package org.elixir_lang.sdk; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module; import com.intellij.openapi.module.ModuleUtilCore; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.*; import com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.impl.ProjectJdkImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.roots.*; import com.intellij.openapi.util.SystemInfo; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Version; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.LocalFileSystem; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFileManager; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.util.Function; import org.elixir_lang.icons.ElixirIcons; import org.elixir_lang.jps.model.JpsElixirModelSerializerExtension; import org.elixir_lang.jps.model.JpsElixirSdkType; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly; import javax.swing.*; import; import java.util.*; import static org.elixir_lang.sdk.ElixirSystemUtil.STANDARD_TIMEOUT; import static org.elixir_lang.sdk.ElixirSystemUtil.transformStdoutLine; /** * Created by zyuyou on 2015/5/27. * */ public class ElixirSdkType extends SdkType { private final Map<String, ElixirSdkRelease> mySdkHomeToReleaseCache = ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode() ? new HashMap<String, ElixirSdkRelease>() : new WeakHashMap<String, ElixirSdkRelease>(); private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(ElixirSdkType.class); public ElixirSdkType() { super(JpsElixirModelSerializerExtension.ELIXIR_SDK_TYPE_ID); } @NotNull public static ElixirSdkType getInstance(){ ElixirSdkType instance = SdkType.findInstance(ElixirSdkType.class); assert instance != null : "Make sure ElixirSdkType is registered in plugin.xml"; return instance; } @Override public Icon getIcon() { return ElixirIcons.FILE; } @Override public Icon getIconForAddAction() { return getIcon(); } @Nullable @Override public String suggestHomePath() { Iterator<String> iterator = suggestHomePaths().iterator(); String suggestedHomePath = null; if (iterator.hasNext()) { suggestedHomePath =; } return suggestedHomePath; } @Override public Collection<String> suggestHomePaths() { return homePathByVersion().values(); } @Override public boolean isValidSdkHome(@NotNull String path) { File elixir = JpsElixirSdkType.getScriptInterpreterExecutable(path); File elixirc = JpsElixirSdkType.getByteCodeCompilerExecutable(path); File iex = JpsElixirSdkType.getIExExecutable(path); File mix = JpsElixirSdkType.getMixExecutable(path); // Determine whether everything is executable return elixir.canExecute() && elixirc.canExecute() && iex.canExecute() && mix.canExecute(); } @Override public String suggestSdkName(@Nullable String currentSdkName, @NotNull String sdkHome) { return getDefaultSdkName(sdkHome, detectSdkVersion(sdkHome)); } @Nullable @Override public String getVersionString(@NotNull String sdkHome) { return getVersionString(detectSdkVersion(sdkHome)); } @Nullable @Override public String getDefaultDocumentationUrl(@NotNull Sdk sdk) { return getDefaultDocumentationUrl(getRelease(sdk)); } @Nullable @Override public AdditionalDataConfigurable createAdditionalDataConfigurable(@NotNull SdkModel sdkModel, @NotNull SdkModificator sdkModificator) { return null; } @Override public String getPresentableName() { return "Elixir SDK"; } @Override public void saveAdditionalData(@NotNull SdkAdditionalData additionalData, @NotNull Element additional) { } @Override public void setupSdkPaths(@NotNull Sdk sdk) { configureSdkPaths(sdk); } @Nullable public static String getSdkPath(@NotNull final Project project){ // todo small ide if(ElixirSystemUtil.isSmallIde()){ return ElixirSdkForSmallIdes.getSdkHome(project); } Sdk sdk = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getProjectSdk(); return sdk != null && sdk.getSdkType() == getInstance() ? sdk.getHomePath() : null; } @NotNull public static ElixirSdkRelease getNonNullRelease(@NotNull PsiElement element) { ElixirSdkRelease nonNullRelease = getRelease(element); if (nonNullRelease == null) { nonNullRelease = ElixirSdkRelease.LATEST; } return nonNullRelease; } @Nullable public static ElixirSdkRelease getRelease(@NotNull PsiElement element) { ElixirSdkRelease release = null; Project project = element.getProject(); if (ElixirSystemUtil.isSmallIde()) { release = getReleaseForSmallIde(project); } else { /* ModuleUtilCore.findModuleForPsiElement can fail with NullPointerException if the ProjectFileIndex.SERVICE.getInstance(Project) returns {@code null}, so check that the ProjectFileIndex is available first */ if (ProjectFileIndex.SERVICE.getInstance(project) != null) { Module module = ModuleUtilCore.findModuleForPsiElement(element); if (module != null) { @Nullable ModuleRootManager moduleRootManager = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module); if (moduleRootManager != null) { Sdk sdk = moduleRootManager.getSdk(); if (sdk != null) { release = getRelease(sdk); } } } } if (release == null) { release = getRelease(project); } } return release; } @Nullable public static ElixirSdkRelease getRelease(@NotNull Project project){ ElixirSdkRelease release; if (ElixirSystemUtil.isSmallIde()) { release = getReleaseForSmallIde(project); } else { ProjectRootManager projectRootManager = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project); if (projectRootManager != null) { release = getRelease(projectRootManager.getProjectSdk()); } else { release = null; } } return release; } @NotNull private static String getDefaultSdkName(@NotNull String sdkHome, @Nullable ElixirSdkRelease release){ return release != null ? release.toString() : "Unknown Elixir version at " + sdkHome ; } @Nullable public ElixirSdkRelease detectSdkVersion(@NotNull String sdkHome){ ElixirSdkRelease cachedRelease = mySdkHomeToReleaseCache.get(getVersionCacheKey(sdkHome)); if(cachedRelease != null){ return cachedRelease; } File elixir = JpsElixirSdkType.getScriptInterpreterExecutable(sdkHome); if(!elixir.canExecute()){ String reason = elixir.getPath() + (elixir.exists() ? " is not executable." : " is missing."); LOG.warn("Can't detect Elixir version: " + reason); return null; } ElixirSdkRelease release = transformStdoutLine( new Function<String, ElixirSdkRelease>() { @Override public ElixirSdkRelease fun(String line) { return ElixirSdkRelease.fromString(line); } }, STANDARD_TIMEOUT, sdkHome, elixir.getAbsolutePath(), "-e", "IO.puts System.build_info[:version]" ); if (release != null) { mySdkHomeToReleaseCache.put(getVersionCacheKey(sdkHome), release); } return release; } @Nullable private static String getVersionCacheKey(@Nullable String sdkHome){ return sdkHome != null ? new File(sdkHome).getAbsolutePath() : null; } @Nullable private static String getVersionString(@Nullable ElixirSdkRelease version) { return version != null ? version.toString() : null; } @Nullable private static String getDefaultDocumentationUrl(@Nullable ElixirSdkRelease version) { return version == null ? null : ""; } @Nullable private static ElixirSdkRelease getRelease(@Nullable Sdk sdk) { if (sdk != null && sdk.getSdkType() == getInstance()) { ElixirSdkRelease fromVersionString = ElixirSdkRelease.fromString(sdk.getVersionString()); return fromVersionString != null ? fromVersionString : getInstance().detectSdkVersion(StringUtil.notNullize(sdk.getHomePath())); } return null; } private static void configureSdkPaths(@NotNull Sdk sdk) { SdkModificator sdkModificator = sdk.getSdkModificator(); setupLocalSdkPaths(sdkModificator); String externalDocUrl = getDefaultDocumentationUrl(getRelease(sdk)); if (externalDocUrl != null) { VirtualFile fileByUrl = VirtualFileManager.getInstance().findFileByUrl(externalDocUrl); if (fileByUrl != null) { sdkModificator.addRoot(fileByUrl, JavadocOrderRootType.getInstance()); } } sdkModificator.commitChanges(); } private static void setupLocalSdkPaths(@NotNull SdkModificator sdkModificator){ String sdkHome = sdkModificator.getHomePath(); { File stdLibDir = new File(new File(sdkHome), "lib"); if(tryToProcessAsStandardLibraryDir(sdkModificator, stdLibDir)) return; } assert !ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode() : "Failed to setup a mock SDK"; File stdLibDir = new File("/usr/lib/erlang"); tryToProcessAsStandardLibraryDir(sdkModificator, stdLibDir); } /** * set the sdk libs * todo: differentiating `Elixir.*.beam` files and `*.ex` files. * */ private static boolean tryToProcessAsStandardLibraryDir(@NotNull SdkModificator sdkModificator, @NotNull File stdLibDir) { if (!isStandardLibraryDir(stdLibDir)) return false; VirtualFile dir = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByIoFile(stdLibDir); if (dir != null) { sdkModificator.addRoot(dir, OrderRootType.SOURCES); sdkModificator.addRoot(dir, OrderRootType.CLASSES); } return true; } private static boolean isStandardLibraryDir(@NotNull File dir) { return dir.isDirectory(); } /** * Map of home paths to versions in descending version order so that newer versions are favored. * * @return Map */ private Map<Version, String> homePathByVersion() { Map<Version, String> homePathByVersion = new TreeMap<Version, String>( new Comparator<Version>() { @Override public int compare(Version version1, Version version2) { // compare version2 to version1 to produce descending instead of ascending order. return version2.compareTo(version1); } } ); if (SystemInfo.isMac) { File homebrewRoot = new File("/usr/local/Cellar/elixir"); if (homebrewRoot.isDirectory()) { File[] files = homebrewRoot.listFiles(); if(files != null){ for (File child : files) { if (child.isDirectory()) { String versionString = child.getName(); String[] versionParts = versionString.split("\\.", 3); int major = Integer.parseInt(versionParts[0]); int minor = Integer.parseInt(versionParts[1]); int bugfix = Integer.parseInt(versionParts[2]); Version version = new Version(major, minor, bugfix); homePathByVersion.put(version, child.getAbsolutePath()); } } } } } else { Version version = new Version(0,0,0); String sdkPath = ""; if (SystemInfo.isWindows){ if (SystemInfo.is32Bit){ sdkPath = "C:\\Program Files\\Elixir"; } else { sdkPath = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Elixir"; } } else if (SystemInfo.isLinux){ sdkPath = "/usr/local/lib/elixir"; } homePathByVersion.put(version, sdkPath); } return homePathByVersion; } @Nullable private static ElixirSdkRelease getReleaseForSmallIde(@NotNull Project project){ String sdkPath = getSdkPath(project); return StringUtil.isEmpty(sdkPath) ? null : getInstance().detectSdkVersion(sdkPath); } @TestOnly @NotNull public static Sdk createMockSdk(@NotNull String sdkHome, @NotNull ElixirSdkRelease version){ getInstance().mySdkHomeToReleaseCache.put(getVersionCacheKey(sdkHome), version); // we'll not try to detect sdk version in tests environment Sdk sdk = new ProjectJdkImpl(getDefaultSdkName(sdkHome, version), getInstance()); SdkModificator sdkModificator = sdk.getSdkModificator(); sdkModificator.setHomePath(sdkHome); sdkModificator.setVersionString(getVersionString(version));// must be set after home path, otherwise setting home path clears the version string sdkModificator.commitChanges(); configureSdkPaths(sdk); return sdk; } }