package edu.sjtu.infosec.ismp.manager.OSS.klbm.dao.impl; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import; import edu.sjtu.infosec.ismp.manager.OSS.klbm.dao.OssKnowledgeBaseDao; import edu.sjtu.infosec.ismp.manager.OSS.klbm.model.OssKnowledgeBase; import; public class OssKnowledgeBaseDaoImpl extends HibernateDaoSupport implements OssKnowledgeBaseDao { public void add(OssKnowledgeBase knowledgeBase) throws Exception { getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(knowledgeBase); } public void delete(OssKnowledgeBase knowledgeBase) throws Exception { getHibernateTemplate().delete(knowledgeBase); } public void update(OssKnowledgeBase knowledgeBase) throws Exception { getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(knowledgeBase); getHibernateTemplate().flush(); } public List<OssKnowledgeBase> findAll() throws Exception { List<OssKnowledgeBase> list = getHibernateTemplate().loadAll(OssKnowledgeBase.class); return list; } public OssKnowledgeBase findById(int id) throws Exception { OssKnowledgeBase knowledgeBase = (OssKnowledgeBase)getHibernateTemplate().get(OssKnowledgeBase.class, id); return knowledgeBase; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<OssKnowledgeBase> findAll(Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from OssKnowledgeBase kb where 1=1 "; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and kb.lastUpdateTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and kb.lastUpdateTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } hql = hql + " order by kb.lastUpdateTime,"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<OssKnowledgeBase> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<OssKnowledgeBase> findAllByDomain(List<Domain> domainList) throws Exception { String hql = "from OssKnowledgeBase kb where 1=1 "; int i = 0; for(Domain domain : domainList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + domain.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + domain.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + ") "; } hql = hql + " order by kb.lastUpdateTime,"; List<OssKnowledgeBase> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<OssKnowledgeBase> findAllByDomain(List<Domain> domainList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from OssKnowledgeBase kb where 1=1 "; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and kb.lastUpdateTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and kb.lastUpdateTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain domain : domainList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + domain.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + domain.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + ") "; } hql = hql + " order by kb.lastUpdateTime,"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<OssKnowledgeBase> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNum(Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from OssKnowledgeBase kb where 1=1 "; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and kb.lastUpdateTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and kb.lastUpdateTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByDomain(List<Domain> domainList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from OssKnowledgeBase kb where 1=1 "; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and kb.lastUpdateTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and kb.lastUpdateTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain domain : domainList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + domain.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + domain.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + ") "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<OssKnowledgeBase> findAllByDomain(Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult, int id, Domain domain) throws Exception { Criteria criteria=this.getSession().createCriteria(OssKnowledgeBase.class); if(null!=startRecordTime){ criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("createTime", startRecordTime)); } if(null!=endRecordTime){ criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("lastUpdateTime", endRecordTime)); } if(0!=id && -1!=id){ if(id==-2){ criteria.add(Restrictions.isNull("domain")); }else{ criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("domain", domain)); } } criteria.setFirstResult(startResult); criteria.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<OssKnowledgeBase> knowledgeBaseList = (List<OssKnowledgeBase>)criteria.list(); return knowledgeBaseList; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<OssKnowledgeBase> findAllByDomainList(List<Domain> domainList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult, int id, Domain domain) throws Exception { Criteria criteria=this.getSession().createCriteria(OssKnowledgeBase.class); if(null!=startRecordTime){ criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("createTime", startRecordTime)); } if(null!=endRecordTime){ criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("lastUpdateTime", endRecordTime)); } if(-1 != id){ criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("domain", domain)); } criteria.add("domain", domainList)); criteria.setFirstResult(startResult); criteria.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<OssKnowledgeBase> knowledgeBaseList = (List<OssKnowledgeBase>)criteria.list(); return knowledgeBaseList; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByDomain(Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int id) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from OssKnowledgeBase kb where 1=1 "; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and kb.lastUpdateTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and kb.lastUpdateTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } if(id>0){ hql = hql + " and kb.domain ="+id; }else if(id==-2){ hql = hql + " and kb.domain is null"; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long totalNum =0; if(list != null && list.size()>0){ totalNum = list.get(0); } return totalNum; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByDomainList(List<Domain> domainList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int id) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from OssKnowledgeBase kb where 1=1 "; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and kb.lastUpdateTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and kb.lastUpdateTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } if(id==-1){ int i = 0; for(Domain domain : domainList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + domain.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + domain.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + ") "; } }else if(id>0){ hql = hql + " and kb.domain ="+id; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long totalNum = 0; if(list != null && list.size()>0){ totalNum = list.get(0); } return totalNum; } }