package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.xbill.DNS.TextParseException; public class ServiceRecordTest { @Test public void testEquals () throws TextParseException { ServiceRecord svc1 = DiscoveryRecordUtil.createSrvRecord( "", 1800, 0, 10, 3600 ) ); ServiceRecord svc2 = DiscoveryRecordUtil.createSrvRecord( "", 1800, 0, 10, 3600 ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "Both services should be equal", svc1.equals( svc2 ) ); } @Test public void testCompareToDifferentPriority () throws TextParseException { ServiceRecord svc1 = DiscoveryRecordUtil.createSrvRecord( "", 1800, 0, 10, 3600 ) ); ServiceRecord svc2 = DiscoveryRecordUtil.createSrvRecord( "", 1800, 1, 10, 3600 ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "Incorrect priority comparison", svc1.compareTo( svc2 ) < 1 ); Assert.assertTrue( "Incorrect priority comparison", svc2.compareTo( svc1 ) > 0 ); } @Test public void testCompareToSamePriorityDifferentWeight () throws TextParseException { ServiceRecord svc1 = DiscoveryRecordUtil.createSrvRecord( "", 1800, 0, 10, 3600 ) ); ServiceRecord svc2 = DiscoveryRecordUtil.createSrvRecord( "", 1800, 0, 20, 3600 ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "Incorrect weight comparison", svc1.compareTo( svc2 ) > 0 ); Assert.assertTrue( "Incorrect weight comparison", svc2.compareTo( svc1 ) < 0 ); } @Test public void testCompareSamePriorityWeightAndDifferentHost () throws TextParseException { ServiceRecord svc1 = DiscoveryRecordUtil.createSrvRecord( "", 1800, 0, 10, 3600 ) ); ServiceRecord svc2 = DiscoveryRecordUtil.createSrvRecord( "", 1800, 0, 10, 3600 ) ); ServiceRecord svc3 = DiscoveryRecordUtil.createSrvRecord( "", 1800, 0, 10, 3600 ) ); List<ServiceRecord> list = new ArrayList<ServiceRecord>( 3 ); list.add( svc2 ); list.add( svc3 ); list.add( svc1 ); Collections.sort( list ); Assert.assertTrue( "First element in the list should be svc1", list.get( 0 ).equals( svc1 ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "Second element in the list should be svc2", list.get( 1 ).equals( svc2 ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "Third element in the list should be svc3", list.get( 2 ).equals( svc3 ) ); } @Test public void testCompareSamePriorityWeightHostAndDifferentPort () throws TextParseException { ServiceRecord svc1 = DiscoveryRecordUtil.createSrvRecord( "", 1800, 0, 10, 3600 ) ); ServiceRecord svc2 = DiscoveryRecordUtil.createSrvRecord( "", 1801, 0, 10, 3600 ) ); ServiceRecord svc3 = DiscoveryRecordUtil.createSrvRecord( "", 1802, 0, 10, 3600 ) ); List<ServiceRecord> list = new ArrayList<ServiceRecord>( 3 ); list.add( svc2 ); list.add( svc3 ); list.add( svc1 ); Collections.sort( list ); Assert.assertTrue( "First element in the list should be svc1", list.get( 0 ).equals( svc1 ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "Second element in the list should be svc2", list.get( 1 ).equals( svc2 ) ); Assert.assertTrue( "Third element in the list should be svc3", list.get( 2 ).equals( svc3 ) ); } }