package crmdna.teacher; import; import com.googlecode.objectify.Key; import crmdna.client.Client; import crmdna.common.Utils; import crmdna.common.api.APIException; import crmdna.common.api.APIResponse.Status; import; import crmdna.sequence.Sequence; import crmdna.sequence.Sequence.SequenceType; import crmdna.user.User; import crmdna.user.User.ClientLevelPrivilege; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static crmdna.common.AssertUtils.ensure; import static crmdna.common.AssertUtils.ensureNotNull; import static crmdna.common.OfyService.ofy; public class Teacher { public static TeacherProp create(String client, String firstName, String lastName, String email, long groupId, String login) { Client.ensureValid(client); User.ensureClientLevelPrivilege(client, login, ClientLevelPrivilege.UPDATE_TEACHER); Utils.ensureValidEmail(email); email = email.toLowerCase(); List<Key<TeacherEntity>> keys = ofy(client).load().type(TeacherEntity.class).filter("email", email).keys().list(); if (keys.size() != 0) throw new APIException().status(Status.ERROR_RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS).message( "There is already a teacher with name [" + email + "]"); String key = getUniqueKey(client, email); long val = MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService().increment(key, 1, (long) 0); if (val != 1) throw new APIException().status(Status.ERROR_RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS).message( "There is already a teacher with email [" + email + "]"); TeacherEntity entity = new TeacherEntity(); entity.firstName = firstName; entity.lastName = lastName; entity.teacherId = Sequence.getNext(client, SequenceType.TEACHER); = email; entity.groupId = groupId; ofy(client).save().entity(entity).now(); return entity.toProp(); } private static String getUniqueKey(String namespace, String name) { return namespace + "_" + SequenceType.TEACHER + "_" + name; } public static TeacherEntity safeGet(String client, long teacherId) { Client.ensureValid(client); TeacherEntity entity = ofy(client).load().type(TeacherEntity.class).id(teacherId).now(); if (null == entity) throw new APIException().status(Status.ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND).message( "Teacher [" + teacherId + "] does not exist"); return entity; } public static TeacherEntity safeGetByIdOrEmail(String client, String idOrEmail) { Client.ensureValid(client); ensureNotNull(idOrEmail, "idOrEmail is null"); if (Utils.canParseAsLong(idOrEmail)) { long teacherId = Utils.safeParseAsLong(idOrEmail); return safeGet(client, teacherId); } ensure(Utils.isValidEmailAddress(idOrEmail), "email [" + idOrEmail + "] is not valid"); idOrEmail = idOrEmail.toLowerCase(); List<TeacherEntity> entities = ofy(client).load().type(TeacherEntity.class).filter("email", idOrEmail).list(); if (entities.size() == 0) throw new APIException().status(Status.ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND).message( "Teacher [" + idOrEmail + "] does not exist"); if (entities.size() > 1) // should never come here throw new APIException().status(Status.ERROR_RESOURCE_INCORRECT).message( "Found [" + entities.size() + "] matches for teacher [" + idOrEmail + "]. Please specify Id"); return entities.get(0); } public static TeacherProp update(String client, long teacherId, String newEmail, Long newGroupId, String login) { Client.ensureValid(client); User.ensureClientLevelPrivilege(client, login, ClientLevelPrivilege.UPDATE_TEACHER); if (newGroupId != null) Group.safeGet(client, newGroupId); TeacherEntity entity = safeGet(client, teacherId); if (newEmail != null) { Utils.ensureValidEmail(newEmail); newEmail = newEmail.toLowerCase(); List<Key<TeacherEntity>> keys = ofy(client).load().type(TeacherEntity.class).filter("email", newEmail).keys() .list(); if (keys.size() != 0) throw new APIException().status(Status.ERROR_RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS).message( "There is already a teacher with email [" + newEmail + "]"); String key = getUniqueKey(client, newEmail); long val = MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService().increment(key, 1, (long) 0); if (val != 1) throw new APIException().status(Status.ERROR_RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS).message( "There is already a teacher with name [" + newEmail + "]"); } // ideally should be inside a transaction if (newEmail != null) = newEmail; if (newGroupId != null) entity.groupId = newGroupId; ofy(client).save().entity(entity).now(); return entity.toProp(); } public static List<TeacherProp> getAll(String client) { Client.ensureValid(client); List<TeacherEntity> entities = ofy(client).load().type(TeacherEntity.class).order("email").list(); List<TeacherProp> props = new ArrayList<>(); for (TeacherEntity entity : entities) props.add(entity.toProp()); return props; } public static void delete(String namespace, long teacherId, String login) { // TODO // need to check for all references before supporting delete throw new APIException().status(Status.ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED).message( "Deleting teacher entity is not yet implemented"); } public static class TeacherProp { public long teacherId; public String firstName; public String lastName; public String email; public long groupId; } }