package; /** ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2015 IBM Corporation and other Contributors. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Sathiskumar Palaniappan - Initial Contribution ***************************************************************************** */ import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttException; import org.junit.FixMethodOrder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters; import org.junit.FixMethodOrder; /** * This sample showcases various ReST operations that can be performed on Watson IoT Platform to * add/update/get/delete device(s) */ @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) public class DeviceAPIOperationsTest extends TestCase { private final static String PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME = "/"; private static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "TestDT"; private static final String DEVICE_ID = "RasPi01"; private static final String DEVICE_ID2 = "RasPi02"; private static final String NON_ASCII_DEVICE_ID = "NONASCII"; // Example Json format to add a device /* * { "typeId": "ManagedDT", "deviceId": "DEVICE_ID2", "authToken": "password", "deviceInfo": { "serialNumber": "10087", "manufacturer": "IBM", "model": "7865", "deviceClass": "A", "description": "My RasPi01 Device", "fwVersion": "1.0.0", "hwVersion": "1.0", "descriptiveLocation": "EGL C" }, "location": { "measuredDateTime": "2015-23-07T11:23:23+00:00" }, "metadata": {} } */ /** * Split the elements into multiple lines, so that we can showcase the use of multiple constructors */ private final static String locationToBeAdded = "{\"longitude\": 0, \"latitude\": 0, \"elevation\": " + "0,\"measuredDateTime\": \"2015-23-07T11:23:23+00:00\"}"; private final static String newlocationToBeAdded = "{\"longitude\": 10, \"latitude\": 20, \"elevation\": 0}"; private final static String deviceInfoToBeAdded = "{\"serialNumber\": " + "\"10087\",\"manufacturer\": \"IBM\",\"model\": \"7865\",\"deviceClass\": " + "\"A\",\"description\": \"My DEVICE_ID2 Device\",\"fwVersion\": \"1.0.0\"," + "\"hwVersion\": \"1.0\",\"descriptiveLocation\": \"EGL C\"}"; private final static String deviceToBeAdded = "{\"deviceId\": " + "\"" + DEVICE_ID + "\",\"authToken\": \"password\"," + "\"location\": " + locationToBeAdded + "," + "\"deviceInfo\": " + deviceInfoToBeAdded + "," + "\"metadata\": {}}"; private static boolean setUpIsDone = false; private static APIClient apiClient = null; private static APIClient apiClientWithWrongToken = null; private static APIClient apiClientWithWrongKey = null; private static APIClient apiClientWithWrongOrg= null; public synchronized void setUp() { if (setUpIsDone) { return; } /** * Load device properties */ Properties props = new Properties(); Properties propsWrongToken = new Properties(); Properties propsWrongMethod = new Properties(); Properties propsWrongOrg = new Properties(); try { props.load(DeviceAPIOperationsTest.class.getResourceAsStream(PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME)); propsWrongToken.load(DeviceAPIOperationsTest.class.getResourceAsStream(PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME)); propsWrongMethod.load(DeviceAPIOperationsTest.class.getResourceAsStream(PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME)); propsWrongOrg.load(DeviceAPIOperationsTest.class.getResourceAsStream(PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME)); } catch (IOException e1) { System.err.println("Not able to read the properties file, exiting.."); System.exit(-1); } try { //Instantiate the class by passing the properties file apiClient = new APIClient(props); addDeviceType(); props.setProperty("Authentication-Token", "Wrong"); apiClientWithWrongKey = new APIClient(props); props.setProperty("API-Key", "Wrong"); apiClientWithWrongToken = new APIClient(props); props.setProperty("Organization-ID", "Wrong"); apiClientWithWrongOrg = new APIClient(props); } catch (Exception e) { // looks like the file is not updated properly apiClient = null; } setUpIsDone = true; } /** * This sample showcases how to Create a device type using the Java Client Library. * @throws IoTFCReSTException */ private static void addDeviceType() throws IoTFCReSTException { try { boolean status = apiClient.isDeviceTypeExist(DEVICE_TYPE); if(status == false) { System.out.println("Adding device Type --> "+DEVICE_TYPE); apiClient.addDeviceType(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_TYPE, null, null); } return; } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) { System.out.println("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() +" ErrorMessage :: "+ e.getMessage()); // Print if there is a partial response System.out.println(e.getResponse()); } } /** * This sample showcases how to Delete a device using the Java Client Library. * @throws IoTFCReSTException */ public void test08deleteDevice() throws IoTFCReSTException { try { System.out.println("Deleting devices --> " + " and "+DEVICE_ID); apiClient.deleteDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID2); assertFalse("Device is not deleted successfully", apiClient.isDeviceExist(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID2)); apiClient.deleteDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID); assertFalse("Device is not deleted successfully", apiClient.isDeviceExist(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID)); apiClient.deleteDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, NON_ASCII_DEVICE_ID); assertFalse("Device is not deleted successfully", apiClient.isDeviceExist(DEVICE_TYPE, NON_ASCII_DEVICE_ID)); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) { fail("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() +" ErrorMessage :: "+ e.getMessage()); // Print if there is a partial response System.out.println(e.getResponse()); } // negative test, it should fail try { apiClientWithWrongToken.deleteDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID2); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Method try { apiClientWithWrongKey.deleteDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID2); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Org try { apiClientWithWrongOrg.deleteDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID2); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // negative test, it should fail try { apiClientWithWrongToken.isDeviceExist(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID2); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Method try { apiClientWithWrongKey.isDeviceExist(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID2); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Org try { apiClientWithWrongOrg.isDeviceExist(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID2); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} } /** * This sample showcases how to add a device using the Java Client Library. * @throws IoTFCReSTException */ public void test01addDevice() throws IoTFCReSTException { System.out.println("Adding device --> "+deviceToBeAdded); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonElement input = parser.parse(deviceToBeAdded); try{ JsonObject response = this.apiClient.registerDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, input); assertTrue("Device is not registered successfully", apiClient.isDeviceExist(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID)); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) { fail("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() +" ErrorMessage :: "+ e.getMessage()); // Print if there is a partial response System.out.println(e.getResponse()); } try{ // Lets add device with different API that accepts more args, JsonElement deviceInfo = parser.parse(deviceInfoToBeAdded); JsonElement location = parser.parse(locationToBeAdded); System.out.println("Adding device --> "+DEVICE_ID2); JsonObject response = this.apiClient.registerDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID2, "Password", deviceInfo, location, null); assertTrue("Device is not registered successfully", apiClient.isDeviceExist(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID2)); System.out.println(response); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) { fail("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() +" ErrorMessage :: "+ e.getMessage()); // Print if there is a partial response System.out.println(e.getResponse()); } // negative test, it should fail try { apiClientWithWrongToken.registerDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, input); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Method try { apiClientWithWrongKey.registerDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, input); fail("Doesn't throw invild API Key exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Org try { apiClientWithWrongOrg.registerDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, input); fail("Doesn't throw invild Org exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} } /** * This sample showcases how to add a device using the Java Client Library. * @throws IoTFCReSTException */ public void test01addDeviceWithNonASCIIContents() throws IoTFCReSTException { String DEVICE_TEMPLATE = "'{'\"deviceId\": " + "\"{0}\",\"authToken\": \"password\"," + "\"deviceInfo\": '{'\"descriptiveLocation\": \"{1}\"}}"; String location = "XÌ"; // Contains a non-ASCII character //String location = "IBM"; // Contains a non-ASCII character String deviceData = MessageFormat.format(DEVICE_TEMPLATE, NON_ASCII_DEVICE_ID, location); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); try { JsonElement input = parser.parse(deviceData); JsonObject response = this.apiClient.registerDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, input); assertTrue("Device is not registered successfully", apiClient.isDeviceExist(DEVICE_TYPE, NON_ASCII_DEVICE_ID)); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) { fail("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() +" ErrorMessage :: "+ e.getMessage()); // Print if there is a partial response System.out.println(e.getResponse()); } } /** * This sample showcases how to get device details using the Java Client Library. * @throws IoTFCReSTException */ public void test02getDevice() throws IoTFCReSTException { try { System.out.println("get device --> "+DEVICE_ID); JsonObject response = this.apiClient.getDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID); System.out.println(response); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) { fail("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() +" ErrorMessage :: "+ e.getMessage()); // Print if there is a partial response System.out.println(e.getResponse()); } // negative test, it should fail try { apiClientWithWrongToken.getDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Method try { apiClientWithWrongKey.getDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID); fail("Doesn't throw invild API Key exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Org try { apiClientWithWrongOrg.getDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID); fail("Doesn't throw invild ORG exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} } /** * This sample showcases how to get device details using the Java Client Library. * * Negative test - suppy an invalid device type * @throws IoTFCReSTException */ public void test021getDevice() throws IoTFCReSTException { try { System.out.println("get device --> "+DEVICE_ID); JsonObject response = this.apiClient.getDevice("Non-Exist", DEVICE_ID); fail("Must thorw an exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) { } } /** * This sample showcases how to update a device location using the Java Client Library. * @throws IoTFCReSTException */ public void test03updateDeviceLocation() throws IoTFCReSTException { System.out.println("update device location of device --> "+DEVICE_ID); JsonElement newLocation = new JsonParser().parse(newlocationToBeAdded); try { JsonObject response = this.apiClient.updateDeviceLocation(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID, newLocation); System.out.println(response); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) { fail("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() +" ErrorMessage :: "+ e.getMessage()); // Print if there is a partial response System.out.println(e.getResponse()); } // negative test, it should fail try { apiClientWithWrongToken.updateDeviceLocation(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID, newLocation); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Method try { apiClientWithWrongKey.updateDeviceLocation(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID, newLocation); fail("Doesn't throw invild API Key exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Org try { apiClientWithWrongOrg.updateDeviceLocation(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID, newLocation); fail("Doesn't throw invild ORG exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} } /** * This sample showcases how to get a device location using the Java Client Library. * @throws IoTFCReSTException */ public void test04getDeviceLocation() throws IoTFCReSTException { try { System.out.println("get device location of device --> "+DEVICE_ID); JsonObject response = this.apiClient.getDeviceLocation(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID); System.out.println(response); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) { fail("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() +" ErrorMessage :: "+ e.getMessage()); // Print if there is a partial response System.out.println(e.getResponse()); } // negative test, it should fail try { apiClientWithWrongToken.getDeviceLocation(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Method try { apiClientWithWrongKey.getDeviceLocation(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID); fail("Doesn't throw invild API Key exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Org try { apiClientWithWrongOrg.getDeviceLocation(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID); fail("Doesn't throw invild ORG exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} } /** * This sample showcases how to get a management information of a device using the Java Client Library. * @throws Exception */ public void test05getDeviceManagementInformation() throws Exception { /** * Load device properties */ Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(DeviceAPIOperationsTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/")); } catch (IOException e1) { System.err.println("Not able to read the properties file, exiting.."); System.exit(-1); } String typeId = props.getProperty("Device-Type"); String deviceId = props.getProperty("Device-ID"); ManagedDevice dmClient = null; try { DeviceData data = new DeviceData.Builder().build(); dmClient = new ManagedDevice(props, data); dmClient.connect(); dmClient.sendManageRequest(0, true, true); } catch (MqttException e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } System.out.println("get device management information of device --> "+deviceId); try { JsonObject response = this.apiClient.getDeviceManagementInformation(typeId, deviceId); System.out.println(response); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) { fail("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() +" ErrorMessage :: "+ e.getMessage()); // Print if there is a partial response System.out.println(e.getResponse()); } finally { dmClient.disconnect(); } // negative test, it should fail try { apiClientWithWrongToken.getDeviceManagementInformation(typeId, deviceId); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Method try { apiClientWithWrongKey.getDeviceManagementInformation(typeId, deviceId); fail("Doesn't throw invild API Key exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Org try { apiClientWithWrongOrg.getDeviceManagementInformation(typeId, deviceId); fail("Doesn't throw invild Org exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} } /** * This sample showcases how to update a device using the Java Client Library. * @throws IoTFCReSTException */ public void test06updateDevice() throws IoTFCReSTException { JsonObject updatedMetadata = new JsonObject(); try { System.out.println("update device --> "+DEVICE_ID); JsonObject metadata = new JsonObject(); metadata.addProperty("Hi", "Hello, I'm updated metadata"); updatedMetadata.add("metadata", metadata); JsonObject response = this.apiClient.updateDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID, updatedMetadata); System.out.println(response); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) { fail("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() +" ErrorMessage :: "+ e.getMessage()); // Print if there is a partial response System.out.println(e.getResponse()); } // negative test, it should fail try { apiClientWithWrongToken.updateDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID, updatedMetadata); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Method try { apiClientWithWrongKey.updateDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID, updatedMetadata); fail("Doesn't throw invild API Key exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Org try { apiClientWithWrongOrg.updateDevice(DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_ID, updatedMetadata); fail("Doesn't throw invild Org exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} } /** * This sample showcases how to retrieve all the devices in an organization using the Java Client Library. * @throws IoTFCReSTException */ public void test07getAllDevices() throws IoTFCReSTException { System.out.println("Get all devices of device type--> "+DEVICE_TYPE); // Get all the devices of type TestDT ArrayList<NameValuePair> parameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); try { /** * The Java ibmiotf client library provides an one argument constructor * which can be used to control the output, for example, lets try to retrieve * the devices in a sorted order based on device ID. */ parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("_sort","deviceId")); JsonObject response = this.apiClient.retrieveDevices(DEVICE_TYPE, parameters); // The response will contain more parameters that will be used to issue // the next request. The result element will contain the current list of devices JsonArray devices = response.get("results").getAsJsonArray(); for(Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = devices.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { JsonElement deviceElement =; JsonObject responseJson = deviceElement.getAsJsonObject(); System.out.println(responseJson); } } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) { fail("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() +" ErrorMessage :: "+ e.getMessage()); // Print if there is a partial response System.out.println(e.getResponse()); } // negative test, it should fail try { apiClientWithWrongToken.retrieveDevices(DEVICE_TYPE); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Method try { apiClientWithWrongKey.retrieveDevices(DEVICE_TYPE, null); fail("Doesn't throw invild API Key exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Org try { apiClientWithWrongOrg.retrieveDevices(DEVICE_TYPE, parameters); fail("Doesn't throw invild Org exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} } /** * This sample showcases how to Delete a device using the Java Client Library. * @throws IoTFCReSTException */ public void testLastdeleteDeviceTypeAndDevice() throws IoTFCReSTException { try { boolean status = this.apiClient.deleteDeviceType(DEVICE_TYPE); assertFalse("Could not delete the device type", apiClient.isDeviceTypeExist(DEVICE_TYPE)); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) { fail("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() +" ErrorMessage :: "+ e.getMessage()); // Print if there is a partial response System.out.println(e.getResponse()); } // negative test, it should fail try { apiClientWithWrongToken.deleteDeviceType(DEVICE_TYPE); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Method try { apiClientWithWrongKey.deleteDeviceType(DEVICE_TYPE); fail("Doesn't throw invild API Key exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Org try { apiClientWithWrongOrg.deleteDeviceType(DEVICE_TYPE); fail("Doesn't throw invild Org exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // negative test, it should fail try { apiClientWithWrongToken.isDeviceTypeExist(DEVICE_TYPE); fail("Doesn't throw invild Auth token exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Method try { apiClientWithWrongKey.isDeviceTypeExist(DEVICE_TYPE); fail("Doesn't throw invild API Key exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} // Wrrong Org try { apiClientWithWrongOrg.isDeviceTypeExist(DEVICE_TYPE); fail("Doesn't throw invild Org exception"); } catch(IoTFCReSTException e) {} } }