package humanize; import static humanize.Humanize.binaryPrefix; import static humanize.Humanize.camelize; import static humanize.Humanize.capitalize; import static humanize.Humanize.decamelize; import static humanize.Humanize.duration; import static humanize.Humanize.fixLength; import static humanize.Humanize.formatCurrency; import static humanize.Humanize.formatDate; import static humanize.Humanize.formatDateTime; import static humanize.Humanize.formatDecimal; import static humanize.Humanize.formatPercent; import static humanize.Humanize.lossyEquals; import static humanize.Humanize.mask; import static humanize.Humanize.metricPrefix; import static humanize.Humanize.nanoTime; import static humanize.Humanize.naturalDay; import static humanize.Humanize.naturalTime; import static humanize.Humanize.ordinal; import static humanize.Humanize.pace; import static humanize.Humanize.paceFormat; import static humanize.Humanize.pluralize; import static humanize.Humanize.pluralizeFormat; import static humanize.Humanize.prettyTimeFormat; import static humanize.Humanize.replaceSupplementary; import static humanize.Humanize.roundToSignificantFigures; import static humanize.Humanize.simplify; import static humanize.Humanize.slugify; import static humanize.Humanize.spellBigNumber; import static humanize.Humanize.spellDigit; import static humanize.Humanize.times; import static humanize.Humanize.titleize; import static humanize.Humanize.underscore; import static humanize.Humanize.unidecode; import static humanize.Humanize.unmask; import static humanize.Humanize.wordWrap; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import humanize.spi.MessageFormat; import humanize.time.Pace; import humanize.time.PrettyTimeFormat; import humanize.time.TimeMillis; import humanize.util.Constants.TimeStyle; import humanize.util.Parameters.PaceParameters; import humanize.util.Parameters.PluralizeParams; import humanize.util.Parameters.SlugifyParams; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Random; import org.junit.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; public class TestHumanize { private static final Locale ES = new Locale("es", "ES"); private Random rand; private Locale defaultLocale; @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void binPrefixTest() { assertEquals(binaryPrefix(-1), "-1"); assertEquals(binaryPrefix(0), "0 bytes"); assertEquals(binaryPrefix(1), "1 bytes"); assertEquals(binaryPrefix(101), "101 bytes"); assertEquals(binaryPrefix(1025), "1 KB"); assertEquals(binaryPrefix(1024), "1 KB"); assertEquals(binaryPrefix(1536), "1.5 KB"); assertEquals(binaryPrefix(1048576 * 5), "5 MB"); assertEquals(binaryPrefix(1073741824L * 2), "2 GB"); assertEquals(binaryPrefix(1099511627776L * 3), "3 TB"); assertEquals(binaryPrefix(1325899906842624L), "1.18 PB"); assertEquals(binaryPrefix(1325899906842624L, ES), "1,18 PB"); } @Test public void camelizeTest() { assertEquals(camelize("bla bla_bla "), "blaBlaBla"); assertEquals(camelize(" blA_blA Bla", true), "BlaBlaBla"); assertEquals(camelize("bla_bla!"), "blaBla!"); assertEquals(camelize("bla-bla!"), "blaBla!"); assertEquals(camelize("bla.bla!"), "blaBla!"); assertEquals(camelize("xxx"), "xxx"); assertEquals(camelize("___"), "___"); assertEquals(camelize(" "), " "); assertEquals(camelize(" _ _ _"), " _ _ _"); assertEquals(camelize(""), ""); assertEquals(camelize("xxx", true), "Xxx"); assertEquals(camelize("alreadyCamelized"), "alreadyCamelized"); try { camelize(null); fail("handles null?"); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { } } @Test public void capitalizeTest() { assertEquals(capitalize("hola mundo abc"), "Hola mundo abc"); assertEquals(capitalize("HOLA mundO AbC"), "Hola mundo abc"); assertEquals(capitalize("Hola Mundo abC"), "Hola mundo abc"); assertEquals(capitalize(" Hola Mundo abC "), "Hola mundo abc"); assertEquals(capitalize(" (hola Mundo abC) "), "(Hola mundo abc)"); assertEquals(capitalize("[HOLA Mundo abC]"), "[Hola mundo abc]"); assertEquals(capitalize("-HOLA Mundo abC-"), "-Hola mundo abc-"); assertEquals(capitalize(" ~.-(HOLA Mundo abC)-.~"), "~.-(Hola mundo abc)-.~"); assertEquals(capitalize(""), ""); assertEquals(capitalize("* Hola Mundo aBC"), "* Hola mundo abc"); assertEquals(capitalize("2020"), "2020"); assertEquals(capitalize("iyi akşamlar", new Locale("tr")), "İyi akşamlar"); try { capitalize(null); fail("handles null?"); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { } } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void decamelizeTest() { assertEquals(decamelize("lowercase"), "lowercase"); assertEquals(decamelize("Class"), "Class"); assertEquals(decamelize("MyClass"), "My Class"); assertEquals(decamelize("HTML"), "HTML"); assertEquals(decamelize("PDFLoader"), "PDF Loader"); assertEquals(decamelize("AString"), "A String"); assertEquals(decamelize("SimpleXMLParser"), "Simple XML Parser"); assertEquals(decamelize("GL11Version"), "GL 11 Version"); } @Test public void durationFrenchTest() { assertEquals(duration(3600, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "1h"); assertEquals(duration(3661, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "1h 1m 1s"); assertEquals(duration(-7200, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "-2h"); assertEquals(duration(7200, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "2h"); assertEquals(duration(7214, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "2h 14s"); assertEquals(duration(7261, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "2h 1m 1s"); assertEquals(duration(-7261, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "-2h 1m 1s"); assertEquals(duration(0, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "0s"); assertEquals(duration(10, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "10s"); assertEquals(duration(-10, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "-10s"); assertEquals(duration(60, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "1m"); assertEquals(duration(61, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "1m 1s"); assertEquals(duration(120, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "2m"); assertEquals(duration(125, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "2m 5s"); assertEquals(duration(2015, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "33m 35s"); assertEquals(duration(432061, TimeStyle.FRENCH_DECIMAL), "120h 1m 1s"); } @Test public void durationStandardTest() { assertEquals(duration(3600), "1:00:00"); assertEquals(duration(3661), "1:01:01"); assertEquals(duration(-7200), "-2:00:00"); assertEquals(duration(-1799), "-0:29:59"); assertEquals(duration(1799), "0:29:59"); assertEquals(duration(7200), "2:00:00"); assertEquals(duration(7214), "2:00:14"); assertEquals(duration(-7214), "-2:00:14"); assertEquals(duration(7261), "2:01:01"); assertEquals(duration(0), "0:00:00"); assertEquals(duration(10), "0:00:10"); assertEquals(duration(60), "0:01:00"); assertEquals(duration(61), "0:01:01"); assertEquals(duration(120), "0:02:00"); assertEquals(duration(125), "0:02:05"); assertEquals(duration(2015), "0:33:35"); assertEquals(duration(432061), "120:01:01"); } @Test public void fixLengthTest() { assertEquals(fixLength("", 5, '-'), "-----"); assertEquals(fixLength(null, 1, '-'), "-"); assertEquals(fixLength("abc", 1, '-'), "a"); assertEquals(fixLength("12345", 10, '-'), "12345-----"); assertEquals(fixLength("12345", 3, '-'), "123"); assertEquals(fixLength("12345", 10, '-', true), "-----12345"); assertEquals(fixLength("12345", 3, '-', true), "123"); try { assertEquals(fixLength("12345", 0, '-'), "123");; } catch (Exception e) { // } } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void formatCurrencyTest() { int df = rand.nextInt(9); assertEquals(formatCurrency(34), "£34"); assertEquals(formatCurrency(1000 + df), "£1,00" + df); assertEquals(formatCurrency(10000.55 + df), "£10,00" + df + ".55"); assertEquals(formatCurrency(100, ES), "100 €"); assertEquals(formatCurrency(1000.55, ES), "1.000,55 €"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void formatDateTest() { int day = rand.nextInt(20) + 1; Date date = newTestDate(day, 11, 2015); assertEquals(formatDate(DateFormat.MEDIUM, date), String.format("%02d-Dec-2015", day)); assertEquals(formatDate(date), String.format("%02d/12/15", day)); assertEquals(formatDate(DateFormat.MEDIUM, date, ES), String.format("%02d-dic-2015", day)); assertEquals(formatDate(date, ES), String.format("%d/12/15", day)); assertEquals(formatDate(date, "dd/MM/yy"), String.format("%02d/12/15", day)); assertEquals(formatDate(date, "dd/MM/yy", ES), String.format("%02d/12/15", day)); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void formatDateTimeTest() { int day = rand.nextInt(20) + 1; Date date = newTestDate(day, 11, 2015, 22, 10, 0); assertEquals(formatDateTime(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.MEDIUM, date), String.format("%02d-Dec-2015 22:10:00", day)); assertEquals(formatDateTime(date), String.format("%02d/12/15 22:10", day)); assertEquals(formatDateTime(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.MEDIUM, date, ES), String.format("%02d-dic-2015 22:10:00", day)); assertEquals(formatDateTime(date, ES), String.format("%d/12/15 22:10", day)); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void formatDecimalTest() { int df = rand.nextInt(9); assertEquals(formatDecimal(1000 + df), "1,00" + df); assertEquals(formatDecimal(10000.55 + df), "10,00" + df + ".55"); assertEquals(formatDecimal(1000 + df, ES), "1.00" + df); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void formatPercentTest() { assertEquals(formatPercent(0), "0%"); assertEquals(formatPercent(-1), "-100%"); assertEquals(formatPercent(0.5), "50%"); assertEquals(formatPercent(1.5), "150%"); assertEquals(formatPercent(0.564), "56%"); assertEquals(formatPercent(1000.564), "100,056%"); assertEquals(formatPercent(0, ES), "0%"); assertEquals(formatPercent(-1, ES), "-100%"); assertEquals(formatPercent(0.5, ES), "50%"); assertEquals(formatPercent(1.5, ES), "150%"); assertEquals(formatPercent(0.564, ES), "56%"); assertEquals(formatPercent(1000.564, ES), "100.056%"); } @Test public void lossyEqualsTest() { assertTrue(lossyEquals("Aaa aa", "aaaaa")); assertTrue(lossyEquals("Aáà-aa", "aaaaa")); assertTrue(lossyEquals("Läldàña 123", "laldana123")); assertTrue(lossyEquals(ES, "alöâ-mrc", "aloamrc")); assertFalse(lossyEquals(ES, "Läldàña 123", "laldana123")); assertFalse(lossyEquals("abc", "cba")); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void maskFormatTest() throws ParseException { int r = rand.nextInt(9); assertEquals(mask("_-__-_____/_", "A5881850" + r), "A-58-81850/" + r); assertEquals(mask("_# __ _____#-_", "A/5881850 " + r), "A 58 81850-" + r); assertEquals(mask("__ ____ _", r + "01100A"), r + "0 1100 A"); assertEquals(unmask("__ ____ _", r + "0 1100 A"), r + "01100A"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void metricPrefixTest() { assertEquals(metricPrefix(-1), "-1"); assertEquals(metricPrefix(0), "0"); assertEquals(metricPrefix(1), "1"); assertEquals(metricPrefix(101), "101"); assertEquals(metricPrefix(1000), "1k"); assertEquals(metricPrefix(1000000), "1M"); assertEquals(metricPrefix(3500000), "3.5M"); assertEquals(metricPrefix(3500000, ES), "3,5M"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void nanoTimeTest() { assertEquals(nanoTime(0), "0ns"); assertEquals(nanoTime(1500), "1.5µs"); assertEquals(nanoTime(1000), "1µs"); assertEquals(nanoTime(100000), "100µs"); assertEquals(nanoTime(1000000), "1ms"); assertEquals(nanoTime(15400000), "15.4ms"); assertEquals(nanoTime(5000000000L), "5s"); assertEquals(nanoTime(550150000000L), "550.15s"); // within locale assertEquals(nanoTime(15400000, ES), "15,4ms"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void naturalDayTest() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); assertEquals(naturalDay(cal.getTime()), "today"); assertEquals(naturalDay(cal.getTime(), ES), "hoy"); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); assertEquals(naturalDay(cal.getTime()), "tomorrow"); assertEquals(naturalDay(cal.getTime(), ES), "mañana"); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -2); assertEquals(naturalDay(cal.getTime()), "yesterday"); assertEquals(naturalDay(cal.getTime(), ES), "ayer"); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, -1); assertEquals(naturalDay(cal.getTime()), formatDate(cal.getTime())); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void naturalTimePrecisionTest() { Date moment = new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 3 + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 15 + 1000 * 60 * 38 + 1000 * 2); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), moment, 0), "3 days 15 hours 38 minutes moments from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), moment, 1000), "3 days 15 hours 38 minutes from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), moment, 3600000), "3 days 16 hours from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), moment, 3600000000L), ""); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), moment, TimeMillis.HOUR), "3 days 16 hours from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), moment, TimeMillis.DAY), "4 days from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), moment, TimeMillis.WEEK), ""); assertEquals(naturalTime(moment, new Date(0), 3600000), "3 days 16 hours ago"); assertEquals(naturalTime(moment, new Date(0), TimeMillis.SECOND), "3 days 15 hours 38 minutes ago"); assertEquals(naturalTime(moment, new Date(0), TimeMillis.DAY), "4 days ago"); // whitin locale assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), moment, 3600000, ES), "dentro de 3 días 16 horas"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), moment, TimeMillis.DAY, ES), "dentro de 4 días"); assertEquals(naturalTime(moment, new Date(0), TimeMillis.SECOND, ES), "hace 3 días 15 horas 38 minutos"); } @Test public void naturalTimeCurrentTest() { long now = new Date().getTime(); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(now + 2000)), "moments from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(now + 20000000), TimeMillis.MINUTE), "5 hours 33 minutes from now"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void naturalTimeTest() { assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), new Date(1)), "moments from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), new Date(1000 * 60 * 12)), "12 minutes from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 3)), "3 hours from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1)), "1 day from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 3)), "3 days from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 3)), "3 weeks from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), new Date(2629743830L * 3L)), "3 months from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), new Date(2629743830L * 13L * 3L)), "3 years from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), new Date(315569259747L * 3L)), "3 decades from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), new Date(3155792597470L * 3L)), "3 centuries from now"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(6000), new Date(0)), "moments ago"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(1000 * 60 * 12), new Date(0)), "12 minutes ago"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 3), new Date(0)), "3 hours ago"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1), new Date(0)), "1 day ago"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 3), new Date(0)), "3 days ago"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 3), new Date(0)), "3 weeks ago"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(2629743830L * 3L), new Date(0)), "3 months ago"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(2629743830L * 13L * 3L), new Date(0)), "3 years ago"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(315569259747L * 3L), new Date(0)), "3 decades ago"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(3155792597470L * 3L), new Date(0)), "3 centuries ago"); // within locale assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), new Date(1), ES), "hace un instante"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(1), new Date(0), ES), "hace instantes"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(0), new Date(1000 * 60 * 12), ES), "dentro de 12 minutos"); assertEquals(naturalTime(new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1), new Date(0), ES), "hace 1 día"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void ordinalTest() { assertEquals(ordinal(0), "0th"); assertEquals(ordinal(1), "1st"); assertEquals(ordinal(2), "2nd"); assertEquals(ordinal(3), "3rd"); assertEquals(ordinal(4), "4th"); assertEquals(ordinal(5), "5th"); assertEquals(ordinal(33), "33rd"); assertEquals(ordinal(11), "11th"); assertEquals(ordinal(12), "12th"); assertEquals(ordinal(13), "13th"); assertEquals(ordinal(10), "10th"); assertEquals(ordinal(22), "22nd"); assertEquals(ordinal(101), "101st"); assertEquals(ordinal(-10), "-10th"); assertEquals(ordinal(1.25), "1st"); assertEquals(ordinal(new Float(1.33)), "1st"); assertEquals(ordinal(new Long(10000000)), "10000000th"); assertEquals(ordinal(1, ES), "1º"); } @Test public void oxfordBigTest() { int num = 150; Integer[] big = new Integer[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { big[i] = i; } assertEquals(Humanize.oxford(big, 3, "{0,number} numbers"), "0, 1, 2, and 147 numbers"); } @Test public void oxfordTest() { String[] fruits = new String[] { "Oranges", "Pears", "Bananas", "Apples", "Carrots" }; assertEquals(Humanize.oxford(fruits), "Oranges, Pears, Bananas, Apples, and Carrots"); assertEquals(Humanize.oxford(Arrays.asList(fruits)), "Oranges, Pears, Bananas, Apples, and Carrots"); assertEquals(Humanize.oxford(Arrays.copyOf(fruits, 2)), "Oranges and Pears"); assertEquals(Humanize.oxford(Arrays.copyOf(fruits, 1)), "Oranges"); assertEquals(Humanize.oxford(new String[] {}), ""); assertEquals(Humanize.oxford((String[]) null), ""); assertEquals(Humanize.oxford(fruits, 3, null), "Oranges, Pears, Bananas, and 2 others"); assertEquals(Humanize.oxford(fruits, 3, "{0,number} fruits more"), "Oranges, Pears, Bananas, and 2 fruits more"); assertEquals(Humanize.oxford(fruits, ES), "Oranges, Pears, Bananas, Apples y Carrots"); assertEquals(Humanize.oxford(Arrays.copyOf(fruits, 2), ES), "Oranges y Pears"); assertEquals(Humanize.oxford(fruits, 3, null, ES), "Oranges, Pears, Bananas y 2 más"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 5, invocationCount = 5) public void paceCustomFormatTest() { String none = "No heartbeats."; String one = "{1} {0} heartbeat per {2}."; String many = "{1} {0} heartbeats per {2}."; PaceParameters p = PaceParameters.begin(one) .none(none) .many(many); p.interval(1000); assertEquals(paceFormat(2.5, p), "Approximately 3 heartbeats per second."); p.interval(10); assertEquals(paceFormat(2.5, p), "Approximately 300 heartbeats per second."); p.interval(60000); assertEquals(paceFormat(50, p), "Approximately 50 heartbeats per minute."); p.interval(TimeMillis.MINUTE); assertEquals(paceFormat(0.6, p), "Approximately 1 heartbeat per minute."); assertEquals(paceFormat(0.1, p), "No heartbeats."); String noneES = "Sin latidos por {2}."; String oneES = "{1} un latido por {2}."; String manyES = "{1} {0} latidos por {2}.";; assertEquals(paceFormat(ES, 2.5, p), "Aproximadamente 3 latidos por segundo."); assertEquals(paceFormat(ES, 0, p), "Sin latidos por segundo."); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void paceFormatTest() { assertEquals(paceFormat(0.1, 1000), "Never."); assertEquals(paceFormat(2.5, 1000), "Approximately 3 times per second."); assertEquals(paceFormat(2.5, 2000), "Approximately 2 times per second."); assertEquals(paceFormat(3, 3000), "Approximately one time per second."); assertEquals(paceFormat(1, 60000), "Approximately one time per minute."); assertEquals(paceFormat(35, 60000), "Approximately 35 times per minute."); assertEquals(paceFormat(10, 70000), "Approximately 9 times per minute."); assertEquals(paceFormat(200, 70000), "Approximately 3 times per second."); assertEquals(paceFormat(3501, 60000), "Approximately 58 times per second."); assertEquals(paceFormat(1.75, 3600000), "Approximately 2 times per hour."); assertEquals(paceFormat(7, 86390000), "Approximately 7 times per day."); assertEquals(paceFormat(16, 86390000L * 7), "Approximately 2 times per day."); assertEquals(paceFormat(11, TimeMillis.MONTH.millis() - 9000), "Approximately 3 times per week."); assertEquals(paceFormat(2000.5, 1000), "Approximately 2,001 times per second."); assertEquals(paceFormat(1, TimeMillis.WEEK.millis() * 10), "Less than one time per month."); assertEquals(paceFormat(1, TimeMillis.WEEK), "Approximately one time per week."); assertEquals(paceFormat(9, 31557600000L), "Less than one time per month."); assertEquals(paceFormat(14, 31557600000L), "Approximately one time per month."); assertEquals(paceFormat(25, 31557600000L), "Approximately 2 times per month."); assertEquals(paceFormat(ES, 0, 86400000), "Nunca."); assertEquals(paceFormat(ES, 1.5, 86400000), "Aproximadamente 2 veces por día."); assertEquals(paceFormat(ES, 2000.5, 1000), "Aproximadamente 2.001 veces por segundo."); } @Test public void paceTest() { assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(1.5, 1000)), "aprox 2 second"); assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(1, 1000)), "aprox 1 second"); assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(-1, -1000)), "aprox 1 second"); assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(1, 60000)), "aprox 1 minute"); assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(0.5, 60000)), "aprox 1 minute"); assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(0, 1000)), "none 0 second"); assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(0.2, 1000)), "none 0 second"); assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(1, 0)), "none 0 second"); assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(-7.6, 1000)), "aprox 8 second"); assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(2000, 60000)), "aprox 33 second"); assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(7.6, TimeMillis.DAY)), "aprox 8 day"); assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(9, 31557600000L)), "less_than 1 month"); assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(14, 31557600000L)), "aprox 1 month"); assertEquals(paceAsString(pace(25, 31557600000L)), "aprox 2 month"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void pluralizeFormatSimpleTest() { String pattern = "{0}"; String none = "{0} things"; String one = "one thing"; String many = "{0} things"; MessageFormat f = pluralizeFormat(pattern, none, one, many); assertEquals(f.render(0), "0 things"); assertEquals(f.render(-1), "-1 things"); assertEquals(f.render(1), "one thing"); assertEquals(f.render(2), "2 things"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void pluralizeFormatTest() { int df = rand.nextInt(9); String pattern = "There {0} on {1}."; String none = "are no files"; String one = "is one file"; String many = "are {2} files"; MessageFormat f = pluralizeFormat(pattern, none, one, many); assertEquals(f.render(1000 + df, "disk", 1000 + df), "There are 1,00" + df + " files on disk."); assertEquals(f.render(0, "disk"), "There are no files on disk."); assertEquals(f.render(-1, "disk"), "There are no files on disk."); assertEquals(f.render(1, "disk"), "There is one file on disk."); assertEquals(f.render(1, "disk", 1000, "bla bla"), "There is one file on disk."); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void pluralizeFormatWithSimpleTemplate() { MessageFormat f = pluralizeFormat("{0}::nothing::one thing::{0} things"); assertEquals(f.render(0), "nothing"); assertEquals(f.render(-1), "nothing"); assertEquals(f.render(1), "one thing"); assertEquals(f.render(2), "2 things"); f = pluralizeFormat("nothing::one thing::{0} things"); assertEquals(f.render(0), "nothing"); assertEquals(f.render(-1), "nothing"); assertEquals(f.render(1), "one thing"); assertEquals(f.render(2), "2 things"); f = pluralizeFormat("one thing::{0} things"); assertEquals(f.render(0), "0 things"); assertEquals(f.render(-1), "-1 things"); assertEquals(f.render(1), "one thing"); assertEquals(f.render(2), "2 things"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void pluralizeFormatWithTemplate() { int df = rand.nextInt(9); MessageFormat f = pluralizeFormat("There {0} on {1}. :: are no files::is one file:: are {2} files"); assertEquals(f.render(1000 + df, "disk", 1000 + df), "There are 1,00" + df + " files on disk."); assertEquals(f.render(0, "disk"), "There are no files on disk."); assertEquals(f.render(-1, "disk"), "There are no files on disk."); assertEquals(f.render(1, "disk"), "There is one file on disk."); assertEquals(f.render(1, "disk", 1000, "bla bla"), "There is one file on disk."); f = pluralizeFormat("{0}.::No hay ficheros::Hay un fichero::Hay {0,number} ficheros", ES); assertEquals(f.render(0), "No hay ficheros."); assertEquals(f.render(1), "Hay un fichero."); assertEquals(f.render(2000), "Hay 2.000 ficheros."); try { pluralizeFormat("---"); fail("incorrect number of tokens"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { } } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void pluralizeNoExtTest() { int df = rand.nextInt(9); String none = "There are no files."; String one = "There is one file."; String many = "There are {0} files."; PluralizeParams p = PluralizeParams .begin(one) .many(many); assertEquals(pluralize(2 + df, p), "There are " + (2 + df) + " files."); assertEquals(pluralize(1, p), "There is one file."); assertEquals(pluralize(0, p), "There are 0 files."); p.none(none); assertEquals(pluralize(2 + df, p), "There are " + (2 + df) + " files."); assertEquals(pluralize(0, p), "There are no files."); assertEquals(pluralize(1, p), "There is one file.");"one").many("{0}").none("none"); assertEquals(pluralize(1, p), "one"); assertEquals(pluralize(0, p), "none"); assertEquals(pluralize(2, p), "2"); } @Test public void pluralizeSimpleTest() { assertEquals(pluralize("one", "{0}", "none", 1), "one"); assertEquals(pluralize("one", "{0}", "none", 2), "2"); assertEquals(pluralize("one", "{0}", "none", 0), "none"); assertEquals(pluralize("one {1}.", "{0} {1}s.", "no {1}.", 1, "disk"), "one disk."); assertEquals(pluralize("one {1}.", "{0} {1}s.", "no {1}.", 2, "disk"), "2 disks."); assertEquals(pluralize("one {1}.", "{0} {1}s.", "no {1}.", 0, "disk"), "no disk."); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void pluralizeTest() { int df = rand.nextInt(9); String none = "There are no files on {1}."; String one = "There is one file on {1}."; String many = "There are {0} files on {1}."; PluralizeParams p = PluralizeParams .begin(one) .many(many) .exts("disk"); assertEquals(pluralize(2 + df, p), "There are " + (2 + df) + " files on disk."); assertEquals(pluralize(1, p), "There is one file on disk."); assertEquals(pluralize(0, p), "There are 0 files on disk."); p.none(none); assertEquals(pluralize(2 + df, p), "There are " + (2 + df) + " files on disk."); assertEquals(pluralize(0, p), "There are no files on disk."); assertEquals(pluralize(1, p), "There is one file on disk."); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void prettyTimeFormatTest() { PrettyTimeFormat prettyTime = prettyTimeFormat(); assertEquals(prettyTime.format(new Date(0), new Date(1000 * 60 * 12)), "12 minutes from now"); assertEquals(prettyTime.format(new Date(0), new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 3)), "3 hours from now"); assertEquals(prettyTime.format(new Date(0), new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1)), "1 day from now"); assertEquals(prettyTime.format(new Date(0), new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 3)), "3 days from now"); assertEquals(prettyTime.format(new Date(0), new Date(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 3)), "3 weeks from now"); assertEquals(prettyTime.format(new Date(2629743830L * 3L), new Date(0)), "3 months ago"); assertEquals(prettyTime.format(new Date(2629743830L * 13L * 3L), new Date(0)), "3 years ago"); assertEquals(prettyTime.format(new Date(315569259747L * 3L), new Date(0)), "3 decades ago"); assertEquals(prettyTime.format(new Date(3155792597470L * 3L), new Date(0)), "3 centuries ago"); // within locale prettyTime = prettyTimeFormat(ES); assertEquals(prettyTime.format(new Date(0), new Date(1)), "hace un instante"); } @Test public void replaceSupplementaryTest() { assertEquals( replaceSupplementary("The first three letters of the Gothic alphabet are: \uD800\uDF30 \uD800\uDF31 \uD800\uDF32 and not"), "The first three letters of the Gothic alphabet are: \\uD800\\uDF30 \\uD800\\uDF31 \\uD800\\uDF32 and not"); assertEquals(replaceSupplementary("A normal string"), "A normal string"); // Emoji face assertEquals(replaceSupplementary(new StringBuilder().appendCodePoint(0x1F60A).toString()), "\\uD83D\\uDE0A"); } @Test public void roundToSignificantFigureTest() { assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(8.14301, 4).doubleValue(), 8.143); assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(1203, 3).intValue(), 1200); assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(1206555, 4).intValue(), 1207000); assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(4080, 2).intValue(), 4100); assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(9.99, 1).intValue(), 10); assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(408012, 3).intValue(), 408000); assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(-408012, 3).intValue(), -408000); assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(-8.14091, 4).doubleValue(), -8.141); assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(0, 3).intValue(), 0); assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(814, 0).intValue(), 814); assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(814, 1).intValue(), 800); assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(814, 2).intValue(), 810); assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(814, 3).intValue(), 814); assertEquals(roundToSignificantFigures(814, 5).intValue(), 814); } @Test public void simplifyTest() { assertEquals(simplify("J'étudie le français"), "J'etudie le francais"); assertEquals(simplify("Lo siento, no hablo español."), "Lo siento, no hablo espanol."); assertEquals(simplify("ïúàôéÏÚÀÔÉĆężĶŠűa͠a̸"), "iuaoeIUAOECezKSuaa"); // Really does not transliterate at all... assertNotEquals(simplify("キャンパス"), "kyanpasu"); } @Test public void slugifyTest() { assertEquals(slugify("J'étudie le français"), "j-etudie-le-francais"); assertEquals(slugify("Cet été, j’en ai rien à coder"), "cet-ete-j-en-ai-rien-a-coder"); assertEquals(slugify("Lo siento, no hablo español."), "lo-siento-no-hablo-espanol-"); assertEquals(slugify("ïúàôéÏÚÀÔÉĆ-ężĶ- ..Šűa͠ a̸"), "iuaoeiuaoec-ezk-sua-a"); assertEquals(slugify("a;b--;;;-c,d_e\n\r"), "a-b-c-d-e"); assertEquals(slugify("Draft_23__12 "), "draft-23-12"); assertEquals(slugify("Draft\\23|1/2"), "draft-23-1-2"); assertEquals(slugify("\\n"), "some-mail-com"); assertEquals(slugify("Дraft №2.txt"), "draft-2-txt"); assertEquals(slugify("Я ♥ борщ^abc^ o+a%30t"), "ia-borshch-abc-o-a-30t"); assertEquals(slugify("\nキャンパス//.Я_♥@борщ\n^abc"), "kiyanpasu-ia-borshch-abc"); SlugifyParams p = SlugifyParams .begin() .separator("_"); assertEquals(slugify("J'étudie le français", p), "j_etudie_le_francais"); assertEquals(slugify("a;b--;;;-c,d_e\n\r", p), "a_b_c_d_e"); p.separator(".").toLowerCase(false); assertEquals(slugify("Draft_23__12 ", p), "Draft.23.12"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void spellBigNumberTest() { assertEquals(spellBigNumber(100), "100"); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(2300), "2.3 thousand"); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(1000000), "1 million"); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(1300000), "1.3 million"); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(1000000000), "1 billion"); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(1550000001), "1.55 billion"); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(-1550000001), "-1.55 billion"); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(BigInteger.TEN.pow(33).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(3))), "3 decillion"); // assertEquals(spellBigNumber(BigInteger.TEN.pow(100).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(2))), // "2 googol"); BigInteger ultraBig = BigInteger.TEN.pow(1000); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(ultraBig), ultraBig.toString()); // within locale assertEquals(spellBigNumber(100, ES), "100"); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(2300, ES), "2,3 miles"); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(1000000, ES), "1 millón"); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(1300000, ES), "1,3 millones"); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(1000000000, ES), "1 millardo"); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(1550000001, ES), "1,55 millardos"); assertEquals(spellBigNumber(-1550000001, ES), "-1,55 millardos"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void spellDigitTest() { assertEquals(spellDigit(1), "one"); assertEquals(spellDigit(3), "three"); assertEquals(spellDigit(0), "zero"); assertEquals(spellDigit(10), "10"); assertEquals(spellDigit(-1), "-1"); assertEquals(spellDigit(9), "nine"); assertEquals(spellDigit(1, ES), "uno"); assertEquals(spellDigit(9, ES), "nueve"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 5, invocationCount = 5) public void timesTest() { assertEquals(times(0), "never"); assertEquals(times(1), "once"); assertEquals(times(-1), "once"); assertEquals(times(2), "twice"); assertEquals(times(3), "3 times"); assertEquals(times(10000.5), "10,000 times"); assertEquals(times(-10), "10 times"); assertEquals(times(30, ES), "30 veces"); assertEquals(times(3000, ES), "3.000 veces"); assertEquals(times(1, ES), "una vez"); assertEquals(times(0, ES), "nunca"); } @Test public void titleizeTest() { String[] caps = new String[] { "InDesign", "README", "CD", "LP" }; assertEquals(titleize("songs of faith and devotion"), "Songs of Faith and Devotion"); assertEquals(titleize("‘til kIngDoM comE"), "‘Til Kingdom Come"); assertEquals(titleize("the_jackie_gleason show"), "The Jackie Gleason Show"); assertEquals(titleize("first annual report (CD) 2001", caps), "First Annual Report (CD) 2001"); assertEquals(titleize("this is an indesign readME", caps), "This Is an InDesign README"); assertEquals(titleize("[*] is a [abcd (op[s])] test"), "[*] Is a [Abcd (Op[s])] Test"); assertEquals(titleize("last word a"), "Last Word A"); assertEquals(titleize("OK title (dO_something)"), "Ok Title (Do Something)"); assertEquals(titleize("OK title/title", caps), "Ok Title/Title"); assertEquals(titleize("OK title/title-title/title"), "Ok Title/Title-Title/Title"); assertEquals(titleize("the_jackie_gleason/improVed show"), "The Jackie Gleason/Improved Show"); assertEquals(titleize("- this seems a test 1234"), "- This Seems a Test 1234"); } @Test public void undescoreTest() { assertEquals(underscore("a bunch of macarios"), "a_bunch_of_macarios"); assertEquals(underscore(" "), "_"); assertEquals(underscore(""), ""); assertEquals(underscore("one_two__three"), "one_two__three"); } @Test public void unidecodeTest() { assertEquals(unidecode("J'étudie le français"), "J'etudie le francais"); assertEquals(unidecode("Lo siento, no hablo español."), "Lo siento, no hablo espanol."); assertEquals(unidecode("ïúàôéÏÚÀÔÉĆężĶŠűa͠a̸"), "iuaoeIUAOECezKSuaa"); assertEquals(unidecode("キャンパス"), "kiyanpasu"); assertEquals(unidecode("一条会走路的鱼"), "Yi Tiao Hui Zou Lu De Yu"); } @Test(threadPoolSize = 10, invocationCount = 10) public void wordWrapTest() { int df = rand.nextInt(9); String phrase = "Lorem ipsum dolorem si amet, lorem ipsum. Dolorem sic et nunc." + df; assertEquals(wordWrap(phrase, 2), "Lorem"); assertEquals(wordWrap(phrase, 30), "Lorem ipsum dolorem si amet, lorem"); assertEquals(wordWrap(phrase, phrase.length()), phrase); assertEquals(wordWrap(phrase, phrase.length() * 2), phrase); assertEquals(wordWrap(phrase, 0), "Lorem"); assertEquals(wordWrap(phrase, -2), phrase); } @BeforeClass void setUp() { defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault(); Locale.setDefault(Locale.UK); rand = new Random(); } @AfterClass void tearDown() { Locale.setDefault(defaultLocale); } private Date newTestDate(int day, int month, int year) { return newTestDate(day, month, year, 0, 0, 0); } private Date newTestDate(int day, int month, int year, int h, int m, int s) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(Calendar.DATE, day); cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, month); cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, year); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, h); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, m); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, s); return cal.getTime(); } private String paceAsString(Pace args) { return String.format("%s %s %s", args.getAccuracy(), args.getValue(), args.getTimeUnit()); } }