package hextostring.tests; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import hextostring.ConvertOptions; import hextostring.convert.Converter; import hextostring.convert.ConverterFactory; import hextostring.debug.DebuggableStrings; import hextostring.format.Formatter; import hextostring.format.FormatterFactory; import hextostring.replacement.Replacements; import hextostring.utils.Charsets; import hextostring.utils.IndentablePrintStream; import main.MainOptions; import main.options.domain.ValueOutOfDomainException; /** * Main test class. * * A test consists of an input and a corresponding expected, * manually written output. * * Every input file is converted and compared to the expected output. * * Test files are put into the "tests" directory at the root of the project. * Its architecture is as follows: * * tests * |-sjis (contains tests for games using Shift JIS) * | |-handmade (contains tests crafted without relying on a game) * | |-[game1] * | | |-cmd.txt (contains description of options optimized for this game) * | | |-input * | | | |-0001.txt * | | | |-0002.txt * | | | |-... * | | |-expected_output * | | |-0001.txt * | | |-0002.txt * | | |-... * | |-[game2] * | |-... * |-utf16-be (contains tests for games using UTF-16 Big Endian) * | |-[gameA] * | | |-cmd.txt * | | |-input * | | | |-0001.txt * | | | |-0002.txt * | | | |-... * | | |-expected_output * | | |-0001.txt * | | |-0002.txt * | | |-... * | |-[gameB] * | |-... * |-utf16-le (contains tests for games using UTF-16 Little Endian) * | |-... * |-utf8 (contains tests for games using UTF-8) * |-... * * It is assumed that all .txt files are encoded in UTF-8, without the BOM. * Their newline is always LF, never CR or CRLF * * @author Maxime PIA */ public class TestsLauncher { private static Formatter formatter = FormatterFactory.getFormatterInstance(true); private static Converter currentConverter; private static IndentablePrintStream out = new IndentablePrintStream(); private static final String INPUT_DIR = "input"; private static final String EXPECTED_OUTPUT_DIR = "expected_output"; private static final String CMD_FILE = "cmd.txt"; private static final String SJIS_DIR = "sjis"; private static final String UTF16BE_DIR = "utf16-be"; private static final String UTF16LE_DIR = "utf16-le"; private static final String UTF8_DIR = "utf8"; private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(TestsLauncher.class); private static File[] listSortedFiles(File f) { File[] files = f.listFiles(); Arrays.sort(files); return files; } private static ConvertOptions getConvertOptions(File cmdFile) throws IOException, ValueOutOfDomainException { String cmd = new String( Files.readAllBytes(cmdFile.toPath()), Charsets.UTF8 ); return new MainOptions(cmd.split(" ")).getConvertOptions(); } private static boolean compare(File inputFile, File expectedOutputFile, int indentLevel, ConvertOptions opts) { try { String input = new String( Files.readAllBytes(inputFile.toPath()), Charsets.UTF8 ); String expectedOutput = new String( Files.readAllBytes(expectedOutputFile.toPath()), Charsets.UTF8 ); DebuggableStrings dInput = currentConverter.convert(input); formatter.format(dInput.getValidLineList()); String actualOutput = dInput.toString( opts == null ? ConvertOptions.DEFAULT_DEBUGGING_FLAGS : opts.getDebuggingFlags(), opts == null ? ConvertOptions.DEFAULT_STRICTNESS : opts.getStrictness() ); out.print(inputFile.getName(), indentLevel); // introduce tolerance to newline discrepancies String cr = new String(Character.toChars(0xD)); String lf = new String(Character.toChars(0xA)); actualOutput = actualOutput.replace(cr + lf, lf).replace(cr, lf); if (expectedOutput.equals(actualOutput)) { out.println(" OK"); return true; } else { out.println(" FAILURE"); out.println("expected:", indentLevel + 1); out.println(expectedOutput, indentLevel + 2); out.println("instead of:", indentLevel + 1); out.println(actualOutput, indentLevel + 2); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } private static Map<Boolean, Integer> compareAll(File inputDirectory, File expectedOutputDirectory, int indentLevel, ConvertOptions opts) { File[] inputs = listSortedFiles(inputDirectory); File[] expectedOutputs = listSortedFiles(expectedOutputDirectory); Map<Boolean, Integer> testResult = new HashMap<>(); testResult.put(false, 0); testResult.put(true, 0); for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length && i < expectedOutputs.length; ++i) { boolean eq = compare(inputs[i], expectedOutputs[i], indentLevel, opts); testResult.put(eq, testResult.get(eq) + 1); } return testResult; } private static boolean isEncoding(File f, String encodingName) { return f == null ? false : f.getName().equals(encodingName) || isEncoding(f.getParentFile(), encodingName); } private static void setEncoding(File f, boolean detectEncoding, Replacements r) { if (detectEncoding) { currentConverter = ConverterFactory.getConverterInstance(Charsets.DETECT, r); } else if (isEncoding(f, SJIS_DIR)) { currentConverter = ConverterFactory.getConverterInstance(Charsets.SHIFT_JIS, r); } else if (isEncoding(f, UTF16BE_DIR)) { currentConverter = ConverterFactory.getConverterInstance(Charsets.UTF16_BE, r); } else if (isEncoding(f, UTF16LE_DIR)) { currentConverter = ConverterFactory.getConverterInstance(Charsets.UTF16_LE, r); } else if (isEncoding(f, UTF8_DIR)) { currentConverter = ConverterFactory.getConverterInstance(Charsets.UTF8, r); } } private static File getFileByName(File[] files, String name) { for(File f : files) { if (f.getName().equals(name)) { return f; } } return null; } private static Map<Boolean, Integer> goThrough(File f, int indentLevel, boolean detectEncoding) throws IOException, ValueOutOfDomainException { Map<Boolean, Integer> dirResult = new HashMap<>(); dirResult.put(false, 0); dirResult.put(true, 0); out.println(f.getName(), indentLevel); if (f.isDirectory()) { File[] files = listSortedFiles(f); boolean goFurther = true; List<Map<Boolean, Integer>> comparisonResults = new LinkedList<>(); if (indentLevel == 2) { ConvertOptions convOpts = null; File cmd = getFileByName(files, CMD_FILE); if (cmd != null) { convOpts = getConvertOptions(cmd); } setEncoding(f, detectEncoding, convOpts == null ? null : convOpts.getReplacements()); comparisonResults.add(compareAll( getFileByName(files, INPUT_DIR), getFileByName(files, EXPECTED_OUTPUT_DIR), indentLevel + 1, convOpts )); goFurther = false; } // recursively go through every directory if (goFurther) { for (File children : files) { comparisonResults.add( goThrough(children, indentLevel + 1, detectEncoding) ); } } for (Map<Boolean, Integer> result : comparisonResults) { dirResult.put(false, dirResult.get(false) + result.get(false)); dirResult.put(true, dirResult.get(true) + result.get(true)); } } displayTestResult(dirResult, f.getName(), indentLevel); return dirResult; } private static void displayTestResult(Map<Boolean, Integer> result, String testName, int indentLevel) { double percentageOk = result.get(true) * 100.0 / (result.get(true) + result.get(false)); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##0.00"); df.setDecimalFormatSymbols(new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)); out.println("Total " + testName + ": " + df.format(percentageOk) + "% OK", indentLevel); } private static final String NODETECT_MSG = "Without encoding detection:\n"; private static final String DETECT_MSG = "With encoding detection:\n"; private static final String SEPARATOR = "\n----------\n\n"; private static void goThrough(String path) throws IOException, ValueOutOfDomainException { File f = new File(path); out.println(NODETECT_MSG); goThrough(f, 0, false); out.println(SEPARATOR + DETECT_MSG); goThrough(f, 0, true); } private static void compare(String inputPath, String expectedOutputPath, ConvertOptions convOpts) { File input = new File(inputPath); if (!input.isFile()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( input.getPath() + " doesn't exist." ); } File expectedOutput = new File(expectedOutputPath); out.println(NODETECT_MSG); setEncoding(input.getParentFile(), false, convOpts.getReplacements()); compare(input, expectedOutput, 0, convOpts); out.println(SEPARATOR + DETECT_MSG); setEncoding(input.getParentFile(), true, convOpts.getReplacements()); compare(input, expectedOutput, 0, convOpts); } /** * Starts the test campaign. * * @param args * args[0] = directory to test, without initial an final "/" * args[1] = number identifying a test, without ".txt" (optional) * @throws ValueOutOfDomainException * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ValueOutOfDomainException {"Starting conversion tests..."); String testsDirectory = TestsLauncher.class.getResource("/tests").getPath(); if (args.length > 0) { String directory = testsDirectory + args[0]; if (args.length > 1) { String testFile = args[1] + ".txt"; File cmd = new File(directory + "/" + CMD_FILE); ConvertOptions convOpts = cmd.exists() ? getConvertOptions(cmd) : null; compare( directory + "/" + INPUT_DIR + "/" + testFile, directory + "/" + EXPECTED_OUTPUT_DIR + "/" + testFile, convOpts ); } else { goThrough(directory); } } else { goThrough(testsDirectory); }"Conversion tests over."); } }