package ch.retorte.intervalmusiccompositor.encoder; import ch.retorte.intervalmusiccompositor.spi.progress.ProgressListener; import org.xiph.libogg.ogg_packet; import org.xiph.libogg.ogg_page; import org.xiph.libogg.ogg_stream_state; import org.xiph.libvorbis.*; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream; import; import; /** * <pre> * ******************************************************************** * * * * * THIS FILE IS PART OF THE OggVorbis SOFTWARE CODEC SOURCE CODE. * * * USE, DISTRIBUTION AND REPRODUCTION OF THIS LIBRARY SOURCE IS * * * GOVERNED BY A BSD-STYLE SOURCE LICENSE INCLUDED WITH THIS SOURCE * * * IN 'COPYING'. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS BEFORE DISTRIBUTING. * * * * * * THE OggVorbis SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2002 * * * by the Xiph.Org Foundation * * * * * ******************************************************************** * </pre> * * The VorbisEncoder converts a byte array of pcm wave data into the vorbis format in a ogg container. * <p> * Code of this class more or less one by one taken from the original VorbisEncoder from here: * */ class VorbisEncoder { //---- Static private static final String ENCODER_TAG_NAME = "ENCODER"; private static final String ENCODER_TAG_CONTENT = "Java Vorbis Encoder"; private static final float HIGH_QUALITY_256_KB = .8f; //---- Fields private ogg_stream_state oggStreamState; private ogg_page oggPage; private ogg_packet oggPacket; private vorbis_dsp_state vorbisDspState; // central working state for the packet->PCM decoder private vorbis_block vorbisBlock; // local working space for packet->PCM decode private int READ = 1024; private byte[] readBuffer = new byte[READ * 4 + 44]; private AudioFormat audioFormat; private ProgressListener progressListener; //---- Constructor VorbisEncoder(AudioFormat audioFormat, ProgressListener progressListener) { this.audioFormat = audioFormat; this.progressListener = progressListener; } //---- Methods byte[] encodeToOgg(AudioInputStream audioInputStream, long streamLengthInBytes) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream result = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); long bytesReadSoFar = 0; initializeOggStream(); initializeOggPageFor(result); while (!isOggEndOfStream()) { int i; int bytes =, 0, READ * 4); // stereo hardwired here bytesReadSoFar = bytesReadSoFar + bytes; updateProgressWith(bytesReadSoFar, streamLengthInBytes); if (0 < bytes) { // data to encode // expose the buffer to submit data float[][] buffer = vorbisDspState.vorbis_analysis_buffer(READ); // Un-interleave samples for (i = 0; i < bytes / 4; i++) { buffer[0][vorbisDspState.pcm_current + i] = ((readBuffer[i * 4 + 1] << 8) | (0x00ff & (int) readBuffer[i * 4])) / 32768.f; buffer[1][vorbisDspState.pcm_current + i] = ((readBuffer[i * 4 + 3] << 8) | (0x00ff & (int) readBuffer[i * 4 + 2])) / 32768.f; } // Tell the library how much we actually submitted vorbisDspState.vorbis_analysis_wrote(i); } else { // end of file. this can be done implicitly in the mainline, // but it's easier to see here in non-clever fashion. // Tell the library we're at end of stream so that it can handle // the last frame and mark end of stream in the output properly vorbisDspState.vorbis_analysis_wrote(0); } // vorbis does some data pre analysis, then divides up blocks for more involved // (potentially parallel) processing. Get a single block for encoding now while (vorbisBlock.vorbis_analysis_blockout(vorbisDspState)) { // analysis, assume we want to use bitrate management vorbisBlock.vorbis_analysis(null); vorbisBlock.vorbis_bitrate_addblock(); while (vorbisDspState.vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket(oggPacket)) { // weld the packet into the bit stream oggStreamState.ogg_stream_packetin(oggPacket); // write out pages (if any) while (!isOggEndOfStream()) { if (!oggStreamState.ogg_stream_pageout(oggPage)) { break; } result.write(oggPage.header, 0, oggPage.header_len); result.write(oggPage.body, 0, oggPage.body_len); } } } } audioInputStream.close(); result.close(); return result.toByteArray(); } private void initializeOggStream() throws IOException { vorbis_info vorbisInfo = new vorbis_info(); vorbisenc encoder = new vorbisenc(); if (!encoder.vorbis_encode_init_vbr(vorbisInfo, audioFormat.getChannels(), (int) audioFormat.getSampleRate(), HIGH_QUALITY_256_KB)) { throw new IOException("Failed to initialize Vorbis encoder."); } vorbis_comment vorbisComment = new vorbis_comment(); vorbisComment.vorbis_comment_add_tag(ENCODER_TAG_NAME, ENCODER_TAG_CONTENT); vorbisDspState = new vorbis_dsp_state(); if (!vorbisDspState.vorbis_analysis_init(vorbisInfo)) { throw new IOException("Failed to initialize Vorbis DSP state."); } vorbisBlock = new vorbis_block(vorbisDspState); java.util.Random generator = new java.util.Random(); // need to randomize seed oggStreamState = new ogg_stream_state(generator.nextInt(256)); ogg_packet header = new ogg_packet(); ogg_packet header_comm = new ogg_packet(); ogg_packet header_code = new ogg_packet(); vorbisDspState.vorbis_analysis_headerout(vorbisComment, header, header_comm, header_code); oggStreamState.ogg_stream_packetin(header); // automatically placed in its own page oggStreamState.ogg_stream_packetin(header_comm); oggStreamState.ogg_stream_packetin(header_code); } private void initializeOggPageFor(ByteArrayOutputStream result) { oggPage = new ogg_page(); oggPacket = new ogg_packet(); while (true) { if (!oggStreamState.ogg_stream_flush(oggPage)) break; result.write(oggPage.header, 0, oggPage.header_len); result.write(oggPage.body, 0, oggPage.body_len); } } private boolean isOggEndOfStream() { return 0 < oggPage.ogg_page_eos(); } private void updateProgressWith(long currentPosition, long total) { progressListener.onProgressUpdate((int) (100.0 / total * currentPosition)); } }