package com.temenos.interaction.commands.solr; /* * The SOLR search command. Can be called with the following parameters. * * 'core' Name of the core to search. Defaults to the entity1 core. * 'q' SOLR query term to search for. * 'feldname' Name of field to search. Defaults to 'text' i.e. all fields (See schema.xml for details). * */ /* * #%L * interaction-commands-solr * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Temenos Holdings N.V. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.temenos.interaction.authorization.command.AuthorizationAttributes; import; import com.temenos.interaction.core.command.InteractionCommand; import com.temenos.interaction.core.command.InteractionContext; import com.temenos.interaction.core.command.InteractionException; import com.temenos.interaction.core.entity.EntityProperties; import com.temenos.interaction.odataext.odataparser.ODataParser; import; import; public class SolrSearchCommand extends AbstractSolrCommand implements InteractionCommand { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SolrSearchCommand.class); private static final String TEXT = "text"; private static final String COLON = ":"; private static final String STAR = "*"; /** * Instantiates a new select command. * * For production we pass in, and connect to, the URL of an external server * for each search request. * * In future we may introduce connection pooling. */ public SolrSearchCommand(String solrRootURL) { this.solrRootURL = solrRootURL; } protected SolrSearchCommand() {} @Override public Result execute(InteractionContext ctx) throws InteractionException { try { URL coreURL = new URL(solrRootURL + "/" + getCompanyId(ctx) + "_" + getCoreName(ctx)); // URL coreURL = new URL(solrRootURL + "/" + coreName);"Connecting to external Solr server " + coreURL + "."); return execute(ctx, new HttpSolrServer(coreURL.toString())); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Malformed URL when connecting to Solr Server. " + e); throw new InteractionException(Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Malformed URL when connecting to Solr Server", e); } } protected Result execute(InteractionContext ctx, SolrServer solrServer) throws InteractionException { logQueryParameters(ctx.getQueryParameters()); // Set up query SolrQuery query = buildQuery(ctx.getQueryParameters()); if (null == query) { // Could not build a valid query. throw new InteractionException(Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Search query is empty, please provide valid options"); } // TODO The following 4 lines, and the URL built with 'comapnyName', are a temporary work round to RTC1671119. // TODO Once expected behavior is understood feel free to remove this. // Run the query Result res = Result.FAILURE; try { QueryResponse rsp = solrServer.query(query); // SolrDocumentList list = rsp.getResults(); ctx.setResource(buildCollectionResource(getEntityName(ctx), rsp.getResults())); // Indicate that database level filtering was successful. ctx.setAttribute(AuthorizationAttributes.FILTER_DONE_ATTRIBUTE, Boolean.TRUE); ctx.setAttribute(AuthorizationAttributes.SELECT_DONE_ATTRIBUTE, Boolean.TRUE); res = Result.SUCCESS; } catch (SolrException e) { logger.error("An unexpected internal error occurred while querying Solr " + e); } catch (SolrServerException e) { logger.error("An unexpected error occurred while querying Solr " + e); } solrServer.shutdown(); return res; } private void logQueryParameters(MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams) { Iterator<String> it = queryParams.keySet().iterator();"SolrSearch command parameters:"); while (it.hasNext()) { String theKey = (String);" " + theKey + " = " + queryParams.getFirst(theKey)); } } private String getCoreName(InteractionContext ctx) throws InteractionException { if (ctx.getQueryParameters().containsKey(SolrConstants.SOLR_CORE_KEY)) { return ctx.getQueryParameters().getFirst(SolrConstants.SOLR_CORE_KEY); } return getEntityName(ctx); } private String getCompanyId(InteractionContext ctx) throws InteractionException { String companyName = ctx.getPathParameters().getFirst("companyid"); if (null == companyName) { throw new InteractionException(Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Missing company id"); } return companyName; } private String getEntityName(InteractionContext ctx) throws InteractionException { String entityName = ctx.getCurrentState().getEntityName(); if (entityName == null || entityName.isEmpty()) { throw new InteractionException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Missing entity name"); } return entityName; } private SolrQuery buildQuery(MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams) { SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery(); // Add Number of rows to fetch addNumOfRows(query, queryParams); // Add Shards for Distributed Query support addShards(query, queryParams); // Add the query string String queryString = buildQueryString(queryParams); if (null != queryString) { query.setQuery(queryString); } // Add the filter string (like query but does hard matching). addFilter(query, queryParams); // If returned fields have been limited by authorization set them addSelect(query, queryParams); return (query); } /** * By default SolrQuery only returns 10 rows. This is true even if more * rows are available. This method will check if user has provided its preference * using $top, otherwise use Solr Default * @param query * @param queryParams */ private void addNumOfRows(SolrQuery query, MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams) { int top = 0; try { String topStr = queryParams.getFirst("$top"); top = topStr == null || topStr.isEmpty() ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(topStr); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // Do nothing and ignore as we have default value to use } if (top > 0) { query.setRows(top); } else { query.setRows(MAX_ENTITIES_RETURNED); } } /** * This method will add Shards to the Query * @param query * @param queryParams */ private void addShards(SolrQuery query, MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams) { String shards = queryParams.getFirst(SolrConstants.SOLR_SHARDS_KEY); if (shards != null && !shards.isEmpty()) { query.setParam(SolrConstants.SOLR_SHARDS_KEY, shards); // Check if user has specified shards.tolerant, add if available String shardsTolerant = queryParams.getFirst(SolrConstants.SOLR_SHARDS_TOLERANT_KEY); if (shardsTolerant != null && !shardsTolerant.isEmpty()) { query.setParam(SolrConstants.SOLR_SHARDS_TOLERANT_KEY, shardsTolerant); } } } // Build Solr field list from an OData $select option. private void addSelect(SolrQuery query, MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams) { // If we were passed an OData $select parse it and add to the query String selectOption = queryParams.getFirst(ODataParser.SELECT_KEY); if (null != selectOption) { // Its a comma separated list of fields. Set<FieldName> fields = ODataParser.parseSelect(selectOption);"Adding selects:"); for (FieldName field : fields) {" " + field.getName()); query.addField(field.getName()); } } return; } // Build the Solr query string from passed request. private String buildQueryString(MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams) { String query = queryParams.getFirst(SolrConstants.SOLR_QUERY_KEY); if (null == query || query.isEmpty()) { return TEXT + COLON + STAR; } query = query.trim(); if (!query.contains(COLON)) { return TEXT + COLON + query; } while (query.startsWith(STAR)) { query = query.substring(1, query.length()); } if (query.startsWith(COLON)) { return TEXT + query; } return query; } // Build the Solr query string from passed request and any authorization // restrictions. private void addFilter(SolrQuery query, MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams) { // If we were passed an OData $filter parse it and add to the query String filterOption = queryParams.getFirst(ODataParser.FILTER_KEY); if (null != filterOption) { try { List<RowFilter> filters = ODataParser.parseFilter(filterOption);"Adding filters:"); for (RowFilter filter : filters) {" " + filter.getFieldName().getName() + " " + filter.getRelation().getoDataString() + " " + filter.getValue()); // Build filter query. Filter query (fq) syntax is non obvious. Check out on line references. switch (filter.getRelation()) { case EQ: query.addFilterQuery(filter.getFieldName().getName() + ":\"" + filter.getValue() + "\""); break; case NE: query.addFilterQuery("-" + filter.getFieldName().getName() + ":\"" + filter.getValue() + "\""); break; case LT: // fq comparisons uses 'inclusive' [x TO y] syntax. To get an 'exclusive' lt use 'not gt'. query.addFilterQuery("-" + filter.getFieldName().getName() + ":[\"" + filter.getValue() + "\" TO *]"); break; case GT: // fq comparisons uses 'inclusive' [x TO y] syntax. To get an 'exclusive' gt use 'not lt'. query.addFilterQuery("-" + filter.getFieldName().getName() + ":[* TO \"" + filter.getValue() + "\"]"); break; case LE: query.addFilterQuery(filter.getFieldName().getName() + ":[* TO \"" + filter.getValue() + "\"]"); break; case GE: query.addFilterQuery(filter.getFieldName().getName() + ":[\"" + filter.getValue() + "\" TO *]"); break; default: logger.warn("Filter condition \"" + filter.getRelation() + "\" not yet implemented ... ignored."); } } } catch (ODataParser.UnsupportedQueryOperationException e) { logger.error("Could not interpret OData " + ODataParser.FILTER_KEY + " = " + filterOption, e); return; } } return; } @Override protected void customizeEntityProperties(SolrDocument doc, EntityProperties properties) { // By default nothing needs to be done } }