAcronym( SWC.getURI() ), dtStart( URI_NS_ICAL ), dtEnd( URI_NS_ICAL ), sessionChair ( SWC.hasRole, URI_BASE_CHAIR, SWC.heldBy, URI_BASE_PERSON, ";", new RDFNode[][] { {RDF.type, SWC.Chair}, {RDFS.label, ResourceFactory.createPlainLiteral("ISWC2012 Session Chair")}, } ), keynoteSpeaker( SWC.hasRole, URI_BASE_SPEAKER, SWC.heldBy, URI_BASE_PERSON, ";", new RDFNode[][] { {RDF.type, ResourceFactory.createResource(SWC.getURI() + "KeynoteSpeaker")}, {RDFS.label, ResourceFactory.createPlainLiteral("ISWC2012 Keynote Speaker")}, } ), panellist( SWC.hasRole, URI_BASE_PANELLIST, SWC.heldBy, URI_BASE_PERSON, ";", new RDFNode[][] { {RDF.type, ResourceFactory.createResource(SWC.getURI() + "Panellist")}, {RDFS.label, ResourceFactory.createPlainLiteral("ISWC2012 Panellist")}, } ), mediator( SWC.hasRole, URI_BASE_MEDIATOR, SWC.heldBy, URI_BASE_PERSON, ";", new RDFNode[][] { {RDF.type, ResourceFactory.createResource(SWC.getURI() + "Mediator")}, {RDFS.label, ResourceFactory.createPlainLiteral("ISWC2012 Session Mediator")}, } ), hasAbstract( new Property[]{ SWRC.abstract_java}, null, null, null ), authors( new Property[]{FOAF.maker, DC.creator, DCTerms.creator,}, URI_BASE_PERSON, ";", new RDFNode[][] { {RDF.type, FOAF.Person}, } ), keywords( new Property[]{DC.subject, DCTerms.subject}, null, ",", null), title( new Property[]{DC.title, DCTerms.title, RDFS.label}, null, null, null), keyPaper(null, URI_BASE_CONF, null, new RDFNode[][] { {RDF.type, SWRC.InProceedings}, // {SWC.isPartOf, createResource(URI_BASE_CONF, "proceedings")}, // {SWC.hasTopic, ResourceFactory.createResource("")}, }), keyProceedings(new Property[]{SWC.isPartOf}, URI_BASE_CONF, null, null), nameTrack(null), nameGroup(null), sessionTimeStart(null), sessionTimeEnd(null), sessionTimeRoom(null), paperSpotlight( new Property[]{ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWRC.getURI()+"spotlight")}, null, null, null ), paperPdfLink( new Property[]{ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWRC.getURI()+"pdf")}, null, null, null ), paperPdfLinkFile( new Property[]{ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWRC.getURI()+"pdfLocal")}, null, null, null ), booktitle( new Property[]{SWRC.booktitle}, null, null, null), idLncs( new Property[]{ ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWRC.getURI()+"idLncs"), DC.identifier}, null, null, null ), keyTalkEvent( new Property[]{SWC.relatedToEvent}, URI_BASE_CONF, null, new RDFNode[][] { {RDF.type, SWC.TalkEvent}, }), keySessionEvent( new Property[]{SWC.isSubEventOf}, URI_BASE_CONF, null, new RDFNode[][] { {RDF.type, SWC.SessionEvent}, }), orderInSession( new Property[]{ ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWRC.getURI()+"orderInSession") }, null, null, null), keyPerson(null, URI_BASE_PERSON, null, new RDFNode[][] { {RDF.type, FOAF.Person}, }), firstName( new Property[] {FOAF.firstName}, URI_BASE_PERSON, null, null ), bio( new Property[] {ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWRC.getURI()+"bio") }, null , null, null ), lastName( new Property[] {FOAF.surname}, URI_BASE_PERSON, null, null ), organization( new Property[] {SWRC.affiliation}, URI_BASE_ORGANIZATION, ";", new RDFNode[][] { {RDF.type, FOAF.Organization},} ), heldBy( new Property[]{SWC.heldBy}, URI_BASE_PERSON, ";", new RDFNode[][] { {RDF.type, FOAF.Person},} ), role( null ), email( null ), ; Property[] listP =null; String uri_base = null; Property p1 = null; String uri_base1 = null; String deliminator = null; RDFNode[][] listPv1 = null; CsvHeader(String base_prop){ if (null!=base_prop){ this.listP = new Property[]{ResourceFactory.createProperty(base_prop+ name())}; }else{ this.listP = new Property[]{ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWC.getURI()+ name())}; } } CsvHeader(Property[] listProp, String base, String deliminator, RDFNode[][] listPv1){ this.listP= listProp; this.uri_base =base; this.deliminator = deliminator; this.listPv1 = listPv1; } CsvHeader(Property prop, String base, Property prop1, String base1, String deliminator, RDFNode[][] listPv1){ this (null,base, deliminator, listPv1); if (null!=prop) this.listP=new Property[]{prop}; this.p1 =prop1; this.uri_base1 = base1; } public String [] split(String value) { if (null==value || value.length()==0) return new String[]{}; if (null==deliminator ){ return new String []{value}; }else{ value = getPreprocessedAuthorList(this, value); return value.split(deliminator); } } public void updateListPv(Model m, Resource o) { if (null!= this.listPv1){ for (RDFNode[] pv: this.listPv1){ Property p1 = (Property) pv[0]; RDFNode o1 = pv[1]; m.add(o, p1, o1); } } } public void updateListP(Model m, Resource s, RDFNode o) { if (null!=listP){ for (Property p: listP){ m.add(s,p,o); } } } } private static String getPreprocessedAuthorList(CsvHeader key, String value){ if (!CsvHeader.authors.equals(key)) return value; value = value.replaceAll(" and ", ";"); value = value.replaceAll(",",";"); return value; } private static void updateProceedings(Model m, Resource sProceedings, String label, String booktitle, String editors, String month, String year, String url, String [] listId){ m.add(sProceedings, RDF.type, SWC.Proceedings); m.add(sProceedings, ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWRC.getURI()+"listEditor"), editors); Seq editorList = m.createSeq(sProceedings.getURI()+"/editor_list"); for (String editor: editors.split(",")){ editor = editor.trim(); Resource resEditor = createResource(URI_BASE_PERSON, editor); m.add(sProceedings, FOAF.maker, resEditor ); m.add(sProceedings, SWRC.editor, resEditor); editorList.add(resEditor); } m.add(sProceedings, SWRC.booktitle, booktitle); m.add(sProceedings, SWRC.month, month ); m.add(sProceedings, SWRC.year, year); m.add(sProceedings, RDFS.label, label); if (null!=url){ Resource resUrl = m.createResource(url); m.add(sProceedings, FOAF.homepage, resUrl); } if (null!=listId){ for (String id: listId){ m.add(sProceedings, DCTerms.identifier, id); } } } public static void processConf(Model m) throws IOException{ String szFileName = Config.FILE.data_conf.getFile().getAbsolutePath(); // List<String> listStrEvent = pipeFileToCsvInput(szFileName); // for (String line: listStrEvent){ // System.out.println(line); // } Resource s = createResource(URI_BASE_CONF, null); Resource resGraph = createResource(URI_BASE_CONF, "complete"); m.add(s, RDF.type, SWC.ConferenceEvent); m.add(s, ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWC.getURI()+"hasAcronym"), "ISWC2012"); m.add(s, ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWC.getURI()+"completeGraph"), resGraph); m.add(s, RDFS.seeAlso, createResource(URI_BASE_CONF, "rdf")); m.add(s, OWL.sameAs, ResourceFactory.createResource("")); m.add(s, FOAF.based_near, ResourceFactory.createResource("")); m.add(s, FOAF.logo, ResourceFactory.createResource("")); { Resource sProceedings = createResource(URI_BASE_CONF, SWC.Proceedings.getLocalName()); String editors = "Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, Jeff Heflin, Evren Sirin, Tania Tudorache, Jérôme Euzenat, Manfred Hauswirth, Josiane Xavier Parreira, Jim Hendler, Guus Schreiber, Abraham Bernstein, Eva Blomqvist"; String label = "Proceedings of ISWC 2012"; String booktitle = "Proceedings of 11th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2012), November 11 - November 15, 2012"; String month = "Nov"; String year = "2012"; String url = null; String [] listId = new String[]{}; TaskConvertCsv2Rdf.updateProceedings(m, sProceedings, label, booktitle, editors, month, year, url, listId); m.add(s, SWC.hasRelatedDocument, sProceedings); } { Resource sProceedings = createResource(URI_BASE_CONF, "poster-demo-"+ SWC.Proceedings.getLocalName()); String editors = "Birte Glimm, David Huynh"; String booktitle = "Proceedings of the ISWC 2012 Posters & Demonstrations Track"; String label = booktitle; String month = "Nov"; String year = "2012"; String url = ""; String[] listId = new String [] {"urn:nbn:de:0074-914-3"}; TaskConvertCsv2Rdf.updateProceedings(m, sProceedings, label, booktitle, editors, month, year, url, listId); m.add(s, SWC.hasRelatedDocument, sProceedings); Resource sTrack = createResource(URI_BASE_CONF, "track/poster-demo"); m.add(sTrack, SWC.hasRelatedDocument, sProceedings); } { Resource sProceedings = createResource(URI_BASE_CONF, "industry-"+ SWC.Proceedings.getLocalName()); String editors = "Tim Berners-Lee,Tom Heath, Ivan Herman"; String booktitle = "Proceedings of the ISWC 2012 Industry Track"; String label = booktitle; String month = "Nov"; String year = "2012"; String url = null; String[] listId = new String [] {}; TaskConvertCsv2Rdf.updateProceedings(m, sProceedings , label, booktitle, editors, month, year, url, listId); m.add(s, SWC.hasRelatedDocument, sProceedings); Resource sTrack = createResource(URI_BASE_CONF, "track/industry"); m.add(sTrack, SWC.hasRelatedDocument, sProceedings); } { Resource sProceedings= createResource(URI_BASE_CONF, "semantic-web-challenge-"+ SWC.Proceedings.getLocalName()); String editors = "Diana Maynard, Andreas Harth"; String booktitle = "Proceedings of the Semantic Web Challenge 2012"; String label = booktitle; String month = "Nov"; String year = "2012"; String url = null; String[] listId = new String [] {}; TaskConvertCsv2Rdf.updateProceedings(m, sProceedings, label, booktitle, editors, month, year, url, listId); m.add(s, SWC.hasRelatedDocument, sProceedings); Resource sTrack = createResource(URI_BASE_CONF, "track/semantic-web-challenge"); m.add(sTrack, SWC.hasRelatedDocument, sProceedings); } CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(szFileName); reader.setSkipEmptyRecords(true); reader.readHeaders(); while(reader.readRecord()){ String prop = reader.get(; String value = reader.get(; if ({ addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.label, value); }else if ({ addTripleResource(m, s, CsvHeader.homepage, value); }else if ({ addPropertyChain1(m, s, CsvHeader.keySubEvent, value); }else if ({ String labelChair = reader.get(CsvHeader.xLabelChair. name()); String localName = reader.get(CsvHeader.xKeyChair. name()); if (null==localName || localName.length()==0){ localName = ToolText2Rdf.extractLocalName(labelChair); } // addNamedInstance(m, CsvHeader.xKeyChair.uri_base, localName, SWC.ConferenceChair ); labelChair = "ISWC2012 "+labelChair +" Chair"; Resource o = createResource(CsvHeader.xKeyChair.uri_base, localName); m.add(s, SWC.hasRole, o); //addPropertyChain1(m, s, CsvHeader.conferenceChair, localName, null, null); m.add(o, RDFS.label, labelChair); m.add(o, RDF.type, SWC.Chair); //addTripleResource(m, o, CsvHeader.xKeyTrack, reader); addPropertyChain1(m, o, CsvHeader.xListChair, reader); } } } private static String formatXSDTime(long time) { SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"); String s = simpleDateFormat.format(time); return s; } public static void processEvent(Model m) throws IOException{ String szFileName = Config.FILE.data_event.getFile().getAbsolutePath(); // List<String> listStrEvent = pipeFileToCsvInput(szFileName); // for (String line: listStrEvent){ // System.out.println(line); // } CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(szFileName); reader.setSkipEmptyRecords(true); reader.readHeaders(); while(reader.readRecord()){ // for (String header: reader.getHeaders()){ // System.out.print(String.format("%s:%s\t", header, reader.get(header))); // } // System.out.println(); Resource s = null; { CsvHeader h = CsvHeader.keyEvent; String key =; String value = reader.get(key); if (null!=value && value.startsWith("workshop")){ s = createResource(m, URI_BASE_ROOT.substring(0, URI_BASE_ROOT.length()-1), value); }else{ s = createResource(m, h.uri_base, value); } } addPropertyChain1(m, s,, reader); addPropertyChain0(m, s, CsvHeader.keySuperEvent, reader, true); String typeEvent = reader.get(; if (null!=typeEvent && typeEvent.length()>0) m.add(s, RDF.type, ResourceFactory.createResource(CsvHeader.typeEvent.uri_base + typeEvent)); addPropertyChain2(m, s, CsvHeader.sessionChair, reader, reader.get(; addPropertyChain2(m, s, CsvHeader.keynoteSpeaker,reader, reader.get(; addPropertyChain2(m, s, CsvHeader.panellist, reader, reader.get(; addPropertyChain2(m, s, CsvHeader.mediator, reader, reader.get(; addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.label, reader); addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.hasAbstract, reader); addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.hasAcronym, reader); addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.dtStart, reader, XSDDatatype.XSDdateTime); addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.dtEnd, reader, XSDDatatype.XSDdateTime); addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.keywords, reader); addTripleResource(m, s, CsvHeader.homepage, reader); {//shortcut String temp = reader.get(; if (null!=temp && temp.length()>0) m.add(s, ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWRC.getURI()+"listKeyword"), temp.trim()); } } } private static void processPaper(Model m) throws IOException { String szFileName =Config.FILE.data_paper.getFile().getAbsolutePath(); // List<String> listStrEvent = pipeFileToCsvInput(szFileName); // for (String line: listStrEvent){ // System.out.println(line); // } CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(szFileName); reader.setSkipEmptyRecords(true); reader.readHeaders(); while(reader.readRecord()){ // for (String header: reader.getHeaders()){ // System.out.print(String.format("%s:%s\t", header, reader.get(header))); // } // System.out.println(); Resource s = null; { CsvHeader h = CsvHeader.keyPaper; String key =; String value = reader.get(key); if (null==value || value.length()==0) continue; s = createResource(m, h.uri_base, value); h.updateListPv(m, s); } addPropertyChain1(m, s, CsvHeader.authors, reader, createResource(s.getURI(),"authors"), BIBO.authorList); addPropertyChain0(m, s, CsvHeader.keyProceedings, reader); {//shortcut m.add(s, ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWRC.getURI()+"listAuthor"), reader.get(; String temp = reader.get(; if (null!=temp && temp.length()>0) m.add(s, ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWRC.getURI()+"listKeyword"), temp.trim()); } addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.title, reader); addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.hasAbstract, reader); addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.keywords, reader); addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.idLncs, reader); addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.paperSpotlight, reader); addTripleResource(m, s, CsvHeader.paperPdfLink, reader); { CsvHeader h = CsvHeader.keyTalkEvent; String key =; String value = reader.get(key); if (null!=value && value.length()>0){ addPropertyChain0(m, s, CsvHeader.keyTalkEvent, reader); Resource s1 = createResource(m, h.uri_base, value); addPropertyChain0(m, s1, CsvHeader.keySessionEvent, reader); //addTripleLiteral(m, s1, CsvHeader.title, reader); addTripleLiteral(m, s1, CsvHeader.orderInSession, reader, XSDDatatype.XSDinteger); }else{ //for poster/swc CsvHeader hTemp = CsvHeader.keySessionEvent; String temp = reader.get(; Resource s1 = createResource(hTemp.uri_base, temp); m.add( s, SWC.relatedToEvent, s1); } } } } private static void processPerson(Model m) throws IOException { String szFileName = Config.FILE.data_person.getFile().getAbsolutePath(); CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(szFileName); reader.setSkipEmptyRecords(true); reader.readHeaders(); while(reader.readRecord()){ // for (String header: reader.getHeaders()){ // System.out.print(String.format("%s:%s\t", header, reader.get(header))); // } // System.out.println(); Resource s = null; { CsvHeader h = CsvHeader.keyPerson; String key =; String value = reader.get(key); if (null==value ||value.length()==0) continue; s = addNamedInstance(m, h.uri_base, value); h.updateListPv(m, s); } addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.firstName, reader); addTripleLiteral(m, s, CsvHeader.lastName, reader); addTripleLiteral(m, s,, reader); addTripleResource(m, s, CsvHeader.homepage, reader); // addPropertyChain1(m, s, CsvHeader.keyEvent, reader); addPropertyChain1(m, s, CsvHeader.organization, reader); m.add(s, ResourceFactory.createProperty(SWRC.getURI()+"listAffiliation"), reader.get(; { String role= reader.get(; if (null!=role && role.length()>0){ String roleName = role + " at ISWC2012"; String keyEvent = reader.get(; Resource resRole =null; Resource resEvent =null; if (keyEvent.startsWith("track")){ resRole = createResource( URI_BASE_CONF, role+"/"+keyEvent.substring("track/".length())); resEvent = createResource( URI_BASE_CONF, keyEvent); }else if (keyEvent.startsWith("workshop")){ resRole = createResource( URI_BASE_ROOT.substring(0, URI_BASE_ROOT.length()-1), keyEvent+"/"+role ); resEvent = createResource( URI_BASE_ROOT.substring(0, URI_BASE_ROOT.length()-1), keyEvent); }else{ resRole = createResource( URI_BASE_CONF, role+"/"+keyEvent); resEvent = createResource( URI_BASE_CONF, keyEvent); } m.add(resEvent, SWC.hasRole, resRole); m.add(resRole, SWC.heldBy, s); Resource resRoleType = SWC.ProgrammeCommitteeMember; if ("chair".equals(role.toLowerCase())){ resRoleType = SWC.Chair; if (keyEvent.startsWith("workshop")){ roleName = "Workshop Chair"; }else if (keyEvent.startsWith("tutorial")){ roleName = "Tutorial Organizer"; }else{ roleName = null; } if (null!=roleName){ m.add(resRole, RDFS.label, roleName); } }else{ if (keyEvent.endsWith("inuse")){ roleName += "(Semantic Web In Use Track)"; }else if (keyEvent.endsWith("research")){ roleName += "(Research Track)"; }else if (keyEvent.endsWith("evaluation")){ roleName += "(Evaluation Track)"; }else if (keyEvent.endsWith("industry")){ roleName += "(Industry Track)"; }else if (keyEvent.endsWith("poster-demo")){ roleName += "(Poster and Demo)"; }else if (keyEvent.endsWith("doctoral-consortium")){ roleName += "(Doctoral Consortium)"; } m.add(resRole, RDFS.label, roleName); } m.add(resRole, RDF.type, resRoleType); } } { String email = reader.get(; if (null!=email && email.length()>0 && email.indexOf("@")>0){ String mbox_sha1sum = ToolHash.hash_mbox_sum_sha1(email); m.add( s, FOAF.mbox_sha1sum , mbox_sha1sum); } } } } public static String createUri(String uriBase, String localName){ if (null==localName || localName.length()==0){ return uriBase; }else{ localName = ToolText2Rdf.extractLocalName(localName); return uriBase +"/" +localName; } } public static Resource createResource(String uriBase, String localName){ return ResourceFactory.createResource(createUri(uriBase, localName)); } public static Resource createResource(Model m, String uriBase, String localName){ return m.createResource(createUri(uriBase, localName)); } private static void addPropertyChain0(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, CsvReader reader) throws IOException{ addPropertyChain0 (m, s, h, reader, false); } private static void addPropertyChain0(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, CsvReader reader, boolean bUseDefault) throws IOException{ String key =; String value = reader.get(key); addPropertyChain0(m, s, h, value, bUseDefault); } private static void addPropertyChain0(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, String value, boolean bUseDefault) { if (null==value || value.length()==0){ if (bUseDefault){ Resource o = ResourceFactory.createResource(h.uri_base); h.updateListP(m, s, o); } return; } Resource o = createResource(h.uri_base , value); h.updateListP(m, s, o); } private static void addPropertyChain1(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, CsvReader reader) throws IOException{ addPropertyChain1(m, s, h, reader, null, null); } private static void addPropertyChain1(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, CsvReader reader, Resource sList, Property pRdfList) throws IOException{ String key =; String value = reader.get(key); addPropertyChain1(m, s, h, value, sList, pRdfList); } private static void addPropertyChain1(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, String value)throws IOException{ addPropertyChain1(m, s, h, value, null, null); } private static void addPropertyChain1(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, String value, Resource sList, Property pRdfList) throws IOException{ if (null==value || value.length()==0) return; List<RDFNode> listO1 = new ArrayList<RDFNode>(); for (String v: h.split(value)){ if (null==v || v.length()==0) continue; v = v.trim(); Resource o = addNamedInstance(m, h.uri_base, v); h.updateListPv(m, o); h.updateListP(m, s, o); listO1.add(o); } if (null!=pRdfList){ Seq seq = m.createSeq(sList.getURI()); for (RDFNode node: listO1){ seq.add(node); } m.add(s, pRdfList, seq); } } private static void addPropertyChain2(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, CsvReader reader, String v1) throws IOException{ String key =; String value = reader.get(key); if (null==value || value.length()==0) return; Resource o = createResource(h.uri_base, v1); h.updateListP(m, s, o); h.updateListPv(m, o); for (String v: h.split(value)){ if (null==v || v.length()==0) continue; v = v.trim(); Resource o1 = addNamedInstance(m, h.uri_base1, v); m.add(o, h.p1, o1); } } private static Resource addNamedInstance(Model m, String uri_base_s, String label_s, Resource type_s){ Resource s = addNamedInstance(m, uri_base_s, label_s); m.add(s, RDF.type, type_s); return s; } private static Resource addNamedInstance(Model m, String uri_base_s, String label_s){ if (null==label_s || label_s.length()==0) return null; String localName_s = ToolText2Rdf.extractLocalName(label_s); Resource s = createResource(m, uri_base_s, localName_s); m.add(s, RDFS.label, label_s); return s; } private static void addTripleLiteral(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, CsvReader reader) throws IOException{ addTripleLiteral(m, s, h, reader, null); } private static void addTripleLiteral(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, CsvReader reader, XSDDatatype xsdDataType) throws IOException{ String key =; String value = reader.get(key); addTripleLiteral(m, s, h, value, xsdDataType); } private static void addTripleLiteral(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, String value) { addTripleLiteral(m, s, h, value, null); } private static void addTripleLiteral(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, String value, XSDDatatype xsdDataType) { if (null==value || value.length()==0) return; for (String v: h.split(value)){ Literal o = null; if (null!= xsdDataType){ o = m.createTypedLiteral(v, xsdDataType); h.updateListP(m, s, o); }else{ o =ResourceFactory.createPlainLiteral(v); } h.updateListP(m, s, o); } } private static void addTripleResource(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, CsvReader reader) throws IOException{ String key =; String value = reader.get(key); addTripleResource(m, s, h, value); } private static void addTripleResource(Model m, Resource s, CsvHeader h, String value){ if (null==value || value.length()==0) return; for (String v: h.split(value)){ RDFNode o = ResourceFactory.createResource(v); h.updateListP(m, s, o); } } private static List<String> pipeFileToCsvInput(String szFileName){ ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); try{ BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(szFileName)); String line; while (null!=(line= in.readLine())){ if (null==line) continue; line = line.trim(); if (line.length()==0) continue; if (line.startsWith("#")) continue; if (line.startsWith(",")) continue; ret.add(line); } }catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } private static void updateNsPrefix(Model m){ m.setNsPrefix( OWL.class.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), OWL.getURI()); m.setNsPrefix( RDF.class.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), RDF.getURI()); m.setNsPrefix( RDFS.class.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), RDFS.getURI()); m.setNsPrefix( FOAF.class.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), FOAF.getURI()); m.setNsPrefix( SWC.class.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), SWC.getURI()); m.setNsPrefix( SWRC.class.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), SWRC.getURI()); m.setNsPrefix( DC.class.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), DC.getURI()); m.setNsPrefix( DCTerms.class.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), DCTerms.getURI()); m.setNsPrefix( BIBO.class.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), BIBO.getURI()); m.setNsPrefix( DGTWC.class.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), DGTWC.getURI()); m.setNsPrefix( "iCal", URI_NS_ICAL); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012place", URI_BASE_PLACE+"/"); m.setNsPrefix( "person", URI_BASE_PERSON+"/"); m.setNsPrefix( "organization", URI_BASE_ORGANIZATION+"/"); m.setNsPrefix( "workshop", URI_BASE_WORKSHOP+"/"); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012track", URI_BASE_CONF+"/track/"); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012session", URI_BASE_CONF+"/session/"); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012talk", URI_BASE_CONF+"/talk/"); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012special", URI_BASE_CONF+"/special/"); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012social", URI_BASE_CONF+"/social/"); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012tutorial", URI_BASE_CONF+"/tutorial/"); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012panel", URI_BASE_CONF+"/panel/"); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012paper", URI_BASE_CONF+"/paper/"); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012chair", URI_BASE_CONF+"/chair/"); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012pc", URI_BASE_CONF+"/pc-member/"); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012spc", URI_BASE_CONF+"/senior-pc-member/"); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012sessionchair", URI_BASE_CONF+"/chair/session/"); m.setNsPrefix( "iswc2012", URI_BASE_CONF+"/"); } }