package bes.injector;/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport; final class Worker extends AtomicReference<Work> implements Runnable { private static final long TARGET_SLEEP_NANOS = TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toNanos(10L); private static final long MAX_SLEEP_NANOS = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(1L); final Long workerId; final Thread thread; final Injector injector; // prevStopCheck stores the value of injector.stopCheck after we last incremented it; if it hasn't changed, // we know nobody else was spinning in the interval, so we increment our soleSpinnerSpinTime accordingly, // and otherwise we set it to zero; this is then used to terminate the final spinning thread, as the coordinated // strategy can only work when there are multiple threads spinning (as more sleep time must elapse than real time) long prevStopCheck = 0; long soleSpinnerSpinTime = 0; Worker(Long workerId, Work initialState, Injector injector, ThreadFactory threadFactory) { this.injector = injector; this.workerId = workerId; thread = threadFactory.newThread(this); set(initialState); thread.start(); } public void run() { while (true) { /** * we maintain two important invariants: * 1) after exiting spinning phase, we ensure at least one more task on _each_ queue will be processed * promptly after we begin, assuming any are outstanding on any pools. this is to permit producers to * avoid signalling if there are _any_ spinning threads. we achieve this by simply calling * maybeSchedule() on each queue if, on decrementing the spin counter, we hit zero. * 2) before processing a task on a given queue, we attempt to assign another worker to the _same queue * only_; this allows a producer to skip signalling work if there are task permits already available, * and in conjunction with invariant (1) ensures that if any thread was spinning when a task was added * to any executor, that task will be processed immediately if work permits are available */ InjectionExecutor assigned = null; Runnable task = null; try { while (true) { if (isSpinning() && !selfAssign()) { doWaitSpin(); continue; } // if stop was signalled, go to sleep (don't try self-assign; being put to sleep is rare and means // we're over capacity, so let's obey it whenever we receive it. we don't apply this constraint to // producers, who may reschedule us before we go to sleep) if (stop()) while (isStopped()) LockSupport.park(); // we can be assigned any state from STOPPED, so loop if we don't actually have any tasks assigned assigned = get().assigned; if (assigned == null) continue; // if we've been assigned, we have a task permit already taken for us, so get our task task = assigned.tasks.poll(); // once assigned nobody will change our state, so we can simply set it to WORKING // (which is also a state that will never be interrupted externally) set(Work.WORKING); while (true) { assigned.maybeSchedule(true); Runnable run = task; task = null; assigned.executeInternal(run); if (!assigned.takeTaskPermit()) break; task = assigned.tasks.poll(); } // return our work permit, and maybe signal shutdown assigned.returnWorkPermit(); if (assigned.isShutdown()) { InjectionExecutor wasAssigned = assigned; assigned = null; wasAssigned.maybeTerminate(); } assigned = null; // try to immediately reassign ourselves some work; if we fail, start spinning if (!selfAssign()) startSpinning(); } } catch (Throwable t) { /** * in general this should only happen in case of, e.g., OOM or some equivalent dangerous state, * so there's only so much we can do to ensure correctness. For safety, we let this thread die if possible. * * Even then, generally it should not be possible for exceptions to be thrown anywhere between adopting * a task and attempting to execute it (or beforeExecute()), unless the VM state is badly corrupted, * so we are only really ensuring our wider injector state is correct, and that work cannot be assigned to us. * * In this event we don't care if a waiting task may not be served _promptly_ (i.e. may have to wait for * another thread to complete its current work before serving the rest of the queue), only that it is served * eventually, assuming those other threads aren't stuck. If we are the last worker, we try to continue * where we left off, as otherwise tasks may be left unprocessed. */ Work state = getAndSet(Work.DEAD); if (assigned != null) { assigned.returnWorkPermit(); if (task != null) { assigned.tasks.add(task); state.assigned.returnTaskPermit(); } } else if (state.isAssigned()) { state.assigned.returnWorkPermit(); state.assigned.returnTaskPermit(); } if (state.isSpinning()) injector.spinningCount.decrementAndGet(); boolean terminate = true; if (injector.workerCount.decrementAndGet() == 0) { // then we check if there's actually any work to do; if not, we terminate boolean hasWork = false; for (InjectionExecutor executor : injector.executors) hasWork |= executor.hasTasks(); // finally we check to see no new threads have been started if (hasWork && injector.workerCount.compareAndSet(0, 1)) { set(Work.SPINNING); injector.spinningCount.incrementAndGet(); terminate = false; } } Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler handler = thread.getUncaughtExceptionHandler(); if (handler != null) handler.uncaughtException(thread, t); if (terminate) break; } } } // try to assign this worker the provided work // valid states to assign are SPINNING, STOP_SIGNALLED, (ASSIGNED); // restores invariants of the various states (i.e. spinningCount, descheduled collection and thread park status) boolean assign(Work work, boolean self) { Work state = get(); while (state.canAssign(self)) { if (!compareAndSet(state, work)) { state = get(); continue; } // if we were spinning, exit the state (decrement the count); this is valid even if we are already spinning, // as the assigning thread will have incremented the spinningCount if (state.isSpinning()) stopSpinning(); // if we're being descheduled, place ourselves in the descheduled collection if (work.isStop()) injector.descheduled.put(workerId, this); // if we're currently stopped, and the new state is not a stop signal // (which we can immediately convert to stopped), unpark the worker if (state.isStopped() && (!work.isStop() || !stop())) LockSupport.unpark(thread); return true; } return false; } // try to assign ourselves an executor with work available private boolean selfAssign() { // if we aren't permitted to assign in this state, fail if (!get().canAssign(true)) return false; for (InjectionExecutor exec : injector.executors) { if (exec.takeWorkPermit(true)) { Work work = exec.asWork; // we successfully started work on this executor, so we must either assign it to ourselves or ... if (assign(work, true)) return true; // ... if we fail, schedule it to another worker injector.schedule(work, true); // and return success as we must have already been assigned a task assert get().isAssigned(); return true; } } return false; } // we can only call this when our state is WORKING, and no other thread may change our state in this case; // so in this case only we do not need to CAS. We increment the spinningCount and add ourselves to the spinning // collection at the same time private void startSpinning() { assert get() == Work.WORKING; injector.spinningCount.incrementAndGet(); set(Work.SPINNING); } // exit the spinning state; if there are no remaining spinners, we immediately try and schedule work for all executors // so that any producer is safe to not spin up a worker when they see a spinning thread (invariant (1) above) private void stopSpinning() { if (injector.spinningCount.decrementAndGet() == 0) for (InjectionExecutor executor : injector.executors) executor.maybeSchedule(true); prevStopCheck = soleSpinnerSpinTime = 0; } // perform a sleep-spin, incrementing injector.stopCheck accordingly private void doWaitSpin() { // pick a random sleep interval based on the number of threads spinning, so that // we should always have a thread about to wake up, but most threads are sleeping long sleep, sleepMax; sleepMax = TARGET_SLEEP_NANOS * injector.spinningCount.get(); sleepMax = Math.min(MAX_SLEEP_NANOS, sleepMax); if (TARGET_SLEEP_NANOS >= sleepMax) sleep = TARGET_SLEEP_NANOS; else sleep = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(TARGET_SLEEP_NANOS, sleepMax); long start = System.nanoTime(); // place ourselves in the spinning collection; if we clash with another thread just exit Long targetWakeup = start + sleep; if (injector.spinning.putIfAbsent(targetWakeup, this) != null) return; LockSupport.parkNanos(sleep); // remove ourselves (if haven't been already) - we should be at or near the front, so should be cheap-ish injector.spinning.remove(targetWakeup, this); long end = System.nanoTime(); long spin = end - start; long stopCheck = injector.stopCheck.addAndGet(spin); maybeStop(stopCheck, end); if (prevStopCheck + spin == stopCheck) soleSpinnerSpinTime += spin; else soleSpinnerSpinTime = 0; prevStopCheck = stopCheck; } private static final long stopCheckInterval = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(10L); // stops a worker if elapsed real time is less than elapsed spin time, as this implies the equivalent of // at least one worker achieved nothing in the interval. we achieve this by maintaining a stopCheck which // is initialised to a negative offset from realtime; as we spin we add to this value, and if we ever exceed // realtime we have spun too much and deschedule; if we get too far behind realtime, we reset to our initial offset private void maybeStop(long stopCheck, long now) { long delta = now - stopCheck; if (delta <= 0) { // if stopCheck has caught up with present, we've been spinning too much, so if we can atomically // set it to the past again, we should stop a worker if (injector.stopCheck.compareAndSet(stopCheck, now - stopCheckInterval)) { // try and stop ourselves; // if we've already been assigned work, stop another worker if (!assign(Work.STOP_SIGNALLED, true)) injector.schedule(Work.STOP_SIGNALLED, true); } } else if (soleSpinnerSpinTime > stopCheckInterval && injector.spinningCount.get() == 1) { // permit self-stopping assign(Work.STOP_SIGNALLED, true); } else { // if stop check has gotten too far behind present, update it so new spins can affect it while (delta > stopCheckInterval * 2 && !injector.stopCheck.compareAndSet(stopCheck, now - stopCheckInterval)) { stopCheck = injector.stopCheck.get(); delta = now - stopCheck; } } } private boolean isSpinning() { return get().isSpinning(); } private boolean stop() { return get().isStop() && compareAndSet(Work.STOP_SIGNALLED, Work.STOPPED); } private boolean isStopped() { return get().isStopped(); } }