package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator; import android.view.animation.RotateAnimation; import android.widget.AbsListView; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.SpinnerAdapter; import android.widget.TextView; import; import com.actionbarsherlock.internal.widget.IcsAdapterView; import com.actionbarsherlock.internal.widget.IcsSpinner; import com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuItem; import com.justsystems.hpb.pad.R; import net.simonvt.menudrawer.MenuDrawer; import net.simonvt.menudrawer.Position; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Base class for Activities that include a standard action bar and menu drawer. */ public abstract class WPActionBarActivity extends SherlockFragmentActivity { private static final String TAG = "WPActionBarActivity"; /** * Request code used when no accounts exist, and user is prompted to add an * account. */ static final int ADD_ACCOUNT_REQUEST = 100; /** * Request code for reloading menu after returning from the * PreferencesActivity. */ static final int SETTINGS_REQUEST = 200; /** * Request code for re-authentication */ static final int AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST = 300; /** * Used to restore active activity on app creation */ protected static final int READER_ACTIVITY = 0; protected static final int POSTS_ACTIVITY = 1; protected static final int PAGES_ACTIVITY = 2; protected static final int COMMENTS_ACTIVITY = 3; protected static final int STATS_ACTIVITY = 4; protected static final int QUICK_PHOTO_ACTIVITY = 5; protected static final int QUICK_VIDEO_ACTIVITY = 6; protected static final int VIEW_SITE_ACTIVITY = 7; protected static final int DASHBOARD_ACTIVITY = 8; protected static final int NOTIFICATIONS_ACTIVITY = 9; protected static final int REFRESH_MENU = 10; protected static final int CUSTOM_TYPE_ACTIVITY = 99; protected static final String LAST_ACTIVITY_PREFERENCE = "wp_pref_last_activity"; private LinearLayout menu; protected MenuDrawer mMenuDrawer; protected int[] blogIDs; protected String[] blogNames; protected boolean isAnimatingRefreshButton; protected boolean shouldAnimateRefreshButton; protected boolean mShouldFinish; private boolean mIsXLargeDevice; private boolean mBlogSpinnerInitialized; private boolean mReauthCanceled; private MenuDrawerAdapter mAdapter; private MenuDrawerItem[] fixedItem; protected ArrayList<MenuDrawerItem> mMenuItems = new ArrayList<MenuDrawerItem>(); private ListView mListView; private LinearLayout spinnerWrapper; private IcsSpinner mBlogSpinner; protected boolean mFirstLaunch = false; private ImageButton setting; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if ((getResources().getConfiguration().screenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK) == 4) mIsXLargeDevice = true; // configure all the available menu items this.fixedItem = new MenuDrawerItem[] { new PostsMenuItem(), new PagesMenuItem(), new CommentsMenuItem(), new StatsMenuItem(), new ViewSiteMenuItem(), new DashboardMenuItem(), new QuickPhotoMenuItem(), new QuickVideoMenuItem() }; } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); if (isAnimatingRefreshButton) { isAnimatingRefreshButton = false; } if (mShouldFinish) { overridePendingTransition(0, 0); finish(); } else { WordPress.shouldRestoreSelectedActivity = true; } } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); refreshUI(); } private void refreshUI() { // the current blog may have changed while we were away setupCurrentBlog(); if (mMenuDrawer != null) { updateMenuDrawer(); } Blog currentBlog = WordPress.getCurrentBlog(); if (currentBlog != null && mListView != null && mListView.getHeaderViewsCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < blogIDs.length; i++) { if (blogIDs[i] == currentBlog.getId()) { mBlogSpinner.setSelection(i); } } } } /** * Create a menu drawer and attach it to the activity. * * @param contentViewID * {@link View} of the main content for the activity. */ protected void createMenuDrawer(int contentViewID) { getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); mMenuDrawer = attachMenuDrawer(); mMenuDrawer.setContentView(contentViewID); initMenuDrawer(false); } /** * Create a menu drawer and attach it to the activity. * * @param contentView * {@link View} of the main content for the activity. */ protected void createMenuDrawer(View contentView) { getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); mMenuDrawer = attachMenuDrawer(); mMenuDrawer.setContentView(contentView); initMenuDrawer(false); } /** * Attach a menu drawer to the Activity Set to be a static drawer if on a * landscape x-large device */ private MenuDrawer attachMenuDrawer() { MenuDrawer menuDrawer = null; if (mIsXLargeDevice) { // on a x-large screen device if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { menuDrawer = MenuDrawer.attach(this, MenuDrawer.Type.STATIC, Position.LEFT); getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(false); } else { menuDrawer = MenuDrawer.attach(this, MenuDrawer.Type.OVERLAY); getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); menuDrawer.setDrawerIndicatorEnabled(true); } } else { menuDrawer = MenuDrawer.attach(this, MenuDrawer.Type.OVERLAY); menuDrawer.setDrawerIndicatorEnabled(true); } int shadowSizeInPixels = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.menu_shadow_width); menuDrawer.setDropShadowSize(shadowSizeInPixels); menuDrawer.setDropShadowColor(getResources().getColor( R.color.md__shadowColor)); menuDrawer.setSlideDrawable(R.drawable.ic_actionbar_sub); return menuDrawer; } /** * Create menu drawer ListView and listeners */ private void initMenuDrawer(boolean force) { if ( == null || force) { = (LinearLayout) getLayoutInflater().inflate( R.layout.menu_drawer, null); this.mListView = (ListView) menu.findViewById(; this.mListView.setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE); this.mListView.setDivider(null); this.mListView.setDividerHeight(0); this.mListView.setCacheColorHint(android.R.color.transparent); this.setting = (ImageButton) menu.findViewById(; this.setting.setOnClickListener(mOnClickListener); mMenuDrawer.setMenuView(; mListView .setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { // account for header views int menuPosition = position - mListView.getHeaderViewsCount(); // bail if the adjusted position is out of bounds for the adapter if (menuPosition < 0 || menuPosition >= mAdapter.getCount()) return; MenuDrawerItem item = mAdapter .getItem(menuPosition); // if the item has an id, remember it for launch if (item.hasItemId()) { SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager .getDefaultSharedPreferences(WPActionBarActivity.this); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings .edit(); editor.putInt(LAST_ACTIVITY_PREFERENCE, item.getItemId()); editor.commit(); } // only perform selection if the item isn't already selected if (!item.isSelected()) item.selectItem(); // save the last activity preference // close the menu drawer mMenuDrawer.closeMenu(); // if we have an intent, start the new activity } }); mListView.setOnScrollListener(new AbsListView.OnScrollListener() { @Override public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) { } @Override public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) { mMenuDrawer.invalidate(); } }); } updateBlogs(); mListView.removeHeaderView(this.spinnerWrapper); if (blogNames.length > 1) { mListView.setAdapter(null); updateBlogSpminner(); mListView.setAdapter(this.mAdapter); } updateMenuDrawer(); } private void updateBlogSpminner() { if (this.spinnerWrapper == null) { LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) this .getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); this.spinnerWrapper = (LinearLayout) layoutInflater.inflate( R.layout.blog_spinner, null); this.spinnerWrapper.setOnClickListener(mOnClickListener); mBlogSpinner = (IcsSpinner) spinnerWrapper .findViewById(; mBlogSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(mItemSelectedListener); } ArrayAdapter<String> mSpinnerAdapter = getAdapter(); mBlogSpinner.setAdapter(mSpinnerAdapter); mListView.addHeaderView(spinnerWrapper); } private ArrayAdapter<String> getAdapter() { ArrayAdapter<String> mSpinnerAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>( getSupportActionBar().getThemedContext(), R.layout.blog_list_spinner_item, blogNames); mSpinnerAdapter .setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.blog_spinner_dropdown_item); return mSpinnerAdapter; } protected void startActivityWithDelay(final Intent i) { if (mIsXLargeDevice && getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { // Tablets in landscape don't need a delay because the menu drawer doesn't close startActivity(i); } else { // When switching to LAST_ACTIVITY_PREFERENCE onCreate we don't need to delay if (mFirstLaunch) { startActivity(i); return; } // Let the menu animation finish before starting a new activity new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { startActivity(i); } }, 400); } } /** * Update all of the items in the menu drawer based on the current active * blog. */ public void updateMenuDrawer() { mMenuItems.clear(); final Blog current = WordPress.getCurrentBlog(); if (current != null && !current.isDotcomFlag()) { final int id = current.getId(); WordPress.wpDB.getPostTypes(WPActionBarActivity.this, id, mMenuItems); } for (MenuDrawerItem item : this.fixedItem) { mMenuItems.add(item); } if (mAdapter == null) { mAdapter = new MenuDrawerAdapter(WPActionBarActivity.this, mMenuItems); mListView.setAdapter(mAdapter); } else { if (mListView.getAdapter() == null) { mListView.setAdapter(mAdapter); } int position = mListView.getFirstVisiblePosition(); int y = mListView.getChildCount() > 0 ? mListView.getChildAt(0) .getTop() : 0; mAdapter.setItems(mMenuItems); mListView.setSelectionFromTop(position, y); } } public void invalidateList() { this.mAdapter.notifyDataSetInvalidated(); } private OnClickListener mOnClickListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (v == setting) { mShouldFinish = false; Intent settingsIntent = new Intent(WPActionBarActivity.this, PreferencesActivity.class); startActivityForResult(settingsIntent, SETTINGS_REQUEST); } else if (v == spinnerWrapper) { if (mBlogSpinner != null) { mBlogSpinner.performClick(); } } } }; /** * Called when the activity has detected the user's press of the back key. * If the activity has a menu drawer attached that is opened or in the * process of opening, the back button press closes it. Otherwise, the * normal back action is taken. */ @Override public void onBackPressed() { if (mMenuDrawer != null) { final int drawerState = mMenuDrawer.getDrawerState(); if (drawerState == MenuDrawer.STATE_OPEN || drawerState == MenuDrawer.STATE_OPENING) { mMenuDrawer.closeMenu(); return; } } super.onBackPressed(); } protected void startNewPost(int activityTag, String typeName) { switch (activityTag) { case POSTS_ACTIVITY: Intent i = new Intent(this, EditPostActivity.class); i.putExtra("id", WordPress.currentBlog.getId()); i.putExtra("isNew", true); i.putExtra("fromList", false); startActivity(i); break; case PAGES_ACTIVITY: i = new Intent(this, EditPostActivity.class); i.putExtra("id", WordPress.currentBlog.getId()); i.putExtra("isNew", true); i.putExtra("isPage", true); i.putExtra("fromList", false); startActivity(i); break; case CUSTOM_TYPE_ACTIVITY: mShouldFinish = true; Intent intent = new Intent(this, EditCustomTypePostActivity.class); intent.putExtra("id", WordPress.currentBlog.getId()); intent.putExtra("isNew", true); intent.putExtra("type_name", typeName); intent.putExtra("fromList", false); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); mMenuDrawer.closeMenu(); startActivityWithDelay(intent); break; default: break; } } /** * Get the names of all the blogs configured within the application. If a * blog does not have a specific name, the blog URL is returned. * * @return array of blog names */ /** * Get the names of all the blogs configured within the application. If a * blog does not have a specific name, the blog URL is returned. * * @return array of blog names */ private void updateBlogs() { List<Map<String, Object>> accounts = WordPress.wpDB.getAccounts(); int blogCount = accounts.size(); this.blogIDs = new int[blogCount]; this.blogNames = new String[blogCount]; for (int i = 0; i < blogCount; i++) { Map<String, Object> account = accounts.get(i); String name; if (account.get("blogName") != null) { name = StringUtils.unescapeHTML(account.get("blogName") .toString()); } else { name = account.get("url").toString(); } blogNames[i] = name; blogIDs[i] = Integer.valueOf(account.get("id").toString()); } } /** * Setup the global state tracking which blog is currently active. * <p> * If the global state is not already set, try and determine the last active * blog from the last time the application was used. If we're not able to * determine the last active blog, just select the first one. * <p> * If no blogs are configured, display the "new account" activity to allow * the user to setup a blog. */ public void setupCurrentBlog() { Blog currentBlog = WordPress.getCurrentBlog(); // No blogs are configured or user has signed out, so display new account activity if (currentBlog == null || (this.blogNames != null && this.blogNames.length == 0)) { Log.d(TAG, "No accounts configured. Sending user to set up an account"); mShouldFinish = false; Intent i = new Intent(this, NewAccountActivity.class); startActivityForResult(i, ADD_ACCOUNT_REQUEST); return; } } @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); switch (requestCode) { case ADD_ACCOUNT_REQUEST: if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { // new blog has been added, so rebuild cache of blogs and // setup current blog updateBlogs(); setupCurrentBlog(); initMenuDrawer(false); mMenuDrawer.openMenu(false); WordPress.registerForCloudMessaging(this); } else { finish(); } break; case SETTINGS_REQUEST: if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { if (mMenuDrawer != null) { updateMenuDrawer(); updateBlogs(); // If we need to add or remove the blog spinner, init the drawer again if ((blogNames.length > 1 && mListView .getHeaderViewsCount() == 0) || blogNames.length == 1 && mListView.getHeaderViewsCount() > 0) this.initMenuDrawer(false); else if (blogNames.length > 1 && mBlogSpinner != null) { SpinnerAdapter mSpinnerAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>( getSupportActionBar().getThemedContext(), R.layout.sherlock_spinner_dropdown_item, blogNames); mBlogSpinner.setAdapter(mSpinnerAdapter); } if (blogNames.length >= 1) { setupCurrentBlog(); onBlogChanged(); } WordPress.registerForCloudMessaging(this); } } break; case AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST: if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) { mReauthCanceled = true; Intent i = new Intent(this, NewAccountActivity.class); startActivityForResult(i, ADD_ACCOUNT_REQUEST); } else { WordPress.registerForCloudMessaging(this); } break; } } private IcsAdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener mItemSelectedListener = new IcsAdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() { @Override public void onItemSelected(IcsAdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int position, long arg3) { // if (!mBlogSpinnerInitialized) { mBlogSpinnerInitialized = true; } else { WordPress.setCurrentBlog(blogIDs[position]); updateMenuDrawer(); onBlogChanged(); } } @Override public void onNothingSelected(IcsAdapterView<?> arg0) { } }; public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { if (item.getItemId() == { if (mMenuDrawer != null) { mMenuDrawer.toggleMenu(); return true; } } else if (item.getItemId() == { Intent i = new Intent(this, PreferencesActivity.class); startActivityForResult(i, SETTINGS_REQUEST); } else if (item.getItemId() == { AlertDialog.Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); dialogBuilder.setTitle(getResources().getText(R.string.sign_out)); dialogBuilder.setMessage(getString(R.string.sign_out_confirm)); dialogBuilder.setPositiveButton(R.string.sign_out, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { WordPress.signOut(WPActionBarActivity.this); refreshUI(); } }); dialogBuilder.setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { // Just close the window. } }); dialogBuilder.setCancelable(true); if (!isFinishing()) dialogBuilder.create().show(); } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } /** * This method is called when the user changes the active blog. */ public void onBlogChanged() { WordPress.wpDB.updateLastBlogId(WordPress.currentBlog.getId()); // the menu may have changed, we need to change the selection if the selected item // is not available in the menu anymore Iterator<MenuDrawerItem> itemIterator = mMenuItems.iterator(); while (itemIterator.hasNext()) { MenuDrawerItem item =; // if the item is selected, but it's no longer visible we need to // select the first available item from the adapter if (item.isSelected() && !item.isVisible()) { // then select the first item and activate it mAdapter.getItem(0).selectItem(); // if it has an item id save it to the preferences if (item.hasItemId()) { SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager .getDefaultSharedPreferences(WPActionBarActivity.this); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putInt(LAST_ACTIVITY_PREFERENCE, item.getItemId()); editor.commit(); } break; } } Blog currentBlog = WordPress.getCurrentBlog(); if (currentBlog != null && mListView != null && mListView.getHeaderViewsCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < blogIDs.length; i++) { if (blogIDs[i] == currentBlog.getId()) { mBlogSpinner.setSelection(i); } } } } public void startAnimatingRefreshButton(MenuItem refreshItem) { if (refreshItem != null && !isAnimatingRefreshButton) { isAnimatingRefreshButton = true; LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); ImageView iv = (ImageView) inflater.inflate(getResources() .getLayout(R.layout.menu_refresh_view), null); RotateAnimation anim = new RotateAnimation(0.0f, 360.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f); anim.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator()); anim.setRepeatCount(Animation.INFINITE); anim.setDuration(1400); iv.startAnimation(anim); refreshItem.setActionView(iv); } } public void stopAnimatingRefreshButton(MenuItem refreshItem) { isAnimatingRefreshButton = false; if (refreshItem != null && refreshItem.getActionView() != null) { refreshItem.getActionView().clearAnimation(); refreshItem.setActionView(null); } } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { if (mIsXLargeDevice) { if (mMenuDrawer != null) { // Re-attach the drawer if an XLarge device is rotated, so it can be static if in landscape View content = mMenuDrawer.getContentContainer().getChildAt(0); if (content != null) { mMenuDrawer.getContentContainer().removeView(content); mMenuDrawer = attachMenuDrawer(); mMenuDrawer.setContentView(content); initMenuDrawer(true); } } } super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); } private class ReaderMenuItem extends MenuDrawerItem { ReaderMenuItem() { super(WPActionBarActivity.this, READER_ACTIVITY, R.string.reader, R.drawable.dashboard_icon_subs); } @Override public Boolean isVisible() { return WordPress.hasValidWPComCredentials(WPActionBarActivity.this); } @Override public Boolean isSelected() { return WPActionBarActivity.this instanceof ReaderActivity; } @Override public void onSelectItem() { if (!(WPActionBarActivity.this instanceof ReaderActivity)) mShouldFinish = true; int readerBlogID = WordPress.wpDB.getWPCOMBlogID(); Intent intent = new Intent(WPActionBarActivity.this, ReaderActivity.class); intent.putExtra("id", readerBlogID); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); startActivityWithDelay(intent); } } private class PostsMenuItem extends MenuDrawerItem { PostsMenuItem() { super(WPActionBarActivity.this, POSTS_ACTIVITY, R.string.posts, R.drawable.ic_md_post); } @Override public Boolean isSelected() { WPActionBarActivity activity = WPActionBarActivity.this; return (activity instanceof PostsActivity) && !(activity instanceof PagesActivity); } @Override public void onSelectItem() { if (!(WPActionBarActivity.this instanceof PostsActivity)) mShouldFinish = true; Intent intent = new Intent(WPActionBarActivity.this, PostsActivity.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); startActivityWithDelay(intent); } } private class PagesMenuItem extends MenuDrawerItem { PagesMenuItem() { super(WPActionBarActivity.this, PAGES_ACTIVITY, R.string.pages, R.drawable.ic_md_page); } @Override public Boolean isSelected() { return WPActionBarActivity.this instanceof PagesActivity; } @Override public void onSelectItem() { if (!(WPActionBarActivity.this instanceof PagesActivity)) mShouldFinish = true; Intent intent = new Intent(WPActionBarActivity.this, PagesActivity.class); intent.putExtra("id", WordPress.currentBlog.getId()); intent.putExtra("isNew", true); intent.putExtra("viewPages", true); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); startActivityWithDelay(intent); } } private class CommentsMenuItem extends MenuDrawerItem { CommentsMenuItem() { super(WPActionBarActivity.this, COMMENTS_ACTIVITY, R.string.tab_comments, R.drawable.ic_md_comments); } @Override public Boolean isSelected() { return WPActionBarActivity.this instanceof CommentsActivity; } @Override public void onSelectItem() { if (!(WPActionBarActivity.this instanceof CommentsActivity)) mShouldFinish = true; Intent intent = new Intent(WPActionBarActivity.this, CommentsActivity.class); intent.putExtra("id", WordPress.currentBlog.getId()); intent.putExtra("isNew", true); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); startActivityWithDelay(intent); } @Override public void configureView(View view) { if (WordPress.getCurrentBlog() != null) { TextView bagdeTextView = (TextView) view .findViewById(; int commentCount = WordPress.getCurrentBlog() .getUnmoderatedCommentCount(); if (commentCount > 0) { bagdeTextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { bagdeTextView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } bagdeTextView.setText(String.valueOf(commentCount)); } } } private class StatsMenuItem extends MenuDrawerItem { StatsMenuItem() { super(WPActionBarActivity.this, STATS_ACTIVITY, R.string.tab_stats, R.drawable.ic_md_statistics); } @Override public Boolean isSelected() { return WPActionBarActivity.this instanceof StatsActivity; } @Override public void onSelectItem() { if (!(WPActionBarActivity.this instanceof StatsActivity)) mShouldFinish = true; Intent intent = new Intent(WPActionBarActivity.this, StatsActivity.class); intent.putExtra("id", WordPress.currentBlog.getId()); intent.putExtra("isNew", true); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); startActivityWithDelay(intent); } } private class DashboardMenuItem extends MenuDrawerItem { DashboardMenuItem() { super(WPActionBarActivity.this, DASHBOARD_ACTIVITY, R.string.view_admin, R.drawable.ic_md_dashboard); } @Override public void onSelectItem() { Intent intent = new Intent(WPActionBarActivity.this, DashboardActivity.class); intent.putExtra("blogID", WordPress.currentBlog.getId()); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); startActivityWithDelay(intent); } } private class QuickPhotoMenuItem extends MenuDrawerItem { QuickPhotoMenuItem() { super(WPActionBarActivity.this, R.string.quick_photo, R.drawable.ic_md_photo); } @Override public void onSelectItem() { mShouldFinish = false; Intent intent = new Intent(WPActionBarActivity.this, EditPostActivity.class); intent.putExtra( "quick-media", DeviceUtils.hasCamera(getApplicationContext()) ? Constants.QUICK_POST_PHOTO_CAMERA : Constants.QUICK_POST_PHOTO_LIBRARY); intent.putExtra("isNew", true); startActivityWithDelay(intent); } } private class QuickVideoMenuItem extends MenuDrawerItem { QuickVideoMenuItem() { super(WPActionBarActivity.this, R.string.quick_video, R.drawable.ic_md_video); } @Override public void onSelectItem() { mShouldFinish = false; Intent intent = new Intent(WPActionBarActivity.this, EditPostActivity.class); intent.putExtra( "quick-media", DeviceUtils.hasCamera(getApplicationContext()) ? Constants.QUICK_POST_VIDEO_CAMERA : Constants.QUICK_POST_VIDEO_LIBRARY); intent.putExtra("isNew", true); startActivityWithDelay(intent); } } private class ViewSiteMenuItem extends MenuDrawerItem { ViewSiteMenuItem() { super(WPActionBarActivity.this, VIEW_SITE_ACTIVITY, R.string.view_site, R.drawable.ic_md_view_site); } @Override public Boolean isSelected() { return WPActionBarActivity.this instanceof ViewSiteActivity; } @Override public void onSelectItem() { if (!(WPActionBarActivity.this instanceof ViewSiteActivity)) mShouldFinish = true; Intent intent = new Intent(WPActionBarActivity.this, ViewSiteActivity.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); startActivityWithDelay(intent); } } public static class CustomMenuItem extends MenuDrawerItem { final WPActionBarActivity activity; public CustomMenuItem(WPActionBarActivity activity, String title, String postType) { super(activity, CUSTOM_TYPE_ACTIVITY, title, R.drawable.ic_md_post, postType); this.activity = activity; } @Override public Boolean isSelected() { return activity instanceof CustomPostTypePostsActivity && ((CustomPostTypePostsActivity) activity).getPostType() .equals(getPostType()); } @Override public void onSelectItem() { if (!(activity instanceof CustomPostTypePostsActivity)) activity.mShouldFinish = true; Intent intent = new Intent(activity, CustomPostTypePostsActivity.class); final String typeName = getPostType(); assert typeName != null; intent.putExtra("type_name", typeName); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); activity.startActivityWithDelay(intent); } } private class NotificationsMenuItem extends MenuDrawerItem { NotificationsMenuItem() { super(WPActionBarActivity.this, NOTIFICATIONS_ACTIVITY, R.string.notifications, R.drawable.dashboard_icon_notifications); } @Override public Boolean isVisible() { return WordPress.hasValidWPComCredentials(WPActionBarActivity.this); } @Override public Boolean isSelected() { return WPActionBarActivity.this instanceof NotificationsActivity; } @Override public void onSelectItem() { if (!(WPActionBarActivity.this instanceof NotificationsActivity)) mShouldFinish = true; Intent intent = new Intent(WPActionBarActivity.this, NotificationsActivity.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); startActivityWithDelay(intent); } } }