/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.cloud; import java.util.Collection; import com.google.common.annotations.Beta; import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.MachineLocationCustomizer; import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.BasicConfigKey; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.LocationConfigKeys; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.SetFromFlag; public interface CloudLocationConfig { public static final ConfigKey<String> CLOUD_ENDPOINT = LocationConfigKeys.CLOUD_ENDPOINT; public static final ConfigKey<String> CLOUD_REGION_ID = LocationConfigKeys.CLOUD_REGION_ID; public static final ConfigKey<String> CLOUD_AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID = LocationConfigKeys.CLOUD_AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID; @SetFromFlag("identity") public static final ConfigKey<String> ACCESS_IDENTITY = LocationConfigKeys.ACCESS_IDENTITY; @SetFromFlag("credential") public static final ConfigKey<String> ACCESS_CREDENTIAL = LocationConfigKeys.ACCESS_CREDENTIAL; public static final ConfigKey<String> USER = LocationConfigKeys.USER; public static final ConfigKey<String> PASSWORD = LocationConfigKeys.PASSWORD; public static final ConfigKey<String> PUBLIC_KEY_FILE = LocationConfigKeys.PUBLIC_KEY_FILE; public static final ConfigKey<String> PUBLIC_KEY_DATA = LocationConfigKeys.PUBLIC_KEY_DATA; public static final ConfigKey<String> PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = LocationConfigKeys.PRIVATE_KEY_FILE; public static final ConfigKey<String> PRIVATE_KEY_DATA = LocationConfigKeys.PRIVATE_KEY_DATA; public static final ConfigKey<String> PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE = LocationConfigKeys.PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE; /** @deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines */ @Deprecated public static final ConfigKey<String> LEGACY_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE = LocationConfigKeys.LEGACY_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE; /** @deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines */ @Deprecated public static final ConfigKey<String> LEGACY_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA = LocationConfigKeys.LEGACY_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA; /** @deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines */ @Deprecated public static final ConfigKey<String> LEGACY_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = LocationConfigKeys.LEGACY_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE; /** @deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines */ @Deprecated public static final ConfigKey<String> LEGACY_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA = LocationConfigKeys.LEGACY_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA; /** @deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines */ @Deprecated public static final ConfigKey<String> LEGACY_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE = LocationConfigKeys.LEGACY_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE; // default is just shy of common 64-char boundary, leaving 4 chars plus our salt allowance (default 4+1) which allows up to -12345678 by jclouds public static final ConfigKey<Integer> VM_NAME_MAX_LENGTH = ConfigKeys.newIntegerConfigKey( "vmNameMaxLength", "Maximum length of VM name", 60); public static final ConfigKey<Integer> VM_NAME_SALT_LENGTH = ConfigKeys.newIntegerConfigKey( "vmNameSaltLength", "Number of characters to use for a random identifier inserted in hostname " + "to uniquely identify machines", 4); public static final ConfigKey<String> POLL_FOR_FIRST_REACHABLE_ADDRESS = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("pollForFirstReachableAddress", "Whether and how long to wait for reaching the VM's ip:port; " + "if 'false', will default to the node's first public IP (or privae if no public IPs); " + "if 'true' uses default duration; otherwise accepts a time string e.g. '5m' (the default) or a number of milliseconds", "5m"); public static final ConfigKey<String> WAIT_FOR_SSHABLE = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("waitForSshable", "Whether and how long to wait for a newly provisioned VM to be accessible via ssh; " + "if 'false', won't check; if 'true' uses default duration; otherwise accepts a time string e.g. '5m' (the default) or a number of milliseconds", "5m"); public static final ConfigKey<String> WAIT_FOR_WINRM_AVAILABLE = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("waitForWinRmAvailable", "Whether and how long to wait for a newly provisioned VM to be accessible via WinRm; " + "if 'false', won't check; if 'true' uses default duration; otherwise accepts a time string e.g. '30m' (the default) or a number of milliseconds", "30m"); public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> LOG_CREDENTIALS = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey( "logCredentials", "Whether to log credentials of a new VM - strongly recommended never be used in production, as it is a big security hole!", false); public static final ConfigKey<Object> CALLER_CONTEXT = LocationConfigKeys.CALLER_CONTEXT; public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> DESTROY_ON_FAILURE = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey("destroyOnFailure", "Whether to destroy the VM if provisioningLocation.obtain() fails", true); public static final ConfigKey<Object> INBOUND_PORTS = new BasicConfigKey<Object>(Object.class, "inboundPorts", "Inbound ports to be applied when creating a VM, on supported clouds " + "(either a single port as a String, or an Iterable<Integer> or Integer[])", null); @Beta public static final ConfigKey<Object> ADDITIONAL_INBOUND_PORTS = new BasicConfigKey<Object>(Object.class, "required.ports", "Required additional ports to be applied when creating a VM, on supported clouds " + "(either a single port as an Integer, or an Iterable<Integer> or Integer[])", null); public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> OS_64_BIT = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey("os64Bit", "Whether to require 64-bit OS images (true), 32-bit images (false), or either (null)"); public static final ConfigKey<Object> MIN_RAM = new BasicConfigKey<Object>(Object.class, "minRam", "Minimum amount of RAM, either as string (4gb) or number of MB (4096), for use in selecting the machine/hardware profile", null); public static final ConfigKey<Integer> MIN_CORES = new BasicConfigKey<Integer>(Integer.class, "minCores", "Minimum number of cores, for use in selecting the machine/hardware profile", null); public static final ConfigKey<Object> MIN_DISK = new BasicConfigKey<Object>(Object.class, "minDisk", "Minimum size of disk, either as string (100gb) or number of GB (100), for use in selecting the machine/hardware profile", null); public static final ConfigKey<String> DOMAIN_NAME = new BasicConfigKey<String>(String.class, "domainName", "DNS domain where the host should be created, e.g. yourdomain.com (selected clouds only)", null); @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static final ConfigKey<Collection<MachineLocationCustomizer>> MACHINE_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey( new TypeToken<Collection<MachineLocationCustomizer>>() {}, "machineCustomizers", "Optional machine customizers"); }