package org.apache.samoa.learners.classifiers.trees; /* * #%L * SAMOA * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Apache Software Foundation * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import static org.apache.samoa.moa.core.Utils.maxIndex; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.samoa.core.ContentEvent; import org.apache.samoa.core.Processor; import org.apache.samoa.instances.Instance; import org.apache.samoa.instances.Instances; import org.apache.samoa.instances.InstancesHeader; import org.apache.samoa.learners.InstanceContent; import org.apache.samoa.learners.InstancesContentEvent; import org.apache.samoa.learners.ResultContentEvent; import org.apache.samoa.moa.classifiers.core.AttributeSplitSuggestion; import org.apache.samoa.moa.classifiers.core.driftdetection.ChangeDetector; import org.apache.samoa.moa.classifiers.core.splitcriteria.InfoGainSplitCriterion; import org.apache.samoa.moa.classifiers.core.splitcriteria.SplitCriterion; import org.apache.samoa.topology.Stream; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Model Aggegator Processor consists of the decision tree model. It connects to local-statistic PI via attribute stream * and control stream. Model-aggregator PI sends the split instances via attribute stream and it sends control messages * to ask local-statistic PI to perform computation via control stream. * * Model-aggregator PI sends the classification result via result stream to an evaluator PI for classifier or other * destination PI. The calculation results from local statistic arrive to the model-aggregator PI via computation-result * stream. * * @author Arinto Murdopo * */ final class ModelAggregatorProcessor implements Processor { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1685875718300564886L; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ModelAggregatorProcessor.class); private int processorId; private Node treeRoot; private int activeLeafNodeCount; private int inactiveLeafNodeCount; private int decisionNodeCount; private boolean growthAllowed; private final Instances dataset; // to support concurrent split private long splitId; private ConcurrentMap<Long, SplittingNodeInfo> splittingNodes; private BlockingQueue<Long> timedOutSplittingNodes; // available streams private Stream resultStream; private Stream attributeStream; private Stream controlStream; private transient ScheduledExecutorService executor; private final SplitCriterion splitCriterion; private final double splitConfidence; private final double tieThreshold; private final int gracePeriod; private final int parallelismHint; private final long timeOut; // private constructor based on Builder pattern private ModelAggregatorProcessor(Builder builder) { this.dataset = builder.dataset; this.splitCriterion = builder.splitCriterion; this.splitConfidence = builder.splitConfidence; this.tieThreshold = builder.tieThreshold; this.gracePeriod = builder.gracePeriod; this.parallelismHint = builder.parallelismHint; this.timeOut = builder.timeOut; this.changeDetector = builder.changeDetector; InstancesHeader ih = new InstancesHeader(dataset); this.setModelContext(ih); } @Override public boolean process(ContentEvent event) { // Poll the blocking queue shared between ModelAggregator and the time-out // threads Long timedOutSplitId = timedOutSplittingNodes.poll(); if (timedOutSplitId != null) { // time out has been reached! SplittingNodeInfo splittingNode = splittingNodes.get(timedOutSplitId); if (splittingNode != null) { this.splittingNodes.remove(timedOutSplitId); this.continueAttemptToSplit(splittingNode.activeLearningNode, splittingNode.foundNode); } } // Receive a new instance from source if (event instanceof InstancesContentEvent) { InstancesContentEvent instancesEvent = (InstancesContentEvent) event; this.processInstanceContentEvent(instancesEvent); // Send information to local-statistic PI // for each of the nodes if (this.foundNodeSet != null) { for (FoundNode foundNode : this.foundNodeSet) { ActiveLearningNode leafNode = (ActiveLearningNode) foundNode.getNode(); AttributeBatchContentEvent[] abce = leafNode.getAttributeBatchContentEvent(); if (abce != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.dataset.numAttributes() - 1; i++) { this.sendToAttributeStream(abce[i]); } } leafNode.setAttributeBatchContentEvent(null); // this.sendToControlStream(event); //split information // See if we can ask for splits if (!leafNode.isSplitting()) { double weightSeen = leafNode.getWeightSeen(); // check whether it is the time for splitting if (weightSeen - leafNode.getWeightSeenAtLastSplitEvaluation() >= this.gracePeriod) { attemptToSplit(leafNode, foundNode); } } } } this.foundNodeSet = null; } else if (event instanceof LocalResultContentEvent) { LocalResultContentEvent lrce = (LocalResultContentEvent) event; Long lrceSplitId = lrce.getSplitId(); SplittingNodeInfo splittingNodeInfo = splittingNodes.get(lrceSplitId); if (splittingNodeInfo != null) { // if null, that means // activeLearningNode has been // removed by timeout thread ActiveLearningNode activeLearningNode = splittingNodeInfo.activeLearningNode; activeLearningNode.addDistributedSuggestions(lrce.getBestSuggestion(), lrce.getSecondBestSuggestion()); if (activeLearningNode.isAllSuggestionsCollected()) { splittingNodeInfo.scheduledFuture.cancel(false); this.splittingNodes.remove(lrceSplitId); this.continueAttemptToSplit(activeLearningNode, splittingNodeInfo.foundNode); } } } return false; } protected Set<FoundNode> foundNodeSet; @Override public void onCreate(int id) { this.processorId = id; this.activeLeafNodeCount = 0; this.inactiveLeafNodeCount = 0; this.decisionNodeCount = 0; this.growthAllowed = true; this.splittingNodes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.timedOutSplittingNodes = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); this.splitId = 0; // Executor for scheduling time-out threads this.executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(8); } @Override public Processor newProcessor(Processor p) { ModelAggregatorProcessor oldProcessor = (ModelAggregatorProcessor) p; ModelAggregatorProcessor newProcessor = new ModelAggregatorProcessor.Builder(oldProcessor).build(); newProcessor.setResultStream(oldProcessor.resultStream); newProcessor.setAttributeStream(oldProcessor.attributeStream); newProcessor.setControlStream(oldProcessor.controlStream); return newProcessor; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(super.toString()); sb.append("ActiveLeafNodeCount: ").append(activeLeafNodeCount); sb.append("InactiveLeafNodeCount: ").append(inactiveLeafNodeCount); sb.append("DecisionNodeCount: ").append(decisionNodeCount); sb.append("Growth allowed: ").append(growthAllowed); return sb.toString(); } void setResultStream(Stream resultStream) { this.resultStream = resultStream; } void setAttributeStream(Stream attributeStream) { this.attributeStream = attributeStream; } void setControlStream(Stream controlStream) { this.controlStream = controlStream; } void sendToAttributeStream(ContentEvent event) { this.attributeStream.put(event); } void sendToControlStream(ContentEvent event) { this.controlStream.put(event); } /** * Helper method to generate new ResultContentEvent based on an instance and its prediction result. * * @param prediction * The predicted class label from the decision tree model. * @param inEvent * The associated instance content event * @return ResultContentEvent to be sent into Evaluator PI or other destination PI. */ private ResultContentEvent newResultContentEvent(double[] prediction, InstanceContent inEvent) { ResultContentEvent rce = new ResultContentEvent(inEvent.getInstanceIndex(), inEvent.getInstance(), inEvent.getClassId(), prediction, inEvent.isLastEvent()); rce.setClassifierIndex(this.processorId); rce.setEvaluationIndex(inEvent.getEvaluationIndex()); return rce; } private List<InstancesContentEvent> contentEventList = new LinkedList<>(); /** * Helper method to process the InstanceContentEvent * * @param instContentEvent */ private void processInstanceContentEvent(InstancesContentEvent instContentEvent) { this.numBatches++; this.contentEventList.add(instContentEvent); if (this.numBatches == 1 || this.numBatches > 4) { this.processInstances(this.contentEventList.remove(0)); } if (instContentEvent.isLastEvent()) { // drain remaining instances while (!contentEventList.isEmpty()) { processInstances(contentEventList.remove(0)); } } } private int numBatches = 0; private void processInstances(InstancesContentEvent instContentEvent) { for (InstanceContent instContent : instContentEvent.getList()) { Instance inst = instContent.getInstance(); boolean isTesting = instContent.isTesting(); boolean isTraining = instContent.isTraining(); inst.setDataset(this.dataset); // Check the instance whether it is used for testing or training // boolean testAndTrain = isTraining; //Train after testing double[] prediction = null; if (isTesting) { prediction = getVotesForInstance(inst, false); this.resultStream.put(newResultContentEvent(prediction, instContent)); } if (isTraining) { trainOnInstanceImpl(inst); if (this.changeDetector != null) { if (prediction == null) { prediction = getVotesForInstance(inst); } boolean correctlyClassifies = this.correctlyClassifies(inst, prediction); double oldEstimation = this.changeDetector.getEstimation(); this.changeDetector.input(correctlyClassifies ? 0 : 1); if (this.changeDetector.getEstimation() > oldEstimation) { // Start a new classifier"Change detected, resetting the classifier"); this.resetLearning(); this.changeDetector.resetLearning(); } } } } } private boolean correctlyClassifies(Instance inst, double[] prediction) { return maxIndex(prediction) == (int) inst.classValue(); } private void resetLearning() { this.treeRoot = null; // Remove nodes FoundNode[] learningNodes = findNodes(); for (FoundNode learningNode : learningNodes) { Node node = learningNode.getNode(); if (node instanceof SplitNode) { SplitNode splitNode; splitNode = (SplitNode) node; for (int i = 0; i < splitNode.numChildren(); i++) { splitNode.setChild(i, null); } } } } protected FoundNode[] findNodes() { List<FoundNode> foundList = new LinkedList<>(); findNodes(this.treeRoot, null, -1, foundList); return foundList.toArray(new FoundNode[foundList.size()]); } protected void findNodes(Node node, SplitNode parent, int parentBranch, List<FoundNode> found) { if (node != null) { found.add(new FoundNode(node, parent, parentBranch)); if (node instanceof SplitNode) { SplitNode splitNode = (SplitNode) node; for (int i = 0; i < splitNode.numChildren(); i++) { findNodes(splitNode.getChild(i), splitNode, i, found); } } } } /** * Helper method to get the prediction result. The actual prediction result is delegated to the leaf node. * * @param inst * @return */ private double[] getVotesForInstance(Instance inst) { return getVotesForInstance(inst, false); } private double[] getVotesForInstance(Instance inst, boolean isTraining) { double[] ret; FoundNode foundNode = null; if (this.treeRoot != null) { foundNode = this.treeRoot.filterInstanceToLeaf(inst, null, -1); Node leafNode = foundNode.getNode(); if (leafNode == null) { leafNode = foundNode.getParent(); } ret = leafNode.getClassVotes(inst, this); } else { int numClasses = this.dataset.numClasses(); ret = new double[numClasses]; } // Training after testing to speed up the process if (isTraining) { if (this.treeRoot == null) { this.treeRoot = newLearningNode(this.parallelismHint); this.activeLeafNodeCount = 1; foundNode = this.treeRoot.filterInstanceToLeaf(inst, null, -1); } trainOnInstanceImpl(foundNode, inst); } return ret; } /** * Helper method that represent training of an instance. Since it is decision tree, this method routes the incoming * instance into the correct leaf and then update the statistic on the found leaf. * * @param inst */ private void trainOnInstanceImpl(Instance inst) { if (this.treeRoot == null) { this.treeRoot = newLearningNode(this.parallelismHint); this.activeLeafNodeCount = 1; } FoundNode foundNode = this.treeRoot.filterInstanceToLeaf(inst, null, -1); trainOnInstanceImpl(foundNode, inst); } private void trainOnInstanceImpl(FoundNode foundNode, Instance inst) { Node leafNode = foundNode.getNode(); if (leafNode == null) { leafNode = newLearningNode(this.parallelismHint); foundNode.getParent().setChild(foundNode.getParentBranch(), leafNode); activeLeafNodeCount++; } if (leafNode instanceof LearningNode) { LearningNode learningNode = (LearningNode) leafNode; learningNode.learnFromInstance(inst, this); } if (this.foundNodeSet == null) { this.foundNodeSet = new HashSet<>(); } this.foundNodeSet.add(foundNode); } /** * Helper method to represent a split attempt * * @param activeLearningNode * The corresponding active learning node which will be split * @param foundNode * The data structure to represents the filtering of the instance using the tree model. */ private void attemptToSplit(ActiveLearningNode activeLearningNode, FoundNode foundNode) { if (!activeLearningNode.observedClassDistributionIsPure()) { // Increment the split ID this.splitId++; // Schedule time-out thread ScheduledFuture<?> timeOutHandler = this.executor.schedule(new AggregationTimeOutHandler(this.splitId, this.timedOutSplittingNodes), this.timeOut, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // Keep track of the splitting node information, so that we can continue the // split // once we receive all local statistic calculation from Local Statistic PI // this.splittingNodes.put(Long.valueOf(this.splitId), new // SplittingNodeInfo(activeLearningNode, foundNode, null)); this.splittingNodes.put(this.splitId, new SplittingNodeInfo(activeLearningNode, foundNode, timeOutHandler)); // Inform Local Statistic PI to perform local statistic calculation activeLearningNode.requestDistributedSuggestions(this.splitId, this); } } /** * Helper method to continue the attempt to split once all local calculation results are received. * * @param activeLearningNode * The corresponding active learning node which will be split * @param foundNode * The data structure to represents the filtering of the instance using the tree model. */ private void continueAttemptToSplit(ActiveLearningNode activeLearningNode, FoundNode foundNode) { AttributeSplitSuggestion bestSuggestion = activeLearningNode.getDistributedBestSuggestion(); AttributeSplitSuggestion secondBestSuggestion = activeLearningNode.getDistributedSecondBestSuggestion(); // compare with null split double[] preSplitDist = activeLearningNode.getObservedClassDistribution(); AttributeSplitSuggestion nullSplit = new AttributeSplitSuggestion(null, new double[0][], this.splitCriterion.getMeritOfSplit(preSplitDist, new double[][] { preSplitDist })); if ((bestSuggestion == null) || (nullSplit.compareTo(bestSuggestion) > 0)) { secondBestSuggestion = bestSuggestion; bestSuggestion = nullSplit; } else { if ((secondBestSuggestion == null) || (nullSplit.compareTo(secondBestSuggestion) > 0)) { secondBestSuggestion = nullSplit; } } boolean shouldSplit = false; if (secondBestSuggestion == null) { shouldSplit = (bestSuggestion != null); } else { double hoeffdingBound = computeHoeffdingBound( this.splitCriterion.getRangeOfMerit(activeLearningNode.getObservedClassDistribution()), this.splitConfidence, activeLearningNode.getWeightSeen()); if ((bestSuggestion.merit - secondBestSuggestion.merit > hoeffdingBound) || (hoeffdingBound < tieThreshold)) { shouldSplit = true; } // TODO: add poor attributes removal } SplitNode parent = foundNode.getParent(); int parentBranch = foundNode.getParentBranch(); // split if the Hoeffding bound condition is satisfied if (shouldSplit) { if (bestSuggestion.splitTest != null) { SplitNode newSplit = new SplitNode(bestSuggestion.splitTest, activeLearningNode.getObservedClassDistribution()); for (int i = 0; i < bestSuggestion.numSplits(); i++) { Node newChild = newLearningNode(bestSuggestion.resultingClassDistributionFromSplit(i), this.parallelismHint); newSplit.setChild(i, newChild); } this.activeLeafNodeCount--; this.decisionNodeCount++; this.activeLeafNodeCount += bestSuggestion.numSplits(); if (parent == null) { this.treeRoot = newSplit; } else { parent.setChild(parentBranch, newSplit); } } // TODO: add check on the model's memory size } // housekeeping activeLearningNode.endSplitting(); activeLearningNode.setWeightSeenAtLastSplitEvaluation(activeLearningNode.getWeightSeen()); } /** * Helper method to deactivate learning node * * @param toDeactivate * Active Learning Node that will be deactivated * @param parent * Parent of the soon-to-be-deactivated Active LearningNode * @param parentBranch * the branch index of the node in the parent node */ private void deactivateLearningNode(ActiveLearningNode toDeactivate, SplitNode parent, int parentBranch) { Node newLeaf = new InactiveLearningNode(toDeactivate.getObservedClassDistribution()); if (parent == null) { this.treeRoot = newLeaf; } else { parent.setChild(parentBranch, newLeaf); } this.activeLeafNodeCount--; this.inactiveLeafNodeCount++; } private LearningNode newLearningNode(int parallelismHint) { return newLearningNode(new double[0], parallelismHint); } private LearningNode newLearningNode(double[] initialClassObservations, int parallelismHint) { // for VHT optimization, we need to dynamically instantiate the appropriate // ActiveLearningNode return new ActiveLearningNode(initialClassObservations, parallelismHint); } /** * Helper method to set the model context, i.e. how many attributes they are and what is the class index * * @param ih */ private void setModelContext(InstancesHeader ih) { // TODO possibly refactored if ((ih != null) && (ih.classIndex() < 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Context for a classifier must include a class to learn"); } // TODO: check flag for checking whether training has started or not // model context is used to describe the model logger.trace("Model context: {}", ih.toString()); } private static double computeHoeffdingBound(double range, double confidence, double n) { return Math.sqrt((Math.pow(range, 2.0) * Math.log(1.0 / confidence)) / (2.0 * n)); } /** * AggregationTimeOutHandler is a class to support time-out feature while waiting for local computation results from * the local statistic PIs. * * @author Arinto Murdopo * */ static class AggregationTimeOutHandler implements Runnable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AggregationTimeOutHandler.class); private final Long splitId; private final BlockingQueue<Long> toBeSplittedNodes; AggregationTimeOutHandler(Long splitId, BlockingQueue<Long> toBeSplittedNodes) { this.splitId = splitId; this.toBeSplittedNodes = toBeSplittedNodes; } @Override public void run() { logger.debug("Time out is reached. AggregationTimeOutHandler is started."); try { toBeSplittedNodes.put(splitId); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn("Interrupted while trying to put the ID into the queue"); } logger.debug("AggregationTimeOutHandler is finished."); } } /** * SplittingNodeInfo is a class to represents the ActiveLearningNode that is splitting * * @author Arinto Murdopo * */ static class SplittingNodeInfo implements Serializable { private final ActiveLearningNode activeLearningNode; private final FoundNode foundNode; private final transient ScheduledFuture<?> scheduledFuture; SplittingNodeInfo(ActiveLearningNode activeLearningNode, FoundNode foundNode, ScheduledFuture<?> scheduledFuture) { this.activeLearningNode = activeLearningNode; this.foundNode = foundNode; this.scheduledFuture = scheduledFuture; } } protected ChangeDetector changeDetector; public ChangeDetector getChangeDetector() { return this.changeDetector; } public void setChangeDetector(ChangeDetector cd) { this.changeDetector = cd; } /** * Builder class to replace constructors with many parameters * * @author Arinto Murdopo * */ static class Builder { // required parameters private final Instances dataset; // default values private SplitCriterion splitCriterion = new InfoGainSplitCriterion(); private double splitConfidence = 0.0000001; private double tieThreshold = 0.05; private int gracePeriod = 200; private int parallelismHint = 1; private long timeOut = 30; private ChangeDetector changeDetector = null; Builder(Instances dataset) { this.dataset = dataset; } Builder(ModelAggregatorProcessor oldProcessor) { this.dataset = oldProcessor.dataset; this.splitCriterion = oldProcessor.splitCriterion; this.splitConfidence = oldProcessor.splitConfidence; this.tieThreshold = oldProcessor.tieThreshold; this.gracePeriod = oldProcessor.gracePeriod; this.parallelismHint = oldProcessor.parallelismHint; this.timeOut = oldProcessor.timeOut; } Builder splitCriterion(SplitCriterion splitCriterion) { this.splitCriterion = splitCriterion; return this; } Builder splitConfidence(double splitConfidence) { this.splitConfidence = splitConfidence; return this; } Builder tieThreshold(double tieThreshold) { this.tieThreshold = tieThreshold; return this; } Builder gracePeriod(int gracePeriod) { this.gracePeriod = gracePeriod; return this; } Builder parallelismHint(int parallelismHint) { this.parallelismHint = parallelismHint; return this; } Builder timeOut(long timeOut) { this.timeOut = timeOut; return this; } Builder changeDetector(ChangeDetector changeDetector) { this.changeDetector = changeDetector; return this; } ModelAggregatorProcessor build() { return new ModelAggregatorProcessor(this); } } }