package hudson.console; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.MarkupText; import hudson.MarkupText.SubText; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Annotates URLs in the console output to hyperlink. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ @Extension public class UrlAnnotator extends ConsoleAnnotatorFactory<Object> { @Override public ConsoleAnnotator newInstance(Object context) { return new UrlConsoleAnnotator(); } private static class UrlConsoleAnnotator extends ConsoleAnnotator { public ConsoleAnnotator annotate(Object context, MarkupText text) { for (SubText t : text.findTokens(URL)) { int prev = t.start() - 1; char ch = prev>=0 ? text.charAt(prev) : ' '; int idx = OPEN.indexOf(ch); if (idx>=0) {// if inside a bracket, exclude the end bracket. t=t.subText(0,t.getText().indexOf(CLOSE.charAt(idx))); } t.href(t.getText()); } return this; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Starts with a word boundary and protocol identifier, * don't include any whitespace, '<', nor '>'. * In addition, the last character shouldn't be ',' ':', '"', etc, as often those things show up right next * to URL in plain text (e.g., test="") */ private static final Pattern URL = Pattern.compile("\\b(http|https|ftp)://[^\\s<>]+[^\\s<>,:\"'()\\[\\]=]"); private static final String OPEN = "'\"()[]<>"; private static final String CLOSE= "'\")(][><"; } }