package fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.tests.intentions.yaml; import com.jetbrains.php.lang.PhpFileType; import fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.tests.SymfonyLightCodeInsightFixtureTestCase; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; /** * @author Daniel Espendiller <> * @see fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.intentions.yaml.YamlQuotedEscapedInspection */ public class YamlQuotedEscapedInspectionTest extends SymfonyLightCodeInsightFixtureTestCase { public void testDeprecatedNonEscapedInDoubleQuotedStrings() { this.initVersion(); assertLocalInspectionContains("foo.yml", "class: \"Foo<caret>\\Bar\"", "Not escaping a backslash in a double-quoted string is deprecated" ); assertLocalInspectionNotContains("foo.yml", "class: \"Foo<caret>\\\\Bar\"", "Not escaping a backslash in a double-quoted string is deprecated" ); assertLocalInspectionNotContains("foo.yml", "class: 'Foo<caret>\\Bar'", "Not escaping a backslash in a double-quoted string is deprecated" ); assertLocalInspectionNotContains("foo.yml", "class: Foo<caret>\\Bar", "Not escaping a backslash in a double-quoted string is deprecated" ); } public void testDeprecatedNonEscapedInDoubleQuotedForWrongSymfonyVersion() { this.initVersion("2.5"); assertLocalInspectionNotContains("foo.yml", "class: \"Foo<caret>\\Bar\"", "Not escaping a backslash in a double-quoted string is deprecated" ); } public void testDeprecatedNonEscapedWhitelistCharInDoubleQuotedStrings() { this.initVersion(); for (String s : new String[]{"\\n", "\\r", "\\t", "\\_", " "}) { assertLocalInspectionNotContains("foo.yml", "class: \"Foo<caret>" + s +"Bar\"", "Not escaping a backslash in a double-quoted string is deprecated" ); } } public void testDeprecatedNonEscapedBlacklistConditionInDoubleQuotedStrings() { this.initVersion(); assertLocalInspectionNotContains("foo.yml", "class: \"Foo<caret>\\Bar" + StringUtils.repeat("a", 255) + "\"", "Not escaping a backslash in a double-quoted string is deprecated" ); } public void testDeprecatedUsageOfAtCharAtTheBeginningOfUnquotedStrings() { this.initVersion(); assertLocalInspectionContains("foo.yml", "class: @f<caret>oo", "Deprecated usage of '@' at the beginning of unquoted string" ); assertLocalInspectionContains("foo.yml", "class: `f<caret>oo", "Deprecated usage of '`' at the beginning of unquoted string" ); assertLocalInspectionContains("foo.yml", "class: |f<caret>oo", "Deprecated usage of '|' at the beginning of unquoted string" ); assertLocalInspectionContains("foo.yml", "class: >f<caret>oo", "Deprecated usage of '>' at the beginning of unquoted string" ); assertLocalInspectionContains("foo.yml", "class: %f<caret>oo", "Not quoting a scalar starting with the '%' indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1" ); assertLocalInspectionNotContains("foo.yml", "class: '%f<caret>oo'", "Not quoting a scalar starting with the '%' indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1" ); assertLocalInspectionNotContains("foo.yml", "class: '@f<caret>oo'", "Deprecated usage of '@' at the beginning of unquoted string" ); assertLocalInspectionNotContains("foo.yml", "class: \"@f<caret>oo\"", "Deprecated usage of '@' at the beginning of unquoted string" ); } public void testDeprecatedUsageOfAtCharAtTheBeginningOfUnquotedStringsOnWrongSymfonyVersion() { this.initVersion("2.5"); assertLocalInspectionNotContains("foo.yml", "class: @f<caret>oo", "Deprecated usage of '@' at the beginning of unquoted string" ); } private void initVersion() { initVersion("2.8"); } private void initVersion(@NotNull String version) { myFixture.configureByText(PhpFileType.INSTANCE, "<?php\n" + "namespace Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel {\n" + " class Kernel {\n" + " const VERSION = '" + version + "';" + " }" + "}" ); } }