/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * Copyright 2014-2014 AS3Boyan * Copyright 2014-2014 Elias Ku * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.plugins.haxe.ide; import com.intellij.codeInspection.DefaultHighlightVisitorBasedInspection; import com.intellij.lang.LanguageAnnotators; import com.intellij.plugins.haxe.HaxeCodeInsightFixtureTestCase; import com.intellij.plugins.haxe.HaxeLanguage; import com.intellij.plugins.haxe.ide.annotator.HaxeTypeAnnotator; import com.intellij.plugins.haxe.ide.inspections.HaxeUnresolvedSymbolInspection; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; /** * @author: Fedor.Korotkov */ public class HaxeAnnotationTest extends HaxeCodeInsightFixtureTestCase { @Override protected String getBasePath() { return "/annotation/"; } private void doTest(String... additionalPaths) throws Exception { final String[] paths = ArrayUtil.append(additionalPaths, getTestName(false) + ".hx"); myFixture.configureByFiles(ArrayUtil.reverseArray(paths)); final HaxeTypeAnnotator annotator = new HaxeTypeAnnotator(); try { LanguageAnnotators.INSTANCE.addExplicitExtension(HaxeLanguage.INSTANCE, annotator); myFixture.enableInspections(new DefaultHighlightVisitorBasedInspection.AnnotatorBasedInspection()); try { myFixture.testHighlighting(true, true, true, myFixture.getFile().getVirtualFile()); } finally { LanguageAnnotators.INSTANCE.removeExplicitExtension(HaxeLanguage.INSTANCE, annotator); } } finally { LanguageAnnotators.INSTANCE.removeExplicitExtension(HaxeLanguage.INSTANCE, annotator); } } public void testIDEA_100331() throws Throwable { doTest("test/TArray.hx"); } public void testIDEA_100331_2() throws Throwable { doTest("test/TArray.hx"); } public void testIDEA_106515() throws Throwable { doTest("test/TArray.hx"); } public void testIDEA_106515_2() throws Throwable { doTest("test/TArray.hx"); } /* Test that an import file containing no classes of the same name is resolved. * The standard haxe library file haxe/macro/Tools.hx was the definitive error * case. * * @throws Throwable */ public void testIDEA_ResolveImportWithoutType() throws Throwable { final String[] paths = {"test/stdTools.hx", getTestName(false) + ".hx"}; myFixture.configureByFiles(ArrayUtil.reverseArray(paths)); final String haxe_macro_Tools_contents = "package haxe.macro;\ntypedef TExprTools = ExprTools;\n"; myFixture.addFileToProject("haxe/macro/Tools.hx", haxe_macro_Tools_contents); myFixture.enableInspections(HaxeUnresolvedSymbolInspection.class); myFixture.testHighlighting(true, true, true, myFixture.getFile().getVirtualFile()); } }