package org.cad.interruptus.features.steps; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import cucumber.api.DataTable; import*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.junit.Assert; import static; import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert; import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONCompareMode; public class FlowConfigSteps extends BaseResourceSteps { ClientResponse listResponse; ClientResponse getResponse; @Given("^the following flows exist:$") public void the_following_flows_exist(DataTable table) throws Throwable { for (String data : table.asList(String.class)) { this.postResource("flow", data); } } @Given("^I have the flow \"(.*?)\" configured$") public void i_have_the_flow_configured$(String data) throws Throwable { this.postResource("flow", data); } @When("^I list all flows$") public void i_list_all_flows() throws Throwable { listResponse = this.getResource("flow"); } @Then("^the flow list response should contain \"(.*?)\"$") public void the_flow_list_response_should_contain(String data) throws Throwable { final String response = listResponse.getEntity(String.class); final JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(response); final Map<String, JSONObject> actualMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { final JSONObject object = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); final String name = String.valueOf(object.get("name")); actualMap.put(name, object); } final JSONObject expectedJson = new JSONObject(data); final String name = String.valueOf(expectedJson.get("name")); final JSONObject actualJson = actualMap.containsKey(name) ? actualMap.get(name): null; if (actualJson == null) { fail(String.format("Failed to assert that flow '%s' exists", expectedJson.get("name"))); return; } JSONAssert.assertEquals(expectedJson, actualMap.get(name), JSONCompareMode.LENIENT); } @When("^I get the flow configuration for \"(.*?)\" the response should be \"(.*?)\"$$") public void i_get_the_flow_configuration_for(String name, String data) throws Throwable { getResponse = this.getResource("flow/" + name); final JSONObject expectedJson = new JSONObject(data); final JSONObject actualJson = new JSONObject(getResponse.getEntity(String.class)); JSONAssert.assertEquals(expectedJson, actualJson, JSONCompareMode.LENIENT); } @When("^I check the flow status for \"(.*?)\" the response should be:$") public void i_check_the_flow_status_for_the_response_should_be(final String name, final String data) throws Throwable { final ClientResponse response = this.getResource("flow/" + name + "/state"); final String actualResponse = response.getEntity(String.class); final JSONObject expectedJson = new JSONObject(data); final JSONObject actualJson = new JSONObject(actualResponse); JSONAssert.assertEquals(expectedJson, actualJson, JSONCompareMode.LENIENT); } @When("^I start the flow \"(.*?)\" the response should be \"(.*?)\"$") public void i_start_the_flow_the_response_should_be(String name, String expectedResponse) throws JSONException { final ClientResponse response = this.postResource("flow/" + name + "/start"); final String actualResponse = response.getEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals(expectedResponse, actualResponse); } @When("^I stop the flow \"(.*?)\" the response should be \"(.*?)\"$") public void i_stop_the_flow_the_response_should_be(String name, String expectedResponse) throws JSONException { final ClientResponse response = this.postResource("flow/" + name + "/stop"); final String actualResponse = response.getEntity(String.class); Assert.assertEquals(expectedResponse, actualResponse); } }