package; import fj.Bottom; import static fj.Bottom.error; import fj.F; import fj.F2; import fj.F3; import static fj.Function.curry; import static fj.P.p; import fj.P1; import fj.P2; import fj.P3; import; import static; import static; import; import static; import static; import; import static; import static; import; import; import fj.pre.Ord; import fj.pre.Show; import static; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** * @author <a href="">Trygve Laugstøl</a> * @version $Id$ */ public class Functions { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // java.lang.Double // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public static final F<String, Either<NumberFormatException, Double>> parseDouble = new F<String, Either<NumberFormatException, Double>>() { public Either<NumberFormatException, Double> f(String s) { try { return right(Double.parseDouble(s)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return left(e); } } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // java.lang.Strings // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public static final F<String, F<String, Boolean>> equals = curry(new F2<String, String, Boolean>() { public Boolean f(String s, String s1) { return s.equals(s1); } }); public static final F<String, F<String, Boolean>> String_startsWith = curry(new F2<String, String, Boolean>() { public Boolean f(String s, String s1) { return s1.startsWith(s); } }); public static final F<String, F<String, Boolean>> String_endsWith = curry(new F2<String, String, Boolean>() { public Boolean f(String s, String s1) { return s1.endsWith(s); } }); public static final F<String, F<String, List<String>>> split = curry(new F2<String, String, List<String>>() { public List<String> f(String regex, String string) { return list(string.split(regex)); } }); public static final F<String, String> trim = new F<String, String>() { public String f(String s) { return s.trim(); } }; /** * f a b = a + b */ public static final F<String, F<String, String>> append = curry(new F2<String, String, String>() { public String f(String a, String b) { return b.concat(a); } }); /** * f a b = a + b */ public static final F<String, F<String, F<String, String>>> String_join = curry(new F3<String, String, String, String>() { public String f(String join, String s1, String s2) { return s1 + join + s2; } }); /** * f a b = b + a */ public static final F<String, F<String, String>> prepend = curry(new F2<String, String, String>() { public String f(String a, String b) { return a.concat(b); } }); public static final F<Integer, F<String, String>> substringFrom = curry(new F2<Integer, String, String>() { public String f(Integer beginIndex, String s) { return s.substring(beginIndex); } }); public static final F<Integer, F<Integer, F<String, String>>> substring = curry(new F3<Integer, Integer, String, String>() { public String f(Integer beginIndex, Integer endIndex, String s) { return s.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); } }); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public static final F<String, File> newRelativeFile = new F<String, File>() { public File f(String s) { return new File(s); } }; public static final F<File, F<String, File>> newFile = curry(new F2<File, String, File>() { public File f(File file, String s) { return new File(file, s); } }); public static final F<File, Boolean> File_canRead = new F<File, Boolean>() { public Boolean f(File file) { return file.canRead(); } }; public static final F<File, Boolean> File_isDirectory = new F<File, Boolean>() { public Boolean f(File file) { return file.isDirectory(); } }; public static final F<File, F<FileFilter, List<File>>> listFilesWithFileFilter = curry(new F2<File, FileFilter, List<File>>() { public List<File> f(File file, FileFilter fileFilter) { return list(file.listFiles(fileFilter)); } }); public static final F<File, List<File>> File_listFiles = new F<File, List<File>>() { public List<File> f(File file) { File[] files = file.listFiles(); return files == null ? List.<File>nil() : list(files); } }; public static final F<File, String> File_getName = new F<File, String>() { public String f(File file) { return file.getName(); } }; public static final F<File, String> File_getAbsolutePath = new F<File, String>() { public String f(File file) { return file.getAbsolutePath(); } }; public static final Show<File> File_show = Show.showS(File_getName); public static final Show<File> File_showAbsolute = Show.showS(File_getAbsolutePath); public static Ord<LocalDate> LocalDate_ord = Ord.comparableOrd(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public static <R> R throwLeft(Either<Exception, R> either) throws Exception { if (either.isLeft()) { throw either.left().value(); } return either.right().value(); } public static <A, B> F<Either<A, B>, Option<B>> Either_rightToOption_() { return new F<Either<A, B>, Option<B>>() { public Option<B> f(Either<A, B> abEither) { return abEither.right().toOption(); } }; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // I'll get killed for this - trygve public static <A> A toNull(Option<A> option) { return option.isSome() ? option.some() : null; } public static <A, B> F<Option<A>, Option<B>> Option_map(final F<A, B> f) { return new F<Option<A>, Option<B>>() { public Option<B> f(Option<A> option) { return; } }; } public static <A> F<Option<A>, A> Option_somes() { return new F<Option<A>, A>() { public A f(Option<A> option) { return option.some(); } }; } public static <A> F<Option<Option<A>>, Option<A>> Option_join_() { return new F<Option<Option<A>>, Option<A>>() { public Option<A> f(Option<Option<A>> option) { return Option.join(option); } }; } public static <A> A Option_valueE(Option<A> option, String e) { if (option.isNone()) { throw Bottom.error(e); } return option.some(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public static <K, V> F<K, F<TreeMap<K, V>, Option<V>>> TreeMap_get() { return new F<K, F<TreeMap<K, V>, Option<V>>>() { public F<TreeMap<K, V>, Option<V>> f(final K k) { return new F<TreeMap<K, V>, Option<V>>() { public Option<V> f(TreeMap<K, V> map) { return map.get(k); } }; } }; } public static <K, V> F<F<V, K>, F<TreeMap<K, V>, F<V, TreeMap<K, V>>>> TreeMap_set() { return curry(new F3<F<V, K>, TreeMap<K, V>, V, TreeMap<K, V>>() { public TreeMap<K, V> f(F<V, K> vkf, TreeMap<K, V> treeMap, V v) { return treeMap.set(vkf.f(v), v); } }); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public static <T> F<List<T>, T> head_() { return new F<List<T>, T>() { public T f(List<T> list) { return list.head(); } }; } public static <T> F<List<T>, Option<T>> List_toOption_() { return new F<List<T>, Option<T>>() { public Option<T> f(List<T> list) { return list.toOption(); } }; } public static <A> F<F<A, Boolean>, F<List<A>, List<A>>> List_filter() { return curry(new F2<F<A, Boolean>, List<A>, List<A>>() { public List<A> f(F<A, Boolean> filter, List<A> list) { return list.filter(filter); } }); } public static <A, B, C> List<C> List_product(List<A> as, final List<B> bs, final F<A, F<B, C>> f) { class State { final A a; final Iterator<A> ai; final Iterator<B> bi; State(A a, Iterator<A> ai, Iterator<B> bi) { this.a = a; = ai; = bi; } } if (as.isEmpty() || bs.isEmpty()) { return List.nil(); } Iterator<A> ai = as.iterator(); return List.unfold(new F<State, Option<P2<C, State>>>() { public Option<P2<C, State>> f(State state) { // Still running Bs if ( { C c = f.f(state.a).f(; return some(p(c, new State(state.a,,; } // Out of Bs if ( { A a =; Iterator<B> bi = bs.iterator(); C c = f.f(a).f(; return some(p(c, new State(a,, bi))); } // Out of As return none(); } }, new State(, ai, bs.iterator())); } public static <A> Iterator<A> List_iterator(final List<A> l) { return new Iterator<A>() { List<A> list = l; public boolean hasNext() { return list.isEmpty(); } public A next() { if (list.isEmpty()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } A head = list.head(); list = list.tail(); return head; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public static <A> Stream<A> Stream_cycle(final Stream<A> stream) { if (stream.isEmpty()) throw error("cycle on empty list"); return Stream.unfold(new F<Iterator<A>, Option<P2<A, Iterator<A>>>>() { public Option<P2<A, Iterator<A>>> f(Iterator<A> it) { if (it.hasNext()) { return some(p(, it)); } it = Stream_iterator(stream); return some(p(, it)); } }, Functions.<A>Stream_iterator(stream)); } public static <A> Iterator<A> Stream_iterator(final Stream<A> s) { return new Iterator<A>() { P1<Stream<A>> stream = p(s); public boolean hasNext() { return stream._1().isNotEmpty(); } public A next() { Stream<A> s = stream._1(); if (s.isEmpty()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } A head = s.head(); stream = s.tail(); return head; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // fj.Function // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public static <A, B, C> F<A, C> compose(final F<B, C> g, final F<A, B> f) { return new F<A, C>() { public C f(A a) { return g.f(f.f(a)); } }; } public static <A, B, C, D> F<A, D> compose(final F<C, D> h, final F<B, C> g, final F<A, B> f) { return new F<A, D>() { public D f(A a) { return h.f(g.f(f.f(a))); } }; } public static <A, B, C, D, E> F<A, E> compose(final F<D, E> i, final F<C, D> h, final F<B, C> g, final F<A, B> f) { return new F<A, E>() { public E f(A a) { return i.f(h.f(g.f(f.f(a)))); } }; } public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$> F<A, F$> compose(final F<E, F$> j, final F<D, E> i, final F<C, D> h, final F<B, C> g, final F<A, B> f) { return new F<A, F$>() { public F$ f(A a) { return j.f(i.f(h.f(g.f(f.f(a))))); } }; } public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$, G> F<A, G> compose(final F<F$, G> k, final F<E, F$> j, final F<D, E> i, final F<C, D> h, final F<B, C> g, final F<A, B> f) { return new F<A, G>() { public G f(A a) { return k.f(j.f(i.f(h.f(g.f(f.f(a)))))); } }; } public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H> F<A, H> compose(final F<G, H> l, final F<F$, G> k, final F<E, F$> j, final F<D, E> i, final F<C, D> h, final F<B, C> g, final F<A, B> f) { return new F<A, H>() { public H f(A a) { return l.f(k.f(j.f(i.f(h.f(g.f(f.f(a))))))); } }; } public static <A, B> Show<TreeMap<A, B>> treeMapShow(final Show<A> showA, final Show<B> showB) { return show(new F<TreeMap<A, B>, List<Character>>() { public List<Character> f(final TreeMap<A, B> map) { if (map.isEmpty()) { return list('(', ')'); } final List.Buffer<Character> buffer = List.Buffer.empty(); Iterator<P2<A, B>> it = map.iterator(); int size = map.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { P2<A, B> p =; buffer.append('=').append(; if (i < size - 1) { buffer.snoc(','); buffer.snoc(' '); } } buffer.snoc(')'); return cons('(', buffer.toList()); } }); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // fj.P2 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public static <A, B, C> F<F<A, B>, F<F<A, C>, F<A, P2<B, C>>>> P2_fanout_() { return curry(new F3<F<A, B>, F<A, C>, A, P2<B, C>>() { public P2<B, C> f(F<A, B> f, F<A, C> g, A a) { return P2.fanout(f, g, a); } }); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // fj.P3 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public static <A, B, C, D> F<P3<A, B, C>, D> P3_tuple(final F<A, F<B, F<C, D>>> f) { return new F<P3<A, B, C>, D>() { public D f(P3<A, B, C> p3) { return f.f(p3._1()).f(p3._2()).f(p3._3()); } }; } }