package com.jetbrains.lang.dart.documentation; import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.DartCodeInsightFixtureTestCase; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.ide.documentation.DartDocUtil; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.psi.DartComponent; import static com.jetbrains.lang.dart.util.DartPresentableUtil.RIGHT_ARROW; public class DartDocUtilTest extends DartCodeInsightFixtureTestCase { private void doTest(String expectedDoc, String fileContents) { final int caretOffset = fileContents.indexOf("<caret>"); assertTrue(caretOffset != -1); final String realContents = fileContents.substring(0, caretOffset) + fileContents.substring(caretOffset + "<caret>".length()); final PsiFile psiFile = myFixture.addFileToProject("test.dart", realContents); final DartComponent dartComponent = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(psiFile.findElementAt(caretOffset), DartComponent.class); assertNotNull("target element not found at offset " + caretOffset, dartComponent); assertEquals(expectedDoc, DartDocUtil.generateDoc(dartComponent)); } public void testAbstractClassSig() throws Exception { doTest("<code>abstract class <b>Foo</b> extends Bar<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>abstract class Foo extends Bar { }\nclass Bar { }"); } public void testParamClassSig() throws Exception { doTest("<code>class <b>Foo</b><T><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>class Foo<T>{ }"); } public void testParamClassSig2() throws Exception { doTest("<code>class <b>Foo</b><T, Z><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>class Foo<T,Z>{ }"); } public void testParamClassSig3() throws Exception { doTest("<code>class <b>Foo</b> implements Bar<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>class Foo implements Bar { }<br/>class Bar { }"); } public void testParamClassSig4() throws Exception { doTest("<code>class <b>Foo</b> implements Bar, Baz<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>class Foo implements Bar, Baz { }<br/>class Bar { }<br/>class Baz { }"); } public void testParamClassSig5() throws Exception { doTest("<code>class <b>Foo</b><A, B> extends Bar<A,B><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "class <caret>Foo<A,B> extends Bar<A,B> { }<br/>class Bar<A,B> { }"); } public void testParamClassSig6() throws Exception { doTest("<code>List<String> <b>ids</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br><b>Containing class:</b> A<br></code>", "class A { foo() { List<String> <caret>ids; }}"); } public void testParamClassSig7() throws Exception { doTest("<code>List<Map<String, int>> <b>ids</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br><b>Containing class:</b> A<br></code>", "class A { foo() { List<Map<String, int>> <caret>ids; }}"); } public void testParamClassSig8() throws Exception { doTest( "<code>List<List<Map<String, List<Object>>>> <b>list</b><br><br>" + "<b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br><b>Containing class:</b> A<br></code>", "class A { foo() { List<List<Map<String, List<Object>>>> <caret>list; }}"); } public void testMetaClassSig1() throws Exception { doTest("<code>class <b>A</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", " @deprecated class <caret>A {}"); } public void testMetaClassSig2() throws Exception { doTest("<code>class <b>A</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "@Meta(\'foo\') class <caret>A {};\n" + "class Meta {\n" + " final String name;\n" + " const Meta([]);\n" + "}"); } public void testLibraryClassDoc() throws Exception { doTest("<code>class <b>A</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> c.b.a<br></code>", "library c.b.a;\nclass <caret>A {}"); } public void testImplementsSig1() throws Exception { doTest("<code>abstract class <b>Foo</b> implements Bar<T><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>abstract class Foo implements Bar<T> { }\nclass Bar { }"); } public void testMixinSig1() throws Exception { doTest( "<code>class <b>Foo2</b> extends Bar1<E> with Baz1<K>, Baz2<br><br>" + "<b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>class Foo2 = Bar1<E> with Baz1<K>, Baz2"); } public void testMixinSig2() throws Exception { doTest("<code>class <b>X</b> extends Y with Z<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>class X extends Y with Z { }"); } public void testEnumSig() throws Exception { doTest("<code>enum <b>Foo</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>enum Foo { BAR }"); } public void testFunctionSig1() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>calc</b>(int x) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " int<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>int calc(int x) => x + 42;"); } public void testFunctionSig2() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>foo</b>([int x = 3]) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " dynamic<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>foo([int x = 3]) { print(x); }"); } public void testFunctionSig3() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>foo</b>([int x = 3]) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " void<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>void foo([int x = 3]) { print(x); }"); } public void testFunctionSig4() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>foo</b>(int x, {int y, int z}) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " void<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>void foo(int x, {int y, int z}) { }"); } public void testFunctionSig5() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>x</b>(List<E> e) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " E<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "E <caret>x(List<E> e) { }"); } public void testFunctionSig6() throws Exception { doTest( "<code><b>calc</b>(x() " + RIGHT_ARROW + " int) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " int<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>int calc(int x()) => null;"); } public void testFunctionSig7() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>foo</b>(Map<int, String> p) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " Map<String, int><br><br>" + "<b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "Map<String, int> <caret>foo(Map<int, String> p) => null;"); } public void testFunctionSig8() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>x</b>() " + RIGHT_ARROW + " dynamic<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>x() => null;"); } public void testFunctionSig9() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>x</b>({bool b: true}) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " dynamic<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>x({bool b: true}){};"); } public void testFunctionSig10() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>x</b>({bool b}) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " void<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "void <caret>x({bool b}){};"); } public void testFunctionType() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>x</b>({bool b}) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " Function<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "Function<T>(y) <caret>x({bool b}){};"); } public void testTypedefSig() throws Exception { doTest("<code>typedef <b>a</b>(int x) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " int<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>", "<caret>typedef int a(int x);"); } public void testFieldSig1() throws Exception { doTest("<code>int <b>y</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br><b>Containing class:</b> Z<br></code>", "class Z { <caret>int y = 42; }"); } public void testFieldSig2() throws Exception { doTest("<code>int <b>y</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br><b>Containing class:</b> Z<br></code>", "class Z { <caret>int y; }"); } public void testMethodSig1() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>y</b>() " + RIGHT_ARROW + " int<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br><b>Containing class:</b> Z<br></code>", "class Z { <caret>int y() => 42; }"); } public void testNamedConstructorSig() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>Z.</b><b>z</b>() " + RIGHT_ARROW + " Z<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br><b>Containing class:</b> Z<br></code>", "class Z { <caret>Z.z(); }"); } public void testConstructorSig() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>Z</b>() " + RIGHT_ARROW + " Z<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br><b>Containing class:</b> Z<br></code>", "class Z { <caret>Z(); }"); } public void testGetterSig() throws Exception { doTest("<code>get <b>x</b> " + RIGHT_ARROW + " int<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br><b>Containing class:</b> Z<br></code>", "class Z { <caret>int get x => 0; }"); } public void testSetterSig() throws Exception { doTest("<code>set <b>x</b>(int x) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " void<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br><b>Containing class:</b> Z<br></code>", "class Z { <caret>void set x(int x) { } }"); } public void testTopLevelVarDoc1() throws Exception { doTest("<code>var <b>x</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> a.b.c<br></code>\n<p>docs1\ndocs2</p>", "library a.b.c;\n" + "/// docs1\n" + "/// docs2\n" + "<caret>@deprecated var x = 'foo';"); } public void testTopLevelVarDoc2() throws Exception { doTest("<code>int <b>x</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> a.b.c<br></code>", "library a.b.c;\n<caret>int x = 3;\n"); } public void testFunctionDoc1() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>foo</b>(int x) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " void<br><br>" + "<b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>\n<p>A function on <code>x</code>s.</p>", "/// A function on <code>x</code>s.\n<caret>void foo(int x) { }"); } public void testFunctionDoc2() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>foo</b>(int x) " + RIGHT_ARROW + " void<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>\n" + "<p>Good for:</p>\n\n" + "<ul>\n" + "<li>this</li>\n" + "<li>that</li>\n" + "</ul>", "/** Good for:\n\n" + " * * this\n" + " * * that\n" + "*/\n" + "\n<caret>void foo(int x) { }"); } public void testClassMultilineDoc1() throws Exception { doTest("<code>class <b>A</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>\n<p>doc1\n" + "doc2\n" + " doc3</p>\n" + "\n" + "<p> doc4</p>\n" + "\n" + "<pre><code> code\n" + "</code></pre>", "/** 1 */\n" + "/**\n" + " * doc1\n" + " * doc2\n" + " * doc3\n" + " *\n" + " * doc4\n" + " * \n" + " * code\n" + " */\n" + "// non-doc\n" + "<caret>class A{}"); } public void testClassMultilineDoc2() throws Exception { doTest("<code>abstract class <b>A</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>\n<p>doc1\n" + "doc2\n" + " doc3\n" + "doc4\n" + "doc5\n" + " doc6</p>", "@deprecated\n" + "/**\n" + "*doc1\n" + "* doc2\n" + "* doc3\n" + " *doc4\n" + " * doc5\n" + " * doc6\n" + " */\n" + "<caret>abstract class A{}"); } public void testClassSingleLineDocs1() throws Exception { doTest("<code>class <b>A</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>\n<p>doc1 <br />\n" + "doc2</p>", "// not doc \n" + "/// doc1 \n" + " /* not doc */\n" + " /// doc2 \n" + " // not doc \n" + "<caret>class A{}"); } public void testClassSingleLineDocs2() throws Exception { doTest("<code>class <b>A</b><br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>\n<p>doc1 <br />\n" + "doc2</p>", "@deprecated" + "// not doc \n" + "/// doc1 \n" + " /* not doc */\n" + " ///doc2 \n" + " // not doc \n" + "<caret>class A{}"); } public void testMethodMultilineDoc() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>foo</b>() " + RIGHT_ARROW + " dynamic<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br>" + "<b>Containing class:</b> A<br></code>\n<p>doc1\n" + "doc2\n" + " doc3</p>\n" + "\n" + "<p> doc4</p>\n" + "\n" + "<pre><code> code\n" + "</code></pre>", "class A{\n" + "/** 1 */\n" + "/**\n" + " * doc1\n" + " * doc2\n" + " * doc3\n" + " *\n" + " * doc4\n" + " * \n" + " * code\n" + " */\n" + "// non-doc\n" + "<caret>foo(){}\n" + "}"); } public void testMethodSingleLineDocs() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>foo</b>() " + RIGHT_ARROW + " dynamic<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br>" + "<b>Containing class:</b> A<br></code>\n<p>doc1 </p>\n" + "\n" + "<pre><code> doc2\n" + "</code></pre>", "class A{\n" + "// not doc \n" + "/// doc1 \n" + " /* not doc */\n" + " ///\n" + " /// doc2 \n" + " ///\n" + " // not doc \n" + "<caret>foo(){}\n" + "}"); } public void testHyperlink() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>foo</b>() " + RIGHT_ARROW + " void<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>\n" + "<p>my <a href=\"\">fancy link</a></p>", "/// my [fancy link](\nvoid <caret>foo() => null;\n"); } public void testHyperlinkMultiLine() throws Exception { doTest("<code><b>foo</b>() " + RIGHT_ARROW + " void<br><br><b>Containing library:</b> test.dart<br></code>\n" + "<p>my <a href=\"\">fancy\n" + "link</a></p>", "/// my [fancy\n/// link](\nvoid <caret>foo() => null;\n"); } }