/* * Copyright 2012 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package info.jerrinot.nettyloc; final class PoolChunk<T> { private static final int ST_UNUSED = 0; private static final int ST_BRANCH = 1; private static final int ST_ALLOCATED = 2; private static final int ST_ALLOCATED_SUBPAGE = ST_ALLOCATED | 1; private static final long multiplier = 0x5DEECE66DL; private static final long addend = 0xBL; private static final long mask = (1L << 48) - 1; final PoolArena<T> arena; final T memory; final boolean unpooled; private final int[] memoryMap; private final PoolSubpage<T>[] subpages; /** Used to determine if the requested capacity is equal to or greater than pageSize. */ private final int subpageOverflowMask; private final int pageSize; private final int pageShifts; private final int chunkSize; private final int maxSubpageAllocs; private long random = (System.nanoTime() ^ multiplier) & mask; private int freeBytes; PoolChunkList<T> parent; PoolChunk<T> prev; PoolChunk<T> next; // TODO: Test if adding padding helps under contention //private long pad0, pad1, pad2, pad3, pad4, pad5, pad6, pad7; PoolChunk(PoolArena<T> arena, T memory, int pageSize, int maxOrder, int pageShifts, int chunkSize) { unpooled = false; this.arena = arena; this.memory = memory; this.pageSize = pageSize; this.pageShifts = pageShifts; this.chunkSize = chunkSize; subpageOverflowMask = ~(pageSize - 1); freeBytes = chunkSize; int chunkSizeInPages = chunkSize >>> pageShifts; maxSubpageAllocs = 1 << maxOrder; // Generate the memory map. memoryMap = new int[maxSubpageAllocs << 1]; int memoryMapIndex = 1; for (int i = 0; i <= maxOrder; i ++) { int runSizeInPages = chunkSizeInPages >>> i; for (int j = 0; j < chunkSizeInPages; j += runSizeInPages) { //noinspection PointlessBitwiseExpression memoryMap[memoryMapIndex ++] = j << 17 | runSizeInPages << 2 | ST_UNUSED; } } subpages = newSubpageArray(maxSubpageAllocs); } /** Creates a special chunk that is not pooled. */ PoolChunk(PoolArena<T> arena, T memory, int size) { unpooled = true; this.arena = arena; this.memory = memory; memoryMap = null; subpages = null; subpageOverflowMask = 0; pageSize = 0; pageShifts = 0; chunkSize = size; maxSubpageAllocs = 0; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private PoolSubpage<T>[] newSubpageArray(int size) { return new PoolSubpage[size]; } int usage() { if (freeBytes == 0) { return 100; } int freePercentage = (int) (freeBytes * 100L / chunkSize); if (freePercentage == 0) { return 99; } return 100 - freePercentage; } long allocate(int normCapacity) { int firstVal = memoryMap[1]; if ((normCapacity & subpageOverflowMask) != 0) { // >= pageSize return allocateRun(normCapacity, 1, firstVal); } else { return allocateSubpage(normCapacity, 1, firstVal); } } private long allocateRun(int normCapacity, int curIdx, int val) { for (;;) { if ((val & ST_ALLOCATED) != 0) { // state == ST_ALLOCATED || state == ST_ALLOCATED_SUBPAGE return -1; } if ((val & ST_BRANCH) != 0) { // state == ST_BRANCH int nextIdx = curIdx << 1 ^ nextRandom(); long res = allocateRun(normCapacity, nextIdx, memoryMap[nextIdx]); if (res > 0) { return res; } curIdx = nextIdx ^ 1; val = memoryMap[curIdx]; continue; } // state == ST_UNUSED return allocateRunSimple(normCapacity, curIdx, val); } } private long allocateRunSimple(int normCapacity, int curIdx, int val) { int runLength = runLength(val); if (normCapacity > runLength) { return -1; } for (;;) { if (normCapacity == runLength) { // Found the run that fits. // Note that capacity has been normalized already, so we don't need to deal with // the values that are not power of 2. memoryMap[curIdx] = val & ~3 | ST_ALLOCATED; freeBytes -= runLength; return curIdx; } int nextIdx = curIdx << 1 ^ nextRandom(); int unusedIdx = nextIdx ^ 1; memoryMap[curIdx] = val & ~3 | ST_BRANCH; //noinspection PointlessBitwiseExpression memoryMap[unusedIdx] = memoryMap[unusedIdx] & ~3 | ST_UNUSED; runLength >>>= 1; curIdx = nextIdx; val = memoryMap[curIdx]; } } private long allocateSubpage(int normCapacity, int curIdx, int val) { int state = val & 3; if (state == ST_BRANCH) { int nextIdx = curIdx << 1 ^ nextRandom(); long res = branchSubpage(normCapacity, nextIdx); if (res > 0) { return res; } return branchSubpage(normCapacity, nextIdx ^ 1); } if (state == ST_UNUSED) { return allocateSubpageSimple(normCapacity, curIdx, val); } if (state == ST_ALLOCATED_SUBPAGE) { PoolSubpage<T> subpage = subpages[subpageIdx(curIdx)]; int elemSize = subpage.elemSize; if (normCapacity != elemSize) { return -1; } return subpage.allocate(); } return -1; } private long allocateSubpageSimple(int normCapacity, int curIdx, int val) { int runLength = runLength(val); for (;;) { if (runLength == pageSize) { memoryMap[curIdx] = val & ~3 | ST_ALLOCATED_SUBPAGE; freeBytes -= runLength; int subpageIdx = subpageIdx(curIdx); PoolSubpage<T> subpage = subpages[subpageIdx]; if (subpage == null) { subpage = new PoolSubpage<T>(this, curIdx, runOffset(val), pageSize, normCapacity); subpages[subpageIdx] = subpage; } else { subpage.init(normCapacity); } return subpage.allocate(); } int nextIdx = curIdx << 1 ^ nextRandom(); int unusedIdx = nextIdx ^ 1; memoryMap[curIdx] = val & ~3 | ST_BRANCH; //noinspection PointlessBitwiseExpression memoryMap[unusedIdx] = memoryMap[unusedIdx] & ~3 | ST_UNUSED; runLength >>>= 1; curIdx = nextIdx; val = memoryMap[curIdx]; } } private long branchSubpage(int normCapacity, int nextIdx) { int nextVal = memoryMap[nextIdx]; if ((nextVal & 3) != ST_ALLOCATED) { return allocateSubpage(normCapacity, nextIdx, nextVal); } return -1; } void free(long handle) { int memoryMapIdx = (int) handle; int bitmapIdx = (int) (handle >>> 32); int val = memoryMap[memoryMapIdx]; int state = val & 3; if (state == ST_ALLOCATED_SUBPAGE) { assert bitmapIdx != 0; PoolSubpage<T> subpage = subpages[subpageIdx(memoryMapIdx)]; assert subpage != null && subpage.doNotDestroy; if (subpage.free(bitmapIdx & 0x3FFFFFFF)) { return; } } else { assert state == ST_ALLOCATED : "state: " + state; assert bitmapIdx == 0; } freeBytes += runLength(val); for (;;) { //noinspection PointlessBitwiseExpression memoryMap[memoryMapIdx] = val & ~3 | ST_UNUSED; if (memoryMapIdx == 1) { assert freeBytes == chunkSize; return; } if ((memoryMap[siblingIdx(memoryMapIdx)] & 3) != ST_UNUSED) { break; } memoryMapIdx = parentIdx(memoryMapIdx); val = memoryMap[memoryMapIdx]; } } void initBuf(PooledByteBuf<T> buf, long handle, int reqCapacity) { int memoryMapIdx = (int) handle; int bitmapIdx = (int) (handle >>> 32); if (bitmapIdx == 0) { int val = memoryMap[memoryMapIdx]; assert (val & 3) == ST_ALLOCATED : String.valueOf(val & 3); buf.init(this, handle, runOffset(val), reqCapacity, runLength(val)); } else { initBufWithSubpage(buf, handle, bitmapIdx, reqCapacity); } } void initBufWithSubpage(PooledByteBuf<T> buf, long handle, int reqCapacity) { initBufWithSubpage(buf, handle, (int) (handle >>> 32), reqCapacity); } private void initBufWithSubpage(PooledByteBuf<T> buf, long handle, int bitmapIdx, int reqCapacity) { assert bitmapIdx != 0; int memoryMapIdx = (int) handle; int val = memoryMap[memoryMapIdx]; assert (val & 3) == ST_ALLOCATED_SUBPAGE; PoolSubpage<T> subpage = subpages[subpageIdx(memoryMapIdx)]; assert subpage.doNotDestroy; assert reqCapacity <= subpage.elemSize; buf.init( this, handle, runOffset(val) + (bitmapIdx & 0x3FFFFFFF) * subpage.elemSize, reqCapacity, subpage.elemSize); } private static int parentIdx(int memoryMapIdx) { return memoryMapIdx >>> 1; } private static int siblingIdx(int memoryMapIdx) { return memoryMapIdx ^ 1; } private int runLength(int val) { return (val >>> 2 & 0x7FFF) << pageShifts; } private int runOffset(int val) { return val >>> 17 << pageShifts; } private int subpageIdx(int memoryMapIdx) { return memoryMapIdx - maxSubpageAllocs; } private int nextRandom() { random = random * multiplier + addend & mask; return (int) (random >>> 47) & 1; } public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Chunk("); buf.append(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this))); buf.append(": "); buf.append(usage()); buf.append("%, "); buf.append(chunkSize - freeBytes); buf.append('/'); buf.append(chunkSize); buf.append(')'); return buf.toString(); } }